#wouldn’t Fanny make a great sympathetic villain
bothcreativitybois · 3 years
TMST Chapter 9
You thought I was gone! You thought I forgot about this! ...Well you were a little right. But everything is back on track now which means it's time for more of our boys. Sorry it's been so long. Ao3 link Wordcount: 2657 Ship: Intruality TWs: Swearing, sexual refrences, bottling emotions. Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Taglist: @crazydemigod666 @star-crossed-shipper @newtnotfound @3amthebitchinghour @idont-freaking-know @someoneiwasnt @crownofrats @the-sympathetic-villain @cute-and-angsty-princess @lonelymuffin @bloodyjay-0666 @im-an-anxious-wreck @fantasticallytired @obsessive-fallen-angel
To say it was awkward for Patton the next morning, waking up to Remus’ arms around him, would be an understatement. But that awkwardness was not alone, Patton felt trapped in an oven of emotions. Fear, comfort, worry, vulnerability, peace, trust, modesty, relief, all shooting around his body and threatening to knock him out of the bed. He’d never had a one night stand but imagined this might be what it was like. He tried to focus on what to do next. He could try to get up and leave without waking Remus, it wouldn’t solve the situation but it would save him from the awkwardness about to happen, or he could wake up Remus and face it now. Unsurprisingly Patton chose the first option. He carefully picked up Remus’ arm from on top of him, watching his face for any sign of waking up. Patton slowly put Remus’ arm back down on the bed beside him. He let go of the arm and sighed. He wished Remus had woken up first, he was actually brave and probably would face Patton. He stood and ran a hand through his hair. As Patton walked over to the bathroom he heard a loud ringing come from the bed. He quickly turned and locked eyes with Remus as he woke up. Remus began fumbling around for his phone. Patton quickly darted into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. He leant against the door and tried to calm down enough to hear what was happening. Remus eventually found his phone amongst the blankets and slid off the alarm. He saw he had a few hurried messages from Janus.
Janny Fanny at 10:15: “Did Patton get home yet?”
Janny Fanny at 10:44: “I’m pretty sure he isn’t coming home dude.”
Janny Fanny at 11:03: “If you’re fucking Patton can you at least tell me you won’t be home?”
Janny Fanny at 7:56: “Did you really spend the night there?”
Janny Fanny at 8:00: “Are you okay?!”
Janny Fanny at 8:08: “Remus this isn’t funny! Please tell me you’re okay!”
Janny Fanny: at 8:19: “Virgil is worried! Call him please!”
Janny Fanny at 8:24: “Please Remus!! Virgil is freaking out!!”
Remus quickly called Janus who answered immediately. “Remus what the fuck?!” Janus said as soon as he picked up. “Are you okay? Where are you?” Remus could hear the worry in his friend’s voice. It wasn’t unusual for him to not come home but it was for him not to send some kind of message to anyone. He looked over to the door Patton was hiding behind. “Geez, Jan. Calm your tits.” Remus replied calmly. “I got home late and left early to help my folks gather some sheep that fucked off last night.” Remus lied. He wasn’t embarrassed, if anything it felt… right. But it was clear Patton was embarrassed with whatever happened. “I know you’re lying. Just get home from wherever you are so we can finish the paint job at the bakery.” Janus said before hanging up. Remus threw his phone down and rubbed his face. He didn’t want Patton to be upset, the whole point of him staying was so he wouldn’t be. But now he was. Remus stood up and walked over to the door. “Are you okay, Patty Cake?” He asked softly through the door. Patton jumped away in fear. He didn’t respond, he didn’t know how to. “I’m sorry I didn’t leave, when you asked me to stay and I just assumed you meant for the night.” Remus tried to reason. Patton felt bad for reacting how he did. He was just scared. Remus leaned against the door. “Please talk to me.” Patton wanted to, but he didn’t know what to say. Remus waited for another minute before pushing away. “I’m leavin’. I’ll be back in a few with Janus. We’ll just pretend this didn’t happen.” That wasn’t what Patton wanted. He didn’t regret what happened, not at all. He just didn’t know what to do. Patton looked in the mirror and tried to gather the strength to face Remus. He went over and flung open the door, but it was too late. Remus had left already.
About half an hour later Remus’ truck pulled up outside again. Patton watched out the window as Janus and Remus got out and walked towards the bakery. He could only just hear them talking, the words were muffled so he leaned forward to try and hear more. “I didn’t tell them, Virgil did!” Janus defended as he closed the door of the green truck. “Yeah, you just told Virgil I was fucking Patton, who then told my twin.” Remus protested. “Well last I heard you were waiting for him to get home, you didn’t come home and didn’t respond to any messages, and with your reputation it wasn’t that much of a stretch to assume.” Janus argued. “Besides, it’s not like you’re telling us where you actually were.” “It’s none of your fucking business.” Remus hissed back. “And you’re the reason my twin is coming for my neck so why would I tell you?” Remus flung open the door and entered the bakery. Patton couldn’t hear their conversation anymore. This whole situation was wrecking Patton. He felt guilty for worrying everyone and causing issues for Remus, he felt confused about what this all meant for him and Remus. He had just started accepting he had feelings for Remus, but how could he even imagine telling him now? Patton paced anxiously around his house, stuck in his own head. He had to focus on something else. He plucked out three ingredients and set the oven to preheat. Whenever he was stressed he would bake, it was like second nature. Something easy and clear he could focus on. Never anything fancy, just simple little recipes he’d made a thousand times. Just like this. Quick three ingredient scones. He dumped in the flour and butter and began mixing by squeezing them in his hands. He kept doing this until the mixture became almost like breadcrumbs, then he made a small well in the middle and poured in the milk. He twirled a wooden spoon in his hands before stabbing it into the bowl. With fluid flicks of his wrist he folded the contents into a soft and light dough. It needed something. He threw open a cabinet and danced his fingers along the different jars. He let his emotions surge through his hand and take out a few different ingredients. A pinch of cayenne, a dash of oregano and rocket, a generous amount of parmesan. He floured the bench and smacked the dough onto it. He folded the dough in his hands again and again. Pressing, rolling, squeezing, kneading. He took out a glass and began cutting out circles of dough and placed them on a tray before shoving them all into the oven. After a few minutes the smell of herbs filled the apartment and wafted down to the bakery, cutting through the various fumes. It made Remus’ stomach cramp as he painted varnish across a wooden table. Even Janus stopped for a moment when it reached him. “Can you go ask your boyfriend if we can have some?” Janus asked, going back to his painting. Remus scoffed. “Don’t.” He said in an annoyed tone. "You didn’t have dinner last night and you haven’t eaten today.” Janus reminded him. Remus rolled his eyes. Patton hadn’t come down to greet them like usual and Remus wasn’t going up there if he wasn’t wanted. “I’ll be fine.” Remus defended. Janus took off the mask covering his nose and mouth and turned to Remus. He looked over at him, taking in his annoyed face and tired eyes. “It wasn’t a hook-up.” Janus said. “Or if it was, it didn’t go well.” “I already said I didn’t want to talk about it.” Remus interrupted. Janus placed down his spraycan. “Okay. Bottle it up until you push him away and he hates you.” Janus argued. “That sounds like a great plan. I mean it worked well with Roman.” The bell above the door chimed. “What about Roman?” Roman asked as they walked in. Remus shot a poisonous look at Janus. Neither man said anything. Roman gave them a stare that could cut through burnt bread. “Really?” Both men shrugged and returned to their work. Roman walked over to Remus and pulled him up by his ear. “Ow! It was Janus who said it!” Remus shouted. “What happened last night?” Roman asked. Remus’ face fell. “I told you it wasn’t a good idea! If you hurt the poor thing I
swear I’ll throw you off the roof again.” Remus looked around and sighed while slipping off his gloves. He pulled Roman outside so Janus couldn’t hear them.
But Patton could.
“We didn’t hook up, alright?” Patton heard Remus say outside his window. He looked out to see the twins talking. He needed something to focus on while the scones cooked so he listened. Besides, they seemed to be talking about him anyway. “We all know you were here last night.” Roman crossed their arms. Remus ran a hand through his hair. He remembered how embarrassed Patton was earlier. “Look even if we did it’s none of ya business!” Remus snapped. “We’re adults, we can do what we want. If I wanted to, I could go up there right now and make out until we couldn’t breathe!” Patton blushed at the thought. “Look, Remus I jus-” Roman started but was quickly cut off. “You said yourself that it seemed I really liked the guy! You think I’d ruin somethin’ like that with a fling?” Remus pressed. Patton covered his mouth and backed away from the window. He felt like he just heard something he shouldn’t have. The conversation continued without Patton listening. “I’m not a kid anymore! I can make my own damn choices and keep them to my own damn discretion!” Remus huffed. Roman took a moment to process but was largely unshaken by Remus’ outburst. They’d dealt with them for 28 years. “So was that little rant meant to convince me you didn’t sleep together?” Roman asked. Remus groaned in frustration so Roman put a hand on his shoulder. Remus shook it off. “You don’t get it! I don’t need you three hoverin’ over my love life! Have you considered there’s a reason I’m not tellin’ ya?!” Remus flung an arm up towards Patton’s apartment angrily. “I’m not the only one involved!” Roman looked up at the apartment then back down at their twin. His face contorted with anger. Roman sighed. “Alright. We’ll stop bugging you.” Roman finally gave in. Remus was surprised. It wasn’t like them to actually agree with him. “But please, don’t hold it all in. If something not good does happen then please come to one of us.” Roman put their hands on Remus’ arms, his shoulders slacked. He nodded slightly.
Patton pulled the scones out of the oven as his head spun. Remus had feelings for him. He began picking up scones and cutting them in half, hands used to the heat of fresh made goods. He didn’t know how to process the information he’d just learned. He felt… bad. He forced Remus to stay over, keep it a secret, then invaded his privacy. He felt like a terrible person. Only terrible people would do that stuff. And to make it worse he was giving Remus the cold shoulder. After everything Remus was doing for him he was just ignoring him because of his own stupid mistakes. Maybe not mistakes, he did enjoy being with Remus last night. So why did he feel bad about it? Patton placed down the last scone and looked over them. He had someone wanting him to feel better so much that they held him all night. Remus had done it by choice. He shouldn’t feel bad. Patton buttered a few of the scones and put them on a plate. He pushed down his feelings and walked down to the bakery. He put on a smile as he pushed open the back door. “Anyone need a snack?” Patton greeted warmly. He walked over to them. “Remus, I can’t see what he has but eat one.” Janus said without looking away from his painting. Patton walked over to Remus who shyly plucked one of the scones off of the plate. Patton wasn’t used to him being so timid. “Thanks for helping me last night.” Patton said. Everyone turned to him. Remus blushed slightly. “I was a mess and it meant a lot that you stayed.” Remus’ small smile dissolved any and all guilt Patton was feeling. He leant forward and gave Remus a one armed hug while holding the plate in the other. Remus gripped Patton tightly. After everything that happened he was so scared he had lost Patton. The hug lingered a little too long. Roman cleared their throat and the two men separated. “Remus. Eat.” Janus shouted from the ladder. Remus quickly took a bite of the scone. It was fluffy and flavorful. He’d tried to make scones in the past but they never turned out good. This… this was amazing. He looked over to where Roman was also taking a bite. “Patty Cake, you have to give me this recipe!” Remus enthused. Patton blushed. He was usually okay with Remus complimenting his baking, he was making stuff to sell and therefore impress anyway, but this wasn’t something he’d considered good. Just some stress baking. “Uh it’s just a simple scone. Flour butter and milk.” Patton said shyly. Remus swallowed the rest of the scone nearly whole and grabbed another. “I make them nearly every day for the bakery, I can show you next time I make them. You’ll probably love kneading the dough.” Patton walked across the room to offer a scone to Janus. Remus watched. “Yeah.” He mumbled. “Or maybe I’ll just have to come in every day and buy out your whole stock.” Patton giggled and Remus couldn’t help but stare. From Patton’s slightly pink cheeks to the little dimple on his chin. Had he always been so beautiful? He felt like running up and kissing Patton right then and there but he held himself back. Something had changed. Maybe it was seeing Patton so vulnerable, or maybe the way his heart raced as Patton wrapped around him in that bed or even the threat of losing him. His feelings were getting louder, his fantasies were getting stronger, he struggled to hold himself together. It felt like a sugar rush as he stood up and grabbed Patton’s hand. “Patton…” Remus said aimlessly but with a sense of urgency. Patton was dizzy just from Remus touching his hand. He looked up at the taller man. His eyes focused on Remus’ jaw, he couldn’t help but think of how it would feel to have that stubble brush against his face. Roman and Janus both froze and watched. Remus wasn’t sure what to say. He just wanted to stare at Patton’s face forever. He looked slightly behind Patton and remembered that Janus and Roman were both still in the room. “Uh we… Valentine’s Day… us.” Remus eventually managed. Patton lit up. “Oh right I didn’t tell you what time to be here for the class.” Patton interpreted as he pulled away from Remus to get a piece of paper. Remus could barely
breathe, Patton was clueless to the state he was in. And the fact Remus was trying to ask him on a date. “It starts at five thirty so I need you here at five to help set up. Is that okay?” Remus glanced at Roman who was enjoying the whole scene with a smug smile. “Yeah. Perfect.” Remus sighed as he sat back down next to his twin. Roman raised an eyebrow at him. “Don’t.”
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