#working it into a headcanon. hoffman wears lifts. bc he’s self conscious?? bro..
jennilah · 4 months
ok one time i saw someone say it looked like hoffman wore lifts and i laughed it off but actually looking at that hoffman and perez posta again. aren't they rly close in height or something. what if they really did put him in lifts
grabs my handy dandy freak dolls. strahm included because i do what i want
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let me look at that shot again
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ok i have a suspicion let me take a look at the shot beforehand too
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not to be an Uber Nerd but i think.......... i think part of this might be a byproduct of the camera lens distortion?
basically i think for that camera lens used in that shot there is a very slight barely-noticeable fisheye effect. im looking at the curve of things in the background that should logically be totally straight
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i figured while i had the figures here id try to match the shot but the camera options are rudimentary and im not about to open up Maya and try to scale models there
i think Hoffman is slightly behind Perez like this
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so i tried to recreate the shot like this
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hrrmm ummmm
distortion.. could make a small difference i think.... but i dont know about that much. this isnt my expertise
but this 3d clip studio paint camera doesnt have distortion so i cant tell u for sure what the truth is
hrrm lets look at another shot
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looking at the height refs again...
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ALSO using my limited knowledge based on my time in film
he could absolutely have been put in some lifts, or just weird little platform shoes.
i have no fucken idea whats going on here but yeah thats not out of the realm of possibility at all
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