ninja-weapons · 6 years
What would you do in this situation? Comment below 👇 @Regran_ed from @selfdefense_barangi - دفاع شخصی کاربردی و هوشمند #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #kyokushin #taekwonbo #JUJITSU #HOKUTORYU #ninja #savate #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #boxing #fifher #ufs #kick #fitness #full #contact #fight #دفاع_شخصی #خیابانی #حامد_برنگی https://www.instagram.com/p/BrZIWwgFthu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1aobvxl7mfj6z
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martinsaints · 7 years
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Because destiny will put you where you must be, when you must be there... ♥ love and happiness to my best friend and his wife. Wosho And Monalisa. Honored to be present at your wedding 💒 and I hope you both guide each other through life with love and more love. Cause everything else is secondary. 😍 (at Sitio Zezé Lilia)
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amnonjakony · 6 years
RDC : l’évangéliste Elisabeth Olangi est morte
RDC : l’évangéliste Elisabeth Olangi est morte
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L’évangéliste Elisabeth Wosho Onyumbe est morte dans la nuit du lundi 4 juin à son domicile à Kinshasa. Selon Jessy Kabasele, chargé de communication du couple Olangi, la famille et la communauté se réunissent afin d’établir un programme.
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hbarangi · 4 years
زمانی که مهاجم با دو دست یقه شما را می گیرد، چه کنیم؟ قسمت دهم از ساده ترین حرکات و تکنیک های دفاع شخصی برای آموزش استفاده شده است و به مرور زمان حرکات ترکیبی آموزش داده خواهد شد. می توانید این تکنیک ها را با رعایت احتیاط در باشگاه تمرین کنید. انجام این حرکات نیاز به تمرین و تکرار زیادی دارد، تا بتوان در مقابل حمله عکس العمل سریع و مناسب نشان داد. #حامد_برنگی #سهیل_حسن_دخت #دفاع_شخصی #آموزش #دفاع #ورزش #قهرمان_جهان #گیلان #رشت #hamed_barangi #soheil_hasandokht #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #isfahan #taekwondo #savate #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #fitnessmotivation #rasht #gilan https://www.instagram.com/p/CAP1LYDgXeZ/?igshid=135dpdn5w3dwu
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. . @selfdefence1 . Credit : 15cek . . #دفاع_شخصی #فیتنس #بدنسازی # #Military#selfdefense#kickboxing#army#defense#martialarts#karate#judo#mma#kyokushin#taekwonbo#alkido#JUJITSU#HOKUTORYU#ninja#savate#hapkido#judo#fullcontact#sport#wosho#boxing#ufc#kick#fitness#
Source: ufc
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Recently the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention released a disturbing report regarding the death of an elderly woman in Woshoe County, Nev. The cause of her death wasn’t heart disease or cancer or pneumonia. What killed her were bacteria that were resistant to every antibiotic that doctors could throw at them.
This anonymous woman is just the latest victim in a war against antibiotic…
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ladyblonde97 · 7 years
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Low Angle View, Tree, Nature, Growth, Branch, Violet Sky , Beauty In Nature, Sky, Autumn, Leaf, No Edit/no Filter, No Filter, No Edit, Just Photography, The Purist (no Edit, No Filter), Fragility, Freshness, Beautiful Decay, Autumn Colors, Autumn Leaves, Autumn Collection, Shades Of Nature, Fall Beauty, Autumn Beauty, Liquidambar, Elegant by Mr. Wosho on EyeEm
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surveyjunkie · 8 years
1. Have you had an argument with anyone recently? If so, do you still have issues with that person?
I got into a very bad argument with my stepdad yesterday that resulted in me deciding to move out. I’ve always had issues with him and always will. 
2. Are you talking to anyone while filling this in? How about texting / chatting on Facebook?
Nope. I’m just doing my own thing.
3. Have you done something recently that helped someone else, in any way?
Well, yeah. My job is to help my boss with all of her paperwork and projects so there’s that. And then I gave my boyfriend rides this weekend because his car is still in the shop. 
4. What kind of mood are you in atm? Is someone else responsible for that mood?
I’m in kind of a downer mood. My mom and stepdad are both equally responsible. 
5. Has someone of the opposite sex been getting on your nerves lately?
Yep, my stepdad. And getting on my nerves is putting it lightly. 
6. Who was the last person that asked to hang out with you? Tell me the story of how you met that person, everything you remember.
My friend Katy. We met at a bar in Covington over a year ago and have been hanging out ever since. 
7. If you knew that one of your friends was considering suicide, what would you say to them?
I have been in that situation with a friend. I made sure to listen to him and hear him out and just basically let him know I cared. I also talked with him about my personal experiences with feeling suicidal and depressed. Eventually, I told his best friend about it because it was getting scary, he seems to be doing much better now. 
8. Have you ever felt so depressed that you were struggling to carry on? If so, what would you say to someone else who was in that situation?
I feel that way a lot. I’d tell them that many people, including me, have felt that way at some point to let them know they’re not alone. I’d also tell them it’s okay to take a break and just do nothing and let your brain and heart heal when they’re feeling overwhelmed. One thing I’ll never forget it is how my mom would aggressively force me to get up and do stuff when I was severely depressed and it actually made me feel x100 worse. I’d let the person know that it’s okay to sleep in and watch TV if that’s the only thing making them feel better at the moment. Sometimes we just need a minute to become productive again. 
9. Have you ever worn coloured mascara? If not, would you ever think about trying it? And if you have, what is / was your favourite colour to wear?
No. I just like to wear black mascara.
10. What do you remember about your first day of secondary school? Were you more nervous or excited about it?
I was really excited to start high school. Being with all the older kids, having homecomings and proms and football games, all of that really excited me for whatever reason. I'll never forget my first day walking into the halls with my red hair and people being like “woah, you’ve changed since middle school”. I also remember how much nicer and new the high school building was compared to the middle school building, so that was really cool. I loved being a freshman. 
11. Who was the last person to pay you a compliment?
Bosho wosho
12. Tell me about the shirt you’re wearing. Is it one of your favourites?
No...it’s just a beige and black striped shirt that I bought specifically for work. It is comfy though. 
13. Is there anything that’s happened in the past month, that you wish you could go back in time and change?
14. What color is your purse / wallet?
My purse is a light brown color, and my wallet is black and white with native print. 
15. What’s the closest item to you that’s black?
My computer
16. Do you think guys see your mother as a ‘yummy mummy’?
Ugh probably. 
17. Is there a certain name that you think seems to have become really popular, and you know lots of people with that same name?
Rachel and Katie are extremely popular names around here, and Kennedy is a popular baby girl’s name this year
18. What’s the most expensive item in your make-up bag?
I really don’t know, probably one of my lipsticks
19. Think about what you looked like 5 years ago. How did you look different, compared to the way you look now?
Well, 5 years ago I was a lot skinnier. I had my natural hair color, my nose was still pierced, and I always wore eyeliner. Now, I’m slightly fatter, my hair is maroon, my nose is no longer pierced, and I never wear make up. Ohhh adulthood. 
20. Who was the last person of the opposite sex to text you? Do you think that person is attracted to you?
Josh, and I hope so. 
21. Before Facebook became popular, did you use any other social networking site, like Bebo or Myspace?
I used MySpace. Funny how that was like the thing back in the day, and then it just literally died. <<
22. Has anyone ever asked you out, and you turned them down? If so, did you feel guilty about it? Why do you think you said no?
Yes, and I always felt really guilty about it because I hate getting rejected. I usually said no because I wasn’t attracted to them or they just weren’t my type. 
23. Name the last three people of the opposite sex that you talked to. What did you talk about?
My boyfriend...we talked about a jacket I was
24. Who is your most recent text message from? Has that person ever told you that they love you?
My boyfriend, and yes he has. 
25. Have you ever asked anyone “Do you love me?” If so, did you get the response you wanted? Do you think when someone says “I love you”, you feel obliged to say it back?
Sometimes I’ll ask my friends or my boyfriend, “How much do you love me?” as a joke to get them to do me a favor. When it comes to my boyfriend I don’t always feel obligated to say “I love you” back because I’m still in the phase where I feel awkward saying it in person. It’s really weird. I do truly love him a lot but it just feels weird to say that to somebody in person without feeling vulnerable. It’s just...a new thing for me.
26. I know it’s a depressing thought, but have you ever actually tried to imagine what the end of the world might be like?
I think we’re experiencing the first stages of it now. I know everybody jokes about it, but America is about to be destroyed from the inside out and we are the most powerful, (or maybe 2nd most powerful, I forget) nation in the world. 
27. Which Disney princess do you think is the most beautiful? Why?
I’ll go with Ariel because hair goals. 
28. Someone tells you that you’re wasting your time with the person you like. What do you say?
I’d ask them why they felt that way
29. Has anything happened in the last 7 days that you’d like to forget?
30. Has someone of the opposite sex ever sang to you? If so, how did you respond to it?
Yes. It was sweet.
31. When did you last hug someone of the opposite sex?
32. Have you ever seen the film “Casablanca”? Did you like it?
I think I’ve seen bits of it. 
33. If you’ve had a bad experience in a past relationship, did you find that you were scared to get into another relationship, in case the same thing happened again?
Yep. I still get scared about it from time to time. I know that Josh is so different from all the other guys I’ve dated in the past but it’s still a fear I have just because of experience. 
34. Are you friends with the last person you hugged, or something more?
She’s my mother
35. Do you ever post song lyrics as your Facebook status?
Every now and then. I used to do it a lot but then kind of stopped because people would be like “what’s your status about” or “are you okay???” not realizing it was a song lyric I posted. 
36. How many girls do you know with the name ‘Georgina?’
Lol none
38. Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis, or do you prefer to save it for special occasions?
I drink a glass of wine every other day
39. Do you have a relative whose name begins with ‘L’? Tell me about him / her.
Oh god, Laura. She’s my aunt on my dad’s side. I won’t go into too much detail, but she’s basically been shunned from the rest of the family ever since my grandma died. It has to do with inheritance and all that and it’s just a very ugly and sad situation. 
40. Did you play with Barbies when you were a kid, or did you prefer something else?
I was obsessed with Barbies. I’m sure there were tons of other toys I played with as a child, but Barbies are the ones that stand out the most. 
41. Are you a secretive person?
I keep to myself a lot in “real” life, but online I share a lot.<<
42. When did you last eat?
A couple hours ago.
43. If you were going to buy a present for the person you love / like, what would you generally choose?
He needs a proper winter hat, so I would get him that. 
44. Do you plan on kissing the last person you kissed, again?
45. If I’m going to buy you a box of chocolates, which kind should I definitely NOT get?
Please no dark chocolate 
46. If you met the celebrity that you most admire, what would be the first thing you’d say to him/her?
Oh man. I’d be such a nervous wreck I probably couldn’t come up with something coherent. <<
47. Has anyone ever told you that you are special? If so, do you think that person meant it?
Yes, but I don’t think they meant it. Besides my family history, there’s nothing really special about me. 
48. Is there something you generally always ask for help with?
I can’t think of one particular thing. I guess carrying heavy stuff. 
49. If you had to give up your phone or your computer, which would it be?
My phone. I spend all my time on my laptop.<<
50. Has anyone called you gorgeous / beautiful today?
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hbarangi · 4 years
زمانی که مهاجم مشت می زند، چه کنیم؟ قسمت سوم انجام این حرکات نیاز به تمرین و تکرار زیادی دارد، تا بتوان در مقابل حمله عکس العمل سریع و مناسب نشان داد. از ساده ترین حرکات و تکنیک های دفاع شخصی برای آموزش استفاده شده است و به مرور زمان حرکات ترکیبی آموزش داده خواهد شد. می توانید این تکنیک ها را با رعایت احتیاط در خانه یا باشگاه تمرین کنید. #حامد_برنگی #سهیل_حسن_دخت #دفاع_شخصی #آموزش #دفاع #ورزش #قهرمان_جهان #گیلان #رشت #در_خانه_بمانیم #hamed_barangi #soheil_hasandokht #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #isfahan #taekwondo #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #fitnessmotivation #rasht #gilan (at Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_cXLugDIna/?igshid=wmvdgli4ojyt
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hbarangi · 4 years
زمانی که مهاجم با دو دست یقه شما را می گیرد، چه کنیم؟ قسمت نهم از ساده ترین حرکات و تکنیک های دفاع شخصی برای آموزش استفاده شده است و به مرور زمان حرکات ترکیبی آموزش داده خواهد شد. می توانید این تکنیک ها را با رعایت احتیاط در باشگاه تمرین کنید. انجام این حرکات نیاز به تمرین و تکرار زیادی دارد، تا بتوان در مقابل حمله عکس العمل سریع و مناسب نشان داد. #حامد_برنگی #سهیل_حسن_دخت #دفاع_شخصی #آموزش #دفاع #ورزش #قهرمان_جهان #گیلان #رشت #hamed_barangi #soheil_hasandokht #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #isfahan #taekwondo #savate #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #fitnessmotivation #rasht #gilan (at Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-wsURHj_AG/?igshid=p0hll3up9tfy
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hbarangi · 5 years
زمانی که مهاجم با دو دست یقه شما را می گیرد، چه کنیم؟ قسمت هشتم از ساده ترین حرکات و تکنیک های دفاع شخصی برای آموزش استفاده شده است و به مرور زمان حرکات ترکیبی آموزش داده خواهد شد. می توانید این تکنیک ها را با رعایت احتیاط در باشگاه تمرین کنید. انجام این حرکات نیاز به تمرین و تکرار زیادی دارد، تا بتوان در مقابل حمله عکس العمل سریع و مناسب نشان داد. #حامد_برنگی #سهیل_حسن_دخت #دفاع_شخصی #آموزش #دفاع #ورزش #قهرمان_جهان #گیلان #رشت #hamed_barangi #soheil_hasandokht #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #isfahan #taekwondo #savate #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #fitnessmotivation #rasht #gilan (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CKCXUD1tk/?igshid=1eebg1iz0t08r
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hbarangi · 5 years
زمانی که مهاجم با دو دست یقه شما را می گیرد، چه کنیم؟ قسمت هفتم از ساده ترین حرکات و تکنیک های دفاع شخصی برای آموزش استفاده شده است و به مرور زمان حرکات ترکیبی آموزش داده خواهد شد. می توانید این تکنیک ها را با رعایت احتیاط در باشگاه تمرین کنید. انجام این حرکات نیاز به تمرین و تکرار زیادی دارد، تا بتوان در مقابل حمله عکس العمل سریع و مناسب نشان داد. #سهیل_حسن_دخت #حامد_برنگی #دفاع_شخصی #آموزش #دفاع #ورزش #قهرمان_جهان #گیلان #رشت #soheil_hasandokht #hamed_barangi #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #isfahan #taekwondo #savate #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #fitnessmotivation #rasht #gilan (at Espania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9w0fsdnTXy/?igshid=1aa4rg71638xy
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hbarangi · 5 years
زمانی که مهاجم با دو دست یقه شما را می گیرد، چه کنیم؟ قسمت ششم از ساده ترین حرکات و تکنیک های دفاع شخصی برای آموزش استفاده شده است و به مرور زمان حرکات ترکیبی آموزش داده خواهد شد. می توانید این تکنیک ها را با رعایت احتیاط در باشگاه تمرین کنید. انجام این حرکات نیاز به تمرین و تکرار زیادی دارد، تا بتوان در مقابل حمله عکس العمل سریع و مناسب نشان داد. #حامد_برنگی #سهیل_حسن_دخت #دفاع_شخصی #آموزش #دفاع #ورزش #قهرمان_جهان #گیلان #رشت #hamed_barangi #soheil_hasandokht #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #isfahan #taekwondo #savate #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #fitnessmotivation #rasht #gilan https://www.instagram.com/p/B9bvdhonqcD/?igshid=7p3tcgwgxbeg
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hbarangi · 5 years
مهاجم یک دست شما را گرفته و شما را به سمتی می برد. انجام این حرکات نیاز به تمرین و تکرار زیادی دارد، تا بتوان در مقابل حمله عکس العمل سریع و مناسب نشان داد. از ساده ترین حرکات و تکنیک های دفاع شخصی برای آموزش استفاده شده است و به مرور زمان حرکات ترکیبی آموزش داده خواهد شد. می توانید این تکنیک ها را با رعایت احتیاط در باشگاه تمرین کنید. #حامد_برنگی #سهیل_حسن_دخت #دفاع_شخصی #آموزش #دفاع #ورزش #گیلان #رشت #hamed_barangi #soheil_hasandokht #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #isfahan #taekwondo #savate #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #rasht #gilan (at Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9JGvSBns8R/?igshid=1eb79r9uggo7
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hbarangi · 5 years
زمانی که مهاجم مشت می زند، چه کنیم؟ انجام این حرکات نیاز به تمرین و تکرار زیادی دارد، تا بتوان در مقابل حمله عکس العمل سریع و مناسب نشان داد. از ساده ترین حرکات و تکنیک های دفاع شخصی برای آموزش استفاده شده است و به مرور زمان حرکات ترکیبی آموزش داده خواهد شد. می توانید این تکنیک ها را با رعایت احتیاط در باشگاه تمرین کنید. #حامد_برنگی #سهیل_حسن_دخت #دفاع_شخصی #آموزش #دفاع #ورزش #قهرمان_جهان #گیلان #رشت #hamed_barangi #soheil_hasandokht #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #isfahan #taekwondo #savate #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #fitnessmotivation #rasht #gilan https://www.instagram.com/p/B8npAnCHyQL/?igshid=r0rkfdoumw8p
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hbarangi · 5 years
رهایی در زمان گرفتن مچ دستان از ساده ترین حرکات و تکنیک های دفاع شخصی برای آموزش استفاده شده است و به مرور زمان حرکات ترکیبی آموزش داده خواهد شد. می توانید این تکنیک ها را با رعایت احتیاط در باشگاه تمرین کنید. #سهیل_حسن_دخت #حامد_برنگی #دفاع_شخصی #آموزش #دفاع #ورزش #قهرمان_جهان #گیلان #رشت #soheil_hasandokht #hamed_barangi #Military #selfdefense #kickboxing #army #defense #martialarts #karate #judo #mma #isfahan #taekwondo #savate #hapkido #judo #fullcontact #sport #wosho #fitnessmotivation #rasht #gilan https://www.instagram.com/p/B8eEOlGnPxO/?igshid=1e2h3qdeqev8a
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