#woot wooot!! hooray for the Consequences of Our Actions!!!
maldito-arbol · 2 years
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HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT, this chapter??!!??. Okay where to start…. I really liked the stuff with Marcy and Aldo, I loveee all the Wally stuff!!! He is always a joy to see in your fic. I’m just gonna head into the juicey bits now because I have a lot more to say about that stuff. I love all the riddles n stuff!! Definitely seems like something andrias would do and I think They are pretty smart, the plant monster thingy!! I love em. LADY OLIVIA HOLY SHIT NO, my girl 😭 how much she cares about Marcy here,,, it just breaks my heart omg. Tbh I don’t know how to describe this but like, obviously I hate andrias he is the worst, but I like him in a certain way? like he is very interesting (both in canon and in your fic) the whole collar thing is like,,, idk it’s just horrible but I also really like the concept and everything. all of the wit stuff is probably one of my faviorite moments, all the love and hate stuff is super intresting! “Will you keep me alive? For now…for as long as you can. Just, don’t let me die yet. Please?” Her voice wavers on the last of it.
There’s a pause of silence for a moment there as Wit considers her request. Marcy almost loses hope in that time.
“Of course.” But then she’s agreeing. “I will always, always keep you alive as long as it is possible. You have my word, Marcy.”
“Thank you…” she utters. “…Witney…”” this is probably one of if not my faviorite moment, idk why but like,, it’s really good, also, WITNEY, WITNEY, WITNEY, YAY. Yunan NOOO, why why why, my other girl 😭 Heart and Andrias!! This is so interesting to me! I love that they have gotten attached to Anne and not wanting her to get killed, i said it before but it’s very interesting, probably also one of my faviorite things. ”Screams don’t carry when one is drowning” hey I’ve seen this quote before haven’t I :) Heart not wanting to hurt andrias! Heart being attached to both of them is so interesting (sory for keep saying that idk what else because it is very interesting) Strenight and heart, I’m gonna guess this is who you were talking about being a worse pairing then wit and strenght, and you were definitely right,, WHY DID YOU STAB HER, My other other girl 😭 unfortunately I was spoiled by your art of it since I saw it before I knew about the chapter (Fun(?) Fact, I don’t know the schedule of IBYBF, if there even is one lmao, i didnt even know it was coming out today) Anne saying sorry to Sasha holy shit holy shit. Strenght ,,,I dunno what to say tbh but like good, but painful (summary of this series am I right) KICK HIS ASS, FUCK HIM UP YEAHH ”What would you do? If you lost them. If they were gone, if you were all alone, could you go on?” Holy shit my dude, holy shit. YEAH THE WARHAMMER, I really like the warhammer tbh, it pretty cool. Woo yeah grime! Saving Marcy :D LET GO SASHA KICK NEWT ASS!!! “Did I do a good job? Is this enough?” !!!! Anne, Marcy, and Sasha,,,, why must you do this to me Mal,,, pain pure pain, Anne asking Sasha to take care of the planters holy shit Mal, Holy, Shit. MAL MAL MAL WHY DID YOU LEAVE IT LIKE THAT, WHAT THE FUCK, I LITERALLY HATE YOU FOR THIS (/lh) GRRRHDHDBESGGDDH Hopefully I’ll draw some of this! I have had mild Art block for anything other than adventure time but i really want to do something for this TL:DR I don’t know how to type Strength and I have typed wrong so many times auto correct corrects it to Strenght
It was such a joy writing the Marcy and Aldo interaction there. In case it wasn’t already obvious, I’m OBSESSED with the Toad Lords and will not stop talking about them ever ever! You’ll be happy to learn they have a very big role in CMTO <3
And Wally my beloved, he will always have a place in my heart and my fics let’s hope those guards didn’t catch him :)
The riddles were FUN. They hint at a much deeper story than what’s on the surface and I’ll be very interested to see if anyone suddenly remembers them when they’re reading the gem backstories. Strength’s specifically is such a slap in the face I almost feel bad.
Andrias is an absolute lunatic, but a lunatic with a sense of humor. It’s what makes him so fun for me to write, and especially when you consider where his character flaws intertwine with Heart’s. I love his dynamic with every character that’s interacted with him thus far but i am SO stoked to explore his dynamic with Heart further, it is SO messed up. There’s like. Tiny hints. Going on there. “You don’t raise your hand against Andrias Leviathan, that’s simply not how this works.” is a fav ;)
I LOVE YUNLIVIA NEWT MOMS SO MUCH AND GOD I WAS SO EXCITED AND YET SO UPSET THAT OLIVIA AND MARCY’S REUNION HAD TO BE SO ANGSTY. I like to think both of them secretly really cared for the other even if it seemed on the surface like Olivia was all stoic and serious while Marcy was way attached to Andrias instead, but in that vital moment they feared they might lose each other is when the love really awakened. From here on out, their relationship is gonna be a lot closer than what it was at the beginning of PMIT, so yeah, look forward to that :)
The Collar. Oh the collar. Can you believe that was the FIRST scene I wrote in the entire finale. I sat and thought about it for a minute first, like ‘so if this is what the past looks like, and if Andrias knows as much as he does about the gems, how would he react upon finding Marcy’s gem has awakened?’ Well, he’d pick the cycle right back up where he left off…even if it means destroying someone he’s come to care about. Destroying the ones you love, sound familiar???
Oh god WIT AND MARCY. Wit makes me so emo at the best of times. And her interactions with Marcy are such a mixed bag i thought it only fitting that they come to an understanding on Mixed Emotions. This is where I’m finally gonna bring up that Intelligence is a blanket term and that there are SEVERAL different types of intelligence—one of those being Emotional Intelligence. You can kind of guess where Wit’s been learning and where she’s still behind. It. Has Very Sad implications. Honestly I may as well say this here: Strength is the only gem that was able to develop somewhat rich and healthy emotions meanwhile the other two are incredibly stunted. So yknow. Marcy and Wit finally starting to bond and trying this whole Getting Along Thing again is such a big step for both of them. And Marcy calling her Witney has SO much more weight and importance when you consider Wit’s past. Brb gonna go cry
What happened to Yunan was entirely a spur of the moment decision. I was like “what am I supposed to do with Yunan.” And you know I could have picked ANYTHING but That, but I’m an angst writer! Do you expect any less.
The fact that Heart is attached to Anne now is my FAVORITE development for their character. There’s a reason for that. There’s always a reason for that :’)) and boy do i ever love taking dangerous and terrifying villains and turning them into pathetic, sniveling children. Heart, there is still so much you can’t even begin to comprehend. What a loser lmao (affectionate)
Strength and Heart. You are absolutely correct, their dynamic is aggressively toxic, even more so than Wit and Strength. But oh boy you are not ready to learn Wit and Heart’s dynamic, because we’re STILL not there yet. Those little hints I’ve been dropping for you are your scraps eat up <3
I’m SO SORRY you were spoiled by the art, I was worried something like that was gonna happen, and OMG, yeah no I don’t think I ever properly addressed the schedule. Yeah I was posting chapters every other Thursday at 7 pm CST, but you are always SO QUICK to jump on them I thought you already knew omg! My apologies, I will be clear about the schedule if I end up changing it for CMTO (probably not tho I like what I have going on)
Why did I stab Anne? Uh…a few reasons. Some I cannot tell you and some I can. One, Kasey put the idea in my head and I couldn’t stop thinking about it and Two, I wanted to do a cliffhanger by this point anyway so I said WHY NOT?! Three, to prove to Andrias that Heart is not the same gem they used to be, and thus make his downfall all the more tragic when he realized Heart wasn’t coming to save him this time. Yeah that’s gonna have consequences in CMTO. As for the ones I can’t tell you? They have a LOT to do with Sasha, Strength, Marcy, and Heart’s character arcs going into CMTO. Fear me >:)
Anyway SO HAPPY that I got to give Sasha/Strength the honors of fucking shattering Andrias’s spine hahahA it was so satisfying, my goal has always been to make Andrias suffer unimaginable pain and heartbreak for all the shit he’s done not only to our girls but to their gems as well. Cry about it, giant blue asshole. Can’t wait to get into why it was important for Strength’s arc too!!!
Also MOOD at a certain point i forget how to spell Strength too and I rely entirely on autocorrect to fix it for me. One of these days I’m gonna give it a nickname, and that nickname is gonna be one of the horrendously bad misspellings that autocorrect couldn’t even save my ass on.
Again I am so sorry for this chapter but I am ALSO enjoying u guys suffering :) THANK U FOR THE ASK AND UR CONTINUED SUPPORT 💜💜💜
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