#woooooooo i should just stay away from the comments section on fics bc hooooo buddy
aizawashoutas · 2 years
ranting about character development, sort of. please feel free to ignore
been reading a lot of fic lately, and i made the mistake of going into the comments, and it just reminded me that a lot of people don’t seem to understand the point of character development. and it also feels like some people don’t ever want anyone ( real or fictional, let’s be honest, but that’s for another discussion) to grow and unlearn any problematic and toxic behaviors they had. yes this is directly related to bakugou bc like.
i’ve seen so many people say they hate him and they think he’s irredeemable, and i’m just... sorry, i don’t agree with that at all. he is still a child, he is very much capable of learning not to be such an asshole and unlearning all of the toxic bullshit he grew up with. and i think a lot of people forget that bakugou is the direct product of the extremely toxic and bigoted environment he grew up in. we’re shown in canon that the discrimination izuku faced wasn’t just from one person; it was systemic. his teachers never put in the effort to stop other kids from harming him, always turning their cheeks to the abuse he suffered from bakugou and others. little kids are highly impressionable. it’s not a surprise at all that bakugou grew up to be so brash, cocky, and violent, given his behavior as a little kid and how nobody around him even tried to correct it.
he was put on a pedestal for his quirk while izuku was thrown aside for his lack of quirk. bakugou lashed out at izuku in his anger over izuku not getting a quirk but still not giving up on his dream of being hero despite having no quirk, and aside from maybe his parents, not a single adult in his life told him that he was wrong for bullying izuku or even tried to stop him. they just let it happen. they let him think he was right for abusing izuku. bakugou grew up with years of bigotry against quirkless people being put into his head. 
and none of that is to say that what he did was okay. none of his behavior was okay. there’s no justifying how he acted, and he’s not owed forgiveness, most especially not from izuku. but still, i just don’t like that people disregard his development and label him as someone incapable of changing. i don’t think it’s as black and white as that.
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