#would being incoluated convince Magnus to let go of the Chalice and go with them willingly?
liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
What if in the scenario that Magnus took the Chalice, the only way to get him back was to time jump to his timeline, and the only way to do that was to create another powerful artifact using the Light because that's the only power source strong enough to make something like that, but then of course Magnus doesn't want to leave the timeline he's in, but in the ensuing conflict, something happens that makes him want to fix it, so he uses the Chalice again, making Taako, Merle, possibly Lucretia since she would have to be the one who made the second "Chalice", and whoever else time jump again, and then like, Magnus dies or something, and of course they can't have that! So they make a new timeline, and it just turns into an unofficial contest of who can fuck up time the most trying to get what the other wants until time is so broken and both artifacts have a chokehold on their wielders, and no one knows how to unfuck this situation
Wouldn't that be fucked up? Lol
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