#workplace is in it summer season aka everyone and their mom is trying to finish their projects before the school year
shirozora-draws · 2 years
The problem with working on a longfic is that you don't have much to show for it for a while, plus you're not really doing anything else because you're writing. So it's not so much that I'm in a rut or fell off the planet but that I've written over 20k words of revised fic so far while freaking out over the prints project and trying to survive Capitalism: The Summer Edition.
Anyway, here are some early designs for two OCs who play some exciting roles in the first two-thirds of the 3quelfic. First time drawing a Nikto so that was an interesting experiment.
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Started a new art print inspired by marble patterns because I spent too many fucking days staring at bathroom tiles at the local home improvement stores because we're redoing the bathrooms in this old ass house.
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New batch of test prints are on their way, including an OFMD print in a desperate attempt to convince myself I'm not just here to Dinluke&Vibe. Failing pretty spectacularly on that front tbh.
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