#words ♆ (nothing’s that bad if it feels good.)
ivysmazikeen · 1 year
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hcze · 2 years
Send my muse kisses you want to give them! || ACCEPTING || why must you do this to me Vix? JK, keep it going XD
♠ ♆ for a kiss where there is a pulse/ that leaves a mark on the skin (mixing these two)
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    He can feel her nuzzling into his neck, her lips brush and roam his skin leaving tingles to spread all around his body as it grazes just where his pulse bears witness to his heart rate growing faster and faster, even though he is way too sleepy to react properly. There’s nothing but a groggy sound coming from him as eyelids flutter open, body snuggling even closer to her frame in bed. There’s the soft press of her lips, evolving with the passing seconds onto a light suckle that leaves a mark on his skin.           Drew is wide awake now, brown gaze is staring at Wolfie with a light hint of puzzlement then amusement, it’s evident in the half smile he flashes at her… But still no words are spoken, instead he pulls her even closer into his embrace.             She didn’t have to mark him, he’s already HERS.
ϡ for a kiss that lets you know I love you.
It hadn’t been that long since he told her about his feelings. Drew was far from calm over her reaction, he didn’t want to scare her away so from then on he kind of walked on egg-shells and tried to carry on as if he hadn’t said anything. But that kiss she was gifting him… was he going crazy? Was she… requiting his confession? He can’t help but letting go of all his insecurities although his subconscious tells him it is a bad idea, smile against her lips once again and plain close his eyes to enjoy it. whatever happens, i love you too.
☂ for a kiss in the rain.
    They were running like fools under the splattering of raindrops, laughing hand in hand seeking for shelter but they were just too amused to even find a spot. (at least Drew couldn’t quite set his gaze into a place to pull her along to get away from the rain, it was so much fun why ruin it?)      Out of breath Drew ceases running stopping her in his own action, he needs air. damn smoking. But still chuckling and rather impulsively he moves closer, making the distance between them lips null. He kisses her smiling against her lips, how happy he is when she’s around, how wonderful their time together seems to be endless.
† for a kiss to say good bye forever.
       His hand slides down her arm until his fingers hook with hers not really wanting to let go. Every time they had to part he hated, it meant days of not knowing where or how she is, or if he’d ever see her again. Sometimes they bid farewell with a hug, some other with a kiss. And this one, his arms wrap around her frame to hold her tight to himself before he has to endure watching her walk away. His chin rested on her shoulder before he’s pulled away, swiftly met with a kiss to his lips that steals his breath away.          But this kiss is not like any other they had shared before, it’s even deeper, definitely meaningful… Why does it feel like GOOD BYE?
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