#would rather replay mass effect tho
michelledoarty · 1 year
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Playing Starfield but thinking about him
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dingbingbats · 11 months
would've done this sooner but i was tagged around when i was shadowbanned lol
coke or pepsi? dr pepper unless cherried coke
disney or dreamworks? #shreksweep
coffee or tea? somda...
books or movies? uhhhhhh. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
windows or mac? windows all the way
dc or marvel? i just like james gunn's work o
x-box or playstation? nint swi
dragon age or mass effect? haven't touched either ever
night owl or early riser? night owl alright
cards or chess? no bongcloud in cards :(
chocolate or vanilla? choclayate all the way
vans or converse? shoes is shoes
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? no fuckin clue what those are
fluff or angst? both's good
beach or forest? depends on bugs
dogs or cats? kimmy
clear skies or rain? rain it's too hot here usually
cooking or eating out? eating out ig. sensory issue...
spicy food or mild food? my spice tolerance is below sea level
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? idrk at this point. month off school but family and no friends
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? neither what is wrong with you. cold ig
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? shapeshifting or invisibility ez
animation or live action? animation (esp 2d, pixel, and stop mo) but practical effects are sick as hell
paragon or renegade? whichever is funnier
baths or showers? bath
team cap or team ironman? taylor hebert kill them with spiders. but eh ig i like captain america in terms of representing progress (and not being a billionaire)
fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy but i do like sci-fi elements
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? idk but there are some shitposts that replay in my mind on a semiregular basis
youtube or netflix? youtube ig
when do you feel accomplished? when im doing better than someone else tbh
star wars or star trek? i like the funi robots
paperback books or hardcover books? hardcover
to live in a world without literature or without music? depends on if we count comics as literature i think
who was the last person to make you laugh? idk
city or countryside? city
favorite chips? fucked up in the club eating detos
pants or dresses? pants
libraries or museums? natural history museums
character driven stories or plot driven stories? that juicy midpoint.
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks wtf is wrong w/ you
Dream job? i do not dream of labor. money for having opinions would be nice tho
What gives you comfort? friends, blorbos and catharsis
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? chorus, "Nobodyʼs perfect anymore / So why canʼt I be your golden boy?", all of this
favorite ice cream flavor ever?
tagging others, add your own new question at the end if you follow up: @rapt0r @that-one-empty-skull @tatangadragon @not-too-many-eyes
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autistickhunsam · 2 years
so after replaying both the masse effect ot and andromeda ive been thinking that it would make a lot more sense for the new game to be a sequel to andromeda rather than the ot. it does seem like they might be linking them tho at this point everything is speculation. but most of the ending options in the ot would have ended in the defeat of the reapers. only two options would be left were they would still be a threat iirc. the one where shepard turns into one of them and controls them in which shepard would have been corrupted and now theyre trying to continue the cycle (which i think could be a cool thing to explore cause how devasting would that be) or where the reapers kill everyone and the cycle continues but then that wouldnt happen again for another 50k years and as we know the new game is within liaras lifetime
sure theres still story in the milky way but you have to essentially come up with a new bad guy since the reapers are gone. meanwhile andromeda was set up to continue its story. theres still a bunch of unanswered questions. theres still the mystery of the jaardan, theres still the kett and exaltation, primus is still alive and theyre not even the main boss. meridian was just a battle not the war. it would make a lot more sense to focus on the andromeda galaxy
of course i would love a sequel for both but i think i would prefer one just for andromeda and then maybe one linking both of them or just the milky way galaxy. if you have one game were youre gonna explore/link both games its not gonna give andromeda time to fully explore that story. but my guess is that this isnt gonna be the last one
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sky-scribbles · 7 years
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Tanner Hawke’s playthrough of DA2 is done! I never did do a proper introductory post for him, so instead I’ll talk about some assorted thoughts I have about him and his story in the game, and throw in a bunch of my favourite screenshots.
Rambling about an aggressive pro-mage, Merrill-mancing rogue Hawke below the cut, plus my thoughts on several random things in the game.
(Ffs, my blog theme’s squishing my pretty screenshots again. I’ll see if I can sort that out soon.)
- I was a little worried about playing Red Hawke at first, but... I actually really enjoyed it? Where the red options got too aggressive, I’d switch briefly to green or purple, ‘cause Tanner’s a ‘lil jerk except he really isn’t at heart. He ended up about 80% red, 15% blue and 5% purple - and when speaking to his friends and loved ones, it was almost always blue and purple options. And even a lot of the red options were much more simply brutally honest rather than outright aggressive. I think I misjudged Red Hawke; I have rather a soft spot for them now. They come across, to me, as bitter, blunt, to-the-point and ready to fight, but not in the least dislikeable, as long as they’re not picking horrible options in the moral choices.
- This was my first time with Warden Bethany, and it was both heartbreaking and wonderful. The former because that first bitter letter she sent Tanner was just the saddest thing, and seeing her resentful of the Warden life and of the brother who loved her was just agony. But... she grew up so much. Circle Bethany is happier, but Warden Bethany is stronger, older, maybe even wiser, by the end. I ended up loving it far more than I expected.
(The family all looked really alike in this game too, which was amazing ‘cause my first Hawke looked like he was the milkman’s child.)
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Sorry Fenris I know not all of us have great bonds with our sisters
- And the Merrill romance was just. The cutest thing. Few things have made me happier than seeing my withdrawn and hot-tempered Red Hawke melt into a gentle puddle around his sweet little elf. 
I do wish there had been a bit more content to the romance - one flirt option in the entirety of act one and not a single one again until her personal quest halfway through act two? Not even an opening conversation in act 2? Really? If I remember rightly, Anders and Fenris both had multiple flirt options in their recruitment quests and post-recruitment convos, then more in their opening chats in act 2... and I really got the feeling of yes, these guys and my Hawkes were already forming an attraction soon after they met, and it’s been growing stronger these past years. With Merrill, I... didn’t get that so much. Which is absolutely not a knock on her character or her romance, both of which I loved! I’m just a sappy little thing who wants mooore.
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Look at these cuties tho
- It was pretty interesting playing a character who is 100% behind tearing down the Templars almost right from the get-go. I wasn’t sure how Tanner would feel about the mage rebellion at first, but things were decided with a single line from Cullen in act one: ‘I’ve heard interesting things about your sister, Hawke. I hope they’re not true.’ Cue the incredibly protective Tanner dragging his sister to the Deep Roads with him to keep her away from the Templars, only to lose her to the Wardens and have her resent him for it. So Tanner pretty much blames the Templars for everything that’s gone wrong in his relationship with his sister, and that’s not something he forgives easily. 
A big part of his character development was going from the Circle needs to be destroyed because the Templars did me a personal wrong to it needs to be destroyed because it’s the right thing to do. He alone of all my Hawkes so far didn’t really question Anders’s actions during the final stage of Justice, guessing that this was the first strike of the war against the Templars, and deciding that he was willing to be a part of that war.
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Yes, I did the first stage of The Last Straw with a three-mage party. It was awesome.
- Tanner and Fenris had such a great friendship. Two withdrawn, bitter but good-hearted blade-wielders who don’t hold back when it comes to avenging the wrongs done to them... It’s a match made in the Golden City. I headcanon that Tanner spent a lot of his time ‘round Fenris’s mansion, both of them drinking and complaining about pretty much everything.
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Battle buddies ftw.
Actually, Tanner had good friendships going with all the party - he was in the Rivalry zone with Aveline for some time, and I did consider pursuing that path with her, but in the end I just couldn’t do it; after some initial headbutting over their different methods, they came to respect each other immensely.
I think Varric and Anders drew for closeness with Tanner after Fenris - the former because he’s one of the only people who can get Tanner to open up and laugh, the latter because he made Tanner feel he could actually do something about the messed-up world that took his sister from him, rather than just venting his anger with mercenary work. Anders might not have the best handle on his own rage, but he sure was good at channelling Tanner’s into something productive.
Choosing my party was always a struggle; quite often it was ‘OK, which one of Varric, Fenris and Anders is being dragged along with Tanner, Merrill and Bethany this time?’ But I still had plenty of mix-and-matching, especially on personal quests, where I always tend to drag along the party members who get along with whoever’s quest I’m doing (Isabela tends to be a staple in personal quests, ‘cause she accepts everyone just as they are, bless her wonderful roguish heart.)
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- It was my first time doing the Legacy DLC, and I loved it. Having more time to interact with Hawke’s sibling is an automatic win, and it also gave some extra exposition on Corypheus’s powers and motivation that really make me wish I’d had this DLC before I played DAI for the first time. Everything just makes sense once you see Corypheus calling upon Dumat, and being answered with nothing. I can’t wait to do the DLC again when I replay Dalton and Bryony, my first two Hawkes. 
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All in all, I loved this playthrough to death. Rogue combat was amazing (Tanner was so overpowered by the end - Mark of Death plus Assassinate took out bosses with terrifying speed) and I’m very, very fond of Tanner, his tiny elf wife, and his bickering found family. This game still continues to own my heart - it’s so personal, so full of character, so focused on emotion.
What’s up next? I’m probably going back to SWTOR and Mass Effect for a bit, but when I return to Dragon Age... the Inquisitor in Tanner’s universe is gonna be a dwarven warrior named Tova Cadash who’ll romance Sera, but she’s going to be on hold for a bit. Mostly because I have a fierce desire to replay my first Warden and Hawke and... I’m not sure I can fight it.
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userwithnoname · 7 years
ive played skyrim before and liked it an a friend recommended dragon age but i dont know which one i should pick
Hm… this is still a little bit complicated, so I’m going to put another cut here just because it gets a little long.
tl;dr Your friend was probably talking about Inquisition, and while I recommend you start with Origins, Inquisition’s not a bad game to jump in with.
If Skyrim is your only basis for comparison, then I think your friend was recommending for you Dragon Age: Inquisition. I was in a very similar place when I started playing Dragon Age: had just beat Skyrim for the thousandth time, was getting bored and didn’t know how to mod my game, so I started looking at Steam recommendations. However, I had a bit of a buffer. Steam recommended me Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, which is a pretty good game, but not quite what I was looking for.
What Skyrim lacked to me was character involvement. That isn’t to say there aren’t good characters, but they are limited and of the companions you’re given, they have little to do with the actual story and almost no involvement other than one quest here or there. Kingdoms of Amalur is similar to Skyrim in terms of story and gameplay, and if you liked Skyrim’s open-world and hack’n’slash combat, you’ll like Kingdoms.
To that end, Dragon Age is a pretty logical leap from either of those. But I can see where it would get confusing. The games are both reliant upon each other, yet can contradict each other horribly. When most people talk about Dragon Age. they’re referring to Inquisition because it’s the newest game to come out in the series. But as I mentioned, there are three games in total, not counting Awakening or Heroes of Dragon Age.
There’s no easy way to do this, so I’ll do a brief description then a (personal) pros and cons to each game before talking about the flaws the series has on a whole.
(Disclaimer: I am not a games reviewer or expert in any sense, these are personal opinions so take them with a grain of salt.)
Dragon Age: Origins (DA:O):
The first game in the series, DA:O focuses on the Warden or Hero of Ferelden. Without getting too much into the story, it heavily focuses on the arc of your character and the story that unfolds, allowing you a range of choices and quests that help keep replaying the game from getting boring.
Personalized character backstory.
Character creation is interesting.
Pretty backgrounds (for the time).
Pausing combat doesn’t interrupt the flow of combat too much.
Gameplay is pretty straightforward and intuitive (at least on PC).
A lot of dialogue options.
Just enough side quests to pad out the story without distracting from the main quests.
Quest timing options.
Gifts to fix things if you mess up the dialogue options and can’t reload a save (they have diminishing returns, so be wary).
Companion options–don’t like someone? Kick them out of the party!
Weapon and armor options–spell casting doesn’t work well for this, but most weapons and armor aren’t class restricted.
Main character has no voice acting.
Clunky animations. Like… mages in particular just stand there and point a staff in the air and sometimes wave their hand.
Sometimes confusing leveling mechanics.
Too much Codex stuff too fast.
Focuses a little too much on Alistair romance (even if I love him) and not much on the other characters.
Dialogue options can be hard to understand–this was before Bioware got their choice menu properly sorted out.
Will probably never see the Warden/Hero ever again no matter what they accomplish.
No armor modifications, only giving runes to some weapons.
Repetitive environments.
Limited romance options.
Dragon Age II (DA II):
As the name implies it is second in the series, focusing on Hawke, the eventual Champion of Kirkwall, and has only a little to do with Origins. Not a direct sequel, DA II is very disputed across the fandom, and could have been handled better in general. Bioware changed their story-telling rhythm in this, instead breaking it up into 3 acts rather than major quests you can pick and choose the order of.
New main quest each Act that focuses on Hawke as a person.
Combat animation feels involved and fluid–you’ve upgraded from a person standing to actual fighting.
Hide hats option in menu.
Main character is voice acted now–yay!
Fixed the dialogue options so it’s not as confusing.
Dog is no longer a party member, so you have a back up you can summon if shit hits the fan.
Gives you a junk slot in your inventory so you know what you can sell.
Rival and Friendship system make it so you can hate someone you need and still keep them in your party.
Rival and Friendship system make it so you can romance someone even if you don’t particularly like them.
Rival and Friendship system also, unfortunately, can lead to weird things happening in the story unless you go all out one way or another.
Cannot have a set team you use all the time unless you’re willing to possibly lose a few companions *coughs*Isabela*coughs*. Characters must be rotated out on quests if you want to get Friendship/Rivalry where it needs to be.
Specific, limited gifts that are easy to miss.
Confusing leveling mechanics.
The fuck did they do to the elves in this one?
Almost no interaction from anything in DA:O.
The screen layout got worse.
Facial animations (specifically eyebrows and mouth) are sometimes horrifying.
Character relationships are harder to manage.
Spend more time thinking about who you want on what quest than you probably should.
Romances are weirdly broken up in this one.
Armor picked up can only be worn by Hawke.
Please. Just let me romance Varric.
Combat animations are a little over the top and unrealistic.
Story makes it feel like your actions only effect Kirkwall, but actually end up effecting the whole world.
Race options–it forces you to play as a human.
Very repetitive environments.
Background is glanced over and explained away with no interaction.
Sibling death.
Dragon Age: Inquisition (DA:I):
The baby of the series, the most recent game and prettiest overall. DA:I has way more options in just about everything in comparison to the previous two games. You play as the Herald of Andraste, eventually becoming Inquisitor.
That character creation tho.
Armor and weapon creation and customization.
Fixed elves appearances–no longer aliens.
Races now have different body types.
Fixed the combat ratio of fluidity to excessive.
Open world.
Actually get a horse/hart/dracolisk/freakishly large nug to ride this time.
Voice options (only two, but that’s one more than DA II and two more than DA:O).
Way more companion options.
Can play as a qunari.
Interesting cameos from companions in DA:O and DA II.
Cool search mechanic.
HUGE map.
More romance options.
Don’t have to play Origins or II to get the story-type you want, just log in to Dragon’s Keep and fill out some stuff.
Screw attributes completely.
The hair. For everyone, but mostly qunari.
Undermines other choices in previous games.
Ooh… you might wanna get that hand looked at, buddy.
Hardens companion from DA:O regardless of actual choices in game.
Cut scene animation is a little weird sometimes.
Save files corrupt so quickly.
Sudden retconning of Dalish facts and changes the way mages are handled by the Dalish.
Main character disappearances.
Needs DLC in order to get the “real” ending.
Does not mod easily.
Bugs with animation and placement.
Doesn’t feel like a solid story ending, regardless of DLC.
You know those helpful numbers and bars we had to measure friendship in DA II and DA:O? Fuck ‘em. Don’t need ‘em. Oh, but likability is still being measured by the game, just not visibly.
Fuck gifts, too.
No more healing spells.
Oh, and let’s limit the number of healing items you can carry at once.
And we can’t make it too easy to make money, either.
Random loot is incredibly buggy.
Weapons/armor now class coded.
Gameplay takes some getting used to on the PC.
Screw attributes completely.
And that’s not including Awakening and Heroes of Dragon Age, which I am not discussing in this post.
Now, despite what you might think after that, I love these games.
They just… have their issues.
They pull a “Supernatural” on us, if you will. Each game, the enemy somehow gets bigger and badder. In the first one, you’re trying to stop the Blight and save your home, which is already a big feat. In the second one, you end up causing a civil war across multiple countries (even if it doesn’t feel so big at the time). In Inquisition, you have to save at least three countries at once, and in the fourth it looks like you’re going to have to save the world.
Each game focuses on a new protagonist, which is great in that it means a fresh new take on each challenge and new characters, but it really, really sucks in that it feels like you’re leaving a story unfinished. I mentioned we’ll probably never see the Warden in-game again and it’s been confirmed by Patrick Weekes, the lead writer for DA (I’d put a link here, but I can’t find it right now). This is mainly because the story has moved on from the Warden, but also because importing a Warden from DA:O to any new DA game would be almost impossible from a technical standpoint. While this is sad, it’s understandable from a story standpoint. But this method wasn’t what fans were expecting when DA II came out.
Which is probably the biggest reason for all the hatred towards DA II. It was marketed as a sequel to DA:O, and people kind of automatically thought of it as a direct sequel, mostly because the only other RPG series Bioware had running was Mass Effect and that’s what happened there. But it didn’t happen with DA II. Instead, we were given a new hero with new goals, no familiar companions and in a place DA:O didn’t even mention. Other than a few cameos, a couple characters, and a mention every now and then, there was nothing from DA:O in DA II.
And that’s really Dragon Age’s biggest problem. Playing DA II, it makes it feel like all those choices you made in Origins were insignificant (which on a scale they were). And Inquisition didn’t fix this. In fact, in some ways, it made it worse. It gave Hawke and the Warden more stories, which isn’t a bad thing, but it took your characters and tried to generalize your Warden and your Hawke into The Warden and The Hawke. Imagine you’d been given a choose-your-own-adventure book and the first two chapters are about one character, and then the next two about another, and so on and so forth. But in each of these chapters, you get glimpses of the previous characters doing other things in the same world. No interaction, no conclusiveness, just your character doing things that your character might not do. You have no control of the character whose choices are supposed to be yours after those two chapters are done.
Basically: for the story, with the way they’ve set it up, it forces you to bond to a character that you create but only briefly glimpse into their lives before someone else takes over. Yet instead of divorcing entirely from said character, the shorter timeline forces the heroes to interact in some capacity that we’ll never get to see. Varric is the perfect example of this. DA II is set up in a way that you know Varric will have to be involved in Inquisition. But after people started really liking him and the general backlash of DA II, Bioware couldn’t kill him off and couldn’t send him away. So they gave him a minor role in Inquisition and then retired him.
They do this again with the Inquisitor. The way DA:I ends left many fans to believe DA4 had to continue as the Inquisitor; after all it didn’t feel like the Inquisitor’s story was finished and the next Big Bad had been hinted at being kind-of their fault. But we’ve already been told that DA4 will not star the Inquisitor–instead, their story is supposedly done and the only chance we have of their involvement is probably a letter, a cameo, or as an advisor. That’s if Bioware doesn’t kill them.
Once again, they put away another character when it feels like they should still be involved, thus reducing the choices made in the previous games by an even smaller margin. Bioware takes a character you made, tells you their story is over when it feel like it’s just starting, then takes control of them.
The solution?
The Elder Scrolls series actually does a pretty good job at doing the same thing–by spreading the events out. I get that the whole name of the series is focused on a hundred year margin, but that’s still a hundred years for you to spread events out. Over the course of three games, only about 10-20 years have passed. DA:O takes place over the course of 1-2 years, maximum. DA II takes place over 7. And DA:I is about 2-5 (depending on if you count Trespasser), with a short gap between II and Inquisition.. That’s a lot of shit to happen over such a short time.
Give the games space. Let them breathe. Let the actions of the Warden fade as time passes, not lie ignored by NPCs just because it’s hard to account for all the choices. Let the stories have their own weight before you stack the other on, and maybe don’t rely to much on rapid storytelling.
And that really went off on a tangent, sorry.
Simply put, the games have their own flaws. If you have the money and prefer a newer-looking game and have the system to handle it, I recommend Dragon Age: Inquisition to start off. Being able to control the world through your choices in Dragon’s Keep gives you a good idea of previous stories without having to play them, while still preserving the themes from the series.
(But oh my god save frequently. Save every few minutes. And stagger save, too, don’t just save over old files because that shit corrupts EASY.)
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nodlefisch · 7 years
Holy Moly This is a long tag thing!
tagged by @the-dork-crow-smiles (BRUH....) ((also sorry it took so long I saved it my drafts to finish later and I fuckign forgot it!!)
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. 
Whooo BO I
1. coke or pepsi: neither ew cola
2. disney or dreamworks: disney!
3. coffee or tea: do I even need to answer thi s
4. books or movies: Books!
5. windows or mac: mmm. yeah. def windows.
7. xbox or playstation: Im gonna go with playstatio n--it was my first system and the ps4 is my newest...
8. dragon age or mass effect: DRAGON AGE. Tried to play mass effect, but it didnt stick with me as much. dragon age all they way. (esp since I’ve wanted to replay origins!!)
9. night owl or early riser: I would say night owl but really--im sorta both. Depends on if im getting up early for myself or something im being forced to do, though.
10. cards or chess: chess.
11. chocolate or vanilla: ...vanilla.
12. vans or converse: ....all my shoes are vans or converse. But theres more converse than vans...
13. lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: LAVELLAN. DALISH FOREVER. Im always gonna choose elves in DA
14.  fluff or angst: why not both?
15. beach or forest: 1000% forest. fuck sand.
16.  dogs or cats: both you fuckerts.
17.  clear skies or rain: I like clear skies--it makes me feel more excited for the day. But I also love rain because its just so easy to get cozy....
18.  cooking or eating out: out.
19. Spicy food or mild food: brin g the heat
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween. Good spooky stuff and an excuse to shove my face with kitkats.
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: I am always a little too cold.
22.  if you could have a superpower, what would it be: More time. Let me procrastinate or do whatever for as long as i wan t and not worry.
23.  animation or live action: animation
24.  paragon or renegade: even tho i dont play mass effect I can tell Id do paragon.
25. baths or showers: shower. But i guess baths have their place...
26. team cap or team ironman: Ironman
27.  fantasy or sci-fi: dont. just. DONT. 
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes? if so what are they: none that I can think of on the spot OTZ
29.  youtube or netflix: youtube. 
30.  harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter
31.  when do you feel accomplished: When I clean, actually finish projects, dont mess up when I think I have.
32.  star wars or star trek: STAR TREK.
33.  paperback books or hardback books: gonna sound weird but I actually like paperbacks more. 
34. horror or rom-com: Horror.
35.  to live in a world without literature or music: fck of f
36.  pastel colours or dark colours: all my art says I am only allowed to say pastel
37.  tv shows or movies: TV shows. I never get around to actually watching movies, and I like how there can be more development in shows.
38.  city or countryside: not sure...
39.  if any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be: Im an aquarius and while it fits okay, I can see myself as a virgo. 
40.  if you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be: why would you do this? The Flaming Lips - At War With The Mystics (I could really put any flaming lips album bu t)
41.  cinema or theater: is there a difference I dont remember
42.  if you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be: I would be too shy
43.  smiling or smirking: smiling
44.  are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent: what does this mean
45.  playlists or your whole library on shuffle: whole library
46. traveling or staying at home: home
47.  books or fanfiction: I mean one sorta relies on the other a bit yknow
48.  If you could live in a fantasy world, what world would it be: What th e fuck uhm. When it says fantasy does that mea n the genre or. I’ll just say Elder Scrolls because it fits both.
49. your favorite cartoon: I was going to answer this seriously and say Avatar: TLA but I am tempted to say chowder
50.  name the weirdest five songs on your music, current or past: all of my music is fucking weird but....heres some... next level ones 1  2 3 4 5
51. mountains or plains: mountains
52. favorite anime (or tv show if you don’t watch anime): sto p. nge is one Ill rewatch over and over if that counts but I still wouldnt call it my FAVORITE
53. which social media platform are you most like yourself on: hmm. Hard to say between here and twitter. Twitter, when I actually remember I have one, is a bit less filtered, I guess.
54. What are some of your passions: is this a job resume stoP
55. What are some of your current goals in life?: Finishing school improving art finish up my computer stuff and more genetic etc etc
56. A pet that you would like to have (or already have) that is NOT a cat or dog: I miss my rats ; m ; sweet babies... 
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