#wooooooooooooh its up
krotiation · 1 year
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bananashemmo · 7 years
When We Collide (Part 38)
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Pairing: Assistant!Y/N/CEO!Luke
Rating: NC-17
Masterlist: Here
Summary: He is the definition of high class smart ass, swimming in Dom Pierre Pérignon champagne and has never seen the shadow of poverty. She is underprivileged, lives in a messy dorm room on sale and struggles working as an assistant after being thrown out of college. But how will they collide when Luke makes Y/N pregnant after a drunkenly one night stand
When We Collide on Wattpad
“Welcome to Sydney. My hometown and the place I was born and raised.” 
“You’re kidding, right?” You had to blink twice just to make sure Luke was telling the truth. The colorful lights coming from the small water fountains in the middle of the entrance to the mansion was eye catching. 
“Don’t act like you’re surprised.” Luke blinked with his right eye and made a motion with his hand to get Patrick to help you carry your luggage. 
He was stating the truth but you still couldn’t avoid feeling your jaw falling just a tiny bit. 
The place was huge. Bigger than any of the three mansions Luke owned back in New York and it definitely wore a different style here. Palms were everywhere and not to mention the insane heat that was nothing compared to the cold back at home. 
You looked over your shoulder just to make sure Patrick didn’t needed any help and smiled softly when he gave you a nod and walked forward. 
You were almost too afraid to walk on the stones beneath you. They pretty much looked like they were made out of diamonds and because of the flashing lights they showed your reflection.
Luke seemed pretty comfortable to be home. Almost excited, he was biting down on his lip with a wide smile as he walked up the long pair of stairs.
A hand came from his front and you grabbed it politely to get the extra help it needed to get up without problems. Safe to say you could feel your knees starting to shake.
You weren’t sure if it was because of the nervousness or if it was because of the small pain from having to walk more than necessary. 
Luke on the other hand seemed so comfortable. It was like he wasn’t nervous for anything but that was also a bit of a sigh of relief. You were nervous that he would grow worried about the smallest things.
The ride over here was okay. Not to mention the flight was alright and you didn’t have any aches or pain during the trip. You were only nervous once during turbulence but it was quickly over and you could snooze off again.
In fact you looked pretty tired. It had been a long day and you had arrived at night so it was right after dinner services. You and Luke, on the other hand, did eat because of the food being served at the plane. 
You shook away the nervous feeling and held your breath carefully when Luke grabbed the handle and was welcomed inside.
“Welcome to the Hemmings Family.” 
The instant sound of jazz music filled your eyes and faintly you could hear glasses of champagne being clinked together. Voices and chats were filling the house but you could tell it wasn’t coming from the entrance you were standing in. 
You looked up at Luke not really understanding what was going on but by his expression he did neither. 
“Sounds like mom and dad are having one of their social gatherings.” He spoke under his breath and took off your jacket after giving his to the butler of the mansion. 
“Tonight is your parents’ 31 years anniversary. They’ve celebrated it by inviting friends and family.” The butler explained and Luke’s eyes widened.
“Oh my-,” He commented and looked down, “I totally forgot about that.” 
He looked a bit bummed about the situation but then he shrugged and headed towards the large stairs that to upstairs. You weren’t sure of what to do so you did the exact same and followed him behind the many steps.
He was heading towards a special direction you could tell. He knew exactly well where he was going and as he turned on the last corner you came to a door.
“This used to be my old bedroom.” He explained and opened the two doors to let you inside. 
You walked into the room and tried to scan it as much as possible. It was much smaller than you had expected but with the large balcony door by the end of it you could tell that it was bigger than expected.
With the bed in the middle and books everywhere you could tell that he still kept his style classic. It was inspired from something simple like his hometown bedroom.
He walked forward and with the help of Patrick placed your suitcases to the left side of the bed.
You weren’t sure of what to do so you headed towards the end of the bed and took a seat down onto the mattress. Just as soft as it looked like, you could feel there was at least three different sheets beside the heat. 
“I’m not sure if you want to sleep in here, if you’d like I can lead you to one of the guest rooms.” He suggested but you shook your head.
“It’s okay,” You smiled and held your fingers between the sheets. “I don’t mind sharing the bed as long as you stay on your side and you don’t snore... I know you have a habit of that.” 
Your comments made his eyebrows lift and you couldn’t help but giggle by his reaction. 
“And how do you know I snore?” He asked a little bit serious but you could tell it was only for the act.
“Please, if it was possible you would be able to hear it on the security cameras hanging outside on your balcony to your bedroom back at home. I’m sure even the ones on the first floor are able to hear your rumbling noises because god that is one hell of a sound you make.” 
He looked shocked by his words but deep down he was aware of what he was doing.
It wasn’t often he did it but when Luke did snore, it sounded like the building could crash any passed second. 
You watched him head towards the balcony and grabbed the top locks of it to pull it open.
You weren’t sure of what to say but you could tell that he wanted you to join the outside so you did after jumping up from the mattress. 
The balcony looked much bigger than it did from the outside. Along with a few chairs and a small table the rack all around the balcony was covered with different kinds of plants. It also twisted up the wall of the house which gave a cozy affect.
He was standing with his hands on the top of the rack that was available to touch and be seen and you stood beside him. 
The view allowed just a small peek down to the beach. In fact you could hear the faint sound of the waves crashing ashore but it was almost gone because of the jazz music coming from downstairs. 
The music was pretty catchy and familiar but you couldn’t recall where you’d heard it before. 
“You see the man over there?” Luke asked and leaned his arm forward to point.
In the crowd of people standing with glasses of champagne around the turquoise blue pool with balloons and lights in the middle of it with fountains you spotted the guy he was pointing at. 
“It’s the one and only Andrew Hemmings. The master behind the Hemm Productions and alternatively known as my father. He was the one starting everyone and the one who carried everything in his shoulders. You can kind of call him my idol if you ask me.” 
You focused extra carefully and looked up at Luke to see him watch his father pretty proud. 
“He must be the one planning everything tonight,” He explained and pointed at the guy standing next to his father speaking with a glass of champagne.
“That’s my brother Ben.” The guy had similarities to Luke but it couldn’t compare as to when he pointed towards another guy standing with his arm hooked around a tall brunette. 
“And that’s my brother Jack with his wife Celeste. They are the managers when it comes to the Hemm productions regarding clothing lines. They produce everything from simple t-shirts to most of the dresses people are wearing for tonight. It’s kind of a family thing.” 
He was so passionate about his family. The way his eyes were lightening up and it wasn’t because of the lights around you because they weren’t bright enough to do so.
He truly loved speaking about this, you could feel it fully from his heart. 
“Do uh-, I mean, do they know?” You weren’t exactly sure of how to ask the question so it came out a bit hesitant. 
He looked over at you at furrowed eyebrows not catching up but then softened. 
“They’re aware. I explained everything to them over a Skype call to prevent any drama to happen. They’ve all been aware from the start that I wasn’t truly dating Holly but it’s for the PR. What they didn’t know on the other hand was the fact that my pregnant assistant was carrying my baby.” 
You nodded your head silently and felt a lump form in your throat. 
“You know how parents react when they hear how things aren’t going the path they expect their child to follow. Getting an assistant pregnant and being out of marriage? It wasn’t really in the safe hand but after explaining for a full hour they got to understand and now... I think they’re dealing the way my family does it the best.”
You took in every word and looked up at him just to make sure that he was telling the truth. It was easy to come up with something stupid just to cover it up.
You were, after all, going to live with these people on hold for the rest of your life. 
Even if you didn’t want to admit it, you just wanted to blend in somehow. 
“Don’t worry about them. I know just exactly well how to impress them.” He made a small wink in the eye but you weren’t sure what he was hinting at.
You didn’t even know what to ask because you could sense he would spoil it later. He went back to explaining a few people here and there but you had noticed he was missing out someone. 
“What about your mom? Shouldn’t she be here as well?” You tried to spot someone looking like Luke in a female version but it was impossible. 
“She should be here somewhere.” Luke scratched his small beard and looked extra carefully trying to spot his younger. 
“She has been spotted.”
You looked over your shoulder by the sound of a female voice singing from your behind and Luke turned around as well with a wide smile on his face.
“Mom! Hiding in the shadows.” He commented and you followed him along back into the bedroom where she was standing with an expensive white fur over her shoulder. 
“Come over here gorgeous oh my god it’s been months since I’ve seen that pretty face of yours.” It was luck she was wearing high heels because with her short height there was no way possible she would even be able to touch his cheeks. 
He kissed her politely on the cheeks and afterwards gave her a welcoming hug. 
“Your hair has been growing so long I almost didn’t recognize you from behind. Maybe you should order a time at Fleischman any time soon.” 
“I’m rocking the new look mom. Looks amazing with a lot of hair-gel pulled back with a comb.” He replied politely, it wasn’t the first time someone had made a remark about his hair. 
“And would you take a look, oh my god. She’s gloating.” Attention was drawn towards you by her and your eyes widened. 
“I cannot believe I’m going to be a grandmother. May I?” She asked and before you could say yes she was caressing the top of your bump. 
“I think you already are.” You smiled back not really knowing what to do, but you had to make a good impression so it was just about keeping on the track. 
“When does my first granddaughter see the light of life? I mean it can’t be long from now you can almost press her out on Luke’s expensive $800,000 floor carpet.” 
The leaves didn’t fall tall from the trees and you could literally shape her from Luke’s personality too.
“We’re expecting in the start of April.” You explained and she nodded her head amazed. 
“Have you considered residential schools already? I’ve spoken to a member of the family who has a friend saying that one in New York is specialized in the financial order?” 
“Easy, easy mum.” Luke was quick to say and stood beside you. “We haven’t really considered things like that yet. First mission is to get her born.” 
“Well yes, that is very well true.” She nodded her head showing that just a little bit of wine could mess up her mind very quickly. 
“It’s time for me to let go of the mother role and return it to someone else. And how I must admit I’m proud that my granddaughter will not only have one but two families in the 50 of the riches in the world.” 
Your eyes widened in confuse by her words and your eyebrows furrowed in confuse, “Sorry?” 
“I you know I mean you probably don’t talk about it much in Maine but you know from a rich person to another. We always think the best way forward is that money will never become a problem to cause troubles.” 
“I think that’s enough for the wine mum.” Luke quickly interrupted and took the glass out of her hands to place it on the nightstand.
“Why don’t you let me and Y/N get changed quickly and we’ll come meet the family.” 
“Of course, of course. I will wave myself out.” She giggled and was quick to grab the glass before Luke looked at her and disappeared out of the door.
You still didn’t understand what in the world was going on and by the look on Luke’s face you could tell something was up.
“Luke what did you say before we came? What did you say about me?” You asked and took a step forward just exactly as he took a step backwards.
“I uh-, I may or may not have told that you’re-, You’re uh-,” He was stumbling over his words not really getting anywhere.
“Lucas Robert Hemmings spit it out.” The hormones took over and you looked at him with wide eyes. 
“I may or may not have told my whole family that you’re in the category of the riches people in Maine along with your family. Please don’t kill me because it all came out caused of panic!” 
“You told them I was rich? Why the hell did you do that!?” You screeched, eyes wide but you it almost didn’t come as a shock to you when you thought about it.
“I panicked Y/N and I’m so sorry I did but try look at our story! Trying to explain everything would honestly take forever and saying that you were rich kind of helped on the situation we were put in. I was just trying to make a good impression on your behalf already.”  
“By saying something I’m not?” You spat and crossed your arms, “What a way to go Luke! You’ve outsmarted yourself.” 
“Y/N, please.” 
You could tell that he was desperate both by his tone but also the way he was looking at you. You shrugged your shoulder unsure because you were still somehow very pissed at him.
“Fine. I’ll do it but just this one time.” You finally managed to say and he sighed heavy in relief. 
“Good. And now that we’re at it you need to change into this dress.” He spoke and your eyebrows lifted in surprise, ready to come up with the questions again.
“Hurry.” He said fast and ignored the way you were looking at him and felt him push you in the shoulders to get towards the nearest bathroom. 
You rolled your eyes deeply because of the situation but in the end, you did as you were told.
When coming into the living room and outside to the pool area so many people were there you were amazed. From what Luke had explained it wasn’t only family that had showed up but also close friends and business partners.
You didn’t have much to say when you walked around and greeted people. It was more like Luke saying something funny when he met someone, they would laugh and you would give a small wave as you walked past and by.
Only sometimes when you were asked something you opened your mouth to speak a little.
But it was hard to come up with something because mostly you had no idea what they were talking about but one thing was for sure and it was about money.
You had also been standing with his brother and wife for a while. She seemed to be the only one standing out a little bit along with you, not that she wasn’t rich because she was but she was much more lowkey and the rest of the guests for tonight.
You on the other hand only stood out because of the massive bump that was pressed into a size smaller dress than you were normally. 
So much for having Luke to pick out your clothes in such a hurry. 
“Oh my god Luke! Look at how grown you look! I haven’t seen you since one of the business meetings your dad held when you were around this height.” 
A woman with a reddish grey hair caught your attention as you walked by with a glass of water and champagne.
You would have imagined Luke would want to roll his eyes because he had been walking around like this for almost an hour without getting the chance to stop for a second and breath. 
She was standing with her hand flat down by the height of her knees and illustrated how small he once was.
It could barely compare to now with his 6′4 tall frame hovering over you. 
“Mrs. Cologne. Always a pleasure to see you again.” Luke politely said and gave her a gentle handshake followed by you doing the same. 
“I didn’t know you were going to a father.” She commented when she noticed your bump and you looked up at him expecting for a conversation to happen which you had been avoiding all night. 
“Yes, yes I am. A little girl is ready to grow big and become a diamond inside.” Luke caressed happily on your stomach which only made you nod your head in agreement. 
“A girl? A change in the Hemmings family for once. I think you could also need a girl that gets a bit of control so your mother can gain back a bit of the respect in the family.” 
“I think we all know that Liz is the head master out of the whole family. The head of the family and most importantly the one in charge.” As he was speaking Luke looked over his shoulder to see his mother happily laugh with the glass of almost empty champagne. 
“Liz definitely knows how to carry all of you boys in one piece.” Mrs. Cologne winked and lifted her glass in the air. 
“You sure are right about that.” Luke nodded his head in agreement and lifted his glass as well, eyes glancing down at you to make sure you followed along with your water. 
“Speaking of diamonds.” Mrs. Cologne started after taking her sip and looked up at Luke, “I heard the gold digging you’ve been doing. Liz showed me some pretty impressed pictures of the ones you had bought recently. I must say you’ve really stood out from normally, I thought you were into rubies.”
“Nah, I thought we needed an upgrade this time.” Luke quickly shook his head in disagreement and gave her a wink. 
“Are you into diamonds too, Y/N?” Mrs. Cologne asked and you had to blink twice just to get back into the conversation. 
To be honest your only attention was towards the many trays of mini food standing over by the staircase to upstairs. 
“Oh yes sure! Maine’s got a lot of them, we basically collect them with shovels and such. My dad owns a company. My mother does too! She’s the boss.” The words flied out of your mouth every time you got an idea and by the tone of your voice it didn’t sound the least convincing if you asked Luke. 
“Oh really?” Mrs. Cologne asked interested and you nodded your head in agreement. 
“Last time in the mine was a pretty bad season, mostly coal and such but my dad has raised the states and I most probably assume we will find some good old jade.” 
“Okay that’s enough.” Luke whispered under his breath and hooked his arm around yours. 
“It was good to see you again, Mrs. Cologne. Maybe if I have the time we can discuss diamonds later in the weekend.” His words flied out quickly at once but Mrs. Cologne didn’t seem to mind.
“It was nice talking to you.” She took a sip of her drink again, “Good luck with everything!”
Luke finished the conversation by giving her a nervous nod and turned around to walk away with you.
You barely got a word said into the situation before he had pulled you towards the table with food much to your delight. 
“What was that all about?” He asked when you were away from others and you looked up at him with wide eyes and a sandwich in your mouth.
“What?” You asked back and tried to chew so you didn’t have to speak with your mouth full.
“Coal and jade? Y/N for god sake we made a deal you weren’t supposed to speak!” 
“What, let me just try to be rich for once and act like it! I didn’t even get the chance to argue with someone and afterwards shove a check in their chest just to make sure I would get my will.” You knew you were slowly teasing him but he was still too confused to catch up.
“Where do you even know what Jade is?” He asked instead and you wiggled your eyebrows. 
“You don’t think I’ve been playing The Sims 3 and collected gems for simoleons?” You answered the question with a question and crossed your arms. 
“Okay, fine. It doesn’t even surprise me.” He shook his head and finished his drink to place it on the empty tray of a coincidentally waiter walking past him.
“Let’s just do something that doesn’t contain speaking with anyone or such thing like that.” He explained and folded his hands together in front of his face in thought. 
“I don’t want you to start talking about more fake Sims 3 adventures while speaking to my family and friends.” 
“Okay.” You nodded your head in agreement and that was when an idea came to your mind when you looked into the middle of the massive room.
“Let’s dance.” 
Before Luke could get a say in the suggestion you grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the dance floor. Not that it was many but it was enough to blend into the crowd and they were all swinging in pairs to the slow jazz music. 
“You know I don’t dance.” He tried to say but you only made him stay quiet. 
“I know you can.” You spoke and wiggled your eyebrows again.
“I’m not continuing that High School Musical pun.”  He shook his head but still decided to go with the suggestion you had by letting you place your hand in his. 
“So you’ve watched it?” You asked impressed and moved your head back to look up at his tall frame. 
“I’m from 1996 who do you think I am Y/N. Of course I’ve watched those lame movies.... And they’re actually not lame.” 
Smiling brightly by his words you looked down at the floor and was pretty impressed by his skills. He was swinging you around slowly like it wasn’t a problem that a huge stomach was separating you.
“You’re quite the dancer.” You commented and he smirked by your words.
“No, let me guess.” You were quick to react and looked at him with teasing eyes. 
“You’ve taken dance classes before. Most probably when you were a small child and that has caught up until now.”
“My whole family always participates in dances or masquerade balls. Dancing have been something shared since I was a little man in a suit and to make sure we always stayed at the top we all took dances.” He explained, cheek pressed against yours to say it loud enough for you to hear.
You moved back to look up at him and see his reaction. He nodded his head just to make sure that he was right and in confirmation. 
“But you know this is something different.” He whispered and moved away to swing you around. 
“How come?” You asked, following his steps slowly and blinked twice.
“Because I haven’t had a dance like this before.” He gently said and swung you around one more time, your eyebrows furrowing but you were still smiling regardless of what he was meaning behind his words. 
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