pbcnita · 4 years
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Back to your regularly scheduled unprogramming !😆😂😩🤷🏾‍♀️ Puff, puff, pass! I see no problem with it. #wearenotproperty #mindthebusinessthatpaysyou #worriedaboutthewrongthings #researchwhatyourep #youareinchargeofyou #yourancestorshavebeensavingyou #wearespirifirst #weareallextensionsofthecreator #freeyourminds #unlearnandrelearn #falsedoctrine #iknowafakewheniseeone #jesusistheveiltokeepyoufromyourpower #godputyourhelpcloserthanyouthink #intuitiveguidance #thepowerlieswithinyou #wearemultifacitedbeings #spiritiseternal #spiritualityoverreligion #reprogramyourmind #thereisnohell #thedevilisntreal #jesusaintreal #thebiblewaswrittenbyman #mentalslavery #toolstocontrolthemasses #goodcharacter #sundayspecial #sundayservice #religionwasneverourway https://www.instagram.com/p/CABQ-Jont4H/?igshid=13f65k3cirgke
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theivansharris · 5 years
So, like I've been doing the last 20 plus years...I waited until Sunday to go to "the store". Obviously, this Sunday was a very different circumstance. Alot of things were sold out...but, I still was able to navigate. I honestly should write a blog about the common things that were left behind, and the ODD things that were sold out. It was amazing to me. 😮 #WorriedAboutTheWrongThings #VitaminsWerePlentiful #CleaningSuppliesWereAvailable #ButTheToiletPaperThough (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9yRKdOHhJo/?igshid=1vxo481xjezw7
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#Trump #45 #worriedaboutthewrongthings #espn #hisandhers
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tualtovamos · 8 years
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Wow that North Korean flag is really tall! They must be better...
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tacothedreamkiller · 7 years
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Sometimes we find ourselves wondering how we can fix things or make them better and we get distracted and stop allowing the Father to do what He promises. Let go and let God! The more we spend with Him and less time viewing problems from our perspective, the more vivid His plan becomes. #worriedaboutthewrongthing #clearview #StayAnchored 2 Corinthians 4:16‭-‬18 NLT That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.
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