#woozy dalek screams here really are peak television though that was an incredible twenty seconds of drama
robocracker · 7 months
watching classic who: the daleks
i've seen some of this serial before. not sure how much, and i don't even remember seeing the daleks themselves. but then, i was nine years old and didn't realize doctor who was about to become one of my favourite shows in the whole world, so who can blame me for forgetting a few bits and pieces?
"don't you ever think he deserves to have something happen to him?" holy shit barbara... and now i yearn for a nuwho companion who also feels this way about the doctor...
no but i really can't get enough of the fact that ian and barbara are literal hostages, begging to go home every other scene. the sheer sadness on their faces when they find out they're on an alien planet?? this is hysterical
something very important to me about barbara telling susan "i believe you"
give me more bacon and eggs in the tardis!! now!!
60s daleks i love you!!!!
considering what nearly happened to clara when she hid inside a dalek shell, i'm glad ian is having more fun with it
"they won't be suspicious at all" doctor i adore your confidence
what in the fucked up dalek hand-
i get that there's greater threat now in daleks being able to fly, but i don't care. give me shots of the tardis team running for their lives, interspersed with cuts to a dalek slowly ascending in an elevator. i need it.
ian looking directly at the camera then rolling his eyes over the thals not wanting to fight the daleks...
god help me i'm in tears these fucking dalek screams
i do love this little set up they've got for the view of the dalek city though, it's a gorgeous piece of work
oh no, not antodus! ...anyway...
barbara better be getting an alien boytoy of the week from now on because i'm so here for it
hurray! more dramatic falling over in the tardis!
yeah, this was definitely a stronger serial, and i'm excited to see how the edited, colourised version compares when it airs next week!!
though, i was expecting a little more moral conflict over killing all the daleks. there's something weird but also surprisingly refreshing in the doctor simply saying "even if i wanted to help, i don't know how".
i'm curious to see at which point we switch from the doctor simply being part of the team, only really leader insomuch as he runs the tardis controls... to taking on a more significantly heroic role, since that's what i'm more familiar with, and i'm interested to see how the show develops to reach that point.
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