#world keratoconus day
obiyuki-beebs · 2 years
you called me x: event submission
First third(ish) of a fic! because it’s 3 AM and I’m sleepy and this is the only part that I’m (mostly) satisfied with so here ya go. Companion playlist posted here. Ok goodnight.
Shirayuki prided herself on having a knack for answering questions. 
This skill could be attributed to multiple traits; her quiet brilliance, a devout love of research, and an uncanny capacity to solve almost any problem presented to her. 
She enjoyed observing her world and figuring out the how and the why. She hoarded questions and carried them around like candy in her pocket, on her mind until she could find or deduce an answer, and always ready to chew on it for a while if it could give her the satisfaction of knowing. 
What frequency do bumblebees need to vibrate at in order to release pollen from certain types of flowers, like blueberries in their blooming stage? Middle C, which is how they are able to use buzz pollination, something honeybees are incapable of, making bumblebees indispensable in the ecosystem and farmers alike. 
Why are we told not to rub our eyes? It can cause corneal abrasion and worsen allergen exposure in the short term, and cause keratoconus in the long term, which is a thinning and deformation of the cornea over time. This had been a notably hard habit to break. 
Does bi-weekly refer to every two weeks or twice a week? Infuriatingly enough, both, depending on the context. 
Is a hot dog a sandwich? Yes, by definition. Is cereal soup? No, also by definition, though somehow she was more perturbed by this question than she had originally thought she could be. 
Shirayuki's ability to answer questions was not limited to health and the natural world. Her friends and colleagues often came to her for advice on various matters, whether it was about relationships or career choices. 
It also gave her a spectacular penchant for dominating trivia nights with her friends. 
Shirayuki liked answers. 
That was why, when she stumbled across a question she couldn’t answer, well… that could pose a problem. 
An extremely distracting problem with a long torso and a laugh that made her lift her head from her book whenever she heard it. 
A problem that had the potential to make her forget to step off the train on her way to the lab. 
A problem that might keep her up at night, undoubtedly chewing her lip and in a dissociative stare-down with the glow stars that she and Yuzuri had painstakingly pressed onto Shirayuki’s ceiling when they became roommates. 
Currently, she had such a problem. She couldn’t stop asking herself why, out of all of their friends, she was the only one who Obi still referred to by a nickname. 
She had always wondered, of course. 
For years, it seemed like he was on the tips of his toes, poised to bolt at the drop of an ill-chosen comment. In the early stages of all of them knowing each other, there had always been distance he placed between them. Rarely, if ever, did she see him drop his stoic smile; the smile he wore when he wanted people around him to be at ease. A smile that, though similar to his real one, wasn’t the same.
Sometimes, she thought of him in those early days and remembered the feral cat she’d befriended as a child outside her grandparent's pub. It had taken what felt like years for it to warm up to her, persuaded by one greasy palmful of stolen chicken at a time. 
Slowly but surely, Obi, just like that cat, had seemed to relax. Seemed to drop an anchor into their veritable sea of knowing each other. Or, at the very least, the bag she knew he kept packed under his bed started to gather dust. 
And then, one random night in May while they were enjoying their sometimes-weekly hang-out, Obi called Mitsuhide by name. Casual, as if he was asking them to please not make a big deal about it. 
Kiki had only smiled. Mitsuhide, who couldn’t hide anything if he tried, gaped like a fish with a hook still in its lip. Zen made a toast with his IPA, describing the continuous work it takes to be vulnerable and open with one's friends.
Progress had been slow after that. Obi waited another two months before dropping the joking “Princess” he usually used in conjunction with Kiki’s name. Ryuu was easier, as he was now taller than Obi and nearly at a level with Mitsuhide. Suzu, Yuzuri, and even his greatest chess adversary, Izana, were now all called by name instead of the nicknames Obi had been using as a last wall of defense against intimacy. 
The shock and sentimentality of the situation had kept Shirayuki from wondering, at least for a little while, why he hadn’t said her name yet. 
First, she had verified that he did indeed only call her by a nickname. She kept notes (in a marble composition tucked between her planner and her field notebook). But only one spreadsheet. One spreadsheet file, if she was being specific. She refused to count the sheet tabs in said file. (Four).  
When considering the question – that is, why only she remained among his nameless friends – she had come to the conclusion that he would get to her eventually. She just needed to be patient.
As it happened, Shirayuki also prided herself on her patience. 
She could wait. She had waited for so many things. 
As a child, she had waited for the cookies her grandfather had just baked to cool before stealing away with three of them and up the creaking stairs to her bedroom on the third floor. 
She was perfectly capable of putting in the slow, steady work needed to help her plant seeds germinate in the spring and even more patient with them as they spread roots and grew wildly over her trellis in the summer. 
She had waited for Zen to be able to publicly commit to her; had waited for him when they had been in a long-distance relationship for nearly four years; had waited for her feelings for him to be fulfilling again; had waited what felt like ages for him to accept that she meant it when she said she no longer saw him that way. 
She had demonstrated great restraint in not petting the feral cat all those years ago, instead letting it come to her. 
Yes, Shirayuki could be patient. 
So she waited, thinking that, eventually, it would be her turn, and he would call her by her name, implicitly reassuring her that they were as close as she considered them to be. 
And now here they were, nearly two whole years after the pivotal shift in nomenclature amongst friends, and Shirayuki found her patience to be entirely sapped.
Much to her consternation, Obi still only referred to her as “Miss,” and her question remained. Why had Obi thus far never used her given name? She had no idea. It entirely escaped her. This unanswered query had become the bane of her existence, plaguing her whenever she thought about him, which she also discovered was often and regularly. 
(No, she had not kept a data set of how often she thought about him. The thought had crossed her mind, and though the project was started, it was swiftly discontinued with vehemence due to extenuating circumstances relating to her inability to control the color of her cheeks.)
Shirayuki believed that every problem had a solution, and she was determined to figure out this one. She had a question whose answer entirely evaded her. She was losing sleep. It had become a matter of health. 
She started out with what she considered to be simple measures by sending him links to participate in Name-a-Plow-Truck events around the country, along with ridiculous – and hopefully fake – forum posts asking if the original poster was rude for laughing at their friend's baby name choice. She even went so far as to recommend watching Beetlejuice for movie night, which only ensured that they sang the Banana Boat Song back and forth to each other for what felt like weeks, followed by a rambunctious reprisal at karaoke in the fall. 
None of it worked. She had yet to hear him say her name. Clearly, her methods had not been effective. 
So she reconsidered. 
“Excuse me,” Yuzuri leaned out of the bathroom to get a better look at Shirayuki sitting with crossed legs on the rug outside the door, “you want to do what?”
“Obi doesn’t say my name. I’m the only one out of our friends that he doesn’t. So-”
“So you want to see if you can subconsciously influence him into saying your name? With a playlist?”
“Not all at once. Over a few weeks. Or months. I don’t want to tip him off too soon.”
“Uh-huh,” Yuzuri replied, voice reverberating in the sink as she leaned down to wash her face. 
“I thought you would be into it,” Shirayuki pouted, biting at the cuticle on her left hand.
“Stop picking.”
“You can’t even see me.”
“I can hear it.”
“For the record, I am mostly into it. I am immensely amused by your plan, Yuki. You are exceptionally good at planning things out. Even if they are absolutely ridiculous and unnecessarily complicated. I am equally exasperated. You could just ask him to say your name. Honestly, please just do that.”
“What if-”
“Yuki. I promise your anxiety is lying to you. What are you afraid of?”
“I just want to try it this way and see if he gets it. It’s embarrassing to think about asking him that. We’re close, I know that, but it bothers me that he can do it for so many other people except me.”
Yuzuri, face now patted dry and shiny with lotion, leaned around the doorway again. She raised her eyebrows in a pointed look that Shirayuki chose not to deduce the meaning of. 
“You’re right, you are close. And both of you are idiots. Why a playlist?”
“We’re always listening to music, in the car, at karaoke, at get-togethers,” Shirayuki’s wilting confidence gained a new vigor as she spoke, choosing again to ignore the former half of Yuzuri’s sentence, “I already made one.”
“Please, for the love of all that is holy, let me see what you put on it. So, in short,  you’re planning to use subliminal messaging to convince Obi to say your name?”
“Exactly! I knew you would get it. Well, I guess not exactly. Subliminal messaging isn’t how I would put it.”
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eyesandvision · 6 days
Innovative Eye Treatments at Unley Optometry Clinics
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In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, optometry stands out as one of the most rapidly advancing fields, thanks to cutting-edge technologies and innovative treatments that have revolutionized how we care for our eyes. For individuals living in or near Unley, these advancements are easily accessible through local optometry clinics. With a commitment to offering the latest treatments and personalized care, Optometry Unley clinics are at the forefront of eye health, helping patients manage common eye conditions and maintain optimal vision.
This post delves into some of the most innovative eye treatments available at Unley optometry clinics, from advanced diagnostic tools to breakthrough therapies that target a variety of vision-related concerns. These innovations ensure that patients receive the highest quality care tailored to their unique needs.
1. Advanced Diagnostic Technologies
Accurate diagnosis is the cornerstone of effective treatment. At Unley optometry clinics, state-of-the-art diagnostic tools allow for earlier detection and precise treatment of eye conditions, ensuring that any potential issues are addressed before they progress.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
One of the most groundbreaking technologies in eye care is Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), a non-invasive imaging technique that captures detailed cross-sectional images of the retina. This technology is instrumental in diagnosing conditions like macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma.
In a standard eye exam, many eye diseases may go undetected due to their lack of visible symptoms in the early stages. However, with OCT technology, optometrists in Unley can detect subtle changes in the retina, enabling earlier intervention and more effective treatment.
Digital Retinal Imaging
Another critical diagnostic tool used in Optometry Unley clinics is digital retinal imaging, which allows optometrists to take high-resolution photographs of the back of the eye, including the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels. This technology plays a key role in monitoring and diagnosing eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, and macular degeneration.
The detailed images obtained through retinal imaging help optometrists create a baseline for each patient’s eye health, making it easier to track changes over time and detect any abnormalities that may arise.
Corneal Topography
For patients who require precise corneal assessments, corneal topography is an innovative diagnostic tool used by optometrists in Unley. This non-invasive technique creates a detailed map of the cornea’s surface, providing valuable information for diagnosing conditions like keratoconus, astigmatism, and other corneal irregularities.
Corneal topography is especially useful for patients considering refractive surgeries like LASIK or those who need specialty contact lenses. With this advanced tool, Unley optometrists can ensure that treatment plans are tailored to the specific needs of each patient’s corneal structure.
2. Myopia Management: Slowing Progression in Children
The prevalence of myopia (nearsightedness) has been increasing, particularly among children and adolescents. Excessive screen time and prolonged near-work activities have been linked to this rise, and without intervention, progressive myopia can lead to serious vision problems in adulthood. In response, Optometry Unley clinics offer innovative myopia management solutions aimed at slowing the progression of nearsightedness in young patients.
Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)
One of the most effective treatments for myopia control is Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), a non-surgical therapy that involves wearing specially designed gas-permeable contact lenses overnight. These lenses gently reshape the cornea, allowing for clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses.
Ortho-K not only corrects vision temporarily but also slows down the progression of myopia in children, reducing their risk of developing serious eye conditions later in life, such as retinal detachment and glaucoma. This innovative treatment is a game-changer for young patients, offering both immediate vision correction and long-term eye health benefits.
Atropine Eye Drops
Another innovative myopia control option offered at Optometry Unley clinics is low-dose atropine eye drops. Atropine, a medication commonly used to dilate the pupils, has been found to slow the progression of myopia when used in low doses. When applied daily, these drops can help reduce the rate at which nearsightedness worsens, providing a simple and effective solution for myopia management in children.
Atropine drops are often recommended as part of a comprehensive myopia control plan, especially for children who are not candidates for Ortho-K lenses.
3. Dry Eye Treatment: Addressing Chronic Discomfort
Dry eye syndrome is a prevalent condition that affects people of all ages. Symptoms include dryness, burning, irritation, and a gritty sensation in the eyes. Chronic dry eye can significantly impact quality of life, making it difficult to perform daily tasks such as reading or using digital devices.
Unley optometry clinics offer a range of advanced dry eye treatments that go beyond over-the-counter artificial tears, targeting the underlying causes of the condition for lasting relief.
LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation
For patients with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), which is the leading cause of dry eye, LipiFlow thermal pulsation therapy is an innovative treatment available at Unley optometry clinics. This procedure uses a combination of heat and gentle pressure to unblock the meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing the oily layer of tears. By restoring the normal function of these glands, LipiFlow provides long-lasting relief from dry eye symptoms.
LipiFlow is a non-invasive, in-office procedure that can dramatically improve tear production and reduce discomfort, offering a much-needed solution for patients with chronic dry eye.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy
Another advanced dry eye treatment available in Optometry Unley clinics is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy. Originally developed for dermatological purposes, IPL has been found to be effective in treating dry eye by reducing inflammation and improving meibomian gland function.
During the procedure, pulses of light are applied to the skin around the eyes, stimulating the glands to produce more oil and reducing symptoms of dryness. IPL therapy is a safe and effective option for patients who have not responded well to traditional dry eye treatments.
4. Vision Therapy: Enhancing Visual Skills
Vision therapy is an exciting, non-surgical treatment option designed to improve the communication between the eyes and the brain, helping to treat conditions like lazy eye (amblyopia), eye strain, and binocular vision disorders. At Optometry Unley clinics, optometrists offer vision therapy programs tailored to each patient’s needs, especially for children with learning difficulties related to visual problems or adults who experience frequent eye strain from computer use.
Through a series of exercises and activities, vision therapy can improve skills such as eye coordination, focusing, and depth perception, making it an invaluable tool for individuals struggling with visual efficiency or coordination issues.
5. Blue Light Protection: Safeguarding Eyes from Digital Strain
In today’s digital age, many people spend extended periods in front of screens, which can lead to digital eye strain and exposure to harmful blue light. Optometry Unley clinics offer innovative solutions to protect eyes from blue light damage, including blue light-blocking lenses.
These specialized lenses filter out the high-energy visible (HEV) blue light emitted by digital devices, reducing eye strain and protecting long-term eye health. For patients who spend significant time on computers, tablets, or smartphones, blue light-blocking lenses are an essential addition to their eye care routine.
6. Cutting-Edge Contact Lens Options
For patients who prefer contact lenses over glasses, Optometry Unley clinics provide access to a wide range of specialty contact lenses. These include:
Scleral lenses for patients with irregular corneas or dry eyes.
Multifocal lenses for those with presbyopia who need both distance and near vision correction.
Toric lenses for patients with astigmatism.
These innovative contact lens options ensure that patients receive comfortable, effective vision correction tailored to their specific eye conditions.
Conclusion: Trusting Your Eye Health to Local Experts
Innovative eye treatments offered by Optometry Unley clinics are transforming how we care for our vision. From cutting-edge diagnostic technologies to advanced therapies for myopia, dry eye, and vision enhancement, local optometrists are equipped to meet the diverse needs of their patients with precision and care.
If you’re looking for personalized, high-quality eye care, consider visiting Eyes and Vision Optometrists, a trusted local clinic in Unley. With a commitment to providing the latest treatments and exceptional service, Eyes and Vision Optometrists ensure that every patient receives comprehensive care for their unique vision needs, helping to protect and enhance their eye health for years to come.
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Are you or a loved one struggling with keratoconus? India offers world-class treatment options that are both effective and affordable. In this video, we’ll cover everything you need to know about keratoconus surgery in India, including:
Topics Covered:
What is Keratoconus? What are the symptoms of keratoconus? What are the investigations required to diagnose keratoconus? What are the causes of this conditions? what are the treatment options available for keratoconus? What is the cost of keratoconus treatment in India?
Types of Surgery: Explore the various treatment options available, such as Corneal Cross-Linking (CXL), Intacs, and Corneal Transplant, and find out which is best suited for your condition.
Cost of Surgery: Discover how India provides top-quality care at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries, making it an ideal destination for keratoconus treatment.
Recovery Time: Learn about the recovery process after surgery, including what to expect in the days and weeks following your procedure.
Choosing India for your keratoconus surgery means you’ll benefit from experienced surgeons, advanced technology, and a patient-centric approach to care. Get the best treatment for your eyes and restore your vision with confidence.
Social Media: / 61562610098718 / medicalcaresurgeryindia
Contact us: Medical Care & Surgery in India Call & Whatsapp Us: +91-9860755000, +91-9371136499, Email Us: [email protected]
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clevelandeyeclinic · 3 months
On Saturday, November 10, World Keratoconus Day, the corneal condition “keratoconus” (ker-uh-toe-kOH-nus) comes into the spotlight, along with the treatments offered to help patients with this very frustrating condition.
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drnatashalim · 4 months
3 Best Lasik Surgery Clinics in Singapore 2024
Many acknowledge the paramount importance of vision among the senses, recognizing its pivotal role in perceiving the world vividly and functioning effectively in daily life. But sometimes, our eyesight gets worse as we get older or if we have an accident or illness. Wearing glasses or contact lenses can help, but they're not always easy to deal with. That's where LASIK surgery comes in. It's a special kind of surgery that can fix problems with your vision by reshaping your cornea.
Understanding LASIK Surgery:
LASIK, short for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, is a widely acclaimed refractive surgery aimed at correcting vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The procedure involves reshaping the cornea using a highly precise laser, allowing light to properly focus on the retina, thereby improving vision.
The LASIK Procedure:
Pre-Operative Assessment: Before the surgery, patients undergo a thorough eye examination to assess their eligibility for LASIK and determine the appropriate treatment plan.
Surgical Process: During the procedure, the surgeon utilises a specialised laser to reshape the cornea according to the patient's prescription, a process that typically takes only a few minutes per eye.
Recovery and Results: Following LASIK surgery, most patients experience improved vision almost immediately, with minimal discomfort and a quick recovery period. Full visual acuity is typically achieved within a few days to weeks post-surgery.
If you're tired of glasses or fed up with buying contact lenses all the time, LASIK might be a good option for you. But choosing the right place to get LASIK can be tricky, especially with so many choices out there. To help make things easier, here are 3 best LASIK clinics in Singapore that you might want to check out. Each one has its own perks, so you can find the best fit for your budget, location, and specific needs. If you're considering LASIK surgery Singapore, these clinics are worth considering. When searching for a LASIK surgeon Singapore, these clinics offer top-notch services and experienced professionals to guide you through the process.
1. LSC Eye Clinic
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For over 15 years, LSC Eye Clinic in Singapore has been a beacon of hope for those seeking enhanced vision through advanced refractive laser procedures such as LASIK eye surgery. Boasting a satisfied clientele exceeding 85,000 individuals, the clinic has garnered acclaim for its commitment to excellence. Continuously advancing its medical technology and staff expertise, LSC Eye Clinic now presents an expanded array of specialised treatments catering to various eye conditions.
Beyond its renowned LASIK offerings, the clinic introduces cutting-edge solutions including ZEISS SMILE® Pro vision correction, Epi-LASIK Advanced Surface Ablation, LASIK Xtra for corneal fortification, Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICL), and more. From addressing common issues like pterygium and dry eyes to complex conditions such as macular hole and keratoconus, LSC Eye Clinic strives to ensure optimal eye health for all ages.
Recognizing the paramount importance of vision, the clinic is steadfast in its mission to enable everyone to perceive the world with clarity and precision.
In addition to its exceptional eye care services, LSC Eye Clinic extends its medical expertise to encompass endocrinology through SMG Diabetes, alongside a specialised Thyroid and Endocrine Clinic, ensuring comprehensive healthcare for all patients. From childhood to senior years, the clinic caters to individuals across the lifespan, specialising in Laser Vision Correction for various refractive errors and Small Incision Cataract Surgery.
Available eye treatments:
Age-related Eye Conditions
2. Dr Natasha Lim Eye Centre
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Dr. Natasha Lim Eye Centre is renowned for its expertise in laser cataract and LASIK surgeries, led by Dr. Lim herself, an esteemed refractive surgeon. Holding fellowship status with the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in London, Dr. Lim specialises in laser refractive and cataract surgeries, ensuring top-tier care for her patients.
Upon consultation with Dr. Lim, patients undergo thorough assessments to determine the necessity for surgery and the most suitable lens options tailored to their specific needs. Services offered at the clinic encompass a wide spectrum, including traditional LASIK surgery, surface ablation techniques such as LASEK, Epi-LASIK, and PRK, as well as advanced bladeless femtosecond laser cataract surgery and diabetic eye disease treatment.
Under the expert guidance of Dr. Lim, patients can entrust their vision concerns to her passionate and proficient care, knowing they are on the path to achieving clearer vision and improved eye health.
At Dr. Natasha Lim Eye Centre, patients receive comprehensive care and guidance for a range of eye conditions, from mild to severe. Dr. Lim, serving as the Senior Consultant and Medical Director, earned her medical degree from the University of Nottingham Medical School in the UK. With extensive training and accolades in ophthalmology, she is a fellowship-trained refractive surgeon with a particular focus on Laser Refractive and Refractive Cataract Surgeries. Additionally, she is certified in VISX excimer laser and IntraLase femtosecond laser procedures in both Singapore and the UK.
Available eye treatments:
Implantable Contact Lens
Micro-incision cataract surgery
Bladeless femtosecond laser cataract surgery
Presbyopia “Lao Hua” Correction
Eyelid surgery
For more information, visit Dr. Natasha Lim Eye Centre website: https://www.drnatashalim.com/, or contact via email at [email protected], or call at +65 65702220.
3. Atlas Eye Specialist Centre
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Atlas Eye Specialist Centre distinguishes itself as a renowned establishment in the field of eye care, committed to delivering top-tier, evidence-based, and FDA-approved treatments for various ophthalmological conditions. Catering to individuals dealing with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, the centre offers a range of laser vision correction options, including ReLEx® SMILE, Wavefront Bladeless LASIK, and Wavefront PRK. Recognizing the uniqueness of each patient's eyes, the clinic's specialists meticulously assess which procedure aligns best with their visual requirements and lifestyle. Factors such as eye prescription level and corneal thickness guide recommendations; for example, PRK may be suggested for those with lower prescriptions and thinner corneas, while ReLEx® SMILE and LASIK surgery serve as suitable alternatives for others. Additionally, the centre presents various alternatives like ICL, refractive lens exchange, and monovision laser vision correction. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, Atlas Eye Specialist Centre maintains a patient-centric approach, ensuring comprehensive and personalised service throughout the treatment journey.
Emphasising its commitment to excellence, Atlas Eye Specialist Centre boasts a team of internationally trained healthcare professionals dedicated to offering evidence-based medical and surgical solutions for vision correction and eye ailments. Its state-of-the-art surgical facility prioritises the highest standards of vision and eye healthcare, leveraging cutting-edge technology and medical expertise to prioritise patient well-being. Moreover, the centre provides tailored treatments, including Key-hole Surgical Techniques for both Refractive Surgery and Advanced Cataract Surgery, further underscoring its dedication to meeting individual patient needs with precision and care.
Available eye treatments:
LASIK surgery – laser vision correction
Cataract surgery
Children’s eye treatments
In short, LASIK surgery is a standout solution for vision issues like nearsightedness and farsightedness. It's a precise procedure with quick recovery, often providing immediate and lasting results. By using advanced lasers to reshape the cornea, LASIK offers a distinct way to improve eyesight. The article highlights reputable LASIK clinics in Singapore, making the procedure more accessible. LASIK presents a unique opportunity to enhance vision without the need for glasses or contacts, improving daily life for many.
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michigancontactlens01 · 4 months
The Perfect Blend: Exploring Hybrid Contact Lenses and the Innovation of Infuse Contacts
In the dynamic landscape of vision correction, technological advancements continue to redefine the possibilities for individuals seeking clarity and comfort. Among the array of options available, hybrid contact lenses and infuse contact lenses stand out as innovative solutions designed to address diverse eye care needs. Let's delve into the world of these cutting-edge lenses and discover how they're revolutionizing the way we see.
Hybrid Contact Lenses: Where Comfort Meets Precision 
Hybrid contact lenses represent a harmonious fusion of two distinct materials, combining the optical clarity of rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses with the comfort of soft contact lenses. This unique design features a rigid center for precise vision correction, surrounded by a soft outer skirt that enhances comfort and stability. For individuals with irregular corneas, astigmatism, or challenging prescriptions, hybrid lenses offer unparalleled visual acuity without compromising on comfort.
Navigating the Terrain: The Hybrid Advantage 
The versatility of hybrid contact lens extends beyond conventional refractive errors, making them an ideal choice for individuals with keratoconus, post-surgical corneas, or corneal irregularities. By providing a customized fit and consistent optics, hybrid lenses ensure crisp, clear vision throughout the day. Moreover, their breathable design promotes ocular health and reduces the risk of complications associated with prolonged lens wear. Whether for daily use or specialized applications, hybrid lenses offer a seamless blend of comfort and precision.
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Infuse Contact Lenses: Pioneering Comfort with Innovative Technology 
Infuse contact lenses represent the latest frontier in contact lens innovation, harnessing the power of advanced materials and engineering to elevate the wearer's experience. Infused with moisturizing agents directly into the lens matrix, these lenses deliver sustained hydration and comfort, even in challenging environments. By minimizing dryness and irritation, infuse lenses ensure a refreshing and comfortable wearing experience from morning to night.
The Science Behind Infuse: Nourishing Your Eyes 
At the heart of infuse contact lenses lies a revolutionary approach to moisture management. Unlike conventional lenses that rely on surface coatings or drops for hydration, infuse lenses integrate moisture-retaining agents into their molecular structure. This innovative design ensures that the lens continuously releases moisture throughout the day, mimicking the natural tear film and providing a soothing experience for the eyes. Whether for individuals with dry eye symptoms or those seeking uncompromising comfort, infuse lenses offer a refreshing solution to daily lens wear.
The convergence of hybrid contact lenses and infuse contact lenses heralds a new era of vision correction characterized by comfort, precision, and innovation. Whether you're navigating the nuances of corneal irregularities or simply seeking unparalleled comfort in your daily lens wear, these cutting-edge lenses offer a personalized solution tailored to your unique needs. To explore the transformative potential of hybrid and infuse lenses, consult the experts at MichiganContactLens.com. Our commitment to exceptional eye care ensures that you'll experience clarity and comfort like never before.
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keratoconusgroup · 9 months
So incredibly frustrating
Sorry, Bit of a rant, really needed to vent and get some anger out. The world just moves too fast. So many (yes, not all) healthy people just do not realise how limiting things can be, how much impact their actions and lack of empathy can have. It’s been 3 weeks now where I haven’t been able to wear my sclerals due to a covid infection. And 2 days ago I heard it might easily take up another 8 weeks.. Normally I reach 40-50% and can wear them for 6-8 hours with a 1 hour break in between. Now, sitting here with 5% eyesight, unable to keep up with much, if anything. Can’t even clean my own home. Having people say, “oh, you get monetary support by the government? what a nice relaxing life, you can just sit at home and play games all day!” Fuck no, it’s isolating, it’s lonely, it’s limited my personal growth over the past 10 years now where I’ve become an emotional wreck. And those games?? I can’t even play them well enough. I can’t even keep up with what I can do normally with my sclerals. submitted by /u/verbla11 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/Keratoconus/comments/18ufqg6/so_incredibly_frustrating/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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brookston · 11 months
Holidays 11.10
Area Code Day
Day of Remembrance of Ataturk (Turkey)
Day of Russian Militsiya (Russia)
Día de la Tradición (Day of Tradition; Argentina)
Dr. Livingstone, I Presume Day
Forget-Me-Not Day
The Goddess of Reason, Liberty & Philosophy Feast Day (a.k.a. Goddess of Reason’s Day; France)
Guinness World Records’ Day
Hari Pahlawan (Heroes' Day; Indonesia)
Harrow Day (French Republic)
International Accounting Day
International Interns Day
Los Santos Uprising Day (Panama)
Maputo Day (Mozambique)
McHappy Day
Microsoft Windows Day
National Bong Day
National Civic Pride Day
National DTC Day
National Science Center & Science Museum Day
National Toothpaste Appreciation Day
National Young Reader’s Day
NET Cancer Day
Not A Father's Day
Quark Day
School Counselor & School Psychologist Recognition Day (Australia)
Sesame Street Day
Sleep Dangerously Night
Toilet Day (Japan)
U.S. Marine Corps Day (a.k.a. USMC Day)
World HTLV Day
World Immunization Day
World Keratoconus Day
World Science Day for Peace and Development (UN)
World Top Up Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Boilermaker Day
National Mussels Day
National Pupusa Day (El Salvador)
National Vanilla Cupcake Day
2nd Friday in November
Domino Day [2nd Friday]
International Mushy Pea Day [2nd Friday]
National Donor Sabbath Weekend begins [2nd Friday]
National DTC (Direct-to-Consumers) Friday [2 Fridays before Black Friday]
National Walk to Work Day (Australia) [2nd Friday]
Independence Days
First Cry of Independence Day (a.k.a. Los Santos Uprising Day; Panama)
Feast Days
Adelin of Séez (Christian; Saint)
Áed mac Bricc (Christian; Saint)
Ancestor Day IV (Pagan)
Andrew Avellino (Christian; Saint)
Arbrosimus (Christian; Saint)
Baudolino (Christian; Saint)
Chhath Parwa begins (4-Day Hindu/Vedic Festival of the Sun God Surya; Nepal)
Chhat Puja Parva begins (a.k.a. Surya Sasthi; 4-Day Hindu/Vedic Festival of the Sun God Surya; Parts of India)
Cthulu Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Elaeth (Christian; Saint)
El Lissitzky (Artology)
Festival of Cybergnosticism
Festival of Spiritual Indulgence
Festival of St. Bebiana (from beer, "to drink")
Galungan (Celebrating Victory of Dharma over Adharma; Bali)
Grellan (Christian; Saint)
Gus the Mailman (Muppetism)
Henry IV (Positivist; Saint)
Justus, Archbishop of Canterbury (Christian; Saint)
Leo I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Look on the Bright Side of Life Day (Pastafarian)
Louis le Brocquy (Artology)
Lübeck martyrs (Christian; Martyrs)
St. Martin's Eve [patron saint of tavern-keepers] (a.k.a. ... 
Mārtiņi (Ancient Latvia)
Martinisingen (Germany)
Martinmas Eve
Milles, Bishop of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Nincnevin (Old Scots festival celebrating Diana)
Nymphia (Christian; Saint)
Sina (Christian; Saint)
Theoctiste (Christian; Saint)
Tryphena of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Trypho and Respicius (Christian; Martyrs)
Wangala Festival (Meghalaya, India)
William Hogarth (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Binary Day [1011] (8 of 9)
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [54 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [27 of 30]
Ben and Me (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Blank Space, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2014)
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Live: 1975-85 (Live Album; 19986)
Butterflies (UK TV Series; 1978)
Catch-22, by Joseph Heller (Novel; 1960)
Change of Habit (Film; 1969)
Dash & Lily (TV Mini-Series; 2020)
Days of Future Passed, by The Moody Blues (Album; 1967)
Don’t Blame Me, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2017)
Dug’s Special Mission (Pixar Cartoon; 2009)
The French Lieutenant's Woman, by John Fowles (Novel; 1969)
Fuck (Documentary Film; 2006)
Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (Animated Film; 2015)
God Bless America, by Irving Berlin, sung by Kate Smith (Song; 1938)
The Golden Bowl, by Henry James (Novel; 1904)
Good Noose (WB LT Cartoon; 1962)
Happy Land (Film; 1943)
Horses, by Patti Smith (Album; 1975)
The Iceman Cometh (Film; 1973)
I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night, by The Electric Prunes (Song; 1966)
The Living Desert (Documentary Film; 1953)
The Marvels (Film; 2023)
Murder on the Orient Express (Film; 2017)
My Left Foot (Film; 1989)
Nights in White Satin, by The Moody Blues (Song; 1967)
Paddington 2 (Film; 2017)
The Polar Express (Animated Film; 2004)
Rebel Yell, by Billy Idol (Album; 1983)
Reputation, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2017)
Sesame Street (Children’s TV Series; 1969)
The Song of Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Poem; 1855)
Stranger Than Fiction (Film; 2006)
There They Go-Go-Go! (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Those Beautiful Dames (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Film; 2017)
Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
The Vicar of Dibley (UK TV Series; 1994)
Welcome to the Pleasuredome, by Frankie Goes to Hollywood (Album; 1984)
A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula Le Guin (Novel; 1968) [Earthsea #1]
Wyrd Sisters, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1988) [Discworld #6]
Zuma, by Neil Young (Album; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Andrea, Andreas, Jens, Leo (Austria)
Lav, Lavoslav, Leon (Croatia)
Evžen (Czech Republic)
Luther (Denmark)
Mardi, Mardo, Märt, Mart, Märten, Martin (Estonia)
Martti (Finland)
Léon, Noé (France)
Andrea, Andreas, Jens, Leo, Ted (Germany)
Arsenios, Arsinoe, Irodion, Milon, Orestis, Orion, Rodios, Sosipatros (Greece)
Réka (Hungary)
Andrea, Baudolino, Leone, Trifone (Italy)
Erasts, Mārcis, Mārtiņš (Latvia)
Andrius, Galvydė, Leonas, Vaišviltas (Lithuania)
Gudbjørg, Gudveig (Norway)
Andrzej, Lena, Leon, Ludomir, Nelly, Nimfa, Probus, Stefan (Poland)
Cuart, Erast, Olimp, Rodion, Sosipatru (Romania)
Tibor (Slovakia)
Andrés, León, Noé (Spain)
Martin, Martina (Sweden)
Flora, Florence, Florian, Jocelina, Joceline, Jocelyn, Jocelyne, Jocelynn, Joselyn, Joslyn, Justice, Justin, Justina, Justine, Justus (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 314 of 2024; 51 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 27 (Ren-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 26 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 26 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 14 Mir; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 28 October 2023
Moon: 8%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 Frederic (12th Month) [Henry IV]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 48 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 18 of 29)
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Holidays 11.10
Area Code Day
Day of Remembrance of Ataturk (Turkey)
Day of Russian Militsiya (Russia)
Día de la Tradición (Day of Tradition; Argentina)
Dr. Livingstone, I Presume Day
Forget-Me-Not Day
The Goddess of Reason, Liberty & Philosophy Feast Day (a.k.a. Goddess of Reason’s Day; France)
Guinness World Records’ Day
Hari Pahlawan (Heroes' Day; Indonesia)
Harrow Day (French Republic)
International Accounting Day
International Interns Day
Los Santos Uprising Day (Panama)
Maputo Day (Mozambique)
McHappy Day
Microsoft Windows Day
National Bong Day
National Civic Pride Day
National DTC Day
National Science Center & Science Museum Day
National Toothpaste Appreciation Day
National Young Reader’s Day
NET Cancer Day
Not A Father's Day
Quark Day
School Counselor & School Psychologist Recognition Day (Australia)
Sesame Street Day
Sleep Dangerously Night
Toilet Day (Japan)
U.S. Marine Corps Day (a.k.a. USMC Day)
World HTLV Day
World Immunization Day
World Keratoconus Day
World Science Day for Peace and Development (UN)
World Top Up Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Boilermaker Day
National Mussels Day
National Pupusa Day (El Salvador)
National Vanilla Cupcake Day
2nd Friday in November
Domino Day [2nd Friday]
International Mushy Pea Day [2nd Friday]
National Donor Sabbath Weekend begins [2nd Friday]
National DTC (Direct-to-Consumers) Friday [2 Fridays before Black Friday]
National Walk to Work Day (Australia) [2nd Friday]
Independence Days
First Cry of Independence Day (a.k.a. Los Santos Uprising Day; Panama)
Feast Days
Adelin of Séez (Christian; Saint)
Áed mac Bricc (Christian; Saint)
Ancestor Day IV (Pagan)
Andrew Avellino (Christian; Saint)
Arbrosimus (Christian; Saint)
Baudolino (Christian; Saint)
Chhath Parwa begins (4-Day Hindu/Vedic Festival of the Sun God Surya; Nepal)
Chhat Puja Parva begins (a.k.a. Surya Sasthi; 4-Day Hindu/Vedic Festival of the Sun God Surya; Parts of India)
Cthulu Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Elaeth (Christian; Saint)
El Lissitzky (Artology)
Festival of Cybergnosticism
Festival of Spiritual Indulgence
Festival of St. Bebiana (from beer, "to drink")
Galungan (Celebrating Victory of Dharma over Adharma; Bali)
Grellan (Christian; Saint)
Gus the Mailman (Muppetism)
Henry IV (Positivist; Saint)
Justus, Archbishop of Canterbury (Christian; Saint)
Leo I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Look on the Bright Side of Life Day (Pastafarian)
Louis le Brocquy (Artology)
Lübeck martyrs (Christian; Martyrs)
St. Martin's Eve [patron saint of tavern-keepers] (a.k.a. ... 
Mārtiņi (Ancient Latvia)
Martinisingen (Germany)
Martinmas Eve
Milles, Bishop of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Nincnevin (Old Scots festival celebrating Diana)
Nymphia (Christian; Saint)
Sina (Christian; Saint)
Theoctiste (Christian; Saint)
Tryphena of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Trypho and Respicius (Christian; Martyrs)
Wangala Festival (Meghalaya, India)
William Hogarth (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Binary Day [1011] (8 of 9)
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [54 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [27 of 30]
Ben and Me (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Blank Space, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2014)
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Live: 1975-85 (Live Album; 19986)
Butterflies (UK TV Series; 1978)
Catch-22, by Joseph Heller (Novel; 1960)
Change of Habit (Film; 1969)
Dash & Lily (TV Mini-Series; 2020)
Days of Future Passed, by The Moody Blues (Album; 1967)
Don’t Blame Me, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2017)
Dug’s Special Mission (Pixar Cartoon; 2009)
The French Lieutenant's Woman, by John Fowles (Novel; 1969)
Fuck (Documentary Film; 2006)
Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (Animated Film; 2015)
God Bless America, by Irving Berlin, sung by Kate Smith (Song; 1938)
The Golden Bowl, by Henry James (Novel; 1904)
Good Noose (WB LT Cartoon; 1962)
Happy Land (Film; 1943)
Horses, by Patti Smith (Album; 1975)
The Iceman Cometh (Film; 1973)
I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night, by The Electric Prunes (Song; 1966)
The Living Desert (Documentary Film; 1953)
The Marvels (Film; 2023)
Murder on the Orient Express (Film; 2017)
My Left Foot (Film; 1989)
Nights in White Satin, by The Moody Blues (Song; 1967)
Paddington 2 (Film; 2017)
The Polar Express (Animated Film; 2004)
Rebel Yell, by Billy Idol (Album; 1983)
Reputation, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2017)
Sesame Street (Children’s TV Series; 1969)
The Song of Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Poem; 1855)
Stranger Than Fiction (Film; 2006)
There They Go-Go-Go! (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Those Beautiful Dames (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Film; 2017)
Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
The Vicar of Dibley (UK TV Series; 1994)
Welcome to the Pleasuredome, by Frankie Goes to Hollywood (Album; 1984)
A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula Le Guin (Novel; 1968) [Earthsea #1]
Wyrd Sisters, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1988) [Discworld #6]
Zuma, by Neil Young (Album; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Andrea, Andreas, Jens, Leo (Austria)
Lav, Lavoslav, Leon (Croatia)
Evžen (Czech Republic)
Luther (Denmark)
Mardi, Mardo, Märt, Mart, Märten, Martin (Estonia)
Martti (Finland)
Léon, Noé (France)
Andrea, Andreas, Jens, Leo, Ted (Germany)
Arsenios, Arsinoe, Irodion, Milon, Orestis, Orion, Rodios, Sosipatros (Greece)
Réka (Hungary)
Andrea, Baudolino, Leone, Trifone (Italy)
Erasts, Mārcis, Mārtiņš (Latvia)
Andrius, Galvydė, Leonas, Vaišviltas (Lithuania)
Gudbjørg, Gudveig (Norway)
Andrzej, Lena, Leon, Ludomir, Nelly, Nimfa, Probus, Stefan (Poland)
Cuart, Erast, Olimp, Rodion, Sosipatru (Romania)
Tibor (Slovakia)
Andrés, León, Noé (Spain)
Martin, Martina (Sweden)
Flora, Florence, Florian, Jocelina, Joceline, Jocelyn, Jocelyne, Jocelynn, Joselyn, Joslyn, Justice, Justin, Justina, Justine, Justus (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 314 of 2024; 51 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 27 (Ren-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 26 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 26 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 14 Mir; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 28 October 2023
Moon: 8%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 Frederic (12th Month) [Henry IV]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 48 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 18 of 29)
0 notes
bharathidasanprabhu · 11 months
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🌎 WORLD KERATOCONUS DAY - 10 NOVEMBER 2023 - உலக கருவிழிக் கூம்பல் தினம் - 10 நவம்பர் 2023.
0 notes
Cataract Surgery Cost In Delhi
Micro Phaco with Micro Incision Foldable Lens (MICS)
Cataract is the clouding of the lens of your eye that impairs vision. Cataract is responsible for more than half of blindness in the world, which is a grim fact because it is a treatable condition. In cataract there is a buildup of protein in the lens that makes it cloudy. This prevents light from passing clearly through the lens, thereby causing loss of vision. Advancing age is a primary reason for cataract. With age, protein of the lens turns opaque. Other causes of cataract are metabolic disorders such as diabetes, excessive exposure to sunlight, lifestyle disorders like heavy alcohol consumption and smoking. Injury to the eye can also lead to clouding of the lens of the eye.
Treatment of Cataract
When cataract forms, surgery is the only way to treat it. In cataract surgery, the surgeon removes the clouded lens and puts an Intra Ocular Lens (IOL) in your eye. Your vision will be as good as pre-cataract days, though you may need to wear glasses. Over the years, cataract surgery has moved from vision restorative to refractive surgery, so that you have reduced need of glasses.
Type of Intra Ocular Lenses (IOL) for Cataract Surgery
1. Foldable IOL Micro Phaco Surgery
2. Aspheric Foldable IOL Micro Phaco Surgery 3. Toric Foldable IOL Micro Phaco Surgery 4. Multi-Focal Foldable IOL Micro Phaco Surgery
Phacoemulsification with Foldable IOL's
At Bajaj Eye Care Centre we use STELLARIS TM Micro Surgical System which is the world’s most advanced technology of Cataract Surgery by Bausch and Lomb approved by FDA. Through microphaco technology a very small incision of around 1.8mm is required to remove cataract from the eye. Through this ultra small incision, a very high frequency MICS Phaco tip is introduced inside the eye, breaking the hardest of cataracts into very small fragments which are sucked out through the same tip. Irrigation is provided through a separate side port. This arrangement provides the advantage of speedy recovery, faster healing and lesser surgery induced astigmatism. The surgery involves insertion of foldable Intra-Ocular lens which can be inserted through the 1.8mm incision. Bajaj Eye Care Centre is also equipped with Pulsar Minimal Stress Phaco Emulsification with advanced Posterior Vitrectome System from OPTIKON(Italy) We are handling a variety of Cataract cases and have given complete satisfaction to thousands of patients who have chosen Bajaj Eye Care Centre for cataract surgery.
Types of Intra-Ocular Lenses (IOL) for Cataract Surgery
1. Hydrophilic foldable IOL
2. Hydrophobic foldable IOL 3. Aspheric foldable IOL 4. MICS foldable IOL 5. Toric foldable IOL 6. Multifocal foldable IOL 7. Crystalens foldable IOL from Bausch & Lomb To schedule an appointment with Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, please contact: Name: Bajaj Eye Care Centre Address: 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, Plot No. 7, DDA Community Centre Road No. 44, Pitampura, Delhi-110034 Phone: 011-47024919 / 27012054 Website: www.bajajeyecarecentre.com You can also search for these treatments: Lasik treatment In Pitampura, Lasik treatment Cost In Pitampura, Lasik Eye Surgery In Pitampura, Eye Care Hospital In Pitampura, Eye Hospital In Pitampura, Eye Care Centre In Pitampura, Eye Specialist in Pitampura, Eye Doctor in Pitampura, Eye Clinic in Pitampura, Best eye Doctor in Pitampura, Cataract surgery in Pitampura, Cataract surgery cost in Pitampura, Cataract operation in Pitampura, Keratoconus treatment in Pitampura, Oculoplasty procedure in Pitampura, Ophthalmology clinic in Pitampura, Lasik treatment In Delhi, Lasik treatment Cost In Delhi, Lasik Eye Surgery In Delhi, Eye Care Hospital In Delhi, Eye Hospital In Delhi, Eye Care Centre In Delhi, Eye Specialist in Delhi, Eye Doctor in Delhi, Eye Clinic in Delhi, Best Eye Doctor in Delhi, Cataract surgery in Delhi, Cataract surgery cost in Delhi, Cataract operation in Delhi, Keratoconus treatment in Delhi, Oculoplasty procedure in Delhi, Ophthalmology clinic in Delhi,
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tatumeyecare · 1 year
Phoenix Scleral Lenses: A Visionary Solution for Eye Health
Are you seeking a revolutionary solution for your eye health in Phoenix, Arizona? Look no further than Phoenix Scleral Lenses, the ultimate answer to a wide range of ocular concerns. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of Scleral Contact Lenses in Phoenix, covering everything from their benefits to fitting procedures, insurance options, and more. Join us on this enlightening journey to discover why Phoenix Scleral Lenses are transforming eye care in the Valley of the Sun.
Understanding Scleral Lenses
Phoenix Scleral Lenses, also known as Scleral Contact Lenses, are a cutting-edge ocular solution that covers the entire cornea and rests on the white of the eye (sclera). This design offers several advantages over traditional contact lenses, making them a preferred choice for individuals with various eye conditions.
Benefits of Phoenix Scleral Lenses
Phoenix Scleral Lenses are not your ordinary contacts. They provide a range of benefits that set them apart:
Improved Comfort: Scleral lenses are incredibly comfortable due to their larger size and unique design, reducing irritation and dryness often associated with traditional lenses.
Enhanced Visual Clarity: These lenses offer exceptional visual acuity, making them suitable for individuals with complex vision issues like astigmatism and keratoconus.
Long-Lasting Moisture: The reservoir of saline solution between the lens and the eye ensures that your eyes stay moist throughout the day.
UV Protection: Some Scleral lenses come with built-in UV protection, safeguarding your eyes from harmful sun rays.
Customization: Phoenix Scleral Lenses can be tailored to your eye's specific shape and needs, ensuring a perfect fit.
The Scleral Lens Fitting Process
One of the critical aspects of Phoenix Scleral Lenses is the fitting process, which requires expertise and precision. Here's what you can expect during your Scleral Lens fitting in Phoenix:
Initial Consultation: Your journey begins with a consultation where your eye specialist assesses your eye health and discusses your vision goals.
Mapping Your Eyes: Advanced technology is used to create a detailed map of your eye's surface, enabling the customization of your lenses.
Trial Lenses: You'll try on trial lenses to ensure they fit comfortably and provide the best vision correction.
Final Prescription: Once the perfect fit is achieved, your eye specialist will prescribe your custom-made Scleral Lenses.
The Phoenix Scleral Lens Specialist
To ensure the best results, it's essential to consult with a certified Phoenix Scleral Lens specialist. These experts have undergone rigorous training and have extensive experience in fitting and prescribing Scleral Lenses. They are your go-to resource for all things related to Scleral Lenses in Phoenix.
Customized Solutions for Every Patient
No two eyes are the same, and that's why customization is at the heart of Phoenix Scleral Lenses. Your lenses will be uniquely crafted to address your specific needs, whether you're dealing with keratoconus, dry eyes, or other conditions. This tailored approach ensures optimal comfort and vision correction.
Exploring Scleral Lens Insurance Options
Scleral Lens insurance coverage can significantly reduce the financial burden associated with these specialized lenses. Many insurance providers offer plans that cover some or all of the costs related to Scleral Lenses in Phoenix. Be sure to explore these options to make your eye care more affordable.
Cutting-Edge Scleral Lens Technology
Phoenix Scleral Lenses are a testament to the ever-evolving field of eye care technology. These lenses incorporate the latest advancements to provide patients with the best possible vision and comfort. Whether you need lenses for keratoconus or dry eyes, you can trust in the technology behind Phoenix Scleral Lenses.
Proper Care for Your Scleral Lenses
Taking care of your Scleral Lenses is crucial for maintaining their longevity and effectiveness. Your eye specialist will provide you with detailed instructions on lens care, including cleaning, storage, and hygiene practices. Adhering to these guidelines will ensure that your lenses serve you well.
Pediatric Scleral Lenses: A Solution for Young Patients
Children with complex vision issues can also benefit from Phoenix Scleral Lenses. These lenses offer a reliable solution for pediatric patients with conditions like keratoconus, allowing them to enjoy improved vision and a better quality of life.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can anyone wear Phoenix Scleral Lenses?
Yes, Phoenix Scleral Lenses are suitable for many individuals, including those with astigmatism, keratoconus, and dry eyes. They are especially effective when traditional contacts or glasses fall short in providing the desired vision correction and comfort.
Do I need a prescription for Scleral Lenses?
Absolutely. A prescription from a qualified eye specialist is necessary to ensure the right fit and vision correction. Never attempt to wear Scleral Lenses without a proper prescription.
Are Scleral Lenses covered by insurance?
In many cases, yes. Some insurance providers offer coverage for Scleral Lenses, particularly when they are medically necessary. Be sure to check with your insurance company for details on your specific plan.
How long do Scleral Lenses last?
With proper care, Scleral Lenses can last for an extended period, often several years. Regular check-ups with your eye specialist will help monitor their condition and ensure they continue to provide optimal vision correction.
Are Scleral Lenses comfortable to wear?
Yes, many users find Scleral Lenses extremely comfortable due to their larger size and moisture-retaining design. However, comfort can vary from person to person, so it's essential to work closely with your eye specialist to achieve the best fit.
Can I insert and remove Scleral Lenses myself?
While it's possible to learn how to insert and remove Scleral Lenses, it's advisable to have your eye specialist teach you the proper techniques. They can provide guidance and ensure you handle the lenses safely.
Phoenix Scleral Lenses are a game-changer in the field of eye care, offering a versatile and effective solution for various vision issues. With the guidance of a skilled specialist, you can experience improved vision, comfort, and overall eye health. Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional contacts and glasses and embrace the future of eye care with Phoenix Scleral Lenses.
Tatum Eyecare is North Phoenix’s premier family eye care center. We’ve spared no expense to create the most pleasant, comfortable patient experience… including the finest furnishings, the best selection of prescription eyeglass frames, the most cutting-edge technology, and the most outstanding team of industry professionals. Come see why the choice for family eye care in the Valley has never been clearer.
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eyeclinicshreeji · 1 year
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At Shreeji, we are committed to providing excellence in all our services with super- specialized Eye and Dental Care with compassion quality, and cutting-edge technology. Our speciality services are Cataract, Lasik, Cornea, Glaucoma, Keratoconus, Paediatric Ophthlmology, Oculoplasty, Intravitreal Injections, and Retina Lasers And Surger. We try to bring about change in the life of all our patients by providing a clear vision and creating healthy and beautiful smiles every day. To be a truly world- class institution offering the best in eye and Dental Care with an experience that promotes lifelong relationships built on trust , quality of work, and exceptional patient care.
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eyelightlens · 1 year
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🎯Experience the Rose K2 lens - a vision correction solution that empowers those with keratoconus and irregular corneas to see the world with clarity and confidence.
✅ROSE K2 Contact Lenses 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝: Menicon (Made in UK) 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 & 𝐃𝐈𝐀: Any Power & Any DIA 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞: 35,000 Tk to 45,000 Tk (Price Depends on Power & Diameter) 𝐔𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞/𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Keratoconus 𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲: 1 Pair (2 Pieces) (N.B: Need 30 to 45 Days for Delivery & 60% Advance)
💟Gift RGP Solution + Lens Case + Starter Kit (With Plunger)
📌𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 & 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 & 𝐒𝐨𝐥���𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ☎️𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫: +8801616332343 (WhatsApp Available)
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maychorian · 4 years
Personal announcement: I'm about to go on medical leave for two weeks, possibly six. I will not be able to see well during that time, so I don't know how active I'll be on tumblr or if I'll be writing. I'm hoping that I'll still be able to do fandom stuff in some way. I'll be able to read fics on my phone, at least, but comments are likely to be less effusive than you may have come to expect from me because I absolutely despise writing on my phone. Or maybe I'll use text to speech and it will be an absolute mess, I don't know yet. But I still love you, and I will miss you, and hopefully I'll be back.
Detailed explanation below.
I have a condition called keratoconus in both of my eyes. It was diagnosed in my left eye when I was fourteen, and in my right eye when I was in college. The condition causes the corneas to be misshapen, slightly cone-shaped, which makes them thinner than the average cornea and there's a threat of perforation. The warped surface means that my vision is blurry, yes, but also I see a lot of things double and triple, especially high contrast things like black text on a stark white background or vice versa. Halos around light sources at night are also a problem. And I’m sensitive to light, but I keep my house dim and wear a visor when I get out, and that’s enough to handle it.
By the time my right eye was diagnosed, my left was so bad that it could not be corrected anymore. It had deteriorated very quickly in the previous five or six years. So having the right eye diagnosed as well felt like a sentence of blindness. Like a death sentence. I was terrified. I cried in my eye doctor's office. Fortunately, the right eye has not gotten that bad. It stabilized toward the end of my twenties or early thirties.
Still, my eyes are bad enough that glasses don't work to correct them. I have to use hard contacts. The contacts kind of replace the corneas, resting over the top, but they also shape the corneas slightly. Wearing them lets me see, but they can also have bad effects on the eyes if I'm not careful.
I had a cornea transplant in my left eye in 2013. I was so hopeful that I would finally be able to see out of that eye after years of it simply being lazy and wandering away. Unfortunately, the transplant was not a panacea. Even with a new, scleral hard contact, my left eye is only about 20/100. But it's better than it used to be, and it's not as lazy anymore. I can tell that it's actually contributing to my vision, and if I cover it for any reason, I get a little sick and dizzy.
But the right eye does pretty much all of the work. Without the right eye, I cannot see to read or drive or do my usual daily activities, like my customer service job. Certainly one of my greatest fears is still losing vision in that eye and no longer being able to function as I'm used to. I would rather go deaf, even though I love music very, very much.
Back when I first started talking about a transplant with my eye surgeon in Indianapolis (oh yeah, I'm fortunate enough to live two hours away from one of the foremost experts on keratoconus in the world), we also discussed a procedure for the right eye, called cross-linking. It was experimental at that time. They talked about getting me into study. But with regular visits and checks, when it seemed like my right eye was pretty much stabilized, it seemed like I wouldn't need it after all.
I had another one of those check-ups last week. There, the eye doctor told me that they were worried about the right eye, after all. There's something called...post anterior float, I think? Something like that. In any case, my right eye has crossed a line where it started to be concerning. Even though as far I could tell my vision was stable, and my numbers might have even improved since my last visit, they saw enough difference between when I first started seeing them in 2013 and now in 2020 that they wanted to do a deeper check.
So, I need to take out the contact in my right eye to let the eye revert to normal. This will take about two weeks. I have an appointment on 8/11/2020. Tomorrow is 7/29/20. Between those two dates, I will not wear my contacts.
On 8/11, my dad is going to drive down with me to Indy to get my eye checked. Then, if they decide I need to go ahead and get the cross-linking done, we'll do that the next day. It's not experimental anymore, so that's a good thing. What they'll do is basically spray riboflavin in the eye and then shine a special UV light on it. This strengthens the links between the proteins of the cornea and causes them to harden. The point of this is to stop the progression of keratoconus, kind of freezing my cornea the way it is now, so I won't need a transplant in the future.
If we do that, I won't be able to put my contact back in for another month.
So I won't be able to see. For two weeks, possibly (probably) six weeks. I am very depressed about this. I was a little surprised at how viscerally my body and my psychology reacted to this, honestly. It felt like that diagnosis in college. Like a sort of death sentence. Even though it should be temporary, it's a lot of my old fears rising up and grabbing me by the throat again. I don't want to lose my vision, not even for a few weeks.
But this is all about prevention and keeping it from getting worse. I have to do it. Even though I really don't want to.
I've been in a morbid mood all weekend, counting down to the days until I wouldn't be able to see anymore. Now I'm counting down the hours. When I woke up this morning, I thought, completely unironically, "The Dawn of the Final Day." All in caps like that.
Every single time I put in my hard contact in my right eye, it feels like a miracle. I can't see, then I can see again. I've always been so, so grateful for modern medicine, for the hard plastics that technology has created, for the specialized processes and all the work that's come before to make my life as livable and enjoyable as it is. Even twenty years ago, this condition would be much, much harder to live with. But as it is, I've gotten along quite well for many years.
And now I'm losing my miracle. Temporarily, certainly. But it hurts. I'm kind of in mourning.
I'll be okay, I'm sure. But there it is.
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keratoconusgroup · 10 months
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World Keratoconus Day 2023 #WorldKCDay https://www.keratoconusgroup.org/2021/10/world-keratoconus-day.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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