#wow i have so many Yuu's and these arent even all of them-
twistedoverbloat · 2 years
Maybe we can have a Headcanon of The personalities of all the Yuu so far please?
Shit well fuck how many did I do-
Ok states so far!:
Arizona Yuu - a cryptic basically.
Washington Yuu - a lawyer
Florida Yuu - a raccoon you forgot about in the garage.
Minnesota Yuu - most passive aggressive bitch yoy ever meet.
New Jersey Yuu - put your hands up bitch were fighting.
Hawaii Yuu - soft gentle giant, but if you fick with their friends they'll kill you.
Alaska Yuu - they are fighting bears when abke too. They are mostly in the thick if the woods.
Nevada Yuu - they are always somewhere but no one knows where.
California Yuu - a dealer everyoen loves and also they own guns.
Oregan Yuu - gun dealer don't fuck with them they'll kill you.
Country Yuu's:
Russia Yuu - will kill you every way possible.
Australia Yuu - bugs and critters love them they will use them against you.
Catbug Yuu - almost like a child but can murder anyone with strength of the gods.
Digimon Yuu - no fucks given come at me bitches.
Great 7 Yuu - tried ready to drop at any moment.
Singer Yuu - happy and a bit oblivious to everything.
Punk Yuu - ready to fight you they know everything.
Lady Tamayo Yuu - motherly will adopt you as theirs.
Green thumb Yuu - a sweet child but knows how to Poison you.
Molly Yuu - done with everyone's shit and is now bitting people be careful they got rabies.
Lilia's daughter Yuu - is very sweet and kind also oblivious. But don't. Worry they're working on it.
Chaotic artist Yuu - all I. The name they don't care and they throw random shit and it turns out amazing.
Sherlock Yuu - is ready for adventures and loves puzzles they are a bit dissociated with everything but they don't mean to be.
Bitchy Yuu - will make you sob in front of everyone with out mercy. If your not one of their soft spots your dead.
Danny phantom Yuu - is tried as well and already dropped. Don't worry their not dead yet.
Cosplay Yuu - they are chill about everything just tryignr i get through life.
Casino Owner Yuu - will fuck up your life, a bigger bitch then Bitchy Yuu.
Fighting Ring Yuu - very nice but dotn cross then if you want to live.
Famous Yuu - they are so fucking chill and nothing others them they just post and film chaotic shit.
Saiki Yuu - they are done with everyoen and avoiding them but gets attached to their idiots.
Mob Yuu - claim but when angered can level NRC in a second flat.
Princess Jewel Yuu - Gatekeep Grilboss, and Gaslight these bitches. Or Mansplain, Malewife, and Manslaughter.
Reverse Time Au Yuu - done with everyoen and knows all. They know how to fix all your problems.
Monarch/King Arthur Yuu - a kind ruler that is beloved by everyone. Kinda can't be mean when really needed.
Buff Yuu - a himbo/bimbo/thembo
Amazonian Yuu - a strong person but kinda denied very keep on honor.
Gymnastics Yuu - cocky with their talents but really like competitive too.
Shroud Yuu - they are the neutral land between their siblings but can cause and stir shit in a second.
Cat-like Yuu - they are also chill probably high on catnip but who knows? Asleep most of the time.
Overbloat Yuu - Dane witbeveryoen and planing murder. Was once kind but now? They are the cruelest person to ever live.
Principle Yuu - very nice, anxious of fucking up the next generations.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
new chapter yeeeeah
Relan: *knocking on the door to the 8th* iris: i'll get it! ye- oh, hello relan. *she smiles* what brings you to the 8th today? Relan: *nervous wave* "Hi. I had part of the afternoon off and thought I would visit. C-Could I trouble you for a cup of tea?" iris: its not a problem, come on in. *she smiles* Rino: *painting the walls* T_T "This crazy princess is going to kill me...Why am I having to do refurbishing?" Relan: "??? Um...Who is that?" iris: that's rino, she's part of the 5th...its a long story why they're here... *sweatdrop* Relan: *friendly wave* "Hi." Rino: "Kill. Me." Relan: "..." *hides behind Iris* iris: ^^;; Hibana: "Oh, Iris, I see Boy Toy #2 is here." Relan: o_o "Hi, Commander..." iris: s-sister! >///< Relan: "M-My name is R-Relan, ma'am..." Hibana: "Good to see you again. _Don't hurt my Iris_." Rino: *rolls eyes, pulling Hibana back* "Just get your boyfriend some tea already." iris: *sweatdrop* right this way. Relan: *follows* "Sorry...Did I make this awkward?" iris: it's alright, you didnt do anything wrong. *she smiles* Relan: *nodded* "You're looking well, all things considered here. Your hair looks nice." iris: why thank you. i've been considering growing it out a little longer. Relan: *nods again* "It would look nice long. Have you tried that before?" *he looks through the cupboard, removing teacups* ("Oh, wow, these look nicer than I thought for the 8th.") iris: not really, but there is a first for everything, i guess. Relan: "Heh, yeah..." *he looks at the tea kettle, filling it with water* "...It's good to try new things, yeah?" *holds up teabox* "Like this? I never had this flavor." iris: ah, its quite relaxing. *she smiles* Relan: *smiles back* "I could use that. Honestly, I'm kind of nervous. You and I haven't had as much time interacting together...I mean, without Shinra." iris: *she nods* then, perhaps this is a chance to know each other more. *she smiles* Relan: "I would like that..." *sits while the water boils* "So...Um...You garden, right?" iris: *she nods* i have a lot of flowers, but also some fruit and vegetables too. Relan: "I never got to do much of that. Which kinds of fruits are you growing this season?" iris: we have some green peppers and some strawberries. we had pumpkins too. Relan: "Oh! I love strawberries." iris: *she smiles* would you like some with your tea? Relan: *nods* "You don't mind?" iris: its perfectly fine. *she goes to the fridge and pulls out the little container* how many would you like? Relan: "Two?" iris: alright then. *she puts two strawberries on the dish* here you go. Relan: *picks one up and bites lightly into it--and his eyes widen* "Wow! This is delicious!" iris: thank you. Relan: "It's very sweet. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given how sweet you have been--" *shudders* "S-Sorry. Was that weird?" iris: *chuckles* its fine relan, it was quite flattering. Relan: "...Thank you for putting up with me. I did mean that you are sweet." iris: its not a problem. i want to be there for you, both of you. Relan: *nods* "So do I...Iris? I...I haven't really been this close to a girl before." iris: *listening* Relan: "I wasn't around girls much in school...I was awkward. And I...I do think I'm gay. So I'm not sure how things will work. I...want to try." iris: i understand. and even if we dont connect romantically, i still want to be there for you. Relan: *nods* "Me, too...Um...Can I ask something else? Could we try...holding hands?" iris: oh, um...sure. *she holds his hand*.....are you alright? Relan: *nods* "Yeah...I'm sorry if my hand gets sweaty...Oh, it's getting sweaty now, isn't it?" iris: it's alright, just breathe. Relan: *deep inhale, wheezes a little, then exhales and smiles* "Th-Thanks...Your hand feels soft." iris: thank you. *she smiles* Relan: "...Do you like reading?" iris: sometimes. i do keep a few books in my room. Relan: "What do you read? Fiction?" iris: not often, usually the sol bible, and a few other short stories. Relan: "...I haven't read much of the Bible." iris: well, to each their own, i guess. Relan: "I-I would like to read more of it." iris: are you sure? -elsewhere- Wes: "Thanks for coming with me, Soul. I needed your help with this." soul: hey, its not a problem. Wes: "Good. Ah, here it is!" *it's a jewelry store* soul: *he nods* Wes: *pointing at the display* "Maybe something like that? Would a silver band work?" soul: perhaps. but you know how liz loves glitzy stuff. Wes: "Yeah, definitely for a Christmas gift. But would you say the same if this was to give her something...a little more permanent?" soul: ??.....*points to one* how about that one? Wes: "Oh, that looks good! And Liz likes that kind of a stone..." *looks at Soul's fingers* soul:...what? Wes: "I think I need to see what this ring looks like on an actual finger." soul: they have mannequins....they’re really handy. Wes: "...Ha! Okay..." *looks at one mannequin, calls to shopowner* "I'd like to see this band on a manne-hand, please." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *tossed into a building's wall by a supervillain, collapsing onto the street* mana: *charges at them* HYA! Supervillain: *chuckles, as her hair whips around, trying to grab Mana by the arm* mana: !! Shotaro: *back on his feet* "Mana! Punch her in the neck!" *biting multiple bones as he starts to transform...* Supervillain: *whips her hair at Mana's wrist* mana: *KICK!* Supervillain: "AH! What the--" *spots Shotaro* o_____O *Shotaro is now an Eldritch Abomination made up of multiple creatures' parts* Shotaro: "...Howdy!" Supervillain: *looks like she crapped herself* "I would like to go to jail now, please." Shotaro: *low guttural laugh* "Thanks!" mana: O-O;; that's pretty f*cked up Supervillain: *hides behind Mana* Shotaro: *resumes human form* "Been wanting to try that out for weeks now!" *smiles innocently* Shotaro: "Well, let's turn her over to the cops--" Police Officers: o________o "That boy is creepy..." Supervillain: *runs to the police and jumps into the back of their car* "Never let me near that freaky Dokeshi again!" -elsewhere- Izuku: "That Fire Gang member is creepy...After what he did to Relan, Iris, and Shinra..." yuu: well, they are unharmed and alright, arent they? Izuku: *nods* "But for how long? Someone with that power, just seems kind of violent..." Bakugo: "AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH SOMEONE WHO IS POWERFUL AND PRONE TO VIOLENCE?" Izuku: Q___Q itsuka: easy there katsuki. Bakugo: -\\\\- *small purr* "Okay." itsuka: *she smiles* eijiro: TTwTT Izuku: "???" Bakugo: "So, you just going to whine, or are you planning on beating the tar out of this Fire Gangster?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Well, getting late now." shinra: *he nods* Benimaru: *looks at the buildings...then at Shinra* "Hmph. Progress." shinra: thank you sir! Benimaru: "Stop shouting--your voice is too loud." shinra: *AHEM* .////.; Akitaru: *small chuckle* Tsukiyo: *pouts* "Benimaru likes the 8th already? He still gets pissy at me..." fang-hua:...*small smile* Benimaru: "Well, clear out. I don't want to see you here until tomorrow." Akitaru: *smirk, salutes* Konro: *standing again, smiles at Benimaru* shinra: *looks at akitaru* so now what? Akitaru: "We got the night off, so I suggest a meal to celebrate and then a lot of sleep, since we'll have more repairs tomorrow--" Benimaru: "Tomorrow. Not earlier than that." Akitaru: "...Fang-Hua? Care to join us for a meal?" fang-hua: *she looks at benimaru* Benimaru: "Very well. Take the night off, Kohana." fang-hua: *sweatdrop* yes sir. come on guys, i can show you some of the best restaurants in town. Tsukiyo: "Fu fu fu...'Kohana'..." Arthur: "???" fang-hua: *tugs her ear* come on... -///-; Tsukiyo: Q___Q "Owie..." Arthur: "..." *smiles at Tamaki* "Hungry?" tamaki: sure. Arthur: "Same..." *walks with her* Akitaru: "What would you recommend, Fang-Hua?" -and so- shinra: *nom nom* this is really good! Tsukiyo: *trying to sneak a bit of food off Shinra's plate* fang-hua: you have enough food on your own plate, tsukiyo. Tsukiyo: "Maybe I just wanted an inadvertent kiss by sampling from Shinra's plate~" fang-hua: *chop* no. -_-; shinra: IMINARELATIONSHIP! tamaki: does she _ever_ turn off? -_-; Tsukiyo: *rubbing her head, pouting* "I'm always turned _on_, thanks. You could learn that if you and Ar--" -CHOP- fang-hua: behave... -_-; fang-hua: *sigh* im really sorry about my friend here... Tsukiyo: *face buried in food on her plate, muffled grunt* Kid: Arthur: "It's okay...So, Fang-Hua, why did the Commander call you 'Kohana'?" fang-hua: *almost chokes* well, a-as you can see, commander shinmon is very traditional to his culture. and seeing as my name, 'Fang-Hua' translates to 'Fragrant Blossom', its kind of a translation thing, kind of like the japanese translation of 'journey to the west' where the character 'Sun Wukong' was named 'Son Goku'. maki: i could make a joke about that, but it would be kind of obvious, so i wont. Arthur: " 'Fragrant Blossom'...That's quite a nickname. It's cute." fang-hua: *awkward blush* tamaki: its fitting i guess. Arthur: *smiles at Tamaki* "Kind of like 'kitten'?" tamaki: do you want to get slapped? >////< maki: so you and benimaru are a thing then? fang-hua: O/////O n-no! that's not how it is at all! maki: suuuuure. misora: it better not be! *glare+pout* Arthur: *small smirk at Tamaki* Akitaru: *has a third helping of noodles* "Good food here. Shinra, eat up--you need some more muscle!" shinra: *nom nom* Arthur: "Tamaki, want to try some of my unagi?" -elsewhere- Relan: *bows* "Thank you for the tea." iris: *she smiles* anytime, relan. be sure to get back safely, ok? Relan: *nods* "I will message when I return home..." *awkward pause...then an awkward hug* iris:.....*hug* take care of yourself, ok? Relan: *nods* "Thank you..." *pulls back, smiles* -at gallows manor- stocking: does it feel good kid? Kid: *panting* "Oh, God, that hurts so good..." stocking: *she thrusts slowly, rubbing his thighs* Kid: *squirms under the touch on his thighs* "A-ah~" *whimpers a bit* "Fuck..." stocking: hehe~ you're adorable. *thrusting slowly* Kid: *pants, moaning* "So good...Ah!" stocking: mmmn....god, you have the hottest moans.... *picking up pace* Kid: *matches her pace, trying to hold onto the bedsheets, pants* "Fuck me..." stocking: *kissing his neck and chest, digging her nails into his hips as she pumps into him* Kid: "AHHH! Fuck..." *grinding along the mattress, so close...* stocking: good boy~ *rubbing him off* Kid: *squirms, pants, and then* "Ahh..." *he ejaculates* stocking: ahhh~! Kid: *panting, cumming* "Ah...M-Messy..." stocking: want me to clean you~? Kid: *shy nod* stocking: *lick lick* Kid: *moans* "That's so good...Oh, Stocking..." stocking: *lick lick* you like that~? Kid: *nods* "I love you...I love you so much with me..." stocking: hehe~ *kiss* Kid: "Sh-Should...Should I repay you?" stocking: if you want~ -elsewhere- *Shinra's phone rings with a text alert* shinra: *picks up his phone* Relan: [text: how's work been today?] shinra: [busy, but we're making progress here.] Relan: [i knew you would. :) had tea with iris. we miss you] shinra: *smiles* [glad you're getting along ^^ i miss you too, both of you.] Relan: [sweet dreams! text us tomorrow. love u] shinra: [love you too *kissy emoticon*] Relan: -\\\\\- Arthur: "You done texting your boyfriend and girlfriend?" shinra: are _you_? Arthur: "I don't have a boyfriend..." *looks away* shinra: im just teasing, come on. *pat pat* Arthur: *small pout* "You never thanked me..." shinra: for what? *confused* Arthur: "For letting you and Relan hook up and get your relationship upgrade with Iris." shinra: oh...um, thanks...*pat pat* Arthur: *nods* "Good. Now you can help me with my date with Tamaki." shinra: O-o Kid: Arthur: "When this mission is over, I want to ask her out. And I cannot have anything go wrong." shinra:....ok. Arthur: *hugs Shinra* "Thank you!" shinra: o-o; maki: you ok-.........*watches* shinra: THATS NOT HOW IT IS MAKI! DX< Arthur: ._. -elsewhere- Kid: *resting in Stocking's arms* "May I have another grape?" stocking: hehe~, open up~ Kid: *mouth open* "Aaaaaaah..." -plop- stocking: hehe~ so adorable. Kid: *smiles as he chews, swallows* "This was a great idea." *kiss on her neck* stocking: *she smiles and kisses his forehead* Kid: *stays in her arms* "Any plans for Thanksgiving?" stocking: not in particular, maybe you'd like to visit pheles mansion and see my parents and other relatives? Kid: *nods* "I'd love that. I'll bring plenty of desserts..." stocking: *she smiles* hopefully amaimon doesnt hog all of them -_-; Kid: "Hmm...That will be a challenge." stocking: yeah... Kid: "But, such is family...*sigh* I still miss that suit that Mocha ruined..." stocking: its ok....*hug* mocha: *leaves a fish on the ground as an apology* Kid: ._. "...How did you get in here--Oh, nevermind. Thank you, Mocha~" mocha: mreow! Kid: *pat pat* -morning- Patty: "Gee, Kirika, you look beat. Sleep okay?" kirika: yeah, just trained a lot yesterday... *streeeetch* phew... Patty: *passes a cup of coffee to her* "At least training is helping you out, huh?" kirika: yeah. i've been visiting gopher and oriko to make sure they're both doing ok....i think oriko's beginning to get a little better....she doesnt remember much, but she's beginning to talk a bit more... Patty: *small smile* "Good for Oriko...Good for you as a sister..." kirika:....*she smiles* i want her to get better soon... Patty: *nods* "I know. With you there, she will." kirika:...*small smile......touches her eyepatch*..... Patty: "..." *looks down, awkward clearing of throat* -at school- Black Star: "Have an okay afternoon yesterday, Soul?" soul: yeah, it went pretty good. Black Star: *nods* "What were you up to with Wes?" soul: just brother stuff. Black Star: *nods* "Yeah. Just been cleaning up the new house." soul: maybe i could drop by sometime and check it out? Black Star: "Hell yeah! Wait 'til you see the kitchen!" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "I bet you two look forward to going back to school once we finish rebuilding, right?" shinra: *nods* yeah. tamaki: but we still dont have any confirmation that the 7th will become our allies... shinra: but a majority of them do seem to like us, take karim and pearl, they're willing to help us, even if...their commander, isnt. tamaki:...... Arthur: *sympathetic pat on Tamaki's shoulder* "All things in good time..." Akitaru: "Shinra, maybe you can talk to the Commander of the 7th--he seems to like you." shinra: me, sir? ah! right away! *he goes to do that* Arthur: "...20 bucks says he's a dead man." tamaki: it this works, i vote we make him the 8ths mascot. maki: are you kidding?! if anyone is gonna be the 8ths mascot, it's gonna be pusupusu! D8< Akitaru: -_-; Benimaru: *watching construction by 7th members...* shinra: *scoot scoot*....*ahem* nice tay doday. i mean nice day today! (thinking: fuck) Benimaru: "It's not nice. It's overcast, muggy, and rather shrill." shinra: yeah......so i heard you're a pretty strong soldier...thats pretty neat. Benimaru: " 'Power' is not 'neat.' 'Power' is how we determine leadership in the 7th. This is a world where only the strong survive, so you better be at your most power." *eyes Shinra* "Your feet." shinra: um....what about them? Benimaru: "You have very strong feet and a quick pace...despite how scrawny you look." shinra:....thanks. i try my best. *screaming on the inside* Benimaru: "...Can you create flames anywhere else other than your feet?" shinra: i never actually tried to.... Benimaru: "So, you can't project flames around objects as I can? Are you in control of the flames, or do they still burn your shoes off?" shinra:...sorta....but they still kind of burn my shoes off... Benimaru: "Which means you risk burning the people around you." *stares intently at Shinra* "What is your training regimen?" shinra: breakdancing. Owo Benimaru: "..." *snort while still keeping a serious face* "That's pretty funny, actually." shinra: i can also do this! *fireball under feet like in avatar the last airbender* cool right? Benimaru: "..." *small smile* "Not bad. Kick it over here..." shinra: *kick and falls off, landing on his butt* ow! Benimaru: *catches the fireball, decreases its size into a hacky-sack size ball that he kicks around* "Work on your balance..." shinra: r-right! Benimaru: "...You getting up, or am I playing this game by myself?" shinra: *getting up* fang-hua: *watching* Benimaru: "Now, be careful catching it with your foot...I'm gonna kick it to you now..." *kick* shinra: *kicking at it but it lands into a pond*....oops. ._.; Benimaru: "Good thing the koi around here know to avoid flames..." Koi #1: o___O *swims away quickly from flame* Benimaru: *forms another small ball* "Let's try again, okay?" shinra:...ok. -elsewhere- Kid: *in gym clothes* "What's the exercise today?" stocking: looks like we're doing a stick race? Patty: *flexes* "Ready to do this, Sis?" liz: ready! Sid: "Line up on the starting line!" *holds whistle, ready to blow* Kid: *on his line* Black Star: *on his line* tsugumi: *on her start line* Anya: *on hers* Sid: "On your mark...get set..." *WHISTLE* *Everyone takes off running* -elsewhere- Yohei: "I got it!" chie: thanks honey. *kiss on the cheek* Yohei: *chuckle as he hands the bag to her* chie: *she smiles and puts it into the cart* Yohei: "I wanted to pick up something else..." chie: oh? Yohei: *pulls out of the freezer...a bag of chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs* chie: that's adorable. Yohei: "I thought Shotaro would like them. But man, I don't know what Emine eats. He seems to hate everything." chie: ..... Yohei: "I mean, we got apples, red food..." *holds up fish* "Whatever this is that you're going to mix into your pizza..." chie: .//////. oh! that reminds me *biting her lip til it bleeds a bit* had to make sure i do that... Yohei: *nods* "Bandages. Need those, too..." ("Maybe make an app to remind Dokeshi to do their conditions...") -elsewhere- Medusa: "Could you keep that music down? She's sleeping..." shaula: zzzzzzzzzzzz *drools* Medusa: "..." *smirks, pulls out permanent marker...* -elsewhere- Kid: "EIGHTH PLACE!" stocking: *claps* Black Star: "FIRST!" *he has a scraped knee* tsubaki: *smiles and puts a bandaid on his knee* Black Star: -\\\\- "Th-Thanks..." tsubaki: *she smiles* Patty: "Darn...I was too slow." liz: still, 3rd isnt a bad thing, thats a bronze metal, some people work their whole lives for that. Patty: "...I'll just steal Black Star's medal when he isn't looking..." Anya: T_T -later- Kid: o_o "Who...broke into my locker? WHERE'S MY SUIT?!" kirika: yo. Kid: "KIRIKA?! WHY ARE YOU IN THE BOYS' LOCKER ROOM?!!" kirika:... *she's in his suit, and has 3 white lines in her hair* Kid: > : ( "Get. Out. Of my. Suit." kirika: aw come on, you act like you dont have 7,000,000 of the same suit already. Kid: "8! SAY 8!" *leaps at her* kirika: *dodge* ayyyyyyyseven Kid: *face-first into a locker door* kirika: *rolls eyes* Kid: *stands up again* "...So, if you are in my suit, I assume you provided me with alternative attire to wear. I can't very well go to class dressed like this." -she hands him a very tacky suit...with an asymmetrical pattern- kirika: here ya go. Kid: *twitch twitch* "...Fine." *starts to take off his shirt--* "...Would you please leave the boys' locker room?!" kirika: alright. *exits* Kid: T_T *undressing* "I hate asymmetry..." -later- Kid: T_T Patty: "...Huh. Quite the fashion statement." stocking: *glares at kirika* kirika:....nyeh? liz: she even added hair dye..... Black Star: "Hey, Liz. Hey, Stocking. Hey, Patty. Hey, Kid. Hey, weirdo in tacky suit...Wait...Kid, when did you become a girl?" Kid: "!!!" kirika: um, *points to kid* _thats_ kid...i bought him a new suit while i borrow his. Black Star: "Ah...Ha! Good one!" *high five* kirika: yeah! soul: wow kure, you're just evil. kirika: all in good fun. Kid: *sniff* "Some fun..." T_T mizuki: pretty sick cosplay, kure. just dont let my sister see you today, she'll lecture your ear off for 'identity theft and cultural appropriation'. kirika: noted. Patty: "Selfie, Kirika?" *poses* kirika: peace! *v-sign* Kid: *hugs Stocking* "This suit is going to give me a rash..." stocking: come on, i think the nurse has a spare suit for you... Kid: *whimpers* "Thank you..." -later- Kid: -\\\\\- *putting on his pants* "Nothing better than a good suit..." stocking: yeah...*kiss on the cheeks* Kid: *blushing* "Thank you..." *adjusting his tie...* stocking: want me to help? Kid: "Oh...Yes, thank you." stocking: *adjusting his tie* there we go, nice and even. stocking:....the yellow shirt's not bad...it brings out your eyes... Kid: -\\\\- "I try to wear other colors only on special occasions...I think being here, with you, counts." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "..." *holds her hand, kissing it* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *giggles* "I had a silly thought..." stocking: oh~? and what would that be? Kid: "You dressed in my suit. You'd pull it off better than Kirika." stocking: i could try~ maybe you would wear my dress~ Kid: -\\\\- "...Not today, at least." stocking: food for thought. Kid: "...Let me at least start in our bedroom..." stocking: ...ok. -elsewhere- Tool: -_-; "Get off my head, Io..." io: dad! Tool: "Yeah, yeah, 'Dad.' But you're heavy, even for my hard head..." *picks Io up, holding them* "What you up for, kiddo?" io: *hug* UuU Tool: "!!! ..." *hugs* io:.....zzzzz... Tool: "..." *small nuzzle before setting them down in crib* io: zzzzzzz.... Tool: *puts blanket on them, stays for a few moments to watch them* saki: *smiles* Tool: *small amount of surprise spotting Saki...before giving a small wave* saki: you're pretty good with kids. Tool: -\\\\- "Thanks...I don't know about that. Io makes it easy." saki: *she nods* well, im happy she has a father figure in her life... Tool: "I as well...I want to do whatever I can for you and Io-- !!! Um..." saki: *small blush* i appreciate it. *small kiss on the cheek* Tool: o\\\\o "Um...You're welcome." chie: awww. saki: ^^; Tool: -\\\\- "Quit that...Did you get what you needed at the grocery store?" chie: yes. we got all we needed. -elsewhere- Hibana: "Sister! You got a text message..." iris: *she checks her phone* *Text from Relan to her and Shinra* Relan: [i'm still trying to get the hang of this workout routine] *picture attached of him flexing his arm...with only a little muscle* iris: *she smiles* [you're doing great!] Relan: [thanks. :) ] shinra: [glad you're doing well.] Relan: [you two okay?] shinra: [yeah, trying to get on commander shinmon's good side, its going slow, but there's small progress] iris: [that's great to hear! everyone here is doing well. miwa is keeping sister in check.] Relan: [someone as sweet as you, Shinra, will get on his good side in no time. happy to hear, iris...miwa seems good at that] Hibana: *sneaking up behind Iris...* iris: s-sister! Hibana: "Holy moley, Boyfriend #2 is quite the cutie, isn't he?" iris: >/////<; Hibana: *hugs her from behind* "So cute...Tell Relan and Shinra I said hi. And Shinra should enjoy his new office--" miwa: *squeeky* hibana... Hibana: "Ouchie!" *frowns then growls at Miwa* iris: ^^; -elsewhere- Arthur: *sets something down in front of Tamaki's room...knocks...then runs away* tamaki: ??? *she looks around* *Outside her door is a coffee cat art* tamaki:..*smiles and drinks it* =w= Arthur: *peeks around the corner* -\\\\- -elsewhere- Kid: "Only one thing is better than putting on a suit..." stocking: and whats that? Kid: *leaps, and he's now in his boxers, his suit neatly folded in his hands* "Getting out of it." stocking: *claps* impressive! Kid: *bows* "Thank you...I could teach you that trick..." stocking: it's fine....as is the view~ Kid: "Oh, is it..." *puts hands around back of her neck* stocking: *kiss* yes. *kiss* Kid: *kisses back, his hands around her waist* "I'm...sorry for how embarrassed I was in that suit...I was whining so much." stocking: its ok...im sorry kirika put you through that......um...could you help me unzip the back of my dress? Kid: "Of course~" *puts his fingers along the zipper, slowly drawing it down as he kisses her exposed neck* stocking: *sighs softly* oh~ Kid: *unzips her dress to its lowest, tugging down on her sleeves symmetrically until her entire torso is revealed* stocking: *blushes and kisses him* Kid: *returns her kiss, his hands along her waist as he lets her dress drop* stocking: *lays down on the bed as they kiss* Kid: *he straddles her, kissing down her neck as his finger traces right under her bra* -later- stocking: nngh~ f-fuck~! Kid: *thrusting harder into her, grunting* stocking: s-so good~! *panting* Kid: *hard kiss against her mouth, as he gets closer to climaxing* "Mmm..." stocking: ah-AHH~!! >////< Kid: "AAAH!" *pants, sucking along her neck* stocking: *wrapping her legs tightly around him as she reaches her limit* Kid: *thrusting harder, faster, pinching her backside as he hits the right spot...* stocking: AHHHHHHHHH~!!<3 *her back arches as she climaxes* Kid: "You like that, don't you..." *grunts as he continues to thrust through her climax...* stocking: *moaning as her body quivers under him* Kid: "I'm so close...I'm so fucking close..." stocking: fuck me kid~! Kid: "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll be screaming my name for hours..." *slaps her bottom as he jerks a bit* "Ah!" stocking: k-KID! >///< Kid: "Louder!" *thrusts harder, as he clutches her breast and starts to cum* stocking: KIIIIIIID~!! >////< Kid: "AAAH!" *cums, his hand pinching her nipple as his mouth collides with her neck* stocking: *screaming out in pleasure* Kid: *pulls out of her, as he continues to play with her nipple, and licks her other one* -later- stocking: *asleep in his arms* Kid: *stroking her hair lightly, staring at her* ("This angel...Thank you, Stocking...") *kisses her forehead* stocking: *small smile in her sleep* Kid: *smiles, lies next to her, starts to fall asleep* -morning- Kid: *pats her bottom lightly* "Sore?" stocking: a little...but i'll live. *snuggles* Kid: *holds her* "Good. Thank you for last night, Angel." stocking: *she smiles* anytime, babe. *kiss* Kid: *returns the kiss* "You are more beautiful than words can properly describe." stocking: hehe~ *goes to brush her hair* Kid: *pulls on his pajama bottoms* "What would you like for breakfast?" -in asakusa- shinra: *asleep* Arthur: *trying to hold back a laugh, having put shaving cream in Shinra's hand and is holding a feather* shinra: *stirring awake* Arthur: *tickles Shinra's nose...* shinra: *slaps the cream into arthur's face and smirks* Arthur: -_- "You little shit." shinra: good morning to you too. Arthur: *wipes shaving cream away* "Thought that would've worked...You must be a light sleeper." shinra: i got up about half hour ago actually...i just wanted to humor you. Arthur: "Hmph. Early bird catches the worm, and all that nonsense...Fine. Let's just get breakfast...and don't you dare put something in my meal." Akitaru: *in another room* "Huh...Where's my shaving cream?" -later- Takehisa: *claps* "Let's get going." shinra: *already dressed* Arthur: *pulling on his jacket, a piece of bread in his mouth* Akitaru: *big bear yawn* tamaki: *kitty stretch* >^< shinra: so what's today's game plan? Arthur: -\\\\- ("Tamaki is so cute...") Takehisa: "The Commander of the 7th sent an order to us: some of us will be helping the community with part-time work, others will continue construction." Akitaru: "Oh, we get to work in the school? Fun!" Arthur: *examining instructions* "Where the heck is this place?" Takehisa: "Maki, we'll be bringing a few extra tools with us to finish construction on the restaurant." maki: right. -and so- shinra: *playing with some of the kids* girl: .....*holding her doll* Akitaru: *pushing a child carefully on a swing* child: hehe! ^^ shinra: thats a nice doll. girl:...mama gave it to me. shinra: ah. girl:.......the flames took her last year.... shinra:....oh. Akitaru: *pushes a second child on the other swing as well* child 2: yay! Akitaru: "Higher, kiddos?" -inside the shrine- hinata: *playing hide and seek with the others* tamaki: ok..now where did they go...? Arthur: *looking behind a chair that obviously has no one behind it, speaks louder than necessary* "Nope, no one here..." tamaki: found you doofus. hikage: *muffled giggling* Arthur: -_-; "Well, where are the others? I don't see them yet..." tamaki: still hiding... Arthur: "Hmm...Maybe I can help." *gets down on the floor, crawling along it like he's on a battlefield* tamaki: *sweatdrop* (thinking: he went from knight to army guy in a split second....) Arthur: *spots something--legs?--under a table...points to it like a bloodhound* boy: you found me! Arthur: "Of course I found you! I am a knight, after all." tamaki: *smiles* Arthur: *notices Tamaki, blushes* "Um...How many other children are in this game?" boy: just a few others. toshio isnt playing today though... Arthur: "??? Why isn't Toshio playing?" boy: he's feeling kind of sick. Arthur: "Has he gone to the infirmary?" hikage: *sneak sneak* Arthur: *listening* "Hear someone else, Tamaki?" -elsewhere- Kid: *smirking* kirika: *covered in whipped cream* you dick. Kid: "Consider us even." kirika: 7,7; Kid: *hands her a towel* -elsewhere- Medusa: *smirks* "I think your face looks better that way." shaula: *flips her off* Ponera: *smirks as well* "I particularly like the mustache. Very charming." -elsewhere- Relan: *looking at books in the library, his hand bumps into someone* "Oh! S-Sorry..." blonde girl: o-o# you want me to snap your neck you f*cking sh*tstain? *fire fist gauntlet* look at your sad scrawny ass, i could snap you like a damn twig. Relan: "!!! I said I was sorry!" blonde: *about to throw a punch before her collar shocks her* FUCK!....tch- you got off lucky today, fucknuts. Relan: o_____o "...I need a bathroom..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *reviewing disciplinary reports* "Some real hot-heads at this school...Thank goodness for shock collars." marie: no kidding....hard to believe the 4th actually detained a member of the hell blaze gang... -the file name reads 'Juria Itagaki' Spirit: "I got another report about Itagaki--shock collar went off, harassed a student." marie:....*sigh* what is with that girl....? Spirit: "Needs an attitude adjustment. Maybe therapy." nygus: >->;;; Spirit: "...Naigus, have a fire extinguisher ready..." nygus: understood. -elsewhere- Kid: *waves to Homura* homura: good morning kid. Kid: "Hello. How have you been?" homura: i've been well. my parents are going to be away on a business trip, so i'll basically be home alone. which gives me plenty of time to study for winter exams. Kid: *nods* "I'm sure you'll do great on the tests. I need to do more studying soon." -in the hospital- misono:..... Rin: "Hey there..." misono: *tenses..tenses further when he sees madoka* ....hello. madoka: we brought you some chocolates, since mr lilly told us you like them. misono: *gulps*...thank you. Rin: *weak smile* "You're looking better." misono: i should be out soon. the sooner i'm out, the sooner we can deal with tsubaki. madoka: *looks at rin* he means the man in the kimono. Rin: "Oh, right." *nervous laugh* "Thought you meant Black Star's partner. But yeah, when you get out, we find that dude." misono: that's good to know.....mahiru told me he found the eve of the servamp of pride, so that should be helpful to us. Rin: "Great! ...Um...'Servamp' is short for 'servant vampire,' right? Sorry, this is all new to me..." misono: yes. that would be the case. madoka: ^^; (thinking: he's more familiar with demons and angels....) Rin: "Cool, cool...Is there a book on this I could read? That'd help." -elsewhere- Yohei: *puts on goggles* "Okay...These imitate actual vision far better. Should have the biotech eyes ready in a few more weeks..." chie: how is it? Yohei: "..." *holds out a hand* "Not bad. Color is a little off..." *brings hand to his face--and accidentally hits his own face* "...Depth perception needs work." -elsewhere- kim:....*notices 3 guys* who're they? havent seen them around.... Jun: "Um...Hello, fellow young person?" kim: um....hi? yumikage: yo. Jun: "Could you direct us to the cafeteria, where people dine on various meals?" *nervous sweat* kim: its just down the hall. Jun: "Could you direct us to the cafeteria, where people dine on various meals?" *nervous sweat* kim: its just down the hall. mio: is that guy in his pajamas?.....if i can come here in pajamas i'd never change clothes. Tsurugi: *twitch* "THESE AREN'T PAJAMAS! THEY ARE COMFORTABLE!" mio: still. Tsurugi: *twitch twitch, glares at Mio* Meme: *serene smile, as she glares at Tsurugi* "Is there a problem?" Tsurugi: ._. mio: o-o; Jun: "Um...Thank you for the instructions to the cafeteria..." Jacqueline: "We haven't seen you around this school before. Are you new?" yumikage: we're transfer students from out of town. Jun: *nods* "Y-Yeah...I'm--" yumikage: just call me yomika, that's junpei, and thats- Tsurugi: "Tsurugi." kim: well then. tsugumi: its nice to meet you all. *smiles* Tsurugi: *grunt* Jun: "A pleasure." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "What is the progress?" kabuki: most of the buildings have been reconstructed. Benimaru: "I will admit, progress has been faster, even with these fools from the 8th." Konru: "That's a high compliment, coming from you." kabuki: have you considered their offer of collaborating? Benimaru: "...I have. I will speak with Commander Obi." kabuki: *he smiles* Benimaru: "Have you seen the Commander around?" kabuki: i think he's at the shrine's school... Benimaru: *nods, departs* -at the shrine- kirei: oh, benimaru, good to see you. *she smiles* Benimaru: *bows* "You as well. I was looking for Commander Obi." kirei: ah, i think he should be outside...*she walks him to where the yard was, several children still there* Akitaru: *has kids hanging off his arms as he lifts arms up and down* child: whee! Benimaru: "..." *glances at Shinra* "They're having fun." shinra: yeah. *he smiles* make sense, he's pretty good with kids. Akitaru: "Oh, hey, Commander! Shinra, could you watch the kids for a second?" shinra: oh, sure thing! *Akitaru and Benimaru stand apart from the kids, talking just out of earshot but in view of Shinra...* shinra: *showing them fire top* kids: woah! *In the distance, Benimaru talks at length, Akitaru just listening...Then Benimaru holds out a hand. Akitaru smiles widely and shakes it enthusiastically, startling Benimaru who still shakes back with a nervous smile* [Benimaru just said he is warming up, not that he is necessarily fully on board, but that the 8th can consider the 7th allies.] tamaki: *looking around* misora:...... Arthur: "What's going on?" tamaki: not sure. misora:.....*walking away* Arthur: "Hey, Misora? Feeling okay?" misora: hmm? oh, im just fine~ still a bit sleepy though. Arthur: "Maybe lie down and nap in the infirmary?" misora: i was gonna go do that, but i'll miss watching beni-chan. *pouts* Arthur: *looks at Benimaru* "What is it with everyone being attracted to that guy?" tamaki: *shrug* Tsukiyo: *hops up behind Misora* "So, you staring at dat ass?" misora: o//w//o Tsukiyo: *remembering spying on Benimaru in the hot spring* "I've seen him. It's quite nice." misora: tell me all the details! tamaki: -_-; Tsukiyo: *smirks* "For the right price. Give me what I want, and I'll tell you which cheek has the cutest little mole on it~" tamaki: OH MY GOD! *walking away* Arthur: *follows Tamaki* tamaki: honestly, those two.... -///-; Arthur: "Yes. Quite immature...I mean, obsessing over someone like that..." ("...Tamaki is so pretty...") -elsewhere- sayaka: hot spring...hot spring.....ah! here it is! Rin: "You sure about this?" mahiru: yeah. it's our best bet. sayaka: hello- tetsu: hey. sayaka: YIKES! you startled me! Rin: "Um...Hi?" tetsu: *notices mahiru* friends of yours? mahiru: yeah, long story. tetsu: ah, i'll get you guys a spare room then. follow me. madoka:... Rin: "Hey..." *pats her shoulder* "You okay?" madoka: *she nods* yeah. sayaka: this is a nice place. tetsu: thanks. it's been in the family for generations. sayaka: neato....*peers into the room* O_O;;; is that a coffin?! tetsu: of course. madoka: o-o (thinking: he's saying it so casually!) Rin: "You...keep a coffin...right there? Um, why?" tetsu: that's where hugh sleeps. Rin: "WHO SLEEPS IN A COFFIN?!" tetsu: a vampire. sayaka: O_O;;;; madoka: sayaka, we see paranormal things all the time, and we're magical girls. sayaka: oh right. still suffering culture shock from the whole vampire thing, ahahaha... ^^' tetsu: you're magical girls? sayaka: puella magi actually. Rin: "Yeah! I mean, not me. I just see supernatural stuff. A lot. Not like I wear dresses or anything." *awkward cough* mahiru: -_-; tetsu: cool. oi, hugh, we have guests who want to meet you. Hugh: *yawn* "I am not yet done...I wanted more rest..." mahiru: isnt kuro supposed to be the servamp of sloth? -_-; Hugh: "You just caught me at a moment of intense focus, wherein my powers of observation and intense mental focus were rendered null by deleterious activities prior." *looks at the group, slight bow* sayaka: *SQUEEEEE* OHMYGODHE'SADORABLE!! mahiru: O-O; is she...usually like this? madoka:....*sigh* at times. -elsewhere- Rino: o_____o "I am never going into Maki's room again." iris: *sigh* nozomi: .....*looking over files* Hibana: *opens one file* "Still no lead on the bugs..." gabriella: im sure we'll find something soon. miwa: just got to keep trying. Hibana: "We better. I doubt that gorilla is going to get Commander Grumpy Pants to help..." miwa: you never know. iris: we got _you_ to help with a little understanding, right sister? Hibana: -_-; "That is only because you, Shinra, and Gabby are just too adorable. The gorilla, not so much..." nayumi: *looking at files* sayu: who're those guys? nayumi: 'hell blaze gang'? looks like arrest warrants on them.... Hibana: "Jeez...Look at the tats on that one. Creepy..." iris: even their leader is unknown.... Rino: "Ew...I think that one used to hang outside my school. Pervert." gabriella: hmm... 'juria itagaki, currently in detainment by the 4th brigade'.... Hibana: "Jeez, the 4th really will recruit anyone, huh?" gabriella: first a guy who nearly killed his own sister, now a hell blaze gang member? how does commander arg handle it......or was it commander hague? Hibana: "Commander Asshole, is more like it. Am I right?" *holds up her hand* Rino: -_-; "No." gabriella: *high five* -elsewhere- Gopher: -\\\\\- "I thought you looked quite stylish in your brother's suit." kirika: thanks, i guess. 7-7 i was just doing it for sh*ts and giggles though. Gopher: "...You should wear a suit more often. It suits you." *snort* kirika:....woooow really? Gopher: "It was kinda funny." .W. kirika: yeah kinda. kotone:..... Gopher: "How are you, Kotone?" kotone:.....it was funny.... kirika: *not saying anything* Gopher: *nervous squirming* "Um...Would anyone like a snack? Drinks?" -later that evening- belkia: AW WHO JUST BLUE SHELLED ME?! otogiri: *the culprit. not saying a word* Mr. Tsubaki: "Children, play nice...because I have Round 2." sakuya: ....... lilac: *reading* belkia: *playing but is distracted by the moans and grunts from the other room* OI! HIGAN! LAV! SHADDAP IN THERE! *sigh* honestly, so rude..... otogiri: at least some of use are getting laid. belkia:.....below the belt, giri-oto. sakuya: *wince* ow. sick burn. Mr. Tsubaki: T_T belkia: while our love lives may be in the pits, we still have lots of games! QwQ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *cries more* otogiri:....*pap pap* Higan: "AAAAAH!" lavender: OH GOD YES~! belkia: QwQ want to go out and wreck some havoc? Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes, please." -and so- Mr. Tsubaki: *giggling* belkia: the trap is set, let the games begin... *rings the doorbell* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Huh?" belkia: hide! hide! Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh!" *darts one way, then another, before hiding in the bushes* -the resident of the house is doused in orange juice- resident: WHAT THE FUCK?! Mr. Tsubaki: *snicker snicker* "I think they got their daily dose of Vitamin C, for, 'See?! We punked your ass!'" resident: hey! who the hell is out there?! Mr. Tsubaki: "...Crap...Um..." *looks around where to run* -elsewhere- Kid: "You sure I can't convince you to stay here for Thanksgiving, Liz?" liz: sorry, but hey, there's always next year. Kid: *nods* "It will be strange, as we each are going to our significant other's for Thanksgiving. How is Patty taking the news?" liz: a bit disappointed, but she said she'd survive. we have our aunt, uncle, and cousins here, right? Kid: *smiles, nods* "Indeed. Any chance Soul will be joining you?" liz: yeah. stein said he'd go with too to monitor him in case... nevermind. Kid: "..." *nods* "Right..." *pats her shoulder* "He'll be fine." liz: *she nods* Kid: "I was about to make some tea--interested?" liz: sure. Kid: *smiles, as he heats up the water* "I am happy for you and Wes, and I hope things are okay." -elsewhere- Emine: *stares intently at Lin* lin: *cooking* *whistling* Emine: "Do you need help with that?" lin: you did do your bad deed today, right? Emine: *nods* "I duct-taped Shotaro to the wall..." Shotaro: *in the basement* "...Is this really much of a bad deed? It's kinda fun!" mono:......im not going to talk about what he did to me. -///-; lin: well, then im sure it's alright... Emine: "Okay. Just tell me what to do..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *staring at Akitaru, then turns to Shinra* "Your commander trains how many hours per day?" shinra: yeah. Benimaru: "...Yikes." Akitaru: *saying goodbye to kids for the day* Benimaru: "Why train that hard? Why would anyone who is not a Second Generation at least join the Brigade?" shinra: we all have our reasons... -one of the children is a young girl with black hair in two pigtails- Akitaru: "..." *smiles at her* "You have an okay day today?" girl: *she nods* Akitaru: *pats her head* "Then let's make tomorrow even better, alright?" girl: ok! *she smiles* Akitaru: *smiles, wipes his eyes, grins widely* -the girls parents have arrived to take her home- mama: did you have fun today, ayase-chan? ayase: *she nods* yes mama! -the 3 walk away- Akitaru: "..." *turns, walking back towards Shinra and Benimaru* shinra: you ok, commander? Akitaru: *wiping his eyes* "Yeah...I'm okay..." shinra:...are you sure? *concerned* Akitaru: *nods, trying to keep a brave face* "Yeah, don't worry about me." *pats Shinra's shoulder* "Let's get some dinner." Benimaru: "..." *looks like he...was expecting an invitation?* shinra: did you want to come too? Benimaru: "...Fine. I needed dinner anyway." shinra:...*small smile* *Multiple villagers surround Shinra, Akitaru, and Benimaru* Akitaru: "...Um..." Villagers: "BENI-CHAN! CAN WE GO WITH YOU FOR DINNER, TOO?!" Benimaru: "..." *facepalm* shinra: OwO; (thinking: yikes!) -SMOKE BOMB- Akitaru: "?!!!" -someone grabs the 3 of them and takes off into an alley- Akitaru: "Let go of me!" fang-hua: commander, are you alright? Benimaru: "..." *relatively okay with this* ("Beats the crowds...") "I am alright. Thank you, Kohana." fang-hua: --; how about you two? shinra: im ok... Akitaru: *nods* "Impressive work, Fang-Hua!" fang-hua: *she smiles* thanks. shinra: so then does having a lot of explosives relate to your 2nd gen ability? fang-hua: somewhat, i can just control how fast or slow the spark goes. Benimaru: "Fang-Hua, I think I'll need my disguise for sneaking out to dine." fang-hua: hmmm....*looking around the alley*.... kabuki: young master. *hands it to him* shinra: woah! how did yo- kabuki: call it a kitsune's intuition~<3 Benimaru: "Thank you, Kabuki..." *puts on the jacket, hat, and glasses* Akitaru: "So...Any restaurant you recommend? The one from the night before was good." -elsewhere- Relan: [texting Iris: "she was really scary. thank goodness for the shock collar"] iris: [im just glad you're safe.] Relan: [thanks. how has your day been?] iris: [it's been well.] Relan: [that's good. things okay at the 8th?] Rino: "WHY IS SHE EVEN DRAWING THESE KINDS OF THINGS?!" iris: >w>; [eventful] Relan: [yeah. i came home and found commander giovanni looking at buttons's cage...creepy] Hibana: *looking at Maki's illustrations* "I've seen worse..." miwa:...that's quite detailed.....does hinawa even _have_ a birthmark there? iris: [try to be careful, ok?] Relan: [will do...can i ask something else?] iris: [what is it?] Relan: [is it uncomfortable for me to end a text with 'love u'?] iris: [if you want to, then im sure it's alright. ^^] Relan: [okay...love u] iris: [love you too. ^^] Relan: -\\\\- Rino: *collapses at the kitchen table* "I am exhausted from this work..." -morning- Kid: *whistling* stocking: *hug* morning handsome~ Kid: *smiles* "Morning, beautiful." stocking: *smooch* hehe~ Kid: "How are you feeling?" stocking: good, and you? Kid: "Great...but I am thinking already about Christmas gifts..." stocking: oh~? Kid: "Maybe visit some shops soon, get some ideas for post-Thanksgiving sales?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: *holds her hand* "Thanks. I was hoping to find some good gifts for Mom, Dad, Shiori, Kirika...Liz, Patty..." *teases* "Isn't there someone else I should be buying a gift?" stocking: *pouts and pokes his cheeks* mean! >n< Kid: *giggles* "I'm kidding!" stocking: i know~ *smooch on the nose* Kid: *blushes, hugs her* "Love you." -at school- Jacqueline: "I'm just saying, those three new students look a little old." kim: maybe, but i like the way that tsurugi guy thinks. Jacqueline: "...Seriously?" kim: *whistling* tsugumi: jackie, are you having a hard time....diehl-ing with her? kim:.............you fucking didnt. Jacqueline: -_- "Stop." tsugumi:..... QwQ i thought it was funny... ao: *laughing* Anya: *annoyed look at Ao* Jacqueline: "What is it about that Tsurugi person that you're tolerating? I just get a bad feeling around them..." kim: any lover of money is cool in my book! ^w^ Jacqueline: *pinches Kim's cheek* "Greedy..." kim: ow! >3< Jacqueline: "Sometimes you're too greedy for your own good..." -elsewhere- Relan: *points* "That's the really violent fire person..." iris: ah...um....excuse me. juria: eh? what do you want, midget b*tch? iris:....im going to have to ask you to leave relan alone. he didnt do anything to you...right? juria:...oh that brat? ........fuckin....look, i got my ear talked off last night, so im a bit bitter about it, but surpisingly, im rather calm when im bitter, so im gonna let this one slide, but tomorrow, look out. Relan: *peeks up from behind Iris* "W-We don't want any trouble..." juria: consider yourself lucky, punk. *walking away* stupid shock collar.... Relan: *sigh of relief* "Thank you, Iris." iris: im just glad you're ok... Relan: *smiles* "I'm glad she didn't attack you..." iris: yeah...im not exactly built for combat. Relan: "I'm not sure I am either. It's why I try to work out." iris:....maybe later, we can stop by asakusa? Relan: "Yeah, and see Shinra?" iris: *she smiles and nods* Relan: "Cool! I'd like that. When would you want to head over?" iris: maybe after school? Relan: *nods* "Okay! I'll see you at the front steps, then?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Okay, this post is secured!" tamaki: this one's good to go. Takehisa: *checks off on the list* "Good. Let's move onto the next building for inspection." Konro: *slowly walking with others to follow progress* "With the extra builders here, we finished sooner than expected." kabuki: indeed.....?? *notices two individuals* oh? Relan: *waves awkwardly to Kabuki* "Hello, fellow Fire Brigade member. We're from the 8th. I mean, she's from the 8th, I'm from the 3rd--" kabuki: oh? tamaki: oh, iris, and........relan, was it? Relan: *nods* "And you're...Kotatsu?" tamaki: yeah...lookin for shinra, i take it? iris: yes actually. Relan: *looking around* "Wow...This all looks new." tamaki: yeah...shinra's back at the ryokan. come on. Relan: "Oh...Are you all heading back there, or still working?" -and so- shinra: rel! iris! *hugs them both* Relan: o\\\\o "H-Hi..." *pat pat* shinra: so what brings you by? iris: we wanted to see how you were all doing. Relan: *nods* "You're looking well..." shinra: *smiles* -he tells them all that has happened- Relan: "Oh...The Commander of the 7th isn't that scary?" shinra: at first maybe, but he's alright i guess... Relan: "That's good to hear..." *tentative poke at Shinra's arm* "Working out?" shinra: yeah... *blush* iris: .....i'll go check on the commander. Akitaru: *outside in the dining room* Relan: "O-Oh...Okay..." iris: *goes to the dining room* Akitaru: "Iris!" *bear hug* iris: good to see you too, commander. ^^ maki: iris! we missed you! Akitaru: "How's everything back at the 8th?" iris:....not a dull moment. Akitaru: "..." *frowns* "What did Hibana do?" iris:........*she explains the situation* miwa's been keeping her on a tight leash though.... Akitaru: *massaging his temples* "Jeez, that Hibana...Remind me to thank Miwa when we get back home." iris: noted ^^; Akitaru: *leans back in chair* "Well, with these repairs just about done, we should be heading back to the 8th soon. Just have to convince Benimaru..." iris: understood. Akitaru: "You staying here tonight, Iris, or heading back to the 8th?" iris: i might head back...i dont know about relan though... Akitaru: "Alright. Sell, if you stay over, we can make room." iris: *she nods* ok, but i think i will head back, to check on nozomi... Akitaru: *nods* "Thanks...How is she?" iris: she's...been doing better....checking through files... Akitaru: "So, keeping busy? Anything she discovered?" iris: *she explains her findings* Akitaru: "The 4th...Better keep an eye on them." iris: *she nods* Akitaru: *stretches* "Well, after that long day of work, I need a bath. See you back at the 8th soon, Iris!" -later that evening- Relan: *stands with Iris, waving at Shinra* "We'll see you soon." shinra: *he hugs them and kisses them both on the cheek* Relan: *slight blush* -later- Akitaru: "Doin' alright, Shinra?" shinra: yeah, it was nice to see them. *he smiles* Akitaru: *nods* "They doing okay?" shinra: *he nods* Akitaru: "That's good..." Arthur: *moping* shinra: ??? Akitaru: "Arthur?" Arthur: "...I am happy for you, Shinra..." *pouts* shinra: um...thanks arthur... Arthur: "But I'm still here...and I need help with my...plan for a date." Akitaru: "???" shinra:.....um.... Arthur: "I need a restaurant, a valet, a carriage, and a horse." shinra:.....dude what? Arthur: "I, as the knight, require a steed and carriage to carry the Cat Princess to the date that awaits her." shinra:........................................................no comment. Arthur: "So, will you be the carriage driver or not? I have the suit planned for you already." shinra: O-O Arthur: *holds up the suit...* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Oh, you're back!" iris: *she nods* shinra and the others are doing well. Hibana: "...Are you okay?" iris: *she tells them all what happened* while shinra appreciates the thought, he declined your offer on the office. Hibana: -_-; "Maybe you should've done a better job selling him on the idea..." iris: ^^; Hibana: "How did the gorilla react when you told him what I was going to do to his office?" iris: he was annoyed, oh! miwa, good job keeping sister in check. miwa: no problem ^^ Hibana: *temper twitch* "Traitor..." nayumi: *giggles* gabriella: its ok hibana...*kisses her on the cheek* Hibana: -\\\\- *huggies* Rino: "So, Iris, how are Boyfriends 1 and 2?" iris: shinra and relan are doing good. -morning- Kid: *sighs* stocking: you ok kid? *concerned* Kid: *nods* "Just thinking...I don't want to embarrass you at Thanksgiving..." stocking: *smile* it'll be fine kid...trust me. Kid: *nods* "I...feel like it will go fine. I just get nervous as I try to figure out every last detail so that everything is precise and perfect." stocking: *chuckles* you're so cute kiddo.... Kid: *blushes, smiles* "I try..." *inhales, exhales* "Okay. I'll do my best." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Well, onto more immediate matters..." *puts on apron* "What would you like for breakfast, my sweet~?" -elsewhere- kurome: papa! Kurogiri: *deep but comforting voice* "Kurome! Daddy loves you~" kurome: hehehe! ^^ Kurogiri: "Papa has a coloring book and crayons for you--non-toxic, too!" kurome: *shiny eyes* -outside the room- yuuji: he's been in there a while... Dabi: "Just tending to his ankle-biter..." ???: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGH!!! *SLAM* WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT?! *points to a positive pregnancy test* WHO THE HELL HAD THE AUDACITY TO THROW AWAY A POOR INNOCENT IPOD SHUFFLE?!?! Dabi: ._____. "...I'm not pregnant." yuuji: what?! sachi: DONT LOOK AT ME! >///< himiko:...... >w>;;;;;;;; Dabi: "...Oh no..." himiko: .....*throws confetti* surprise dabi! or should i say 'daddy'? yuuji: *about to throw up* Dabi: .__________. (walks into the bathrooms, shuts the door--and screams) villain: dammit toga do we need to get shiragaki to kink shame you again?! himiko: I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!.....this time. Dabi: *opens the door* "...Are you really pregnant?" yuuji: wow, kurogiri is probably going to skin him alive....i'll go call the morticians. himiko: yup! 8D sachi: *hug* congrats himiko! Dabi: "...Himiko, we have a lot to discuss..." himiko: 8D 8D 8D yuuji: holy shit, are you actually going to take responsibility for once? who the fuck are you and where's dabi? Dabi: "Question #1: How many months can we still have sex?" yuuji: and there he is. sachi: *PUNCH* RUDE! D8< Dabi: *knocked to the floor* "It was...a legitimate, fair question..." sachi: still! >n< yuuji: *sending a text to kurogiri* Kurogiri: "Oh, a text from Yuuji that says--" o_______O *Muffled yell* kurome: ?? ???: rest in pieces. hey when you die, can i get your porn mags? Dabi: "Hell no. I'm getting buried with those." *Warp Gate opens--and Kurogiri's hands reach out and start strangling Dabi* Dabi: O_______O ???: fuck you ma- HOLY! Kurogiri: *angrish screaming* himiko: owo~? Kurogiri: "YOU DARE DEFILE HER LIKE THIS?!" Dabi: *choking* yuuji: *filming on his phone* Dabi: *struggling* "Help me, you bastards!" yuuji: soon soon. sachi: *laughing* himiko: my baby's gonna be so cuuuute! kurome's gonna have a playmate and it's gonna be totes adorbs!! Dabi: *eyes rolling back into his head* Kurogiri: "...A playmate?" *drops Dabi, walks towards Himiko* "...Yes, that is quite adorable." himiko: I KNOW! *shiny eyes* yuuji: aaand posted. Dabi: *drooling on the floor* Shigaraki: *opens door, holding a glass, wearing bunny slippers...sees the sight in front of him...closes the door again* -elsewhere- Relan: "Doing okay, Buttons?" buttons: ^o^ Relan: "The Commander didn't bother you, did he?" buttons: *nuzzles against his hand* Relan: "That's good...You're such a great pet." *pet pet* -elsewhere- Black Star: *YAAAAAAWN* tsubaki: zzzz.... Black Star: *knocks* "Tsubaki? I'm done in the shower." tsubaki: *yawn* Black Star: *knocks again, puts his hand along the door knob* tsubaki: its open. Black Star: *opens, enters slightly, wearing a towel* "Hey. I finished in the shower--it's all yours. You okay?" tsubaki: yeah. *she nods* just resting. *she gets up and goes to the shower* Black Star: *watches her go to the shower; when she shuts the door behind her, he walks to his room to dress* tsubaki: *sigh* ..... Black Star: *in his room, takes off his towel, starts getting dressed* ("She's still so worried about all of this...") -elsewhere- Yohei: "More ginger ale?" chie: *nods* TT-TT Yohei: *pours another glass, hands it to her* "Next doctor's appointment is when?" chie: this weekend. Yohei: *holds her hand* "I'll be there." chie: *she smiles* Shotaro: *peeks into the room* "Chie? I got something for the baby..." chie: oh? what is it? Shotaro: *holds up a unicorn doll* "Tah dah!" chie: awww, how cute! Yohei: "Cool." *pats Shotaro's head* Shotaro: "Hee hee..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *holding a clipboard* "...This building looks off." tamaki: *facefault* you're kidding! Arthur: "!!!" tamaki: TT^TT Benimaru: *points to one wall* "I want another coat of paint here. My residents deserve better than half-hearted craftsmanship." Tsukiyo: *wearing a construction helmet, overalls, and holding a shovel* shinra: understood sir, we'll try our hardest.... Benimaru: *shoves a can of paint and brush into Shinra's hands* "See that you do." shinra: yes sir!....*sigh* Tsukiyo: "Sir, you need a helmet to protect your beautiful head from any damage in this construction site~!" Benimaru: *now in a helmet* "..." fang-hua: well, it would be bad if you got injured.... Benimaru: "I destroy buildings on a periodic basis--" Tsukiyo: "And that's very hot!" Benimaru: "--that I am sure debris will not harm me..." fang-hua: still, cant be too careful sir... Benimaru: -\\\\- "Fine." fang-hua: *she smiles* Benimaru: *checking walls* "Hmm...This screw needs to be tightened..." Tsukiyo: *opens her mouth...* fang-hua: tsukiyo no. Tsukiyo: *pouts, holds up screwdriver* "Fine...I'll do it..." *screws* -elsewhere- Kid: "Been awhile since home ec..." stocking: yeah. seems we're making tarts. Kid: "Excellent." *hands an apron to Stocking* -it has an angel wing design- Kid: *kid's has an 8 on the front* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *blushes* "I hope to make the tart sweet enough." stocking: im sure you will~ Kid: "Hmm...Lemon, strawberry, orange curds..." *removes some lemon rinds* -elsewhere- lilac: s-school...a-admission forms? Mr. Tsubaki: "Will that be a problem?" lilac: um...n-no! not at all s-sir! Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "And keep an eye on this one..." *slides a photo to Lilac, of Tsubaki Nakatsukasa* lilac: um...o-ok sir.... Mr. Tsubaki: "Enjoy school~" lilac:....*gulp*..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh! And you'll need a new backpack, some pencils, one of those 'Keeper of Traps'...Trapper Keeper" belkia: should he go for a school uniform or nah? Shamrock: "The Academy does have a variety of uniforms..." *holds up a skirt* lilac: um....i-if i should wear that...t-then i guess i could..... Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; "Don't tease him with a skirt. Let him pick his own uniform..." lilac:..t-thank you..... Shamrock: "Hmph...Fine. Maybe a shirt and tie would suit you better..." lilac: m-m-maybe..... Shamrock: "Well, let me get your measurements. Arms out!" lilac: *gulps and does so* >////< Shamrock: *puts measurement tape around waist* "You've been gaining weight?" lilac: i-i-is that bad?? Shamrock: "Depends. You eating enough?" lilac: i-i think so.... -elsewhere- Kid: *sniffs* "Ah~" stocking: mmmm~ >w< Kid: *hands one to Stocking* "Lovely..." stocking: *nom and happy shudders* so yummy~! Kid: *quivers with happiness* "So glad to hear." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *tastes the tart, quivers* "So tasty." stocking: *licks some of the cream off his lip* Kid: o\\\\o stocking: surprised~? Kid: "...You always surprise me, in good ways, every single day." soul: get a room! Kid: *smirks* "Already have one~" soul: DUDE!! liz: *clasps hands and covers mouth* bruh... Kid: -\\\- "Sorry. Couldn't resist." stocking: *stifled laughter* Relan: ("Happy that weird rabbit girl isn't here...") *holding a cherry pie...that somehow caught on fire* iris: r-relan!! Relan: T_T "I just wanted the pie to come out well. WHY DOES EVERYTHING I COOK GET CAUGHT ON FIRE?!" nozomi: *got the fire extinguisher out* *SPRAYS* iris: you arent hurt are you? Relan: T_T "Just my pride. Thank you for our concern, Iris." iris: im sure you'll get it one day. Relan: *nods, small smile despite tears* -elsewhere- Spirit: *in teachers' lounge, showing Halloween pics to Marie* "Such a cute costume...I mean, badass for Batman, but still cute." marie: awww *showing pics of christa's little lamb costume* Spirit: *shiny eyes* "Awwwwwwwww!" marie: i know!! >w< Yumi: *shows photos of Shiori* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...You got paint on your nose." shinra: oh. *wiping it off* did i get it? Arthur: *smirks* "I was kidding. _Now_ you got paint on your nose." shinra:....you're a dick....tamakiiii!! tamaki: hmm? shinra: arthur is picking on me! Arthur: "I was just teasing!" tamaki: come on you two, be nice. Arthur: "...I was just having a little fun..." tamaki: *rolls eyes and gets back to work, adjusting her overall straps* Arthur: -\\\\- ("Such a cute tigress...") -elsewhere- Ponera: *tending to Neian while Medusa naps* "Such a cutie~" neian: mugu.... *teething on a chewy ring* Ponera: "Soon your little snake fangs will poke through, huh, baby~?" neian: hehe! Ponera: "Grimmy! Take a photo!" grimoire: alright. *prepping the camera* neian: dada! grimoire: ..... Ponera: o\\\\o grimoire: im afraid not, young one. neian: TnT Ponera: "Aww, it's okay, Neian! We're all here for you~" grimoire: even your aunt, as much of a 'neat' as she is. Ponera: *snort laugh* "Neet..." shaula: rude. Ponera: "Oh, hello there! Say 'hi' to your Aunt Shaula, Neian!" neian: hi! -elsewhere- Black Star: "Sure you're okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* yes...mifune asked me to watch over angela and yuma while he's on a job. normally he'd ask kyouko, but she has work elsewhere... Black Star: "Ah...That sounds like a two-person job, though. I'm joining you on this!" tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: "Anything to pick up after school before heading over?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Another light bulb, please, Maki." maki: here you go! hopefully this lights up your life! >w< Takehisa: "..." *on the ladder, leans down, pats her head* "Humorous." maki: hehe~ you got to admit, it was funny. Takehisa: "As I said, 'humorous.'" *puts in light bulb* "That's the last." *descends ladder* "Turn on the lights." -the lights flicker on- Takehisa: *small smile* "Nice." maki: hehe! ^^ Takehisa: *pats his brow* "I think this calls for a late lunch break." maki: ramen? Takehisa: *nods* "I'm buying." maki: yay! Takehisa: *small smile as he leads her* "Tamaki, Shinra, Arthur, we will be getting--" Arthur: *dosed in red paint* "..." shinra: ._.; tamaki: *stringing shinra up by his ankles* Takehisa: "...What...did you all do?" tamaki: long story. you wouldnt believe us even if we told you. shinra: please get me down. Takehisa: "..." *pulls out gun, fires it at the rope holding up Shinra* shinra: !!!! -bwoof- shinra: owowowowow.... tamaki: im amazed that didnt go badly for me. Takehisa: "Tamaki, get Arthur cleaned up. Shinra, get to the infirmary. Maki, let's get to--" *Door opens* tamaki: OW! x-x unyaaaaa...... Akitaru: "Hey, guys! How is--" *sees what has happened, including knocking into Tamaki* "..." *slowly closes door* tamaki: serinaaaaaa..... -and so- Akitaru: "Owie..." Arthur: *in his boxers, being hosed down* Q_Q "That water is cold..." padma: -_-; honestly... Takehisa: *slurps on ramen* serina: *tending to tamaki and shinra's injuries* tamaki: thank you serina... qwq serina: it's not a problem. Takehisa: *passes another cup to Maki* Konro: *small laugh at Shinra and Tamaki* "Surprised to see you two at the infirmary." tamaki: i dun wanna talk about it q^q maki: *nom nom* Takehisa: -\\\\- Akitaru: *holding icebag to his head* "Some punch you got, Tamaki." >_< shinra: are you feeling any better? tamaki: 737; Akitaru: "Heh...I'll live." Konro: "Well, you're in good hands. Serina is one of your best." padma: indeed she is. Akitaru: *small smile* "Things are coming along well here. Notwithstanding limitations..." Arthur: "Where are my new clothes while I get mine clean? I'm freezing in just my royal boxers..." maki: thats good. give or take, we'll be home in no time! Tsukiyo: "Here you go~" *holds up speedos* Arthur: -_-; "No." shinra: *snerk* padma: -_- the ryokan owner was kind enough to lend you a robe. Tsukiyo: "Let's put it to a vote: all those in favor, say 'aye'!" tamaki: *small raise of the hand* Arthur: *trying to grab the robe* Akitaru: "..." *smirks at Tamaki* Arthur: o\\\\\\\\o Takehisa: "..." *glances at Maki* tamaki: oh shush you! Akitaru: "I didn't say anything ^^" maki: *thinking* its tempting. but i'll spare him. -elsewhere- Relan: T_T "My poor burnt cherry pie..." *small head-slam against his locker door* iris: *pap pap* you did your best. Relan: "But it sucked...And I didn't get to share a slice of cherry pie with you or Shinra..." iris:...why dont we go to deathbucks? Relan: *nods* -at the cafe- Relan: *shiny eyes at the slice of pie* waitress: enjoy the meal. iris: thank you. Relan: "Yes, thank you!" Relan: *takes a bite, smiles* iris: *enjoying her drink* -mikami and ryuuko enter and take a seat- iris: oh, mikami, ryuuko, good to see you. ryuuko: you as well, sister. *she nods* Relan: *small wave* "How are you?" mikami: we're doing well. ryuuko: we're on a date. mikami: >///< ryuuko-chan, you're so blunt. Relan: ._. "Oh! Congratulations!" iris: ah, thats good to know. ^^ Relan: "You picked a good cafe, at least...Really good dessert!" ryuuko: *she smiles* i can understand why it's so popular. usually we visit the branch on main street plaza, but its nice to see the original. Relan: *nods* "We came here for the cherry pie. What kind of meal will you get on your date?" ryuuko:....cream soda. *shiny eyes* mikami: i think i might get some chocolate cake. Relan: *smiles, then looks at Iris* "Oh, you got a little cherry on your lip." -elsewhere- Kid: *points to one doll in the mall shop window* "That's one gift I was thinking for Shiori." liz: it's so cute. Kid: *smiles* "And I was thinking about what to get Mother and Father..." liz: maybe some mugs? Kid: "Hmm...What should I have written on them?" Patty: "..." *small smirk* -elsewhere in the mall- stocking: *she just purchased her gift for kid* Rin: "Oh, hey, Stocking!" stocking: hmm? oh, hey rin, hows it going? or would you prefer 'uncle'? haha! Rin: -_-; "Rin is fine...I'm just shopping early for some Christmas gifts. You?" stocking: same here...so are you going to come over for thanksgiving dinner or nah? Rin: "I'll be there. Hope you like spicy cornbread stuffing!" *big innocent smile* stocking: sure...*sweatdrop* (thinking: *cringe*) is kyouko coming too, or is she staying at the monastery with your dad? Rin: "I think so..." stocking: ah. and your brother? Rin: "Most definitely! He's been needing to loosen up." stocking: ah, i see. *she nods* well, i should get going, see you then? Rin: "Yep! See ya! Good luck shopping!" -elsewhere- Black Star: *coloring with Angela* angela: *doodling herself and a young boy in a top hat holding hands with hearts* ^///^ Black Star: "...Top hats?" *Excalibur face* angela: he's the boy from the hot spring. ^^ tsubaki: aw, how cute. Black Star: "Oh, that guy? Okay, now I remember him...Got a crush on him?" angela: >//w//< tsubaki: *almost dying of cuteness* Black Star: "I guess next time we pass by the hot spring you can go say 'hi' to him..." -elsewhere- Konro: "Fang-Hua, I finished washing Arthur's clothes. Please take them to him." fang-hua: right away sir. *she heads to the ryokan and goes to his room* mr boyle? Arthur: *slides open the door--he's in a change of clothes* "Yeah? Oh, hey, Fang-Hua! I got the robe to return..." fang-hua: ah. well, here's your clothes back. Arthur: *small laugh* "I rarely hear that. Thanks." fang-hua: no problem. Arthur: "You hungry? Hinawa is a great cook." fang-hua: sure. Takehisa: "Maki, pass me the salt..." *stirring the stew* maki: here you go. fang-hua: need any help? Takehisa: *nods* "Please chop the vegetables into cubes." fang-hua: understood. *doing that* maki: you're pretty good at that. fang-hua: thanks. i know, it seems kind of stereotypical, but when my parents werent home, i was usually in charge, being the oldest. Takehisa: "Good work ethic." fang-hua: *she nods* my family works with fireworks and explosives. one day, one of my brothers, jin, accidently ignited one of them, and when i went to stop it, i held the spark in place. thats how i discovered i was a 2nd gen ability user. maki: neat. Takehisa: "Hmm. No one else in your family has fire abilities?" fang-hua: i think i inherited it from my mom's side of the family. i know my maternal grandfather had those abilities, but he passed away when i was young. i think my mom has them too, but she doesnt use them too often. Takehisa: *remembering first time he saw a person spontaneously combust...* fang-hua: i joined the brigade because i wanted to use my abilities to help others, if not on the front lines, then as support. Takehisa: "That is noble. Based on Commander Benimaru's reports I have read, he appreciates that." fang-hua: *she smiles* Takehisa: "Okay, stew is ready." *calls* "Shinra! Bring the others! The food is ready!" -elsewhere- Relan: "I hope you both had a good date." *smiles* mikami: we did. *she smiles* ryuuko: did you want to walk back with us? seeing as you are in our brigade and all. Relan: *nods, turns back to Iris* "Well...Thanks for taking me out for pie, after I burned mine." iris: no problem. you three get home safe, ok? mikami: ok, you too. Relan: "..." *awkward hug* iris: *hugs as well before exiting* iris: *walking past a shop with TVs, displaying a young man playing piano* lilac: *standing in front of the TVs, muttering* iris: ?? Rin: *walking by* "Oh. Hey. Aren't you at the DWMA?" iris: hmm? oh, yes. im also in the 8th special fire brigade as a sister. Rin: "Oh, cool! My dad's a priest." iris: oh, is that right? well, some of the pastors do have families, im not sure how common it is in the sol church... *muttering to herself ala deku* Rin: "Oh, you do that muttering thing too, huh?" *laugh* "My bro did that, too, growing up." *holds out his hand* "I'm Rin!" iris: a pleasure to meet you call me iris! *shakes* Rin: "You're friends with Izuku, right?" iris: um, i guess so. shinra's better friends with him though. oh, he's in the same brigade as i am. .///. -elsewhere- Kid: *pouts* "I don't know whether this will suit Father..." liz: im sure he'd like it if it were from you. stocking: *entering the shop* hey guys. Kid: *face brightens a bit, goofy smile, waves* stocking: i got to talk to rin, he, yukio and kyouko are probably going to come to dinner too. Kid: "Oh, that's good! The more, the merrier." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "So..." *pretending to peek into her bag* "What did you get me?" stocking: *small chop* uh-uh-uh~ no peeking~ bad kiddo! Kid: *playful pout* "Not even a hint?" stocking: nope~ Kid: *whispers* "I have methods of persuasion...including desserts..." stocking: sounds tempting~ liz: *AHEM* Kid: o\\\\\\o "R-Right! Um...Pick up something to eat on the way home?" stocking: sure. maybe go to death robbins? Kid: *nods* Patty: "42 Flavors!!!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *purring* gabriella: *rubbing her back* you've really been working hard, hibana. Hibana: "Well, someone had to get this filthy branched cleaned up--and I couldn't have done it without you, my love...and Mini-You." gabriella: aww. *blush* Hibana: *smiles* "Remind me to thank you later. For now..." *sighs with relief* "That back rub feels great..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *pats his belly* "Great meal, Takehisa!" maki: so yummy~ ^^ Takehisa: -\\\\\- "I try to do my best." Arthur: *phew* tamaki: =///= *purrs* Arthur: -\\\\\- ("So cute...") Takehisa: "Fang-Hua? Was the meal satisfactory?" -outside, shinra is watching the sunset- shinra: *snaps a pic and texts it to iris and relan* [nice view. which you both were here to see it too...] Relan: [^^ looks great! thanks!] iris: [it looks lovely ^^ wish we were there too.] shinra: *he smiles* Relan: [maybe we can check out the sunset together some time soon?] shinra: [i would like that.] Relan: [ ^^ love u both] -elsewhere- Emine: *smirk* mono: -_______- you're a dick. Emine: "And you're an easy target." mono: 7-7; mono: i am _trying_ to like you guys more, but you make it really difficult... Shotaro: "...What did Emine do to you?" mono: ....i dont want to talk about it... Shotaro: "..." *dope-slaps Emine* Emine: "OW!" Shotaro: "Stop torturing Mono. Let's find you someone new to torture." nea: i volunteer shinoda. Shinoda: D: "Why me?!" nea: *innocent whistling* Emine: "Well, I did my bad deed for today already, so I'll need one for tomorrow..." *pulls out a big book titled 'Bad Deeds Ideas' and slams it down on the table--breaking it* chie: *shadowy tendrils appear as she glares poker faced at him* Emine: "...You should fix that table, Chie. Also, you're looking fat." Shotaro: o______o Shinoda: "..." *runs away* chie:....*biting her lip till it bleeds and shrieks demonically* Emine: o______O Shotaro: *jumps out the window, screaming* "I don't want to die!" -elsewhere- Kid: *hugs Stocking from behind* stocking: hehe~ *petting his head* Kid: *small kiss on her cheek* "So sweet..." stocking: i love you kiddo~ Kid: "I love you, too." *hug* stocking: *takes his hand and kisses his knuckles* Kid: -\\\\- *small kiss on her neck* stocking: *soft sigh of pleasure* Kid: *holds her hand, stroking it lightly* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *hugs Stocking* "You make me feel so safe." stocking: you make me feel safe too.......you...havent been having night terrors again, have you? Kid: *looks uncomfortable* "...Minor ones." stocking: *pets his head* want to talk about it? Kid: "...It's silly, really. Nightmares that I screw up..." stocking: *she sighs and kisses him on the forehead* Kid: *falls into her arms* "Like I said, it's silly...like as silly as forgetting to button up to the top on my shirt, or leaving a shoelace untied...but also as serious as failing to save someone..." stocking: *petting his head and back* its understandable... Kid: "Stocking...It was so silly that I thought...I was in that tacky suit again, and was so distracted that I didn't even notice that...the Academy was destroyed behind me. I knew it was a dream, but it felt so real and frightening." stocking: *she nods and brings him to a window with a view of the academy* see? its still standing... Kid: *small smile* "In perfect condition..." *small smirk* "It could use a new coat of paint." stocking: *she chuckles and kisses his nose* Kid: *blushes, holding her* "Thank you. You know exactly what to say." -elsewhere- sachiko: thanks again for spending the night, spirit. Spirit: "Happy to." *holds her hand* sachiko: *smiles as she nuzzles up to him on the couch* Spirit: "Feeling more relaxed after work?" sachiko: yeah. *stretched out* =w= Spirit: *holds her* "You've worked so hard, that you need your rest..." *small kiss on her cheek* sachiko: *she smiles* Spirit: "I like the ponytail. You look...beautiful." sachiko: thanks. Spirit: *holds her hand massages it* "Sachiko?" sachiko: hmm? what is it? Spirit: "I love you. And I love Izumi. And I want to be here for both of you." sachiko: *she smiles* i love you too. Spirit: *small kiss on her lips* sachiko: mmmmm u///u Spirit: "Mmmm..." *slight lick along her lips as he kisses* sachiko: mm! >///< Spirit: *pulls back* "S-Sorry!" sachiko: its fine, dont worry. it felt nice. Spirit: *nods, smiles blushes* "Okay...Just don't want to make you uncomfortable..." sachiko: hey, its fine. (thinking: and anything is better than my ex, haha!) Spirit: *smiles, takes her hand and kisses it* sachiko: hehe~ Spirit: *kisses her wrist next* "I love your giggle." sachiko: ^^ Spirit: *kisses up her arm to her shoulder* sachiko: hehehe~ Spirit: *pulls her in close for a hug, kissing her cheek* sachiko: *smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: *stretches* "Glad to get those kids in bed already..." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *lies on floor, looking up at the ceiling* "You alright?" tsubaki: yes. Black Star: "...Tsubaki? I'm going to ask you something...so don't laugh, okay?" tsubaki: ok. whats up? Black Star: -\\\\\- "Would you...want to go on a date...with me?" tsubaki: *blushing* oh...did...did you have anything in mind? Black Star: "I was thinking of dinner and a movie? I think there's some action-romance-comedy out..." tsubaki: that sounds great. Black Star: o__o "R-Really? Th-That's great!" *big goofy smile* "Great! Friday, then?" tsubaki: *she smiles* sure! Black Star: "Awesome!" *leaps up* "Prepare yourself for the best date you ever had, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa!" *proud pose* angela: too loud! Black Star: o\\\\\o "Oh...My bad, Angie." -elsewhere- Yohei: *kiss* "I love you so much, babe." chie: *nuzzles* Yohei: "How do you feel?" chie: alright for the most part. Yohei: *holds her* "You're beautiful, smart, passionate..." chie: *blushing* awww. you adorable goof. Yohei: "_You're_ adorable goof..." *nuzzles* chie: hehe~ nea: *in her room, doing her hair* Shinoda: *pacing outside her room...* nea: shinoda, i can hear you. Shinoda: o____o "...Hi..." nea: did you need something? Shinoda: "Just...wanted to see whether you were okay..." nea: yeah, was about to put a movie on till i went to sleep. Shinoda: "Oh...Which film?" nea: just something in general.... Shinoda: "...Would you mind company?" nea:....im sure it'd be fine. Shinoda: "Okay..." *sits in her room* nea: *sitting down on the bed as she puts the movie on* Shinoda: *facing the TV...but looking out of the corner of his eye at her* ("So...so...") nea: *stretches and leans against him* Shinoda: ("!!!") *puts an arm around her* nea:.....*she smiles a bit* Shinoda: *keeps his arm there, watching with her* "Long day?" nea: yeah. the family called to check on me. Shinoda: "What did you tell them? How are they?" nea: told them im doing well, they're doing fine too. dad had some trouble with a rival mob, but it got taken care of. Shinoda: "...Did he ask for your assistance?" nea: no, he got my sisters to handle it. Shinoda: *nods* "...I'm glad you are safe here." nea: *she smiles and holds his arm* nice and warm... Shinoda: *smiles* "Cool and calm." nea: *she still watches the movie, relaxed* Shinoda: *still has his hand around her...sighs contently, as he sits a bit closer to her, his leg just touching hers* nea: .///. Shinoda: "..." *leans to her ear, whispers* "Thank you for letting me watch this film with you." nea: no problem... Shinoda: "...Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" nea: why do you ask? Shinoda: "Because I don't want you to...If I'm too close..." *removes his arm* nea:....you're fine. Shinoda: "..." *puts his arm back around her* "So...This is okay?" nea: yeah. Shinoda: "...Anything else that would be okay?" *puts a hand over hers* nea:...well....did you want to kiss? f-for old time sake? Shinoda: "..." *nods* "How about one, on the lips?" nea: *blush* s-sure....*small smooch* Shinoda: "!!!" *softly kisses back, shortly* "..." *small sigh as his breath is cold* "Thank you." nea: i....really missed that. Shinoda: "...Nea...I've missed you." nea: *blushing* Shinoda: "Could we do this again some time? Another movie?" nea: sure. Shinoda: *small light squeeze on her hand* "I would like that." -elsewhere- Gopher: .W. inori: did you need something? Gopher: "Just seeing whether you feel happy..." *goofy smile* inori: why i feel content at the moment. why do you inquire? Gopher: "Just wanted to make sure." *smiles* "If I can help..." inori: you certainly are eager, are you not? Gopher: *nods eagerly* -elsewhere- tamaki: *playing an MMORPG on her phone* Arthur: *squirms* ("I don't want to interrupt her...but I want to be around her...") tamaki: ...?? do you have the game too or nah- !!! *pwned in PVP in game* SHINRA!! shinra: hehe~ *smug grin* Arthur: "!!!" ("The knight will defend the princess!") *pulls out his phone* "I am on this, Tamaki..." *pulls up MMORPG* "Let's do this." shinra: we're at the Gadwin City stadium in PVP, where are you? Arthur: "...I am in a forest?" tamaki: *looks* seems your in verdant forest, that's not too far off. maybe if we finish before you arrive, we can do some quests or dungeon crawling? Arthur: "!!! Dungeons?! Yes! That sounds fun!" shinra: neat. Arthur: *runs through the forest* "I am coming!" tamaki: ok. oh and if you see a felidae named 'kimata' and a drake named 'ryuu', thats me and shinra. Arthur: "I am the knight running towards you, then!" shinra:....you used your real name? really? tamaki: i used my name, but i anagrammed it backwards! Arthur: "A knight has nothing to hide! The exploits of Arthur Boyle will be known through all worlds--online, too!" shinra:....there's a joke i could make there, but i wont. Arthur: :< shinra: anyway...exp grinding time? Arthur: "Grind away!" -later- Arthur: *admiring his avatar's new shiny armor* ~_~ tamaki: *equipping new daggers* nice. shinra: i cant believe that 'keereetuh' guy jumped into the lava...what an idiot. Arthur: "Some people just have an awful sense of direction." tamaki: well, he shouldnt have been hitting on me... no wonder his party ditched him. -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sipping tea* -small knock on the wall next to the curtain in the doorframe- Benimaru: "Enter." fang-hua: evening, commander. Benimaru: *nods* "Evening. How are you?" fang-hua: just checking the rounds. Benimaru: "Any problems?" fang-hua: nope, other than jataro sneaking steamed buns from the onsen... -_-; Benimaru: "...Odd." fang-hua: then again, this is jataro we're talking about *sweatdrop* Benimaru: "How did you reprimand Jataro?" fang-hua: chop to the head. Benimaru: *small smile* "Good." *looks at her* "Tea?" fang-hua: sure. Benimaru: *pours some for her* "I finished inspections of the remaining buildings. All are fit for residents to move back in." fang-hua: that's good to hear. *she smiles*....and katarou's family? Benimaru: "...I paid my respects. And there will be a mourning festival this week." fang-hua: understood... Benimaru: "I intend to dress well for this ceremony." *sips* "Please make sure Tsukiyo is dressed." fang-hua: i'll do my best, even if i have to tape her clothes to her skin, haha! (thinking: to think she's a year older than me...) Benimaru: *smirk* "Careful. She may enjoy that." fang-hua: c-commander, really. *sweatdrop* Benimaru: "Just giving you a warning. You know she would have said it if I hadn't." fang-hua: yeah... -elsewhere- misora:...mmhmm......i understand....dont you worry mr manager, i got it under control~ Joker: "What are they doing now?" misora: reconstruction mostly...those knights should be here anyday now...oooh its gonna be so exciting...i want wait to see beni-chan at his most angry~ *panting* scarlet: dont make it weird hina. -_-' tamaki: *outside the door* ??? Joker: ._.; "Yeah, you're sounding kinda weird..." misora: hmph. meanies. anyway, i got to hang up, dont want to risk anyone hearing. and tell fuzzy hair to get a stupid hair cut. bye~<3 *she hangs up* scarlet:....wow....burning her parents to near death must have really messed her up... Joker: ("'Fuzzy Hair'? I'll have to remember that one...") "Yes, I'm sure it did...That's why I made sure to channel her towards going towards Benimaru...Now, the fun begins..." tamaki: .... (thinking: knights?....could it be those white hoo-) *a shoulder grips her* !!! *she sees misora* ah! commander hina... i was just going to the bathroom... misora: ok...hey tamaki-chan....dont think about telling anyone what you heard, or it wont be good for you~ tamaki: !!!! misora:....just kidding~<3 *walks off* tamaki:.........(thinking: i have a bad feeling about this...) Akitaru: "Tamaki!" tamaki: NYAH! oh jeez, commander, just about made me die... Akitaru: "Sorry...Just excited to say congratulations on all your work on the repairs the last few days! I'm really proud of you!" tamaki: thank you sir. Akitaru: "You're welcome! You seem kinda jumpy. Okay?" tamaki: yeah...thought...thought i saw a rat in the building. Akitaru: "..." *snort* "Well, leave it to a cat to find one! I'll keep an eye open for it. But don't tell Shinra--his boyfriend has a rat for a pet, you know." tamaki: noted. tamaki: (thinking: im sure i found a rat alright...) Akitaru: *stretches* "Well, I'm done in the bathroom. I want to get some sleep before the big meeting tomorrow with Commander Benimaru. Night!" tamaki: good night.... -early next morning- Arthur: *muttering in his sleep* tamaki: *asleep in his bed with him* zzzz..... Arthur: *yawn* *turns in his bed, his hand laying across her as he, instinctively, brings her into a hug* tamaki: mm... O///O Arthur: *smiling in his sleep* "So soft..." tamaki: O//////////O Arthur: *yawn, opens his eyes* "Oh, mornin', Tamaki..." *closes his eyes...then* o______o "Um..." tamaki: *bluuuuush* WEDIDNTDOANYTHINGLEWDDONTGETTHEWRONGIDEADUMMY!! Arthur: "...Why are you in my bed?" tamaki: i got too tired to go to my own room.....*muttering* your bed was warm.... Arthur: "..." *serious* "You know that if there is anything I can do for you, I will. This bed is yours if you want it--nothing lewd at all." tamaki:....could i stay here? just a little bit longer? Arthur: "..." *nods, holds her* "Sure." tamaki:....*hugs him back* Arthur: "...I care about you." -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning kiddo~ Kid: *smiles* "Morning, Angel." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *hugs her* "Sleep okay?" stocking: yeah... Kid: *nods* "Same. What's on the agenda today?" stocking: do we have school? Kid: *nods* "Then it's the weekend." stocking: awesome! Kid: "Any plans for after school?" stocking: maybe visit the arcade? Kid: *smiles* "I would like that. Maybe see which of us can get the highest score?" stocking: you're on! Kid: "Hee hee..." *kiss on the forehead* stocking: ^////^ Kid: "Maybe a wager for the person who doesn't win?" stocking: *whispers into his ear* Kid: o\\\\\o "...All I had to offer was cake..." stocking: *whistling* Kid: "I-I agree to the terms! May the best person win!" stocking: ^^ -elsewhere- Shotaro: *sleeping upside with a bat bone in his mouth* "Zzz..." mono: *roasting sweet potatoes in the yard* Shinoda: *whispering to his apple tree sprout* "We're waiting for you, cutie..." Emine: *lurking up behind Mono* mono: oi, ashi, zuno, you want any? Assi and Zuno: *simultaneously* "Yes, please!" Zuno: "...Who's Zuno again?" Emine: *holding a brown paper bag, which he puffed full of air...* Emine: *sneaks up behind Mono and...* Yohei: *takes the bag out of Emine's hand--and drags Emine away by his collar* Emine: :< Assi: "Mmmm...Smells good, Mono." mono: thanks, my dad taught me how to do it... Assi: "..." *slight nod* Yohei: *drags Emine up to Shinoda, sternly lecturing Emine to stop bullying Mono or he will unleash paternal wrath upon him* Emine: o~o Zuno: *biting into a potato, as he looks at Yohei screaming at Emine* "Huh...That guy sure is angry..." -elsewhere- Meme: *reviewing notes in class* mio: *writing* Meme: *her pen stops working* "Ahhh...Mio, can I borrow a pen?" mio: ah, sure. *hands her one* Meme: *looks at the pen* "Awwwww, this is so cute~" mio: t-thanks. i got it at the new book store that opened up recently... Meme: "Neat! Maybe we can check out that shop this weekend." mio: i would like that... Meme: *smiles* Anya: *hunting through her notes* "No, no, no..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "The Commander Benimaru gave us some time off before the festivities, so feel free to take some time to walk around town!" tamaki: awesome. Arthur: "Any suggestions?" shinra: maybe we could explore the town a little more? i think i saw an abra around here... *checking his phone* Arthur: " 'An abra'? Is that like an 'onsen'?" tamaki: -_-; Arthur: "...Did I say something stupid?" -and so- Arthur: *glancing from his phone and away from it* "...I don't get the appeal." shinra: got it! Arthur: "!!! I can catch more!" *tosses his own phone into bushes* "...Did I catch it?" tamaki:.... -_______-; Arthur: "Hmph." *reaches into the bushes and pulls out his phone--and something else* "???" *There is a Japanese hare clutching Arthur's phone* Hare: *screech!!!* Arthur: "...Oh crap--" tamaki: !!! easy lil fella... Hare: *leaps at Arthur's face* Arthur: "..." *SCREAM* shinra: oh shi- Arthur: *waving arms around, knocking into Shinra* shinra: ACK! Arthur: *running in a circle, trying to knock the Hare off of him, when--* tamaki: *knocked into a barrel* Hare: *leaps off of Arthur--and down into Shinra's shirt* Arthur: *knocks the barrel* shinra: *SCREAMING LIKE A SCHOOLGIRL* tamaki: *rolling* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Tsukiyo: *strolling by* "??? You hear something?" tamaki:...aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *CRASH* Tsukiyo: "Umph!" Benimaru: *following sound of Shinra's screaming, stares at him* "...What are you doing, Kusakabe?" shinra: *trembling* buh....bunny..... O-O tamaki: mhph...... O//////////O;;; Benimaru: "..." *pats Shinra's head, reaches up under his shirt and removes the Hare, who calms down under his touch, pets the Hare* "I have experience with disruptive animals..." Tsukiyo: "Ugh...Ouchie..." *looks up" o\\\\\\\\o "Wow..." shinra: .////.; thank you sir. tamaki: .... NYAHH!! >////////< Benimaru: *nods* "You are welcome..." *lets the Hare go back into the bushes* Tsukiyo: "AAAAH~!" *holds onto Tamaki* tamaki: LEGGOAME!! Dx< Tsukiyo: "Then get off of me!" *squirming underneath Tamaki* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Put the new couch over there!" soldier: yes ma'am! miwa: *yaaawn* oh boy, now what are you up to? Hibana: "Interior redecorating~ From my new home design line! Consider it my gift to the 8th!" *The sofa has pillows with Hibana's face on them* iris: its nice... Hibana: *pats Iris on the head, smiles* Rino: -_-; "It's narcissistic as fuck." Hibana: *glares at Rino* gabriella: could i sleep with this one? miwa: o-o; Hibana: "Oh, my..." *small stroke under Gabriella's chin, whispers* "Wait 'til you see the body pillow line..." iris: WE'RE STANDING RIGHT HERE SISTER!! >///<;; Hibana: "I was whispering!" Rino: -_____-; "I better get so much school credit for this..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *holding up two shirts* "Which one, Soul?" soul: how about that one? *points to the left* Black Star: *looks at it in the mirror* "Well, the color's nice...Will Tsubaki like it?" soul: im sure she will. Black Star: "Hope so..." *takes off his shirt, starts putting on the one Soul chose* -elsewhere- Kid: *at arcade* "You ready?" stocking: born ready. Kid: *puts the token in, holds the video game blaster* "..." Announcer: "ON YOUR MARKS...GET SET...GO!" Kid: *begins* stocking: *aiming and shooting* Kid: *fires at three monster plushies in a row, smirking at Stocking* -elsewhere- Patty: "Keep your eyes closed, Takeru..." takeru: they are closed! *Takeru feels something soft, furry, and bear-shaped put into his hands* Patty: "Now open!" takeru: *looks* !! *It's a Teddy Bear in a Fire Fighter outfit* Patty: "Surprise!" takeru: *hugging it without using hands* thank you very much! Patty: "You're welcome! And you'll like this: it's flameproof!" takeru: t-thank you... *hug* Patty: *hugs back, pat on the back* "Mmm..." -elsewhere- Wes: "How is this?" soul: looks good. Wes: *smiles* "Thanks! Been working on it before the concert at the Academy..." soul: *he nods* Wes: "...You okay?" soul: yeah. Wes: "Alright...Hey..." *hugs Soul* soul:...*awkward bro hug* Wes: *pat pat* "I love you, Soul." soul: love you too, bro. Wes: *pat pat, pulls back* "If there is anything I can do to help...Like, if you aren't up for something, just say so." soul: *nods* Wes: "Alright..." *smiles* "Want to help me with a dessert recipe this weekend?" soul: sure. -elsewhere- Kid: *twirls the arcade toy gun, smirking* "Winner." stocking: *small pout* Kid: *pat on the back* "Good game." stocking: tch- show off. 737 Kid: "Would you rather I not give it my all~?" stocking: .////.; Kid: "So...I think I owe you dinner first." *offers his arm* stocking: i would be delighted~ Kid: "I know a wonderful place. Delicious dessert, and it'll set the mood." stocking: ooh, sounds lovely~ Kid: *leads her down the street to the restaurant* "No reservations, very small and quaint." stocking: *nods* *The restaurant is indeed small but comfortable...* Kid: *guides her to a seat* stocking: *she smiles* -elsewhere- serina: *smiling* Takehisa: "You seem jovial, Serina." serina: oh. just...just had a pleasent phone call. Takehisa: "It is good to have pleasant phone calls. Just keep an eye on your minutes and data." serina: yes, understood. ^^; Takehisa: "The Commander also wanted to let you know that the festival will have a dress code of your choice: formal, informal, military, whatever." serina: ah, i see. Takehisa: "I intend to be in my best uniform." *clicks heels, salutes* serina: ^^; padma: ....i shall be in military garb as well.... *mutters* i wanted to wear traditional clothing, but i left it on the firefly... Takehisa: "You will not be alone in that regard. That just leaves the others..." *looks to them to hear what they are wearing* misora: *in a wa lolita costume* ta-dah~! Takehisa: -_- Akitaru: -_- Arthur: -_- ("...Now, if Tamaki wore that...") maki: it's cute! misora: hehe~ thanks makimaki~ Takehisa: "...Shinra? Tamaki? You're not wearing lolita costumes, too, are you?" tamaki: NO! shinra: dont have any. Arthur: "...Please?" (to Tamaki) tamaki: O///////O Arthur: "...I said that aloud, didn't I?" shinra: you think? padma: cute. -__-; Arthur: "...I stand by my argument. Tamaki would look very nice in that outfit, because she is a beautiful, confident young woman." tamaki: >////////////< -elsewhere- Hibana: "Thank you for dinner!" nayumi: no problem ^^ gabriella: *nom nom* ^^ Hibana: *munch munch* "Delicious! I don't suppose I could entice you to join my brigade?" miwa: *chop* bad hibana. Hibana: *pout* "But I was just complimenting the food..." iris: *sweatdrop* (thinking: there's a way to do that without kidnapping people, sister...) Hibana: "I just think the 5th is a fun location, full of supportive employees who love their work--" Rino: *exhausted, covered in bandages, glaring at Hibana* "...Diiiiiiiiiie..." Hibana: "...She doesn't count. She only works for school credit." nayumi: ......i appreciate the offer, but im afraid i will have to pass ^^ Hibana: "Not even if I could entice you to join~? Just name your price..." nayumi: sorry. gabriella: ^^; Hibana: *pouts, pats Gabriella's hand* "Well, I tried." -elsewhere- Kid: *the cupcake in front of Stocking has a candle in it* "Gorgeous, is it not?" stocking: aww. Kid: *presents it to her* "Enjoy, my love." stocking: *blows out the candle and enjoys the treat* mmm~! Kid: *smiles* "Was it delicious?" stocking: oh yes it was~ Kid: "I'm glad..." *holds her hand* "Because that's the prelude to tonight..." stocking: *blush* Kid: "...You don't have to, if you wish not to." stocking: i want to though. Kid: *nods* "Okay...It means a lot." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *rubs her hand* "Anything else you want to eat?" -later- Kid: *blows softly along her ear* stocking: ahh~ Kid: "You did lose...Ready to pay the price?" stocking: y-yes.... Kid: *smiles* "Excellent..." stocking: *laying down on her back* Kid: *licks his lips* "I'm going to give you the most pleasure you have felt in some time..." *kisses lightly along her arms and legs as he secures the straps* stocking: aah.... Kid: *straddles her, as he brings the blindfold down...and stops* "Do you remember the safe word?" stocking: r-remind me? Kid: *leans to her ear* " 'Trust.'" stocking: *blush* o-ok... Kid: *smiles* "When we're done, I'll have another surprise for you..." *kisses her lips lightly* "I love you..." stocking: mmmm~ -after that- stocking: *panting and shuddering* f...fuuck~ Kid: "Was it okay?" stocking: i...it was...amazing... Kid: *soft kiss on her cheek* "Thank you..." stocking: ah~! >////< Kid: "...Sensitive?" *unstraps her* "Lie down...I'll bring you whatever you want..." stocking: *breathing heavily* u/////u Kid: *soft kiss on her other cheek, as he covers her with the blanket* "Hold on...I'll bring you water, food..." stocking: warm bathrobe and heating pad, please. Kid: *smiles* "Okay. Be right back..." *Dresses her in the bathrobe before he exits, wearing his own* stocking: .... u/////u mmmm~ *Kid returns with the heating pad, fruit, cupcakes, water, and juice* Kid: "Love..." stocking: *she smiles at him* thanks honey~<3 Kid: *smiles at her, as he removes the wrapping of a cupcake and holds it to her lips* stocking: =///w///= Kid: "You are...beautiful." stocking: thank you kid....you are too. Kid: *blushes* "I hope I wasn't too rough..." *holds a hand to her forehead* stocking: its fine... the whipping injuries will heal... Kid: -\\\\\- "I...got a little into it." stocking: it-*wince* its ok... Kid: *frowns* "I'm sorry..." *pulls a grape loose, holds it to her lips* stocking: *nom* =//n//= *nom nom* Kid: "Stocking...We are getting older..." stocking: yeah, hard to believe... Kid: "And as we get older...we'll have other responsibilities that may prevent us from...this, so often...But I want you to know, no matter what, I will always love you." stocking: *she nods* i love you too kid. always. Kid: *rubs her arms lightly* "..." *stares at her, smiles* -elsewhere- Black Star: "So...Was the movie okay, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: it was great. thank you. *she smiles* Black Star: "You're welcome. I thought the action was great! Even the romance was really good!" tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: *walking with her...and his hand brushes hers* tsubaki:....*holds his hand* Black Star: "Hey..." *small squeeze on her hand* "I...like being with you." tsubaki: i like being with you too. Black Star: "Could we do this again sometime? Maybe next weekend?" tsubaki: i would like that. Black Star: "Great! What activity would you like? Whatever you're up for!" -from the roof- subclass: oi, isnt that the girl the boss is lookin' for? Subclass 2: *whistling* "Cutie..." subclass: dude, really? Subclass #2: "Where to? We tailing her to her home?" subclass 3: let her slip by. subclass:....you're still salty about the boss wrecking you in mario party, arent you? subclass 3: your damn right! im motherfuckin high sodium up in here!! Subclass #2: "...But she's so cute!" subclass: the boss wont be pleased with you eyeing her up... he'll probably make you eat a bowl full of spiderwebs Subclass #2: Q_Q "Not again! It's not my fault that I appreciate beauty in all forms!" -elsewhere- Arthur: *exits bathroom* shinra:... *SCREAM* Arthur: "?!!!" shinra: *takes off snickering* Arthur: "...Weirdo..." *keeps walking* tamaki: *gives shinra 5 dollars* shinra: told you i could get him to react! tamaki: whatever, shinra. Arthur: "?!! You're trying to see whether I react when yelled at? What the hell?" tamaki + shinra: *innocent whistling* Arthur: -_- "...I'll just yell at you, Shinra, when you don't expect it..." shinra: sure arthur. Arthur: *pouts at Tamaki* "I don't scream that much, do I?" tamaki:....*mutters* its a cute scream Arthur: o\\\\o "...What?" tamaki: nothing shinra:............. O_____O (thinking: did....did they do it?!) Arthur: -\\\\\- ("...I'm just going to pretend I heard that...") "...You going to be okay tonight?" tamaki: yeah. Arthur: "..." *takes her hand* "You know where to find me..." tamaki: yeah... shinra: O-O;;;;; shinra: arthur may i talk to you alone?? Arthur: "??? Okay..." *starts walking, still holding Tamaki's hand...* tamaki: um... .///. Arthur: "...Oh! Right! Sorry." *lets go of her hand, sheepishly waves as he follows Shinra* shinra: *inhales* ok...i dont know all the details of what went down between you and tamaki, but i suggest you tell the commander as soon as possible. i mean, when i lost my virginity with relan, i told him right away. Arthur: "..." *not even processing Shinra's suggestion about Tamaki and him* "...Hold on. You lost your virginity with Relan? I thought you just cuddled..." shinra: O/////O w-well, there wasnt any butt stuff.....but we kinda....did mutual oral... .//////////////////////. Arthur: "...Oh. Um...TMI." *light bulb as he realizes what Shinra just said* "YOU THINK I SLEPT WITH TAMAKI?!" shinra: did you? n-not that im asking for pervy reasons, cause im totally not, but did you? Arthur: "NO!" shinra: alright alright, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt! -elsewhere- yuuji: so i take it toga is on maternity leave for the next 9 months... Kurogiri: *nods* yuuji: ah. Dabi: o\\\\\o "..." sachi: what's with you? nervous about being a dad? Dabi: "...Everyone has been putting a lot of pressure on me...and threatening to hurt me if I do something wrong..." Kurogiri: *holds his fingers to his own eyes, then to Dabi's, as if to say, "I'm watching you..."* yuuji: ....being a parent's pretty tough... *remembers finding his father's dead body with a gun in his hand* Dabi: "...I didn't want to have a kid. Damn you, penis!" yuuji: looks like karma finally decided to screw you over. Dabi: T_T "I just wanted to screw..." sachi: and look where it got you now. Dabi: "...You up for a shag?" yuuji: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?! *ready to punch him in the face* Dabi: "...Sorry. Just the stress talking." sachi:....oi! kurogiri, give him a drink he could use it. Kurogiri: "On it..." Dabi: *shaking* -elsewhere- Relan: *looks nervously at a box* "...I can do this..." mikami: *knocks on his door* relan? a-are you ok>? Relan: "!!!" *hides the box under his bed* "F-Fine!" *nervous smile* mikami: ok...*she walks back to her room* Relan: *nervous smile, then a sigh of relief* "That was a close one, Buttons..." *locks his door, pulls out the box...and there is a dress inside* buttons: *squeak* Relan: "..." *undresses and reaches for the dress...* Relan: *holding his phone, as he looks at himself in the mirror, trying to adjust the dress* -and so- shinra: *looking at his phone* ./////. too cute for words.. Relan: [was it okay?] shinra: [yeah. it looks really good on you.] iris: [how cute!] Relan: [i was really nervous. but you inspired me, shinra, and you are so supportive, iris] iris: [its not a problem. we're here for you, ok?] Relan: [okay. thanks.  ] -elsewhere- Yohei: *kiss on Chie's cheek* "Good night, babe." chie: night honey~ =///= mono:....*sitting on the couch after mostly everyone went to bed* Assi: "...Mono?" mono: !! oh...its just you. Assi: "...Yeah. Just me. Um...You okay?" mono: yeah....could have been better, but alive... Assi: "Can't sleep?" mono: not really.... Assi: "Does watching TV help? Or reading?" mono: nothing to watch... Assi: "...Talk for a bit?" mono:...sure. Assi: "...You're a good cook." mono: thanks.... Assi: "What's your favorite thing to cook?" mono: well, usually anything easy, since i tend to burn most of it... Assi: "Ever made pizza?" mono: i have warmed it up in an oven before. Assi: "Pizza's about the only thing I can make..." mono: ah. -elsewhere- Konro: *slowly walking around the room* kabuki: i see you're beginning to recover. Konro: *smiles* "Yes. I hope to be fine for the festival." kabuki: *he nods* Konro: "Thanks to all of you, especially in the medical division..." *sits again* "You're still up late, Kabuki." kabuki: i enjoy being out at night, it's quite calming. Konro: *nods* "So many stars out...How is the Commander?" kabuki: commander shinmon or commander oubi? Konro: "Shinmon." kabuki: he went to sleep already. Konro: "Good. He will need his rest." *stretches* "I better try to as well. Good night, Kabuki." -elsewhere- Artur: *lying in bed, not sleeping* serina: mr boyle? is everything ok? Arthur: "Hmmm? Sorry, just not able to sleep...Was thinking..." serina: did you want to talk about it? Arthur: "..." *sits up in bed* "Do you ever think about taking a risk, but you're scared how it could change your...relationship with someone?" serina: .....sometimes... Arthur: "...I like Tamaki." serina: oh? she's the girl with pigtails, right? Arthur: *nods* "The one who looks and acts like a cat." serina: ah, i see. i dont know her very well, since we havent spoken a lot. Arthur: *sighs* "She's so confident, just, adamant, stubborn, beautiful..." serina: she certainly is determined. Arthur: "...Do you know how she came to join the 8th?" serina: she was in the 1st brigade before, right? Arthur: *nods* "She then...lost someone important to her. A colleague. A friend..." serina: ..... Arthur: "She wanted to find who did that, to live her life...and she was locked away in the 1st, like a prisoner. She escaped, on her own. She came to us in the 8th, on her own. She survived, lived, and got her freedom, on her own..." serina:...i see. Arthur: "...I don't know how to help her...if she even would want it from me." tamaki: *outside* ..... Arthur: "I don't know...I know I'm pushing her...then I stop. Then I do it again. I'm not doing this right at all." serina: i guess, maybe let her think things over? maybe she'll return your feelings? Arthur: "...I'm worried since there's someone else..." serina: oh? Arthur: "There's a boy named Aoyama who...was close to her while I was...kidnapped." serina: ..... Arthur: "...What if she likes him? There are so many times where I don't think...I'm good enough for her." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzzzz..." stocking: *asleep next to him* Kid: *holds her in his sleep, dreaming sweet dreams...* stocking: =////w////= Kid: *yawn* *soft hug* -elsewhere- Black Star: *brushing his teeth, spits, exits bathroom* "Hey, Tsubaki? I had a lot of fun today. Thanks." tsubaki: i had fun today too. Black Star: *smiles* "I look forward to the next...date. Um...I'm going to head to bed. Night..." tsubaki: *she smiles*......yeah...it was really enjoyable, im glad i got to do that with him... *she's talking to her brother's picture on the butsudan* -there is no reply…- -elsewhere- Subordinate #2: "Anything happening?" lavender: looks like greed's eve will be placing here in death city later this month. Subordinate #2: "To follow the boss's girl-buddy?" lavender: doubt it. im certain he doesnt even know she exists. but we have orders to attack greed. dont forget our main goal, the girl is secondary here. Subordinate #2: "Fine...Just hope this attack goes well..." lavender: we got weeks to prepare, so relax. Subordinate #2: "...Guess I'm watching some old vids to prep, then. Been procrastinating on that." -elsewhere- Relan: *puts dress away, yawns* "I need sleep...Night, Buttons..." buttons: *sleepy squeak* Relan: *smiles at Buttons, as he lies down in bed...* -elsewhere- Hibana: *cuddles* gabriella: *hugging her and snoozing* zzzz... Hibana: *in her sleep* "Love you..." -elsewhere- Emine: "..." lin: up here again i see. Emine: "It's...more familiar." lin: ah. Emine: "...Can't sleep?" lin: just wanted to see how you were doing. Emine: "...I'm screwed up, aren't I?" lin: ....you have your demons, but dont we all? Emine: "...I'm scared I'm going to get kicked out of this house." lin: after all the trouble they went to to find you, i dont think that's going to happen! Emine: "...After pranking Mono, repeatedly?" lin: well, im sure she'll forgive you...........eventually. Emine: "Any ideas how I can expedite that?" -elsewhere- Yumi: *holding Shiori, rocking her to sleep* lord death: so sweet... Yumi: *holds finger to her lips, as Shiori is about to fall asleep...* lord death: *nods and kisses them both on the forehead* Yumi: -\\\\- lord death: hehe~ Yumi: *looks at Shiori* shiori: zzzzzz. Yumi: *smiles, sets Shiori into her bed* -elsewhere- Spirit: *yawn* sachiko: zzzzz... Spirit: *looks at her sleeping, smiles* ("...I never thought this would happen...") sachiko: *snuggles* Spirit: *holds her, whispers* "I love you, Sachiko." sachiko: *smiles* Spirit: *light kiss on her forehead* sachiko: ^^ Spirit: *cuddles* -elsewhere- ???: "Soul?" soul: *he smiles* hey maka. Maka: *smiles* (She's in an angelic dress) "Hi..." soul: *blushing* you look nice. Maka: -\\\\- "Thanks...I had hoped you would say that." *hugs him* "How are you?" soul: doing well......im going to be visiting my parents later this month... Maka: "Wow...Um...How do you feel about that?" soul: to be honest, nervous as hell.....but i may as well face it sooner or later, right? Maka: *nods* "That's brave of you to even consider it..." *holds his hand* "That's progress." soul: yeah, i want to get stronger....for your sake, and everyone. Maka: *nods* "You are...And you're so close to becoming a Death Scythe." *smiles* "I'm proud of you." soul: yeah... Maka: "..." *leans, offers a small kiss on his cheek* soul: *blush* Maka: *holds his hand* "...How is Wes?" soul: doing good. -elsewhere- Yohei: *filling up a glass of water for Chie* chie: thanks. *rubs her stomach* Yohei: "How are you both doing?" *hands her the glass* chie: im doing well, toru is too. *rubs her stomach* Yohei: *smiles, holds her hand* "You're doing great." chie: *she smiles* Yohei: *whispers to her stomach* "Your baby room is ready, and your family is here when you're ready. We love you." Yohei: *hand along her stomach* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *grumbling as he drags his feet to the bathroom* -elsewhere- ox: see anything harv? Harvar: "Yeah...a Togepi..." ox: -__-;; Harvar: "...Oh. And there's a suspicious creeper walking by those apartments." ox: !!.... you ready? Harvar: *transforms* "Let's do this." ox: *sneaks down to the alleys* Harvar: *in soul resonance* "Dead ahead..." ox:.... *charges for the creature* Creature: *growls, tries to back-hand Ox* ox: hyah! *slashes its arm* Creature: *howls, tries to run down the alley--towards bystanders* ox: *chases after it* Creature: *growls at bystanders* Bystander #1: "Shit!" bystander 2: *activates shield* ox: *jumps and electro jabs it* Creature: *shrieks, as they are electrocuted, stunned into unconsciousness* Bystander #1: *whimpers* ox: .... Harvar: "I don't recognize this creature as being on Death's List..." ox:.... we should get them to safety... Harvar: "Okay...Contact the DWMA to get this creature into confinement..." Bystander #1: *looks at #2* "Th-Thanks...Handy shield..." ox: right... Harvar: *reverts to human form, looking at bystanders* "And I guess contact medical, too. They look shaken up." ox: right. Bystander #1: *shaking* Creature: X____X *unconscious* Harvar: *to Bystander #1* "You okay?" -elsewhere- Meme: "Zzz..." Anya: "Zzz..." -morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: *yaaaawn* *listening to the rain on the roof* Kid: "Hmmm?" *looks up* "Rain? On a Saturday?" stocking: looks like it. Kid: *yawn* "Did you have anywhere to go today?" stocking: no. Kid: *slow stroke of her cheek* "Still sore?" stocking: im doing better....*phone buzzes* hmm?.......ah. Kid: "??? What is it?" stocking: guess who's dad just signed her up for a class trip for non-human students. this girl. Kid: " 'Class trip for non-human students'? What?" stocking: some kind of support group for students that arent human, like demons, vampires, angels, etc... it's being hosted by the true-cross order. Kid: "It might be helpful." stocking: yeah...and most of them are trying to keep it a secret, so it's just a random class trip to those who dont know. stocking: unfortunately, it also means that pompous asshat known as triple A batteries will be there too... goddamn... Kid: "Ew. Why would they have him involved in a meeting that includes demons?" stocking: like i said, true cross order. but i can always hope he didnt volunteer. Kid: *nods* "I guess go in with an open mind? Your father is looking out for you..." stocking: yeah, he does want me to make friends...*she smiles* Kid: *smiles back* "When's the trip?" stocking: monday. Kid: "I guess time to do some packing today..." stocking: it's just going to be a day trip, but i'll make sure my backpack is packed. Kid: "And pack some treats?" stocking: oh you know it! Kid: *chuckles* "I don't suppose your backpack has infinity space..." *opens his palm, which flickers a bit, as if he is about to summon Beelzebub* stocking: do i look like i inherited time space magic? Kid: *smile* "Yes. Because your heart is so big, it practically extends to infinity..." *smooch* stocking: ok that was smooth. Kid: "Hee hee..." *small hug* "Enjoy this trip." stocking: i will. -in asakusa- shinra: looks like the festival is being pushed back a day due to the rain. Arthur: "That's disappointing." tamaki: so what do we do now? Akitaru: *holds helmet with slips of paper inside* "How about we get y'all to do some activities in teams of two to get to better know each other?" shinra: um... ok. *Everyone reaches in and gets a slip of paper with someone's name on it* tamaki: freakin usada? really? shinra: commander hinawa....great. Takehisa: "What was that, Kusakabe?" shinra: GREAT! *nervous smile* tamaki: too loud! >^< Arthur: "Hmm..." -and so- shinra: *nom nom* Takehisa: "So, you like the meal?" shinra: yes sir! Arthur: (to Maki) "What's your work-out routine?" maki: well you see *she begins to explain* Takehisa: "Then eat more--you need more muscle." shinra: um..thank you sir. Arthur: *eyes widening in shock* "...All that?" maki: mmhmm! Arthur: "Jeez...How are you not exhausted after all that?" Takehisa: "So, how is that boy in the 3rd? Are you treating Iris well?" maki: you'd be amazed. shinra: he's doing good, and yes, we're being good to her. Arthur: "I am! If I do your routine, can I get gorilla-level strength like you?" Takehisa: "That's good...I didn't date much at your age." maki: *choke hold* --# shinra: ah....have you...ever been on a date? Arthur: *gasping* "ACK! WH-WHAT?! GOR-IL-LA IS A C-COMPLIMENT!" Takehisa: *not noticing Maki* "Wh-What?! I've been on plenty of dates! ...My last date was five years ago." shinra: oh really? mind telling me? Takehisa: -\\\\\- "...A classmate. Very smart. But rather cold, distant, and lacking a sense of humor." Arthur: *face turning blue* shinra:...sounds like a perfect match. Takehisa: "Hmph. I prefer to be with someone who complements me. You know, someone charming, funny, maybe a little goofy..." Arthur: *slapping hand along table* "S-Sorry!" shinra: kind of someone like maki then? maki: hmm? Takehisa: o\\\\\\o Arthur: o_____O *gasps* "He likes you..." maki: ....well of course he does, why wouldnt he? shinra: omg. Takehisa: "...DO YOU WANT TO GO ON A DATE?!" maki: o///w///o *maki.exe has stopped responding* Arthur: x_____x Takehisa: "..." *runs away* shinra: commander...i think you broke her. -elsewhere- tamaki: .... Tsukiyo: *peek* "What'cha doin', Kitty Cat?" tamaki: fishin Tsukiyo: *leans closer* "Got a nibble?" tamaki: nothing yet. Tsukiyo: "You know, it's all about bait. What you baiting with?" tamaki: worms. Tsukiyo: "Nightcrawler? 'Cause you need something long, alive, and writhing to really attract the fish..." tamaki: .....what? Tsukiyo: -_-; "...Is the worm on your line attracting their attention or not?" *adjusts her top* " 'Cause sometimes you need to use the bait you got to get the catch you want...The goods..." tamaki: oh my god!! ......you scared it off. Tsukiyo: "...Sorry? Was just telling you about how to attract what you want...Maybe I can make it up to you..." tamaki: do i dare ask? Tsukiyo: *smirk* "You like Arthur, right? Maybe I can help..." tamaki: O////O w-w-wha?! who told you that?! Tsukiyo: "That cute blushing face of yours..." tamaki: *headlock* Tsukiyo: *choked* o_____O "I like getting up to a girls' boobs, but not like this!" tamaki: do you want to die?! Tsukiyo: *shakes her head no, terrified* tamaki:.....*lets go* Tsukiyo: *gasps, falling to the ground* "Jeez...What got into you?!" tamaki: i....i have some anger issues... Tsukiyo: "No kidding...Why get upset about this, though? You know he likes you too...Right?" tamaki: i..i know....its just....complicated... Tsukiyo: "...Hey. Girl to girl, what's the problem? Come one, let me help." tamaki: well.... *she explains the situation* Tsukiyo: "..." *sits a bit closer to Tamaki* "Answer this honestly. If you were on a date with Arthur, would you feel safe?" tamaki:....yes. Tsukiyo: "And this other boy, Aoyama. Would you feel safe on a date with him?" tamaki:...i dont know. i barely know him... Tsukiyo: "So, why don't you take control of this situation: either wait for Arthur to make a move and just be patient, or ask him out yourself." tamaki:....i'll think about it....thanks for the advice, i guess. Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Any time. Girls got to help each other out, right?" tamaki: yeah... *small smile* maybe you arent that bad. Tsukiyo: *holds out hand* tamaki:...*shakes hand* Tsukiyo: *shakes back* "Besides, you're a very attractive young lady with a lot going for you--you'll be fine." *small smirk* "You're very fine." tamaki: dont push your luck. -_-; Tsukiyo: *lets go of her hand, holds up her hands defensively* "Just telling the truth." *wink* -elsewhere- Black Star: *grumbling* "Stupid rain..." tsubaki: ....... Black Star: "??? You okay?" tsubaki: hmm? yeah. Black Star: "..." *holds her hand lightly* "You sure?" tsubaki: yeah... Black Star: *small smile* "You really sure?" tsubaki: yeah.... Black Star: *lets go of her hand* "Okay...You hungry?" tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: "Then I'll whip something up, good and yummy!" *runs into the kitchen* tsubaki: *she smiles and looks out the window* *Rain continues to fall...lightning strikes...A pair of eyes in the distance?* tsubaki: *she doesnt notice the eyes* *Eyes look at her for a moment, then blink shut, as the entity hides away to look at her from another vantage point* Black Star: "Tsubaki! What you want in your noodles?" tsubaki: hmm? maybe i'll gave some curry rice with it? Black Star: "You got it!" *smiles as he preps the curry* *The eyes follow from outside the window* -elsewhere- Hibana: *puts the board game on the table* "Pick your pieces, ladies!" gabriella: i call dibs on the shoe! Rino: "Um..." *picks the wheelbarrow Hibana: "Iris, what're you picking?" -elsewhere- lilac: *taking a walk* Crona: *walking from the other direction, holding an umbrella* lilac: ...*glances* Crona: *looking around...small smile at the rain...then spots Lilac* "..." lilac: !!! *looks away* (thinking: oh no i just saw my own doppelganger am i gonna die? oh no oh no oh no oh no) Crona: "..." *takes a few steps forward* "Um...Like your hair?" lilac: *SCREAMS AND COWERS* Crona: "SCREAMS!* *falls back onto the sidewalk* "Ow..." lilac: *runs* Crona: *gets up, looks at Lilac* "...What was wrong with them? Did I do something?" -elsewhere- lilac: *trying to calm his breathing* Mr. Tsubaki: "Problem?" lilac: !! ah...t-t-tsubaki....i...im ok now...i-i think....*staring at the river* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Pretty, isn't it? How the rain hits the water's surface..." lilac: y-yeah.... *remembering mr tsubaki finding him by the bridge wrapped in a tarp* Mr. Tsubaki: *starts singing* "Meeeeeeeeemories..." lilac: *doesnt say anything* [past!lilac:......... *staring at his desk, which has been vandalized with phrases like 'fucking f*g', 'kill yourself already' 'jump off the roof, sincerely the whole school' etc* ] Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *pats Lilac's back* lilac:....*shuddering* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hey...Come on. Let's get a treat..." lilac:...*hic* o-ok.... Mr. Tsubaki: *keeps a hand on his shoulder as they walk* "Excellent...I was hungry..." lilac:......*shivering* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Maybe you would like a warm drink, too?" lilac:...y-yes please... -elsewhere- Izuku: *walking through hospital corridor* misono:.... Izuku: *stops at Iida's room...knocks* misono: its open Izuku: *opens the door* "Iida?" misono: he was discharged and sent home. Izuku: "...Oh. S-Sorry to interrupt." misono: .....its fine.....i'll be getting discharged later myself... Izuku: "Hey, congratulations!" misono:...t-thanks. Izuku: "...I'm Izuku." misono:.... *ahem* my name is Misono Alisuin. but of course you probably figured from reading my chart. Izuku: *already reading his chart* "Hmm..." *muttering* misono: ?? Izuku: "..." *looks up* "!!! Sorry! I-I didn't mean to invade! I just like...reading..." *replaces chart, nervous smile* "M-May i get you some food?" -elsewhere- Tool: *set up an inflatable kiddie pool in the front yard, lying in it in the rain* "Aaaaaaaah..." mana: seems like you're enjoying yourself. Tool: ^_^ "Yep!" akaderu: *GACHOO* ugh. what a drag... Kepuri: *hands him a tissue* akaderu: thanks... Kepuri: *smiles* Shotaro: "CANNONBALL!" Tool: "??? ... !!! Oh, shi--!!" *BOOM!* -elsewhere- Hibana: -_-; "I thought I would make better business decisions than this, even in a game..." gabriella: well miss harada sure knows what she's doing. nozomi: thank you. Rino: *smirking at Hibana's annoyance* "Congrats, Nozomi!" -elsewhere- Patty: *smiling contently* liz: hey sis. Patty: "Howdy!" *waves happily* "How are you?" liz: im doing good. Patty: *holds up phone, with pic of her, Takeru, and teddy bear* liz: aw, how cute. Patty: *nods* "So happy to do that for him." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How did the bonding session go, Maki?" maki: it went great! right arthur? Arthur: *hand prints on his neck* -_-; *speaks in gravelly voice* "Sure." maki: ^^ Akitaru: *looks around* "Where are Takehisa and Tamaki?" tamaki: hey. shinra: *knock knock* commander? open up Takehisa: "...He's not in right now. Please come back later?" .\\\\\\\. shinra: .....ok, i'll just take this issue of guns monthly elsewhere. Takehisa: *hand breaks through door and grabs Shinra by his collar* shinra: *SCREAM* Takehisa: "Hand me...the magazine..." Akitaru: "!!! Maki, help me out with this!" *grabs Takehisa's hand* "Let go, buddy..." Arthur: "..." *looks at Tamaki* "Catch anything?" tamaki: just some river fish. shinra: OHGODSAVEMEIDONTWANTTODIELIKETHIS!!! Akitaru: "You're not going to die like this!" *removes Takehisa's grip from Shinra, glares at Takehisa, points--* "NO DINNER FOR YOU TONIGHT, YOUNG MAN!" Arthur: "River fish? Anything worth eating?" shinra: Q~Q Akitaru: *pats Shinra* "It's okay, son. It's okay...Maki, discipline Takehisa." maki: *chop* bad -.- Takehisa: .\\\\\. maki: hmm? you ok? Takehisa: "...I AM FINE." Akitaru: "Tamaki, since Takehisa is grounded, you'll have to do the cooking tonight." shinra: is that really a smart plan? tamaki: -_-; Akitaru: *shrug* "What's the worst that could happen?" tamaki:.......im not going to even merit that with a reply. Akitaru: "...How about I do the cooking instead, okay?" -and so- Arthur: *guzzling water* o____O shinra: OH GOD I THINK MY STOMACH JUST BECAME A FLAME BEING! padma:....*ego bruised* Akitaru: *small burp, smiles* "Tasted fine to me. Thanks, Padma!" padma:...*small smile* Arthur: "T-Tamaki? How was it?" tamaki:....it was good. *eyes watering* Arthur: "Um..." *passes glass of water to her...* -elsewhere- Kid: "Anything else to pick up tomorrow for packing?" stocking: that should be everything. Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "I have something else..." stocking: oh? Kid: *he puts a locket into her hand...* stocking: ahhh *she opens it* *Inside is a photo from the last month, of Kid and Stocking* stocking:....i'll always treasure this kid. Kid: *nods* "I love you." stocking: i love you too~<3 Kid: *hugs* "Enjoy this trip, okay?" stocking: i will. Kid: *pats her back* "Well..." *smiles* -elsewhere- kurome: zzzzz. Kurogiri: *watching baby sleeping* ^^ -elsewhere- Crona: "I'm back..." mami: ah, how was your walk? Crona: "...Odd. Very odd." Crona: *rubbing bottom* mami: oh? Crona: "...I think I met someone who looked like me. Then I fell." mami: are you ok?? Crona: *nods* "Just surprised, that's all." *smiles* -in asakusa- serina: commander oubi, there's a phonecall for you. Akitaru: "??? Thanks." *takes the phone* "Hello?" nozomi: hello commander. Akitaru: "Nozomi! Hey...How are you?" nozomi: fine, but i found some information that you might want to hear. Akitaru: "Oh?" nozomi: do you remember the 8th's first mission? Akitaru: "...Yes." nozomi: what all do you remember? Akitaru: "...The person in flames...was odd. And that red cross..." nozomi: and a company came and took the remains, right? Akitaru: *nods* "Yes...a company from..." nozomi: asakusa, yes. i just thought i should inform you. Akitaru: *nods* "Thank you...Did you find additional information we don't have?" nozomi: sadly no. but i'll keep searching. Akitaru: "Thank you, I appreciate that. How are you doing?" nozomi: i've been fine. Commander tsurumaki is keeping commander hibana in check. Akitaru: "Ha! Glad to hear that! And Iris?" nozomi: she's doing well too....and the others in asakusa? Akitaru: "Super! We had a delicious dinner courtesy of Padma--" Arthur: *groaning in the background* nozomi: *sweatdrop* i see. Akitaru: "...I think we'll all be looking forward to coming home." nozomi: ok. you have fun at the festival then...ok? Akitaru: "Will do! I'll be bringing back souvenirs." -elsewhere- misora: that kotatsu girl....she might be a problem....but then again, who would believe a klutz like her? hehe~ Joker: "Maybe this 'klutz' needs a little accident..." misora: and not her usual kind either *smirks* Joker: "Make it so..." -elsewhere- Tool: "Ouch..." -_-; "I'm gonna kill that brat..." setsuna: is that so~? ^^ *tranquil rage*
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
vampires and camping trips, oh my!
Hibana: *slides a finger along Gabriella's stomach, up in between her breasts* gabriella: ahhhh~ >////< Hibana: "Do you like that?" -elsewhere- Giriko: *putting the garbage out--then notices someone walking by* "Oh, hey, Priest." justin: good evening. oriko:.....*tiny wave* Giriko: "Oh..." *tiny wave* "Hey, small person. Since when you got a kid, Priest?" justin: ^-^; Giriko: "Just looks young I guess. Hey. I'm Giriko." oriko:... uu. justin: its alright, he's mostly harmless.......mostly. Giriko: *grunt* "Don't listen to this priest--he's just a stick in the mud." oriko: ...... Xp justin: ^^; m-miss oriko, thats not very polite. Giriko: *angry twitch* "...I see you've been teaching her manners..." justin: ^^; its....its a long story. Giriko: "Hmm...I guess another time. I got to get back upstairs." -elsewhere- Kid: *looking through a photo album* lord death: *sitting next to him* Kid: *smiles, pointing* "I sure made a mess back then." *He is looking at a photograph of him as a toddler with building blocks...one block is just a hair off* lord death: *he smiles and pats his head* Kid: *giggles* "I..." lord death: hmm? Kid: "...Part of me can't wait to be a parent." lord death: ah, but even then, being a parent comes with a lot of responsibilities... Kid: *nods* "I know I am not yet ready for all of those..." lord death: someday... Kid: "Right." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *pacing* "Stupid fire rabbit girl, thinking she can talk to me like that...Was she flirting with me? What was her deal? What was she thinking?" kim: i got you something to drink. *hands her a soda* Jacqueline: "Thank you." *takes a long sip* "...Why would anyone flirt with me? I was just dressing a new way." kim: *shrug* Jacqueline: "...Did you think the punk look suited me?" kim: it was cute...needs something though....*fiddling with jackie's hair* Jacqueline: "???" -TWINTAILS- Jacqueline: o\\\\\o "Really?" kim: super rad! *thumbs up* Jacqueline: "O-Okay...I can try this. Thanks." -elsewhere- Emine: *lying on rooftop* lin: *crawls up with him* hey....might rain soon.... Emine: "Hmph. Let it." lin:........*holds his hand* Emine: "..." *small squeeze* lin: !! *tiny blush* Emine: "...Dark sky." lin: ...y-yeah.... Emine: "Wish there were at least stars." lin:.....*leans against him* its calm though.... Emine: *doesn't move* "...I worry then things get too calm." lin:.......*she hugs him* Emine: "..." *wraps his arms around her* lin: *blush* emi- Emine: *kiss on her forehead* lin: O//////////////////O (thinking: OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD) Emine: *holds her closer* lin: *bluuuush* Emine: "...Will you still be here?" lin: o-of course i will. i'll always be by your side, right? Emine: "...Thank you." -inside- chie: zzzzzz.... Yohei: *lying beside her, watching her sleep* mono:....................... Shotaro: *yawns, runs into Mono* "Oh, hey." mono: !!! oh...its just you... what do _you_ want? Shotaro: "Just saying 'hey' and wondering how you're doing." mono:....i-im just fine... Shotaro: "You sure? You seem a little agitated." mono: oh gee i wonder why? im going to bed....*muttering* stupid dokeshi... Shotaro: *heard that, frowns sadly* setsuna: is everything ok? Shotaro: "...People really don't like Dokeshi." setsuna: ......*she hugs him* its alright.... Shotaro: *returns the hug* "Mom..." -elsewhere- Wes: *opens the cupboard, pulls out dog biscuits* "Soul? Can you give one to Ghost Dog?" soul: um ok....here ya go little buddy. Ghost Dog: *BARK!* *takes the biscuit without biting Soul, eats, pants happily* Wes: "...I still don't know how on earth a ghost can eat..." soul: ..........ghost physics? Ghost Dog: "???" Wes: "Maybe...How was school today?" soul: pretty good. -a few days later, it was the day of the festival- Kid: *adjusting his attire* stocking: need any help? *she has a wa lolita style dress with her hair done up* Kid: *nods* "Just feels off." stocking: here. *fixing him up* better? Kid: *smiles* "Much. Thank you." -and so- sayaka: so this is asakusa? not bad. Black Star: "Yeah, it's pretty awesome." tsubaki: *she smiles* Patty: "What you want to do first, Takeru?" takeru: maybe we could get some food? Patty: "Great! I'm starving!" madoka: ^^ Izuku: "Oh, wow! So many games!" tsuyu: *nomming cotton candy* mina: your hair looks great tsu! tsuyu: thank you. my mom helped me with it. shinra: *sees the 7th brigade base*...*keeping a mental note* Ochako: "Come on, Yuu-chan! Let's get a photo!" yuu: *pose* peace. -.- Ochako: "Hee hee!" *snap* -elsewhere at the festival- Jacqueline: *watching some attendees dancing* kim: hey. i got you some taiyaki. Jacqueline: "Oh, thank you." kim: *eating her own* nom nom.... mmm~ ^^ Jacqueline: *small smile as she watches her eat, then bites into her own* "So tasty." -elsewhere- tsubaki: *watching fish in the pond* Black Star: "They look so peaceful." tsubaki: yeah.. Black Star: "You okay?" tsubaki: hmm yeah, why wouldnt i be? Black Star: "...Nothing." *smiles* tsubaki: .... Black Star: "..." *pats her shoulder* tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: "You're okay, alright? Especially when I'm here!" tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: "Want to feed the koi?" tsubaki: sure.... -clack- Black Star: "?!!" tsubaki: ?? -silence.....- tsubaki:....*uneasy* where did...everyone else go? Black Star: "Tsubaki!" tsubaki: ?! *tenses as a fog rolls in* Black Star: "What the hell?" tsubaki: ..... ?? *sees someone in the distance* Black star: "Damn it! I can't see through this fog! Tsubaki?! Where are you?!" *Sound of slight laughter* tsubaki: black*star? ......*she sees a person, thinking it to be black*Star, she runs towards them* black*Star this isnt funny! ???: "I'll tell you what isn't funny: calling me 'Black Star.'" tsubaki: ?! *A hand reaches for her, holds it gently...and kisses it* ???: "A pleasure to meet you in person, Little Camilla." tsubaki: ?!?! *yanks her hand away and stumbles back* w-who- *A young man in a kimono with sandals and a sword emerges out of the fog* ???: "Call me...Tsubaki." tsubaki: ....(thinking: the same as me?) *she shakes her head* Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "In person, your radiance shines far brighter than from afar. Although the fire within you could burn me, if it means getting closer to you, I would risk it." tsubaki: ..... *a feeling of dread creeps over* y-you.....you're that weirdo that's been stalking my house, arent you?! Mr. Tsubaki: " 'Stalking'? That's such an ugly word. Why, when someone sees a star sparkling as you do, they cannot help but desire to catch a better view, removing all obstructions in their line of vision." *smiles* "And you are quite a vision." tsubaki: *backing away, still tense* Mr. Tsubaki: "I came because I want you." *holds out his hand* "Please, be mine." tsubaki: *tenses and punches him* Mr. Tsubaki: *grunts, whimpers...then glares* "Wrong..." *then starts giggling* "But feisty! And hot! I knew you were the one for me! Let's have some fun!" *swings his sword* tsubaki: !!! *blocks the blade with her own....her ponytail that is* Mr. Tsubaki: "Ha ha ha! I knew you were versatile, too! I've read up on you!" *swings under to knock down her legs* tsubaki: !! *jumping back, lower body changing into a large throwing star and helicoptering backwards* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hee hee...Impressive--" *star to the chest* "AAAH!" *coughs blood* tsubaki: *turns to escape* (thinking: black*star...please be ok) -a scuffle is heard not too far off- Black Star: "Let go of me!" belkia: HEHEHEHEHEHEHUE~ TIME TO DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!! -KICK TO THE FACE- belkia: XoX ow! Black Star: "???" tsubaki: black*star! are you ok? Black Star: "Y-Yeah." *holds out a hand to her to help him get up* "You?" tsubaki: yeah. come on, we need to find a way out of here.... Mr. Tsubaki: *already in front of them, standing...still bleeding* "Sure about that?" tsubaki: !!! *changing into her blade form* Black Star: *takes Tsubaki* "Bad move, dude!" *runs at Mr. Tsubaki to stab him--* *CRUNCH* Black Star: "..." *Mr. Tsubaki is holding Black Star by his ribs...and squeezes* tsubaki: ?!?! STOP IT!!! Mr. Tsubaki: *lets go of Black Star, who is struggling to breathe* Mr. Tsubaki: "Just something to remember me by~" tsubaki: !!!! *screams and slashes at him* -a masculine presence can be felt... almost familiar- Mr. Tsubaki: *getting sliced* "Ow! Hey, come on! Just fulfilling my promise! Getting rid of the competition!" tsubaki: *glaring* ???: "Kill...Eliminate..." Mr. Tsubaki: *seizes her wrist* "You're hot, I'll admit. But we got to work on that attitude--" -pierce- belkia: !!! oh heck nope! *tries to flee, but his legs are cut off* GAHHHH!! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *blood drips from his mouth* "Darn...That sucks..." Masamune: "Good...Eliminate them..." tsubaki: ..... ???: wait. tsubaki: ?? Masamune: "...Hmph." tsubaki: ??!?? -she and black*star are by the bond, sayaka healing his injuries- sayaka: jeez, what the heck happened to you guys? Black Star: *struggling to breathe* "H-He..." sayaka: easy there..... *still using her healing magic* Black Star: "Ts-Tsu--" tsubaki: just take it easy....*worried*....*hugs him softly* you're going to be ok.... sayaka: it was pretty weird....you two just appeared out of nowhere.... Black Star: *grimacing* "Ow...What...?" *looks in horror, as he sees a note...safety-pinned into his arm* madoka: ?? *she takes a look* Note: "Something to remember what I am capable of--and what will happen should you refuse me. You are mine, and if you refuse, he will die. Hugs and kisses xoxo" madoka: e-eh? tsubaki:....*she calmly rips it apart* -there is a second note- -note: we apologize for you getting involved in this unfortunate situation. if you have questions, please visit the Alisuin mansion. <3<3 'Snow Lilly' O3<- -the note's handwriting is....very stylish, but fortunately still legible- Patty: "TSUBAKI! BLACK STAR!" tsubaki: alisuin mansion?... sayaka: isnt it supposed to be home to those really really rich guys....i hear the place has ghosts! creepy! tsubaki: !! ah! patti! kilik: dude, what were you thinking? jumping off the bench into a pond full of fish.. honestly... Patty: *hugs Tsubaki* "I was so worried! What happened?!" tsubaki:...i dont know... Patty: "??? Whatever it was, it looks pretty bad..." -a few days later- Black Star: *inhaling deeply* tsubaki: feeling better? Black Star: "A bit, yeah..." *blushing a little* "You?" tsubaki: alright.....i had a new security system installed...*still thinking about the other letter* (thinking: alisuin mansion...?) Black Star: "We wouldn't need a new security system if I..." *looks down* "Damn." tsubaki:......*she hands him the note from 'snow lilly'* Black Star: "??? 'Alisuin Mansion'? Where's that?" tsubaki: hmm... -and so- sayaka: it should be around here... madoka: .... tsubaki: thank you for walking me here... sayaka: i wanted to see if the ghost rumors are true. Black Star: *looking around the neighborhood* ("I couldn't even help last time...Damn.") sayaka: there it is! WOAH! it's huge! Black Star: "Huh?" *looks at the mansion* "Wow..." madoka: well, this is the wealthier side of town... i wonder if mami's grandparents live in a place like this... sayaka: how do we get i-....huh? -there is a rabbit sign with an arrow pointing to an open gate that says 'follow the rabbits'- tsubaki: 'follow the rabbits?' madoka: just like alice in wonderland.... -the gate is open- Black Star: "Guess we're going in..." *marches forward* ("Not letting this happen again...") -and so they followed the path until they reached a door- Black Star: *looking at the door, including its knocker...and a doorbell next to it* madoka:.... *rings the door bell* ???:...... its open. tsubaki:....*she opens the door to a foyer* sayaka: *walks off with madoka* we're gonna look around! madoka: s-sayaka! you cant just go snooping around! D : > ???: miss blue... sayaka: eh? -two little girls with pink hair stare back- girls: its not nice to snoop in people's homes sayaka: eh......GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *runs* GHOST GIRLS! -sayaka's face collides with something smooth- Snow Lilly: "Oh, pardon me~" sayaka: ah... o///////o;;;;; MY APOLOGIES I NEED TO GO SEE YA- madoka: *grabs her by the back of her collar* oh no you dont, you started this you finish it. sayaka: >-<;;; ???: ugh, how noisy, i take it our guests have arrived? Snow Lily: "Oh, these are them? Hmm...Cute outfit, Miss--" misono: ..... !!!!! tsubaki: its tsubaki...not to be confused with the man who's been harassing me. misono: *blushing and pointing to madoka* W-WHA-WHAT'S SHE DOING HERE?!?! Snow Lily: (studies Tsubaki) "Oh! You're that girl! Hmmm...Yes, I can see why he was interested in you." madoka: eh? well....sayaka though there were ghosts here and wanted to explore... Black Star: *looking confused* tsubaki:....... -_-;;; sayaka: lesson learned Q-Q sowwyyyy.... misono: *flustered* w-well go away, this doesnt concern you two... sayaka: well we're kinda here now...and i still dont know if the place is haunted- misono: there's no ghosts, just vampires. now please leave. sayaka: wait VAMPIRES?! Snow Lily: "Awww...I was hoping to play. After all, I thought Miss Tsubaki wanted to know something..." tsubaki: yes. about that man...who is he, and what does he want with me? misono:...very well....follow me.... sayaka: ok! misono: not you! sayaka: b-but- Black Star: "Hey, take it easy, Sayaka." *glares at Misono* "I'm not letting Tsubaki walk in alone." misono:....*sigh* fine. but dont make a mess of things... sayaka: scouts honor! misono:.... Mary, Julie, take kaname and her blue haired ditz friend with you. Mary + Julie: ok. follow us. *the two take them someplace* Black Star: *following, keeping an eye on Tsubaki* -they reached a study- misono: here we are.... mahiru: hmm? oh are these the people you told me about misono? misono: yes. there were two others, but the kids are dealing with them. Black Star: *looking around* -elsewhere- nozomi: *placing the daruma on her desk* there we go. Iris: "Oh, that looks good!" nozomi: *she smiles* tamaki: *wearing her good luck charm as a pendant* *beaming* hehe~ Arthur: "I hope that charm works...It looks cute on you." tamaki: um.... thanks. *blush* nozomi: *she looks at the charm* -charm: good luck in love- nozomi: ...... *doesnt say anything* Arthur: *smiles at Tamaki before setting his new sword on the wall by his desk* "Magnificent. I hope its blade is sharp." shinra:.... *looking at the figure he won* Akitaru: "Oh, wow, Shinra! That's so cool! And retro!" shinra: thanks. commander hinawa's lessons paid off i guess, haha. sayu: *eating some konpeito she won* yum~ Akitaru: "Well, I'm glad you all had a good time--" Takehisa: "But it's time to get back to work." *drops papers on everyone's desks to file* shinra: o-o; Arthur: "..." *tries to slide papers off of his pile onto Shinra's* shinra: hey! -elsewhere- Wes: "I'm sorry to hear that about Tsubaki and Black Star. How are they doing?" liz: they're alright... -elsewhere- Kid: *arranging new souvenirs on his desk...* "Hmm...Just not symmetrical." stocking: *brushing her hair after the shower* Kid: *looks at her, smiles* "Your hair looks amazing." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Feel rested after the festival?" stocking: yeah, i got a lot of stuff... a lot of it is back home... Kid: "What did you pick up? Some new clothes?" stocking: clothes, sweets, decor. Kid: "Your parents enjoy the sweets?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" akaderu: *running* *another him is hiding in his room... the real thing* akaderu: [in his room] ugh, what a drag... Yohei: "Get back here, you bastard! When I'm through with you, the only red you'll be seeing is your blood!" Shotaro: "??? Um...What happened?" chie: KICK HIS ASS HONEY! Tuhl: "J-Just...It was nothing. Nothing at all." ("I better not repeat it, or Chie will smash my head in...") Emine: "Well, I thought it was fun--" Tuhl: *slaps hand over his mouth* "Shut up. You want to live, don't you?" chie: *demonic glare* lin: O-O;;; saki: hehe, us kagehime ladies are known to be frightening when angered...let that be a lesson~ Yohei: "I got you cornered! When I'm through with you--" -akaderu just vanished?- Yohei: "...???" chie: where did he-?? akaderu: *still in the safety of his room* Yohei: "..." *taps his watch* "Locate that fucking asshole!" HOMER: "Please be more specific--" Yohei: "AKADERU! FIND HIM!" akaderu:.....shit. -one reprimanding later- Yohei: "Hmph. I knew books made for good weapons." *tosses wrecked book aside* chie: *hugging his arm* TT3TT Yohei: *holds her* "It's okay. I love you so much." Kepuri: -_-; "You people are weird." *glares at Akaderu* "And that was a jerky thing to say." akaderu: i said i was sorry... *has an ice pack to the eye* but if you had a baby, you'd still be cute... Kepuri: o\\\\o "...What?" Shotaro: "If Kepuri had a baby, would it be, like, bug larvae in a cocoon?" mana: ...... -_-; Kepuri: -\\\\\- *slaps Shotaro's head* Shotaro: *shrugs* "Just asking." -elsewhere- tsubaki: i think i understand a little bit more now.... sayaka: servant vampires?....and these littler vampires are _their_ servants?........ITS SERVAMP-CEPTION! misono: -_-; Black Star: "..." *snort* "Okay, that's kind of funny." tsubaki: -_-; mahiru: i was actually thinking the same thing... Black Star: "So, servant vampires...and one is some lunatic who wants to hurt Tsubaki?" misono: it would appear so. mahiru: a vampire stalking a human out of some sick twisted love? sounds like the plot of a really bad novel. Black Star: "So, let's say, hypothetically, I want to punch him in the balls. How do I go about that? Do I need to coat my hands with garlic? Or silver? Or holy water?" -elsewhere- Medusa: "Any word on their progress, Grimoire?" *cradling her child* grimoire: seems the creature is complete...it will be utilized on our attack on the denmark branch. neian: gumu! Medusa: "Denmark...What are you seeking there?" -elsewhere- Ochako: "So, Cuz, anything you wanted to see around Death City?" yuu: how about the movie theater? tsuyu: sounds good. Ochako: "Great! Maybe something with action, kung-fu, and explosions!" Bakugo: "!!! Did someone say 'explosions'?" -elsewhere- Relan: "Mail call!" mikami: ah! *she opens her letter* -it was a letter from her parents asking how she is- -ryuuko got a similar letter- Relan: "..." *looking for any letters for him...* -there was a package from shinra. it had a plastic wind chime inside- [note; got this for you at the festival. hope you like it. ~shinra] -there is a little doodle of shinra in the corner- Relan: "..." *sniff* T____T mikami: i-is everything ok?? Relan: "I'm just..." *smiles, crying* "...happy." ryuuko: oh? Relan: *nods, blushing* "I'll have to hang this up..." mikami: it looks very nice. *she smiles* Relan: *hangs it up* "Thanks...How's it look, Buttons?" buttons: ^o^ *approving squeak* -elsewhere- lord death:... *looking over kid's meds* Yumi: "Death?" lord death: hmm? n-nothing...just thinking..... *remembering when kid attempted to overdose and had to have his stomach pumped*.......*hug* Yumi: "!!!" *hugs* "Okay...You sure?" lord death:.....i just worry about kid...about all our children.... Yumi: *nods* "Is it anything you see now that is raising this concern...or just precaution?" lord death:....just thinking about past events..... (younger kid: it's my fault that mother died....maybe if i hadnt been born...she would still be alive...) Yumi: "..." *holds him* "I know...So much has changed since that time..." lord death:......*teary eyed* Yumi: "Hey..." *wipes tears* "Your kids--our kids--are okay. We are raising them to be well, and we are here for them now. So...let's keep them safe." lord death: right.....*he kisses her forehead* i love you.... Yumi: *smiles* "I love you, too." -elsewhere- Kid: *looking down* stocking: you ok? Kid: *nods* "Just feeling...I don't know. A little sad?" stocking:....*she holds his hand* Kid: "Thank you...I'm sure it's just a mood." stocking:..*huuuuug* Kid: *hugs back* "Thank you..." *sniff* "Thank you so much." stocking: *rubbing his back* Kid: *calms down, smiles* stocking: i love you kid....dont ever doubt that, ok? Kid: "I won't...I promise." -elsewhere- mami: *rubbing chrona's head as they lay down*.... feeling better? Crona: "...I don't know...Something's bothering me..." mami: what is it? Crona: "...Do you think I'm a screwup?" mami: i dont think that at all...what brought this up? is raggy teasing you again? Crona: *shakes their head* "It's...the past. Things I didn't do well...things I did wrong. I thought I was over it..." mami:.... *remembering the car accident...and how spirit saved her from the wreckage* even if we cant undo the past...all we can do is get better as we go along.... *she hugs them* Crona: "..." *stays in Mami's hug, unsure how to respond but to stay still* mami:....im happy....that you're here.... Crona: *small smile* "Y-Yeah...I'm happy when I'm...with you." mami:....*tiny blush and smile* Crona: *blushing* "I...I..." -tiny smooch on the cheek- Crona: *dumbstruck* mami:.....ah! w-was that going too far? *flustered* Crona: "Wh-What? T-Too far how?" mami: was that....did it make you uncomfortable at all? Crona: "I-I don't know. I feel embarrassed and also...calm? But agitated? I can't quite describe the feeling." mami: flustered maybe? Crona: "M-Maybe...Why did you kiss me?" mami: o////o i-i thought that...was what you wanted....s-sorry, im not exactly an expert on that sort of thing.... Crona: "...Would you want me to kiss you?" mami: e-eh?! O///////O o-only if you want too... *her head is steaming* Crona: "O-Okay. I don't know how to do this...Um..." *looks back and forth* "Do I do it on the left cheek or the right cheek?" mami: e-either way is fine... Crona: "Okay." *two quick pecks on each cheek* mami: *bright pink in the face* Crona: D: "I'M SORRY!" mami: i-its ok chrona, you didnt do anything wrong... *patting their head approvingly* i just...im not used to that sort of thing... Crona: "Have you kissed before?" mami: other than on your cheek....no.... i've never found the time for dating, being so busy with my studies and all... Crona: "Oh...Um...I don't think I've seen you on a...date." -elsewhere- tsubaki: thank you for having us over misono. we appreciate the help. misono: *hands her a paper with an email on it* here, if anything happens, contact us as soon as you can. mahiru: you can have my number too. if we can help stop this guy, then we're in. madoka: well, we should head back now. see you in school on monday. *smile* misono: *blush* y-yeah, whatever, now if you excuse me, i have important buisness to attend to. madoka: ?? sayaka: ^^; Black Star: *looks to Tsubaki* tsubaki: take care. -as they walk away- Black Star: *waves* "See ya." misono:.....*sighs*....stupid kaname....why did _she_ have to show up?....its such a pain....the way she makes me feel......*sigh*...damn i could use some tea... Lily: "I think I see why Mr. Tsubaki was intrigued by them~" -chop- misono: dont be creepy! Lily: >u< "Oooow~ Meanie!" misono: 7/////7; its already sunset....9 o clock will be here before we know it, and i'll be asleep...*sigh* Lily: "Hmm..." *looks around the room* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "The Commander seemed...stoic. Like, more than usual." fang-hua: .....*she takes a plate of mochi balls* commander? i brought you something to eat... Benimaru: "..." *takes one, eats silently* fang-hua:....let me know if you need anything, ok? Tsukiyo: "Yeah, anything!" Benimaru: "..." *nods, turns back to stare at the sky* fang-hua:...*drags tsukiyo out of the room* Tsukiyo: *pouting* hinata: )8> hikage: q-q fang-hua:....hey, i got you some mochi balls too if you wanted. -the twins lighten up- hikage + hinata: yay! thanks kohana-onee-chan! Tsukiyo: *outside, muttering* "Hmph. Little brats get all the attention..." fang-hua: ^^; (thinking: they're just kids, so they can get away with it i guess.) dont worry tsukiyo, i got some for you too. Tsukiyo: "..." *snatches it with her teeth and chews* fang-hua:...*chuckles* ^^; Benimaru: *staring at the sky* ("...That cloud looks like a bunny.") -elsewhere- Hibana: *taking notes on inventory* gabriella: ah! something came in the mail from iris! here you go~! Hibana: *smiles* "Thanks!" *opens it* "I wonder what she sent..." -morning- Kid: *tossing* stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: *groans in his sleep* "I-I'm sorry..." stocking: *stirs awake* ?? Kid: *talking in his sleep* "Please, don't blame me...I didn't mean...Come back..." stocking:.... stocking:....*she hugs him gently* Kid: *calms down, breathing more steadily, as he falls back to sleep* -later- stocking:....*hugs kid tightly* Kid: "??? Are you okay?" stocking:....i love you kiddo~ Kid: "..." *hugs her back* "I love you, too." stocking:.....(thinking: kid....) Kid: *forced smile...he's crying* "You are so kind." stocking:..... \worthless bastard. hurry up and die already\ Kid: "I don't want..." *sniffs* "I feel like I...I..." stocking:....*holding him* just let it out kid.... Kid: "I...I just keep thinking...if I hadn't...that my mom..." stocking:......*rubbing his back and humming* Kid: "If I hadn't been born...would my mom still be alive?" stocking: kid.....it isnt your fault....and i'm sure your mom wouldnt want you to beat yourself up over this... *hugging him* Kid: *nods* "I know...but I still feel...I look at Father...and I..." *cries* stocking: *still holding him* Kid: *cries* "I miss her..." stocking:.....do you want to stay in today? Kid: *nods* -later, stocking is washing kid's hair- Kid: *sighing* "So calming..." stocking: *she smiles* i love you kid. Kid: *smiles* "I love you, too. Thank you for...for everything." stocking: of course, kid.... Kid: "..." *small hold of her hand* "I...am so lucky." -elsewhere- Izuku: "Kid's not here?" yuu: well, it is a sunday today... Izuku: "Yes. I just thought he'd be out for this--the film should be fun." tsuyu: maybe he caught a cold or something. Ochako: "Awwww, that would be too bad--" *spots someone...two someones* "O. M. G. Is that Bakugo with--" yuu: ?? kyouka: thats that girl from class 1B, right? mina: OH. MY GOSH. i am so tweeting this! eijiro: TT^TT Izuku: "..." (preemptively hides behind Ochako and Tsuyu, knowing something is probably going to blow up) Bakugo: *laughs more gently* "That was a lot of fun to--" *spots the group* o\\\\\\\\o itsuka: hmm? oh arent those your classmates? Bakugo: "N-No?" *terrible liar* Ochako: "Hi, Bakugo! Have a good date?!" Izuku: D: *crouches down* Bakugo: "..." -shuffling from the bushes?- mina: aaand posted! Bakugo: "...WHAT THE HELL?! Give me that phone!" mina: *dodge* hey look! 5 people already commented! [rikido: that's adorable ^^] [kinoko: dude, thats rad] [hanta: at least he isnt blowing anyone up haha] Monoma: *in bushes, screaming internally* itsuka: easy katsuki, deep breaths. Bakugo: *inhales, calms down* "Okay...I'll just smash Mina's phone when she least suspects it..." mina:.... *keeps her phone close* itsuka: down boy. *pat pat* Bakugo: -\\\\\- *small puppy growl* Izuku: "...Nothing blew up?" *smiles at Itsuka and Bakugo* "Awwww... Monoma: *chewing on leaves in the bushes to quiet his rage* -elsewhere- Hibana: "There it is..." *taking Gabriella out for Sunday brunch* gabriella: it looks really nice, hibana. Hibana: *smiles* "Yes. It does have good dishes--and drinks. What would you like?" -at the 8th- maki: a flame human has appeared! Arthur: "!!!" Akitaru: "Troops--you got one minute to suit up and get to the vehicle!" shinra: right! miwa: want us to join you guys on this one? Akitaru: *nods* "Good plan. Mobilize and head out." Iris: *holding a cross necklace* -they arrived at the site; Ifuji Natural Science Museum- director: the flame monster is in the botany section..please hurry, there's a group of kids in there! shinra: !!! *he rushes in* Akitaru: "Nozomi, Takehisa, get the kids! Arthur, give cover to Tamaki, Miwa, and Shinra against the Flame Being!" nozomi: right! miwa: *steam cover* go! go! -the children and teacher run out, but one is still trapped- young boy: waaah...mama! im scared! flame human: *screeches and knocks down a pipe* shinra: !!!!! *kicks the pipe away and grabs the boy, getting him to the exit* Arthur: *slices the pipe, aims for the Flame Human* "Tamaki! Slice them!" tamaki: HYAH! *tail whip and claw slash* shinra: return to the burning flames. Iris: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust..." tamaki: shinra! *tail whips it towards shinra* shinra: *kicks it toward miwa, who then punches through it, disintegrating it* Iris: "Rest in peace..." miwa: ..... -after that- miwa: the flame human.....what was their name...what did they want out of life? Teacher: "P-Plants? I-I don't know. They kept talking about the plants..." miss jodie....*sniff* miwa:....its ok kiddo....she's in a happier place now..... student: ..... miwa:....*writing down the name* Teacher: "Why did this happen? Where are these...these freaks coming from?" miwa:.... they were people once...dont forget that... Teacher: *slight glare* padma:....*puts a concerned hand on miwa's shoulder* commander.... miwa:......right.... Teacher: "Come on, children. Let's get you home..." Arthur: *frowning, looks to Tamaki* "You okay?" tamaki: yeah...shinra? shinra:..........hmm? yeah..... *watching the boy he saved with his mama*...... Iris: "..." *pats his arm* "Good work." shinra:....*he smiles* thanks... Akitaru: "Miwa, everyone has been evacuated. We're ready to start forensics." miwa: right. nozomi: *prepping gear* Takehisa: *has a surgical mask on as he examines the dust* "Hmm..." -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: feeling better now kiddo? Kid: *nods* "Yes...One day at a time." stocking:....*she kisses the back of his neck* Kid: *lovely shudder* "Oh..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *moans lightly* "God..." stocking:...*hugs and nuzzles* Kid: *hugs back, kissing her cheek* -later- stocking: ahhhh.... Kid: *kisses her neck lightly* "How was it?" stocking: it felt really good.... U////////U Kid: *smiles* "I'm glad...It felt great for me, too." *kisses her shoulder* "You're so supportive, loving...enthusiastic." stocking: same for you~ if not more so~ Kid: *lays his head over her breasts* "You're also so..." *kisses her nipple* stocking: a-ah~!! *blush* Kid: *sucks a bit on her nipple, his hand massaging her hip* -later- stocking: *crashed out* =////w////= Kid: *holding her in his arms* "May I get you anything? Water?" stocking: *pulling the blanket up* Kid: "??? Or, just stay in?" stocking: *nods*.... *covers them both with the blanket* Kid: *kisses her forehead* "Comfy?" stocking: almost...*hugs him, nuzzling his chest* now i am... Kid: *holds her* "I love you so much." -morning, at school- sayu: its my birthday today!! Iris: *claps* "Happy birthday!" shinra: how about we go to the arcade today? sayu: yeah! that sounds awesome! Iris: "Then we'll have dinner back at the 8th. I hope you like the meal we're planning!" -in class- Patty: *book opened...but it's upside down, and she looks bored* liz: you ok? Patty: "Just...disappointed. Takeru..." liz: do i need to talk some sense into him? *cracks knuckles* Patty: "!!! N-No! It's just our date was kind of ruined by what happened to Tsubaki and Black Star, and him being so awkward, and maybe, I don't know, I was too forward? It was my fault, wasn't it? I'm too weird, aren't I? I suck. Damn it. I'm going to die single, alone, with only cats, then the cats will eat me, and no one will come to my funeral and--" liz: patti....*hug* its ok... Patty: "..." *calms down, returns the hug* "I'm just not attractive, am I? I mean, I'm weird, aren't I?" liz: dont be ridiculous, you are cute as all heck. Patty: "But my personality is not attractive, is it?" liz: it depends on what you're focusing on. you're bright, bubbly, and bring a smile to everyone's faces. Patty: "..." *smiles, rests in her arms* "Okay...I guess...it's taking me a long time to find what I want." -in another class- Bakugo: *glaring at his phone* "Stupid social media..." tsuyu: i wouldnt worry too much about it. just try to focus on the happier stuff. Bakugo: "Easy for you to say! This is embarrassing! What business is my life to everyone?!" -elsewhere- kirika: *fiddling with her pencil* Gopher: -W- "That is a cute pencil..." *it has a cat topper* kirika: 7///7 t-thanks... Gopher: "How has your day been?" kirika: alright for the most part...might visit oriko today. Gopher: "...Oh. I hope it goes well..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Look who's visiting classes..." *holds up Shiori* shiori: gu! students: AWWWWWW!!!! tsugumi: she's so cuuuute! Anya: -\\\\\- Meme: "Does she mind being held?" shiori: mwuu? ao: how sweet. mio:...she's kinda cute i guess.... Meme: *holds her towards Mio* "Isn't she, though?" mio:....*tiny smile* Meme: "See? You're smiling!" -elsewhere- Relan: *smiling widely at lunch* sayu: *smiling and eating cake* say, you're big bro shinra's friend, right? Relan: "??? Um...Yes?" Relan: "Do you know Shinra...?" sayu: yeah he- shinra: *covers her mouth* distantrelative! Relan: "Sh-Shinra! H-Hey, b-b-buddy! Friend! Pal! Um...Yo?" shinra:....you alright? Relan: "..." *nods* "T-Thank you for that g-gift in the mail. I appreciated it." shinra: *he smiles* Relan: "Um...I was wondering, Sh-Shinra, if you w-weren't busy, would you--" Iris: "Hi, Shinra!" Relan: "..." shinra: *nervous smile* um...h-h-hi.... sayu: hey iris! Relan: "..." Iris: "..." Relan and Iris: "Shinra. Who's this?" shinra: *sweating* hey sayu! do you like movies about gladiators? just curious. Relan: *polite intense stare* "I am Relan." Iris: "Oh. You're the boy Shinra mentioned." *cool polite stare* "I'm Iris." Relan: "Oh, Shinra hasn't mentioned you." Relan and Iris: *intense stare* shinra:...um....help? tamaki: sorry shinra, your on your own! Arthur: *nods, shifts away* shinra: TAMAKI YOU ARE THE WORST! D8> Iris: "So, you're new to the Fire Brigades?" Relan: "Yes--doing my best to get through the training." Iris: "Hmm." Relan: "Shinra, I was thinking about seeing a movie Friday. Interested?" Iris: "!!!" shinra: um...er....well.....*nearly about to fall over* tamaki: oh for the love of- stop stalling and answer like a grown adul- *slips and accidently kicks shinra in the crown jewels* shinra: 0____________________________0 *falls over* Relan and Iris: D: Relan: "Shinra! No!" Iris: "I'll get you ice!" Relan: "No! I will!" -They get ice...and then hilarious "ice-on-groin" jokes follow- -high pitched screams could be heard thorough the city- Relan: o\\\\\\o Iris: o\\\\\\o "I just touched Shinra's privates..." Relan: "S-Same..." shinra: O////////////////////////////O (thinking: I JUST GOT MY JUNK TOUCHED BY A GIRL AND A GUY I DONT KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS!!) Iris and Relan: "..." *pull back their hands* Iris: "Nurse! Get you to the nurse! Then they can make you feel better!" Relan: "...PHRASING!" shinra:...okeeeey..... Relan: *sigh* "Let's just get you to the medical office...I'll take--" Iris: "I'll take him!" Relan: *glare* "Let's. Both. Take him." shinra:..... -Taken to nurse's office...and the nurses kick Relan and Iris out- shinra:........... Nurse #1: "What happened to you?" shinra:.................... Nurse #1: "Well, the ice should help, but I'm prescribing painkillers as well." shinra:.........................*looking at the door* (thinking: she's probably told him.....they probably hate me.....i didnt want to hurt either of them.....but instead i hurt both of them....haha....what kind of hero even am i?) -Outside- Iris: "..." *crying* Relan: "Huh? Wh-What's wrong?" Iris: "Y-You are...attracted to him...and I don't want to lose him! And you don't..." Relan: "P-Please don't cry!" *starts crying* Iris and Relan: *crying, clutching each other* kohaku: god, you two are such fucking pussies... Iris: "I'm so sorry!" -SLAP- Relan: "No, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to--but I--I like him--and I-I-I--" -SLAP- kohaku: shut up f*g ass! Iris: "...Ow..." Relan: *whimpering* -punch- kohaku: you gonna keep crying you little bitch? Relan: *on the floor, stunned* Iris: "Hey! You can't do that!" kohaku: shut the hell up blondie. Relan: "N-No! Don't talk to her like that!" *trying to get on his feet* kohaku: how cute. *kicks him in the stomach* where's your shitty little hero now? Iris: "Why you harlot!" *growls, leaps--and bites Kohaku's head* Relan: *crawls forward--and bites her ankles* kohaku: OW! *amber blades slash at them* GET OFF YOU FUCKING- ???: "MONTANA SMASH!" kohaku: *knocked into the wall* tch-... Izuku: *pants...his arm is broken* "Owie..." Iris: T_T "Oh, no..." Relan: Q_Q "Quick! Get him to the nurse's office!" *picks Izuku up and starts running* Izuku: O___O "It's right there! You're taking me _away_ from the nurse's office!" kohaku:...well this is boring...later you useless DWMA shits..... *walks away* Iris: *pulls Relan and Izuku into the nurse's office* shinra:.........*shamed expression* Izuku: "Oh, Shinra!" *dropped into bed by Relan* You're here too?" shinra:............ Izuku: "???" Relan: *shamed* Iris: *shamed* Iris and Relan: "We're sorry." *bow* shinra:....you didnt do anything wrong..... Iris: "We let jealousy get in the way..." Relan: "...We both like you, a lot...but...it's not fair to you." \burn them\ shinra: ?! Iris: "We want you to be happy, and we hope we'll be in your lives..." \burn them all to ashes\ shinra: i'm not going to burn them!! Relan: "..." *small voice* "What?" \burn them all you demon\ shinra: shut the fuck up im not a fucking demon!! Izuku: "...Did he hit his head?" \burn it BURN IT ALL TO A CRISP\ shinra:.... *almost possessed, his feet ignite....IS HE PUTTING THEM TO HIS FACE?!* Iris: "Shinra!" Relan: "No! Stop!" Izuku: *tries to grab his ankles--* shinra: *the flames stop...the throws up and passes out* -when shinra woke up again, he was back in his room at the 8th...there are paper talismans on the wall, bed and on his clothes- shinra:....nnngh....wha.....what time is it? Iris: *outside the room...hesitating to enter...* tamaki: its ok... he wont bite or anything.... Iris: "How do I face him? He could have...he would have killed..." tamaki:....want me to go in with you? Iris: *nods* shinra: *looking at his ankles* more paper thingies?..... ????? Iris: "Shinra?" shinra: ?? oh, hey iris...whats up? tamaki: feeling better? Iris: "...Do you remember?" shinra: yeah....jeez you did a number on me.... when you kicked me i guess i blacked out.....not sure what these paper things are for.... -in another room- kirara: a possession of madness... maki: what?? nozomi: i didnt think such a thing even existed... Akitaru and Takehisa: *exchanging worrisome glance* Arthur: "What does any of that mean? What happened to him?" kirara: it would appear he was overwhelmed with strong negative emotions...particularly guilt.... the negative energies were strong enough to allow him to be controlled by madness....fortunately, he was able to snap out of it before any major damage occurred....the ofuda in his room and on his person should prevent any further incidents... Arthur: " 'Madness'? You know, we have so many lessons about it in school--" maki: what about when he wakes up? kirara: i made sure to use a memory alter enchantment to make him forget the incident in the nurses office...i thought it would be best...for his own wellbeing... Arthur: "...You can do that?" *stands behind Maki* kirara: dont worry, i make sure to use those enchantments responsibly.....i should go now. make sure kusakabe gets his rest for the time being... Akitaru: "We will, thank you." Takehisa: "I'm already prepping his favorite meal." -elsewhere- buttons:......*concerned squeak* Relan: *looks up from holding his head in his hands* "Buttons...Am I an idiot?" buttons: ?? Relan: *holds out his hand to pick Buttons up* "I...hurt him. Then he hurt himself. And he lied, and I wanted to believe him, and I...I..." *A familiar ringtone plays on his phone* Relan: "...No..." *tries to ignore the ringtone* buttons:....*sad face* Relan: *ignoring the ringtone, as he holds Buttons gently* "I don't want to go back there, Buttons. I want to stay here..." buttons: *nuzzle* Relan: *nods* "Thank you...I still like him, a lot...But...I'm so scared for him...What happened to him?" -knock knock- mikami: relan? we brought you some breakfast....its your favorite....a-at least i think it is...? Relan: *looks at the breakfast* "...Is that...sugary cereal?" ryuuko: Prism Puffs. bought the box yesterday. Relan: "..." *cries* "She never let me have sugary cereal!" mikami: ehh? o.o~? Relan: T___T "Thank you both! That is so kind!" mikami: um...t-thank you. Relan: *munches while smiling and crying* "I-I...I want to work hard! For the 3rd!" -elsewhere- shinra: iris...im really sorry about what happened with the whole 'relan' ordeal... Iris: "..." *covers her face* shinra:....*hug*....i dont want to hurt either of you.... tamaki:....you know, polyamory is a thing. Iris: *still hugging Shinra* o\\\\\\\\\o shinra:.....*sigh* im still not sure how i feel about all this...ngh...my head hurts.... Iris: *rubs his back, kisses his forehead* "Just sleep..." shinra:....*small blush*....i should apologize to relan when i get the chance....d-dont get me wrong, i like you too....but i still feel bad for hurting him... Iris: *nods* "Can always call...email..." shinra: i guess.....but i dont even know his phone number -__-; Iris: "Oh...Um...Would you...want me to bring him here?" shinra: um...i guess....if he isnt too mad at you... n-not that im saying he is! Iris: *nods* "Okay...Today? Tomorrow?" shinra:....maybe later this week...i still feel kinda queasy... Iris: *nods* "Please rest..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *looking at Tsubaki* tsubaki: *writing notes* Black Star: "Tsubaki? What you writing?" tsubaki: just notes from the lesson.... Black Star: "Oh...You okay?" *looks concerned* tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: *nods* "You sleeping alright?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "That's good...I...I'm still thinking about..." tsubaki:....*pats his hand* Black Star: -\\\\- "Sorry. Just tripped me up. I'll get better--not letting someone get the jump on me again!" tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: "...Hey, listen...um..." tsubaki: hmm? Black Star: "...I-I think I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight. You know, make sure no one comes in." tsubaki:....you sure? Black Star: *nods* "I don't want someone getting to you again." tsubaki:...thanks. *weak smile* Black Star: *light smile* "..." ("What is wrong with me? I'm feeling all weird...She looks so sad that I want to protect her from that weirdo...") -elsewhere- Nals: "Denmark..." grimoire: yes. are you up to the task? Nals: "Of course. How many will I be leading?" grimoire: 45 soldiers. a small enough job. Nals: *nods* "Very well. And this is the target?" grimoire: yes. Nals: *dramatic pose* "I will use all of my strength, finesse, and blessed acting talent to accomplish this task!" milia: *shiny eyes* Medusa: -_-; "Drama queen." shaula: well he is an actor...or was rather. Medusa: "Was he in anything good?" shaula: never asked. Nals: *pops up in between them* "My headshots and resume!" *hands them to the sisters* shaula:.....*reading the date* just how old even _are_ you? Nals: o_o; "Um...29?" shaula: really now? (thinking: that just makes milia's infatuation a bit creepier!) Nals: "...Yes?" shaula: sure. Medusa: *looking at itinerary* "This is what you want out of Denmark? Just a bit of chaos, shake the DWMA's confidence?" -elsewhere- Patty: *looking at herself in the mirror in a new dress* "Hmm..." stocking: it looks cute. ^^ Patty: -\\\- "At least you think so. I just think...I don't know. I look chubby? Or just not appealing?" stocking: well i think you look great. *she smiles* Patty: "Thanks." *sighs* "Maybe I need a girls' night out or something." stocking: sounds great. how about we go out to the moonlight market? Patty: "Oh, cool!" -elsewhere- Hibana: "Poor Iris..." gabriella:..maybe we could send her a gift basket? i dont really know her as well as you do... Hibana: *nods* "I think that would help...She also likes rare flowers, so perhaps a new plant?" -elsewhere- Emine: "Hmm...Which bad deed should I do...?" -elsewhere- Karim: *sighs* "The trail's gone cold." dia:...... foien:..... Karim: *taps on some police sketches* "This is the best we could get of potential suspects. And we can't exactly ask Shinra right now." dia: *examining the sketches* Karim: "I almost wish we could have a meister hunt for their souls, but flame abilities impede soul perception." ruby: so its like a literal fire wall? Karim: *nods* "I don't know how anyone can bypass it." pearl:...*she brought in tea* Karim: *nods* "Thank you, Pearl." pearl: *she smiles softly* Karim: "I think we may need another approach to smoking them out. Perhaps...I don't know, infiltration? Undercover work? Getting an informant?" dia: an informant might work. Karim: "Round up some people who likely work with these assassins, see what we can do to persuade them to infiltrate..." -elsewhere- Giriko: "I got the movie, and food should be arriving soon." arachne: *she smiled and patted her stomach* Giriko: *pops in the movie, sits beside her* "How's the little fella doing?" arachne: doing well... Giriko: *rests hand on her* "Feels like it. Strong soul." arachne: *she smiles...somewhat sadly* Giriko: "..." *nods* "I miss her, too." arachne:...i just hope she's happy...wherever she is.... Giriko: *nods, holds her* -elsewhere- Tuhl: "You get Io to bed alright, Saki?" saki: yeah. hopefully emine doesnt try scaring her for the rest of the night... Emine: *walking by in a clown outfit* *CHAIN SCYTHE AROUND EMINE* saki: *aims gun arm at him* do not. Emine: "...I thought everyone liked clowns..." -elsewhere- Kid: *asleep, with Shiori in his arms* shiori: zzzzzzz...... Yumi: *smiles, snaps a photo* stocking: how adorable. Yumi: *nods* "She's so calm around him. It makes me feel relieved they have gotten along so well." stocking: it must be nice to have siblings Yumi: *a little hesitant* "Y-Yes..." stocking:....*pats her back* Yumi: *sad smile at Stocking* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Arthur: *looking over his paychecks from crossdresser cafe* "Hmm...Almost there for new plumbing to fix the shower..." shinra: finally. Arthur: "I bet the Commander will be impressed with us--and that means he just has to schedule the renovation work." *stretches* shinra: *smiling* (thinking: things are finally going back to normal...sorta. iris is doing well, and seems far less upset about the whole relan thing...) Arthur: "Speaking of which, I need a shower." shinra: ok you do that. (thinking: too bad the commander got the same idea...hehe) Arthur: *whistles as he disrobes, puts on a towel, walks the hall, and goes into the shower...* Akitaru: (singing) "Gonna wash that man right out of my--" *turns* "Oh, hey, Arthur!" Arthur: O_____________O shinra: *giggling* Akitaru: *continues showering, then looks at Arthur* "Hey, what's wrong? Aren't you going to shower?" Arthur: "..." ("I'll kill Shinra later...") *removes his towel, cupping his privates, as he starts showering* Akitaru: *shrugs, finishes up* -elsewhere- Wes: *hugs Liz from behind* liz: *blushing* well arent you all cuddly? Wes: *kiss on the cheek* "Well, you're so huggable." liz: awww... Wes: "Thanks for helping me with dishes--and dinner." liz: no problem. Wes: *smiles* "I have another surprise..." *snaps his fingers, and candles light in the den, as relaxing music plays* liz: *she smiles and sits down on the couch* *There are various drinks on the table, non-alcoholic and alcoholic* Wes: "What you up for?" liz: non-alcoholic please... Wes: *nods, as he pours two glasses of sparkling non-alcoholic cider* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *looking at the stars* kim: nice night out....starting to get cooler out, so i brought you a jacket. *she hands jackie her old '42' jacket* Jacqueline: "Oh...Thank you." *puts it on* "Yes, the sky does look nice." *glances at Kim* kim:..*leans in* you feel warm. =w= Jacqueline: o_______o "Um...I am a lantern..." kim: i know... Jacqueline: "..." *puts an arm around Kim* kim:....*small smile* *tanuki tail* Jacqueline: "...I'm...happy that you're here." -elsewhere- stocking: *laying in kid's arms* Kid: *had woken up after putting Shiori into her crib* "Feel okay?" stocking: yeah. *she smiles* -somewhere underground- mikan: *humming softly and rubbing asura's head* Asura: *slight whimper* mikan: ....*holding him close* Asura: "It's fearsome. So fearsome." mikan: im right here... *rubbing his back* Asura: "The Priest...The Madness...The Child...It's all building to what I want...But what comes next?" heibito:...*crawling over* da? Asura: *calms down, picks up their child* "I'm here. It's okay." heibito: ^o^ Asura: *smiles* "Who's a strong little man?" heibito: ^w^ mikan: hehe...*she smiles and cradles him* he has your eyes... Asura: "He has your sweetness." -elsewhere- Arthur: *glaring at Shinra* shinra: ^^; sorry Arthur: "Hmph. That image of the commander's backside is now burned into my retinas, darn you." shinra: not sorry for that. Arthur: "Jerk. Then again, after all the bad luck you've had, I can hardly wish worse on you." shinra:............. Arthur: *smirk, as he puts on his pants and shirt* "Who knows--you'll probably have something really embarrassing happen, like...um...go out in public with non-matching socks!" shinra:.....what? Arthur: "Wouldn't that be embarrassing, yes?!" shinra: *sarcastically* i could never show my face in public again. Arthur: "I know, yes!" *victory pose, as he exits to get water...and forgot to put on his pants* shinra:.....*says nothing* tamaki: *whistling* Arthur: "Oh, hello, Tamaki!" *smiles* tamaki:............ O////////////O Arthur: "Hmm. You're all red. You coming down with a temperature?" -elsewhere- Relan: *puts Buttons back into cage* "Hope that cheese is tasty, buddy!" buttons: ^o^ Relan: *yawn* "I need sleep...but I also..." *blushes a bit, thinking about Shinra* -morning- Giovanni: *wheeze* "Roll call..." mikami: Mikami Kurai, reporting sir! ryuuko: Ryuuko Houo reporting sir. Giovanni: "...Where is Relan?" Relan: *asleep in bed* mikami: i'll go wake him up. *she goes to do that* Relan: *hugging his pillow, kissing it* mikami:...*prod prod* um...relan? th-the commander's calling roll. please get up. Relan: *opens his eyes* "Wh-What? ..." o______o "Crap!" *leaps out of bed, running in his boxers to the roll call..." -at school- Izuku: "Feeling better, Shinra?" shinra: yeah. a little groggy, but alright. Izuku: *nods* ("That was terrifying, though...") Relan: *walking by* T____T shinra: oh, hey relan. *wave* Relan: *snaps to attention, but still teary* "Oh...Hi! How are you? You okay?" shinra: yeah....you ok? did that jerk kohaku pick on you again? Relan: "N-No...Just a rough morning routine...I had to run around the building a few times for punishment..." ("Stupid boxers...") shinra: i know what thats like...*back pats* Relan: *feels relaxed by the back pat, wipes his nose* "Th-Thanks." *smiles* "Well, I guess today is another day of classes..." *nervous smile* -in class- Stein: "And you will be learning survival practices, as well as practicing combat in arboreal settings." class: (thinking: that sound pretty standard...) Stein: "Meanwhile, I will be hunting for a bigfoot--" student: 0-0 Stein: "Then I will kill him, stuff him, and mount him--" Patty: "You're going to do a Bigfoot?!" liz: O-O;;;;; Stein: "Not. That kind. Of mounting." Kid: *whispers to Stocking* "Should be a good trip, regardless. Peaceful, forested..." liz: -_-;;; stocking: yeah....*whispering* hopefully we get private tents~<3 Kid: *small chuckle* "Indeed." stocking: hehe~ Stein: "Be packed by this weekend to depart." -at lunch- Black Star: *eating pizza* "Hope it's a good trip--I saw this show once about weird things in Oregon, like monsters and stuff." Kid: *rolls his eyes, passes a cookie to Stocking* stocking: *nom nom nom* mmmm~<3 should be good ambiance for ghost stories~ liz: Q-Q Patty: *pat pat* "Don't worry, Sis. The spookies shouldn't be around there--not with brave people like me around!" Ochako: "Hey, Liz!" liz: MYAAAAH!! *clutching patti* ochako! oh my god i almost died! Ochako: "Oooo, that's no good. Maybe switch to decaf?" -elsewhere- Nals: -_-; "You can let go of me now: we have landed." milia: yay. Nals: *looks at troops* "Hmm...Not quite finesse, but should be strong enough..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "...Sweetie? What are you eating?" chie: just tuna....and strawberries....on toast. Yohei: "..." *covers his mouth* Tuhl: "...Was this common in your family, Saki?" saki: weird cravings are common in pregnancies....though chie seems to be having extreme symptoms...*sweatdrop* chie: Q-Q mono: thats probably because she's a damn dokeshi. its f*cking with her blood chemistry or something? setsuna: actually, when i was pregnant with showtaro, my symptoms werent nearly as bad... Yohei: *glaring at Mono--then struggling still not to vomit* Shotaro: "Huh. That is weird, Mom. So, if Mana has kids, will she be normal like you, or a weirdo like Chie?" Yohei: "..." -PUNCH- mana: -_-# chie:....its so gross tasting....but im starving... Shotaro: *on the floor* -elsewhere- Karim: "You have brought in the informant?" foien: yes. dia is letting the commander know as we speak. Burns: *walking around with Dia, looking at the informant, who is inside a soundproof room, seen through a one-way mirror* "Looks like a criminal..." dia: however, its the best option we have. Burns: "Very well. Dia, you and Karim will interrogate them." dia: of course, commander. *Karim and Dia enter* Informant: "Hey, let me out! I know my rights! You don't have anything on me! I'm clean! I'm cleaner than the Pope!" -elsewhere- Stein: *at school, standing in front of Marie--in fatigues, face painted in camouflage, holding a bear trap* marie:....i feel as if i should be concerned and confused but...im just not. Stein: "Let's be honest: this isn't the weirdest thing you've seen me do." marie: you arent wrong. Stein: "Once I discover this bigfoot, I will have made the scientific breakthrough in cryptozoology. And I get to return to my taxidermy hobby...Would Christa like to keep the head?" christa: *gives him a weird look* Stein: "See? She seems into it." -elsewhere- shinra: HEY TAMAKI ARE THE RUMORS TRUE?! tamaki: ??? what rumors? shinra: about dia volkov being a European government secret weapon? Arthur: *looking at the two of them* tamaki: i dont know, but she may as well have been. Arthur: "Who told you this rumor?" nozomi: i heard the rumors too during my time at the 1st, but i never bought into those kinds of things. i tried to ask her, but she didnt really talk about it. shinra: i heard some guys from the 1st talking about it on my way home today. Arthur: "Two sources. Obviously, this rumor is true." nozomi: *sweatdrop* Arthur: "I suggest we confront and demand answers." tamaki: we cant just go doing that! especially not at the 1st. besides, im not about to step foot near there any time soon! Arthur: "Then we kidnap Dia and--" tamaki: *CHOP* NO! D8< shinra: do you want to get us in serious trouble man?! we're on thin ice with the 1st as it is! Arthur: *bleeding* -elsewhere- Hibana: *asleep at desk* gabriella:....*drapes a jacket over hibana's shoulders* Hibana: "Hmmm." *opens an eye* "Gab...?" gabriella:...want to go to bed, hibana? Hibana: *nods* "Uh huh..." gabriella:.....want me to make you feel good? Hibana: "..." *smiles* "Yes." gabriella: *she picks up hibana and lays her down. she then crawls on top of her and rubs her leg against hibana's undies* Hibana: "Ah..." *she kisses along her neck* gabriella: *blushing as she continues to rub* Hibana: "Oh, Goddess..." *pulls down on a strap of Gabriella's top to expose her shoulder* -elsewhere- Kid: "Which camping supplies should we get?" stocking: food, medical stuff. Kid: *nods* "I was also thinking of a new vest--with pockets. And a fishing pole." liz: sounds good. we should check our sleeping bags to make sure they arent torn... Patty: *whispers to Liz* "Yeah, I'm sure Kid and Stocking will end up tearing theirs before the trip is done..." stocking: *almost chokes on her drink* Kid: o______o Patty: "...Um...Liz said it." stocking: *tranquil fury* what kid and i do with our sex lives is _our_ business. ok~? liz: *hiding behind the couch* Patty: *frown* "Yeah, your business--that can be heard three counties away." Kid: "...Liz, make room." *hides behind the couch* liz: *covering patti's mouth* Patty: -_-; -elsewhere- Akitaru: *scheduling plumber's appointment* "It'll be good to have better shower options." miwa: i could imagine. Takehisa: *nods* "Far less complicated, then, having to schedule who uses the shower when." -elsewhere- Emine: *walking through Death City* "Hmm...Which deed should I do...?" lin: maybe knocking over a trashcan? Emine: *pout* "Fine..." *pushes a trashcan over...and only two pieces of garbage roll out* "...That was anticlimactic." lin:...*pap pap* Emine: *calms down a bit, looks at her* "...Are you hungry?" lin: a little bit. Emine: "Yohei did give us some money. I'm sure we can get a decent meal at that place." *points to a small fast food restaurant across the street* -elsewhere- Bakugo: *staring intently at his phone, which is just sitting on a table* mama bakugou: whats up squirt? Bakugo: "Nothin'." -\\\\\\- "Just waiting for a text..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Are you feeling better, now?" stocking: yeah... Kid: "I'm sorry about Patty...I hope you know that I am more than satisfied with our relationship, including our sex life...and if there is anything I can do to satisfy you, romantically, sexually, or otherwise, I want to listen to what you have to say." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *holds her hand gently* "I love you." stocking: i love you too kiddo~ Kid: *takes her hand, kisses it* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "You must be an enchantress, Stocking Pheles, because you have possessed all of me." stocking: oh you~ *cheek pinch* Kid: *pouting* "At least pinch both cheeks..." stocking: *pinches the other cheek* sorry hun~ *smooch on the nose* Kid: *smiles* "That's better." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *holds her, sways lightly, hums a bit* stocking: ........*slowly drifting off* Kid: "???" *supports her as she drifts* stocking:.....zzzzzz.... Kid: *smiles and carries her to bed, laying her down gently* stocking: =////w////= Kid: *lays beside her, pulling the sheets over them* -morning- Kid: *small groan* "Breakfast in bed, or head downstairs to join others?" stocking: lets go down. *mewling yawn* Kid: *small chuckle* "You yawn in the cutest way." stocking: *blushing* Kid: *kiss on the lips before sitting up in bed* stocking: U////////U Kid: *small laugh* "Sleep okay?" *gets out of bed, grabbing his and her robes* stocking: quite~ Kid: *hands her robe to her as he puts his on* "Likewise." stocking: hehe~ -at breakfast- kirika: *noms* Patty: *eating eggs and bacon* Kid: *sips on tea* lord death: morning kiddos~! shiori: *drinking her apple juice* momi! Yumi: *claps her hands* "Hello, Shiori! Enjoying your juice?" Kid: *waves at Lord Death* Patty: *mouth full* "Mornin'!" -at the dokeshi house- chie: zzzzzzz Yohei: *moving quietly from bedroom to kitchen to bring back water* chie: zzzzzz...... akaderu: *drinking cherry kool-aid* Yohei: *getting water, avoiding Akaderu* setsuna: *reading the local paper* Yohei: "Any good news, Setsuna?" setsuna: looks like blVck wid0w will be playing at the concert hall. they're at the hotel you and chie had your wedding at. Yohei: "Ah. Hmm...I think we know someone who was living there. What was his name...'Butte'?" mono: oh, you mean stupid A-frames? Yohei: "Yeah, that guy--your boyfriend." mono: HE IS NOT! YOU DONT HAVE PROOF! DX< Yohei: "We could call him." mono: you dont even have his num- -briiiiiing- akaderu: yohei! phone! Yohei: *answers* "Hello?" Assi: "YOHEI! HELP ME!" Yohei: "..." *hands phone to Mono* "It's for you." mono: hmph....hey. whats up? Assi: "..." *squeak, then cracking voice* "Mono! Hey! Um...HELP ME! I AM GOING TO BE HOMELESS!" mono: ...yohei you talk to him. mana: *takes the phone instead* yeah? Assi: "MANA! HOMELESS! GETTING KICKED OUT! RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH! HELP ME!" mana: want to move in with us? mono: WHAT?! mana: we have plenty of space, and then some. Assi: "...May I bring my...roommate, too?" mana:.......of course you can. Assi: "THANK YOU!!!" mono:....you suck. Yohei: "Well, now I know what we'll be up to today: clearing room for Assi and whoever he's bringing. Unless Assi and Mono want to room together--" mono: NO! D8< Yohei: "So, you want to share a room with Assi's roommate? That sounds complicated." -at school- Arthur: *glaring at Shinra* shinra: what did i do?! Arthur: "Tamaki _still_ can't look me in the eye..." shinra: *whistling* Arthur: "Hmph. You better watch it! Or you'll have your pants pulled down revealing what's on your undies!" Relan: "..." *nosebleed* -in the nurse's office- Nurse: "Next patient?" Nurse: *looking around* "Kim? Who's the next patient?" kim: looks like...Relan Koizumi? Relan: *holding tissue over nose* Nurse: "Please do initial work-up on him, Kim, and call me when he is ready." Relan: *approaches Kim* "Hi. I got a bad nosebleed..." kim: i can see that. Relan: "Can you help me? How do I stop it?" ("...Hmm...Nurse's uniform?") kim: ok, i'm gonna put some spray up your nose to hopefully heal it.. *she takes a little sprayer with water in it* im going to have to ask you to close your eyes. Relan: *nods as he closes his eyes* ("Nurse's uniforms...I wonder w-what Shinra would look like in...in...") kim: *sprays the water as she heals the wound* Relan: "!!!" *eyes closed, as his nose feels much better* "Wow...That's some medicine!" kim: consider it, a nurses magic touch. *wink* Relan: *blinks* "Okay, thanks." ("What's with her eye?") -elsewhere- Nals: *looking through binoculars* "Target spotted." soldier: *ready to take action* Nals: "Start with the front-gate guards--before they can hit the siren." soldier: *salutes* Nals: "Once you stop the guards, we infiltrate, get inside, and hold the head hostage until we can procure the last items we need--and then execute everyone inside.)) -inside- Branch Head: *sipping coffee, looking outside* "Bitterly cold again..." guard: *muttering something in dutch* Guard #2: "You kiss your mother with that mouth?" guard: no but i kiss yours. Guard #2: "!!! Motherf--!" *SPLAT* guard: WHAT THE?!?! Ant-Person: *taps Guard from behind* "Hey, how's it goin'?" guard: um.... Ant-Person: "Want to see what your heart looks like?" *SQUISH* guard: *doubling over, bleeding from the mouth* Ant-Person: *intercom* "Guards eliminated. Do your thing, Super Star." Nals: *intercom* "On it. Milia, you're up." milia: ok nalsie~ ~papillia pilia flit flit fluttery~ *BOOOOM* Branch Head: "!!!!" *Ant People scurry inside the holes exploding into the branch* milia: soooo what else are we doing here, nalsie~? Nals: *smiles sadistically* "Want to have some fun with the Branch Head? I think they'd like to meet your butterfly collection." milia: sounds wonderful~!! *Ant People drag Branch Head to Milia* Ant Person: "Have at it, Boss." milia: *watching* Nals: *holds the Branch Head by the chin* "Milia, let them see butterflies, up close and personally..." *grins at her* "Make them _feel_ them." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Okay, I got mosquito repellent, fishing rods, bait...What else we need?" tsubaki: sleeping bags. Black Star: "Oh, right! Pick those up after classes. Thanks! What you looking forward to doing when we're not training, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: just getting back to nature. it might help my nerves... Black Star: "...Yeah. I hope the same." tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: "Hey...Um..." tsubaki: hmm? Black Star: "N-Nothing." *puts on a smile* -elsewhere- Gopher: -W- kotone: *studying* Gopher: *taking notes, doodling in the margins...* inori: *also studying* eibon: *smiling* Gopher: "Would anyone like some tea?" inori: i would appreciate that. kotone:....*nod* Gopher: *gets up and enters the kitchen to start heating water* "Sir, this is...nice." eibon: im glad you think so... Gopher: *smiles* "Thank you, sir." eibon:...*he nods* *Gopher prepares the tea and brings it out, handing it to Kotone* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Okay, the shower is ready!" *has put red tape in front of the entrance, is holding a pair of scissors* "Shinra, Arthur, you paid for this, so how about you two cut the ceremonial red tape?" shinra: alright then. *ahem* on to the next project! 8D *sweats* (thinking: why did i say that that sounded stupid!) Arthur: "THIS WAS ALL ME!" *cuts with the scissors along with Shinra* shinra: ^^; Akitaru: *claps* "Great! Now that we got two shower facilities repaired and ready, time to bond with baths!" Takehisa: "..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *curled up on the couch, under a blanket, reading* kim: *playing games on her phone* Jacqueline: "How was work?" kim: pretty good. *she smiles* Jacqueline: *nods* "I'm sure it helps with bringing in more money." *curls up more in the blanket* kim: hmmm...haha! got ya! -she caught a flareon on pokemon go- Jacqueline: -_-; "I trust the game is going well." kim: yep! Jacqueline: "Maybe I should download it. Could you show me how to play?" kim: sure. *she smiles* -elsewhere- Nals: *looking through the Branch Offices* "Some files, some trinkets, some artifacts, books...Milia, how did it go with your new plaything?" milia: he broke. *pouty face* Nals: "That's unfortunate. But we got what we need." *tosses a crystal ball up and down in his hand* "And sent a message to the DWMA." -elsewhere- Yumi: *looking at the news report* "My god..." lord death: .......*trembling* dammit! i....i should have... Yumi: *holds his hand* "We have response teams arriving to help the survivors. The attack was targeted to only the branch, not to the nearby town." lord death: *small sigh* that's good to know...but still... Yumi: *nods* "..." *hugs him* -elsewhere- Joker: *smoking* "Hmmm...What was that all about...?" scarlet:...*watching the tv*...well shit. Joker: "Who did that? Anyone you know?" scarlet: doubt it. ivy: i bet we could beat that. we should drop a nuke on ukraine or something! scarlet: cute, but the local nuclear power plant kiiinda beat you to that punch. Joker: "I'm not a fan of that kind of nuclear power--unless it's something out of the sun..." *lightbulb* "Oh boy...What if that's what Boy Knight and His Merry Men are up to?" -elsewhere- Mifune: *reading a newspaper* yuma: *coloring* Mifune: ("This is horrible...If only...") yuma:....*she taps his shoulder and shows him the picture* Mifune: "??? What do you have there, Yuma?" -its a drawing of a 3 cats, one purple, one green, and one brown- Mifune: "That looks great! Have you given names to them?" yuma: its us and angela, but as cats. Mifune: *smiles* "We make pretty cute cats, don't we?" *pats her head* -elsewhere- Kid: *holding onto Stocking* stocking:....*rubbing his back* Kid: "What is happening in this world?" stocking:....... Kid: *holds her gently* "I can't be everywhere...but I want to be." stocking: i know.....*still rubbing his back* Kid: *closes his eyes, tries to keep calm* stocking: *humming* Kid: *starts to doze* -a few days later, it was time for the trip- Iida: "LINE UP TO GET ON THE BUSES! I have completed the seating plan!" Stein: -_-; madoka: there's a lot more buses this time around... homura: to be fair, it's a larger trip. Kid: *putting luggage into the bus* "Why does Stein insist on all of this hunting gear?" kirika: maybe he's trying to open a zoo of cryptids, with sh*t like bigfoot, or the rake, or hell even the goatman. Gopher: O~O "Goat...man?" soul: come on kure, thats a load of bull. kirika: maybe, but it makes for some good scary stories. *shrug* Gopher: "You mean...there are minotaurs, too?!" -and so, in bus 1- Patty: *bouncing in her seat* kyouka: *in her seat, listening to music* Kid: *studying a map* "Looks like we'll be camping tonight in Humboldt National Forest, then continuing the next day to arrive in Oregon that night." tsuyu: neat. kinoko: dude, thats rad. Izuku: *pointing in his book* "Copper Basin in the forest has some beautiful wildflowers..." momo: kind of like these? *pulling a fake flower out of her leg* Kid: ._. Izuku: "Yeah, like that!" -bus 2- Bakugo: *texting* kilik: he's been on his phone for a while now... Ochako: "Wonder who he's texting..." Bakugo: [texting Itsuka: "how's your bus?"] -bus 3- itsuka: [alright. you?] Bakugo: [everyone keeps staring at me. jerks] itsuka: [well, the campground isnt 2 far now. ^^] Bakugo: [yeah, another half hour or so. see you there?] itsuka: [yeah ^^] Black Star: *looking over Itsuka's shoulder* "Who you talkin' to?" itsuka: just katsuki, why do you ask? Black Star: "Just curious. That guy doesn't seem to get along with anyone." -elsewhere in the bus- shinra: arthur? you look tense? Iida: "Please stop shoving!" Arthur: T_T "...She's on the bus..._with him_." shinra: well, i'm sure she's just fine. -bus 4- Aoyama: "Are you sure that you do not want me to massage your feet~?" tamaki: no. -_-;; nozomi: i-i think i'll pass ^^;;; Aoyama: "Quite alright." *yells* "Who else would like a foot massage?!" denki: *cringes* Mineta: "No, thank you. I would rather have Momo massage--" -DROPKICK- *Mineta bounces across the bus like a ricocheting bouncy ball* Iris: "!!!" *ducking* -elsewhere- Hibana: *brewing tea* gabriella: hopefully kishiri behaves himself on the trip Hibana: "I'm sure he will--because if those ladies don't kill him, I will." *sets tea cups down for her and Gabriella* -in bus 5- Hiro: *snapping photos of the countryside* ef: its really lovely. fang-hua: it's incredible how different it is outside death city... Tsukiyo: *pouting* "But we're gonna be stuck sleeping on rocky surfaces, getting leaves and bugs in our hair..." takeru: i-im sure it wont be t-too bad... hito:... Relan: "...I'm kinda of used to camping. Slept outside before..." ("Please don't let Giovanni torment Buttons while I'm out of town..." T_T) yuu: really now? i i have minimal experience, but i'll try my best none-the-less. Relan: *smiles* "That's a good attitude to have..." -bus 6- Jacqueline: -_-; "Are you only going to be playing that game this entire trip?" *adjusts her hair* kim: nah, since i doubt they have wi-fi in the woods. jeez jackie, have a little faith in me, really. Jacqueline: *crosses her arms* "It's just that...I've been sitting here and we haven't talked." ("And I did my hair...") kim: *puts her phone away* ok, what did you have in mind? kyouko: *looking out the window* Jacqueline: "Um...Well...I was wondering...Um..." sayaka: too bad misono couldnt come with... madoka: well, rin and i asked him, but he said no. Rin: *nods* "Must've been busy?" sayaka: probably. Rin: "At least should be pretty great to go camping! And the sky looks amazing out here." -bus 7- Meme: *asleep* mio: zzzz... Crona: *small smile* "They...look peaceful." mami: *she smiles* vivian:...*glances at mikami* say, your mikami kurai, right? mikami: u-um...yes... vivian: ah, it's quite an honor to meet someone of the famed kurai family. mikami: um...t-thank you? Shouto: *looking out the window* ryuuko: is something bothering you, todoroki? Shouto: "No. Just glad to be away from the city." -bus 8- soul: hopefully blair doesnt make too much of a mess... Harvar: "Does she usually?" soul: not usually, besides the occasional bit of cat fur. ox: i see. homura: ... Harvar: "You didn't have anyone else house-sit with Blair?" soul: unless you count nagisa... Harvar: "...Maybe you should have insured your apartment..." soul: it's under spirit's name... he bought it as a gift for-....................... Harvar: "..." *awkward shoulder pat* tsugumi: *looking out the window* ao: it's breathtaking... Anya: *shiny eyes* "Oooooo!" tsugumi: what do you guys think? stocking: its amazing. liz: *nods* Tokoyami: "Hmm. Looks nice." liz: *she looks at the driver* Sid: "We're approaching the campsite now." liz: awesome! Anya: *putting away her phone as the bus pulls in* -at the campground- tsugumi: *taking pictures of everything* Black Star: *assembling fishing rod* Kid: *struggling to make tent symmetrical* stocking: need any help kiddo? Kid: T_T *nods* momo: *already has a very fancy tent set up* Shouto: "..." Patty: *shiny eyes* "So cool!" stocking: *she notices one of the teachers* oh god dammit all.... -_-; Kid: "??? What's wrong?" stocking: mr triple-A batteries decided to show up too.. Angel: "Oh, I did not realize the camping trip had such low standards." *he's looking at the tent...and Stocking* Kid: *glare* stocking: *faking a smile* how nice to see you too. Angel: "I wish I could say the same--as your demonic presence fouls God's pristine setting." stocking: i've been wanting to learn a new language, so how do you say 'go fuck yourself' in latin? Kid: *hand on her shoulder " 'Te ipsum' or 'nocte te tangis.'" stocking:... what he said. Angel: *sighs* "And I expected so much more from the son of the Grim Reaper. Yet he throws away his responsibilities for a demon." Stein: "Is there a problem here, Angel?" Angel: *fake smile* "None at all, Stein." shura: hey come on, leave the poor girl be already. *she smiles at stocking* just ignore him, hun. Kid: *smiles at Shura* Angel: *rolls his eyes, turns to depart* stocking: thanks for sticking up for me. Kid: *smiles at Stocking* shura: hey...*puts a hand on her shoulder* us gals have to stick out for each other, ya know? *wink* stocking: *smiles* Angel: *walking by the lake--then gets kicked into it by Black Star, who was trying to do a cannonball* stocking: *sniff* ahh the sweet smell of karma. Angel: "AH! What the devil?!" -mephisto: *innocent whistling*- Black Star: "Oh, sorry, dude...Um...baptism?" Angel: *dunks Black Star's head under the water* "For you, maybe!" tsuyu: *swimming along* keron~ Patty: "Oh, Mr. Angel wants to see who can hold their breath the longest? Okay!" *slams Angel's head under the water* -elsewhere in camp- Izuku: *looking at flowers, documenting them* ochako: *making flower crowns* here you go yuu-chan~ yuu: .......... -derp eyed- Izuku: o_o; "It's a good look..." ochako: one for deku, one for shouto, one for iida...*passing out flower crowns* Iida: "...Um, thanks." Izuku: o\\\\o Shouto: *small glare* -elsewhere- Arthur: *hiking* shinra: *looking around* Iris: *keeping up* Relan: *panting* tamaki: *using her ignition ability to help her up the trail* nozomi: *about to pass out* muh...miss ta-tamaki..please wait...*about to faint* Aoyama: *following Nozomi* "I'll carry you~" nozomi: um..o-ok.....*bluuuuush* o////o Aoyama: *picks her up, following alongside Tamaki* "Bonjour, Katon." tamaki: O-O nozomi: .////.;;; shinra: well that solves that issue... tamaki: i'll shove you back down the trail. shinra: D8 Arthur: "I WILL CARRY YOU, TAMAKI!" tamaki: h-hey! Arthur: *lifts her* "Don't worry! I have you!" -elsewhere- Tsyukio: (in a bikini, lying on a blanket by the lake) "So nice out..." fang-hua: *by the lake* yeah. Tsyukio: "Maybe camping out won't be so bad..." *Tsyukio feels something crawling on her* Tsyukio: O__________O "B-B-Bug-ug-u-ug..." fang-hua: ?! *has one of her explosives ready* Tsyukio: "BUG! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" fang-hua: *she checks* *A tiny, non-threatening ladybug is crawling along Tsyukio's leg* Tsyukio: Q~Q "Creepy crawly! Burn it! Kill it! Kill it!" fang-hua: *sighs and removes it, letting it crawl onto a nearby bush* there, better? Tsyukio: *hugs Fang-Hua* "Bugs are so creepy! No creature should have more than four limbs!" Shouji: "..." hagakure: its ok shouji. *pap pap* Mineta: *staring at Tsyukio and Fang-Hua* Tsyukio: *shivers* "Just hate nature..." -mineta gets kicked into the water- fang-hua: well, it's everywhere, nothing we can do about it. Tsyukio: "...We could burn it all to the ground..." fang-hua: *chop* no, we're not doing that. Tsyukio: T_T "Please tell me the lake doesn't have fish in it..." fang-hua: -_-;; Mineta: *eaten by a giant fish* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *taking out trash* mono: ...... Assi: *moving boxes upstairs into a room...* akaderu: whats up with nosehairs? Zuno: *no reply* Assi: "...My friend is tired?" akaderu: well he smells horrible. Assi: "HA HA HA! He just needs a bath! Right, Zuno!" Zuno: *still no reply* chie: ....?? if he's dead, shouldnt he be rotting right now? Assi: "HE'S NOT DEAD! WHATEVER GAVE YOU THAT IDEA?!!!" Shotaro: *returning* "When that bald asshole killed Nosehair Man?" chie:..... Assi: "..." *cries* mono:..... setsuna:....*back pats* Assi: "I lost my partner! My soulmate! My bro! My buddy! The guy whose memory I had to write out in notes because he has memory problems as part of his Dokeshi condition, which is a real challenge when trying to--" *mutter mutter mutter* -SMACK- mono: get a hold of yourself!! Assi: "...Sorry. I don't usually have a good hold of myself, because usually someone is holding me--" setsuna: he's still right here though...i can sense him. Assi: "??? He's not...dead?" *puts his head to Zuno's chest* "I don't hear anything..." setsuna: i can feel his soul linger, as if it doesnt want to go yet... mana: kind of like kepuri then? Shotaro: "Like...Kepuri?" *flashbacks* Assi: *crying* "So he may be alive?" setsuna: it's possible. Shotaro: *arm around Assi, crying too* "We will do everything to awaken him again!" mana: how do we wake him up then? Assi and Shotaro: *crying* -double ear tug- mono: get a grip you wimps! mana: D8< akaderu + chie + lin: (thinking: that's just cold blooded!) Shotaro: "Owie owie owie!" Assi: "..." ("I feel conflicted--this is kinda hot--OMG WTF?!!") -upstairs- nea: *in some new clothes, modeling in front of the mirror* hmm, not bad... Shinoda: *walking in hallway--* nea: *she hasnt noticed him* Shinoda: *spots her with the door open* "..." *mouth hangs open* nea: damn, im looking damn good. Shinoda: "Indeed." nea: !!! *tosses a shoe at him* OUT! Shinoda: *catches shoe before it hits him...and marches into the room* nea: *sitting on her bed* what do _you_ want? -the room is freezing cold- Shinoda: *approaches her on the bed...and gets on a knee as he holds the shoe...and puts it onto her foot* nea: !! 7///7 thanks. Shinoda: *smiles* "It's rather cold in here." nea: oh really, i hadnt noticed... Shinoda: *still smiling, as he looks into her eyes* "You never had. But I could always handle it." nea: *rolls her eyes* alright shinoda, what do you want from me? Shinoda: "..." *stands up, looking down at her* "You are a cold woman...who needs some passion back in her life." nea:.... *blankly staring* Shinoda: *leans down, moving his hand closer to her cheek...* -SMACK- nea: -_-; -she is tearing up slightly- Shinoda: *holding where she hit him, stunned, staring at her* "W-What?" nea:....its going to take me time to forgive you... Shinoda: "..." *stands, looks grim and frowns* "Then I will do whatever is necessary to earn that forgiveness." nea:...do you even think about how much you hurt me? seeing you with someone else...it cut deep... Shinoda: "..." *nods* "I was an idiot." nea: yeah, you really were... Shinoda: *nods* "Then...I have a long way to go to be smarter." -elsewhere- Hibana: *napping on the couch* gabriella:...*drapes a blanket over her* Hibana: *continues sleeping, but smiles in her sleep as she instinctively pulls up the blanket* -back at the camp, it is getting dark out- Black Star and Patty: *dragging one big-ass fish to the fire* stocking: *leaning against kid* mmmm~<3 Kid: *arm around her, kisses her cheek* *Mineta falls out of the fish's mouth, as he gasps for air* Izuku: *still wearing the flower crown* vivian: eew! *kicks mineta away* yuu: *levitating her marshmallows above the fire* Stein: *hiding in bushes, waiting for Bigfoot* marie: how's the hunt coming along? Stein: "I'm hiding in bushes still looking for it...so, not great." marie: want anything to eat? Stein: "..." *nods, leaves bushes and sits by fire...still in his camouflage* -in one of the tents- Arthur: *scratching* tsubaki: *already ready for bed* Black Star: *calling from outside her tent* "Tsubaki, what you up to?" tsubaki: getting ready for bed...im pretty tired...*yaaawns* -at their house- belkia: *peaking* i dont see anyone... Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmph. Maybe they moved?" belkia: nah, their stuff would be in boxes... you know, higan told me a really funny story the other day- ???: "Hello? Who's out there?" belkia: *whispers* oh shit bail bail! mahiru: *flips on the light switch* ..... Kuro: *looking* "I thought I heard someone..." mahiru: *opens the door and armed with a broom* is anyone out there?... -silence- Mr. Tsubaki: *struggling to keep quiet and hidden* Kuro: "Hmmm..." mahiru:...*he goes back inside and closes the door and the curtain, but leaves the light on* Mr. Tsubaki: *whispering* "That was close...But why are they in there and not my fiery blossom?" belkia: *listening in* Kuro: "I'm surprised--so, we're house-sitters now?" mahiru: its nice they could enjoy a camping trip. she really deserves it after all the trouble this's been putting her through. Mr. Tsubaki: ("Camping trip, eh?") Kuro: *groans* "Outdoors though...Not much fun. Why didn't they just move somewhere else?" mahiru: because it would take a lot of paperwork, that'd be way too difficult. Kuro: "Yeah, paperwork is a drag..." *stretches* "When do they get back?" mahiru: however long it takes to get to oregon and back... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smirks* -elsewhere- *Campers asleep in tents...except one, who is looking at the stars* soul: *yaaawns*... hmm? soul: hey... Spirit: "Oh--hey, Soul." soul: *he nods and sits down* how's stuff with you? Spirit: *inhales* "Kind of peaceful. But I miss Sachiko and Izumi." soul: yeah...i'm sure they're doing well. sachiko seems pretty capable. Spirit: *small laugh* "She's more responsible than I ever was." soul:..... Spirit: "How's it been going for you?" soul: alright. been studying. Spirit: "You'll be getting through more classes before you know it." soul: yeah, and graduation is next year....i can hardly believe it... Spirit: *nods* "You've come a long way..." soul:....i just wish she could have been here too... Spirit: *looks up at the stars* "Me too." soul: just have to keep going...for her. Spirit: "That's all you can do...She would be so proud of you." soul:...i think she's proud of you too... Spirit: *wipes his face* "I hope..." -elsewhere in camp- ???: *small growl* ochako: *jolts up* guys...did you hear something? ???: *small growl grows louder* Izuku: O____O "This forest does have black bears, bobcats..." ochako: *whispers* do you think its a bear? tsuyu: *peeks outside* Izuku: *whimper, as he peeks through hole in tent...* Patty: *sleepwalking, stomach growling* tsuyu: it's just patti. *An arm comes down from the tree, grabs Patty, pulling her up into the leaves* tsuyu: ah- ochako: O-O;;; Izuku: *squeak* tsuyu: *goes after her* Izuku: *follows* "That arm...was so long! What the heck was that?!" Patty: *still sleeping, drooling* "Hello, Pizza Palace? I want the biggest pizza you have--with marshmallows, peanut butter, mucilage..." tsuyu: *crawling up the tree, careful not to make too much noise* Patty: *hanging upside by her foot, as the Creature is observing her...* "Does this tank top make my feet look fat?" tsuyu: *sneaking up* *The Sand Yeti is wearing a Flower Crown and sniffs Patty* Patty: *giggles* "Takeru, not there..." tsuyu: *sneak sneak* Sand Yeti: *grunts, as they set Patty upright and look into their face* Patty: *yawn* "Why'd you stop, Takeru?" *opens eyes, sees Sand Yeti* o_O "Takeru...You need a shave." Sand Yeti: "???" tsuyu: *wraps tongue around patti's waist and pulls her back* Patty: *caught by Izuku, who sets her down* "Um...Am I dreaming, or is that a Sasquatch?" Sand Yeti: *grunts, as they stand and look at them, opens mouth, and says...* "...Frog?" ochako: i think that's a sasquatch. tsuyu: hello, sorry about my friend there. Sand Yeti: *grunts, studying Tsuyu from sides* "What...are you?" ochako: i'll go wake kouji up. Izuku: *nods* tsuyu: my name is tsuyu. call me tsu. i guess you could say im human, but you could also say i'm not. Sand Yeti: "Human...Frog...Hu-frog? Fro-man?" Patty: "..." *snorts, chortles* Izuku: -_-; tsuyu: just call me tsu. Sand Yeti: "..." *pats Tsuyu's head* "Tsu." -elsewhere- Stein: *asleep in a tree, holding a net* "Zzzz..." stocking: zzzzzz..... Kid: *hugging Stocking under their sleeping bag* stocking: mmmm kiddo.... Kid: *yawns, waking a bit* "Hmmm..." stocking: =/////= Kid: .\\\\\. "Um..." stocking: mmmmm~ *squish squish* Kid: -\\\\\- ("So nice...") *his hand moves along her back* stocking: nnn~ Kid: *gropes her bottom, his face in her breasts* stocking: oh~ .... well hello there~ Kid: "Hello to you, as well..." *his hand slips under her pj bottoms to her ass* stocking: o-oh~! Kid: *kisses her lips, his hand working along her backside before sliding around her...* -morning- liz: happy birthday tsubaki! Black Star: *claps* "We hope you like it!" tsubaki: you guys, this is so nice. Black Star: "What you up for first, Tsubaki? Go-carts? Roller Coaster? Food?" tsubaki: how about go-karts? shinra:.....*shudders* Relan: "Shinra?" shinra: just...bad memories. Iris: ^^; tamaki: wuss. Relan: *small glare at Tamaki* tamaki: o-o; Arthur: "Just man-up and get in the tiny little car, Shinra." nozomi: ^^; come on, lets go see the ferris wheel. shinra: *gulp* Relan: "..." *shivers a little* ("Heights...") shinra: you ok rel? Relan: *nods* (" 'Rel'?") shinra: just checkin. *smiles* -in the haunted house- Patty: (in haunted house) "Ha ha ha!" liz: Q-Q kirika: this is so totally fake. i've seen scarier things. Gopher: *hiding behind Kirika* kirika: its all animatronics, relax. liz: and that makes it _better_?! Patty: *observing Liz and Gopher...then looks at Takeru* "Oh, scary animatronics!" *hides behind Takeru* "Save me!" takeru: um... *blushing* Patty: "Just stay near me until we get out of this oh-so-scary haunted house! I need a hero!" takeru: um...o-o-ok.... -elsewhere- Kid: *hands cotton candy to Stocking* stocking: mmmm~ so tasty~<3 Kid: "So soft and airy." *smiles* "This is great." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *looks around the amusement park* "Happy it is indoors. Sometimes, it gets really hot outside." stocking: yeah. Kid: "What would you like to check out next?" -elsewhere- Crona: *smiling in a paddle swan boat* mami: you're doing great! *watching from the dock* Crona: *waves as they keep paddling* Bakugo: *barely able to paddle his swan boat...small children hear him shouting expletives* -elsewhere- Stein: *sipping soda, moping* "I'm just saying, that Sand Yeti would've looked great stuffed in my den..." marie: *pap pap* shura: well ya cant win em all, i guess. Spirit: "Plus, you're place is kind of getting crowded to start putting in a yeti..." nygus: yeah, anyway. Stein: "Hmph...I'm going to take out my aggression on the dunk tank...That clown has been staring at me for too long..." Clown: *friendly wave* -elsewhere- Izuku: *wedged in the corner, unable to move* T_T yuu: *also stuck* Shouto: *easily driving in between cars--and bumps Momo* momo: ack! Shouto: *small smirk as he then bumps into Ochako* ochako: eek! >///< Shouto: "It’s as if none of you have your learner's permit..." Izuku: *minor glare* "Yuu, can you back up?" yuu: *trying to, but bumps into mineta's car* Mineta: "Oh, you like to bump people from behind, huh?" -SLAM- kyouka: sorryyyy~ *sarcasm* Mineta: *flies out of car, bounces around the bumper car ring, causing portions of it to light up like a pinball machine* -he ended up as denki's cotton candy- denki: tastes sticky. Mineta: Q~Q Iida: "..." *hands his cotton candy to mina* "I lost my appetite." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Having fun, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: *she smiles* yeah. this is really wonderful. liz: we're going to have a real party for you when we get back to death city. Patty: *nods* "It'll be great!" tsubaki: *she smiles* Patty: "Cake, presents, decorations, a pony..." *eyes widen* "Oh, crap...I forgot to cancel the pony..." -at gallows manor- lord death: ...... well.... *staring at the small fat pony on their lawn* Yumi: "...So...We feed them, I guess?" lord death: i suppose. christa: *shiny eyes* Yumi: *smiles at Christa* "...I'll order hay. Be careful around the pony, Christa..." shiori: *hiding* Q-Q Yumi: "Oh, sweetie. It's a pony. No need to be afraid." shiori: Q-Q Yumi: "???" -elsewhere- Zuno: *lying in bed* Assi: T~T mana: that expert should be here soon... -ding dong- Assi: *wipes his eyes* "Th-They're here?" sucy: good evening everyone. i assume the patient is- mana: upstairs yes. Assi: "H-His name is Zuno. He got shot..." sucy: lets see here.... Assi: *stands away to watch* sucy: lets see here.... *looking through potions* was the bullet removed? Assi: "We tried at the hospital...but it was so close to his brain..." sucy: *cracks knuckles* anyone here a good surgeon? Assi: *shakes his head* Yohei: "I had some advanced first-aid training." sucy: if not, we could call in the other expert. Yohei: "Call them." -one surgery from valentine later- sucy: alright, now that that's done...*she pulls out her spicy-revive potion* down the hatch~ Assi: "??? You...have a Dokeshi condition for spicy foods?" sucy: not for me. *pours the concoction into zuno's mouth* and besides, i'm just a witch. Assi: o___o "So...What's the potion going to do?" sucy: just watch....also you may want to stand back. Zuno: "..." *cough* mana: O-O no way. Zuno: *cough cough* "..." *EYES BREAK OPEN* "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" mana: oh my god! nea: *opens the bathroom door* Zuno: *runs into the bathroom, shoves his head under the sink faucet, trying to drink water* mana: well...that happened. mono: what a weirdo. Zuno: "NOT ENOUGH WATER!" *opens bathtub faucet, drinking* Assi: Q_Q "HE'S ALIVE!" Assi: *hugs Mono* mono: O/////O h-h-hey! Zuno: "MY TONGUE IS ON FIRE! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Assi: *lets go of Mono* "You're alive, Zuno!" Zuno: "...Who? Who is Zuno?" chie: is that bad? Assi: "Given his short-term memory condition...maybe? I don't know..." *holds Zuno by the shoulders* "Do you remember me?" Zuno: *smacks his hands away* "Get off of me! Who are you people?!" Assi: Q___Q mono: HYAH! *CHOP*.....dont know if that will work. Zuno: *collapses onto the floor* "...Ow. Why did the pretty lady hit me?" mana: you got shot idiot. Zuno: "...'Idiot'? Is that my name? And how could I be shot? I don't feel like I was shot--" *feels his forehead* "...Huh. I feel like I have one bad zit here and--" *looks in mirror to see bullet wound* "...AAAAAAAH!" -later, after an explanation- Zuno: "..." *rubbing his head* "I'm...a Dokeshi?" mana: yeah. Zuno: "..." *holds his chin* "Have we met? At scuba diving lessons?" mana:.... -PUNCH- mana:..... *fist steaming* Zuno: D: *crash* Assi: "..." *tries to run away* -later- chie: *with groceries* we're back! *she has a bandaid on her finger* Shotaro: *holding other groceries* "How's everything going?" Zuno: *bandaged in the corner* Shotaro: "...NOSE-HAIR GUY!" setsuna: *catches his bags* -nice catch!- Zuno: "...Animal Bone Person?" chie: hey sweetie. *she smiles and kisses yohei on the cheek* Shotaro: "That's my name, don't wear it out!" Yohei: *smiles, hugs her* "How are you?" chie: doing good. *pointing to her bandaid* Yohei: "..." *holds her hand, kisses lightly* chie: *blush* Yohei: "So...Zuno isn't dead." chie: called it. Yohei: *laughs* "And he's getting used to things, seeing as his memory is...well, what it is." -elsewhere- Hibana: *looking at shoes online* "Have it, want it...ew." gabriella: *brushing her hair* Hibana: *closes laptop, looks at her* "You have such beautiful hair." gabriella: *blush* t-thank you. Hibana: *sits by her* "New shampoo?" gabriella: yeah. Hibana: *leans to her ear, sniffs* "Smell good." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *trying on outfits at the gift shop's dressing room* "How's this one look?" mikami: it looks really nice, miss tsukiyo. Tsukiyo: "Great! Can't wait to get this home--and show off to the Commander~" nozomi: it is quite stylish. i dont think i could wear something that bold... Tsukiyo: "..." :3 "We could try." nozomi: e-eh?? Tsukiyo: *grabs random clothes and pulls Nozomi into the dressing room with her* tamaki: *sweatdrop* -later- nozomi: ^^; Tsukiyo: "So cute~! Isn't she though, ladies?" *holds Nozomi from behind by both shoulders* "I bet you'll be beating off all the suitors with a stick!" fang-hua: it's sure something else. Tsukiyo: "Thanks~" *whispers to Nozomi* "But do something your undies, 'Zomi. Not very sexy." tamaki: *PUNCH* -_-# nozomi: ./////////////.;;;; Tsukiyo: *down on the floor, unconscious* D: -elsewhere- Patty: *seated in roller coaster* "Everyone ready?!" kyouko: heck yeah! sayaka: *nods* Izuku: "Um...I'm having second thou--" *Roller Coaster takes off* Izuku: "--ghTTTTTSSSS!!!!" sayaka: WOOOOOOT! Patty: "Ha ha ha!" *Roller Coaster enters a tunnel, projecting images of beasts, monsters, dragons...* homura: .... Kid: *frowning* "This tunnel's curvature is three degrees off from being a perfect circle..." liz: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* Bakugo: *covering his mouth* "Oh no..." homura: *slightly green in the face* *The Coaster exits the tunnel and does a loop in the air* Kid: *glancing at Homura* "???" Bakugo: ("I knew I should have taken the back seat...") *struggling to keep his mouth covered* -later, they are all relaxing by the pool area- *Bakugo is lying in his bedroom* Patty: *splashing in the pool* "Hop in, Takeru!" Kid: *sitting at the juice bar by the pool* takeru: *walking in* stocking: come here often~? hehe~ Patty: "Isn't the water nice and cool?!" Kid: *smiles* "Only when I have a pretty woman with me." *passes her a smoothie* stocking: hehe, oh you~ hito: *in a wetsuit* *practicing maneuvers* EF: *also in a wetsuit* this is nice. Tsukiyo: *face bandaged, lying belly down with her top untied* "Stupid cat-bitch..." Black Star: *going down the slide* "Yahoo!" fang-hua: *playing volleyball* tamaki: ha! *she's in a one-piece* ochako: I GO IIDA'S SHOOOORTS!! XD eijiro: O///O bruh. Iida: O_______O *covering his crotch and backside* "Pantsing is not allowed in public! And neither is nudity!" Tsukiyo: *looking on, still lying down* "I can't complaining!" shinra: *covering iris' eyes* momo:...nice. Shouto: "Just hope Ochako does not mis-use her gravity abilities by mistake--or else his shorts will end up on Jupiter." Iris: "Shinra? What's going on?" Relan: "..." *tilts head at Iida* ("...Meh. Shinra's is probably cuter.") sayaka: AWOOOO! FULL MOON TONIGHT! HAHA! madoka: *covering her eyes* Crona: "Jeez! People shouldn't be swimming around pantsless!" Mineta: "Oh, it's a nude pool? Sweet!" -KICKED- mami: no mineta. *Mineta lands head-first against the lifeguard station* Crona: *blushes a bit by Mami's outfit* -later- Iida: -\\\\\- *back in his shorts* "I'm just going back to my room now..." kyouko: that was awkward...what do you think rin? Tsukiyo: "Hmm...Hope I got a good tan..." *tying back her bikini top* Rin: O_______o "...For some reason, he looks a lot like Yukio...except down there." kyouko: YOU DONT NEED TO SHARE THAT!! Rin: "I bathed with my bro for years! What do you want from me?!" Tsukiyo: "...Photos?" Rin: "..." *backhanded face-punch* Tsukiyo: "Fuck!" *holding her nose* "For real?!" Rin: "You had a fly on your face. I guess I missed. Whoops." Spirit: *looking up at the sky, in an open shirt and swimtrunks...trying not to look at women* ("Don't ogle, don't ogle, don't ogle...") shura: *arm wrestling sid* come on! that the best you got?! Sid: "I was not the type of man to lose at arm wrestling, Kirigak-..." -snap- shura:....whups. nygus: KIRIGAKURE! D : < kirika: what the fuck did i do?! nygus: not you -_-; Sid: *arm ripped off* "...Oh..." Stein: *sigh* "I'll re-attach, then..." *glancing at Marie's date* marie: *smiling* Stein: "..." *small pout as he walks over to Sid* sayaka: arent you and val a thing? Stein: "...It's...something." *sewing back Sid's arm* kilik: hey sayaka, you up for around of volleyball? sayaka: heck yeah i am! Black Star: "I'm in, too! Tsubaki, you in?" tsubaki: *nods* Angel: *smiles at Marie* Black Star: "Gonna beat you, Kilik and Sayaka!" stocking: *enjoying her drink* Kid: "May I have a sip?" stocking: sure~ Kid: *sips a bit, then looks at Stocking and winks* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *holds her hand* "This is a relaxing departure for a bit." stocking: yeah. no monsters or bad guys to worry about... Kid: *smiles* "Except people pantsing Iida..." Patty: *still swimming* "Hey, Takeru? Want to go for a walk?" takeru: o-ok... stocking: well, your butt's still cuter~ Kid: *chuckles* "Not as cute as yours..." Patty: *stretching, as she puts an arm around Takeru's side* "You're a good swimmer, you know that?" takeru: t-thanks...but it seems hito's far more skilled... liz: amazing how he can swim will all that hair in his face… Patty: "I think you're plenty skilled! You're fast, you're agile...and you look cute in trunks." *hugs his arm* takeru: *blushing* hito:.... (thinking: she's really shameless...) Patty: "Hey, you like my outfit?" takeru: it's really cute. *smile* Patty: *small blush and smile* "Thanks--I was hoping you'd like it!" takeru:....*hand grab* >/////< Patty: *feels electric current from that touch* .\\\\\. *smiles, small squeeze* takeru: .//////////////////////////////////////. Patty: "Thanks for holding my hand, Takeru. It means a lot to me." takeru: *still blushing* Patty: *swings arm slightly, as she leads him to sit* "Let's have a drink." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *groaning in bed from vomiting* "Ugh..." -knock knock- Bakugo: "It's open..." -the door opens- eijiro: hey buddy! Bakugo: -_-; "Hey." eijiro: feeling better? Bakugo: "No. My stomach feels like it got turned inside-out." eijiro: did you try eating ice cream? i hear its supposed to help with the burning... Bakugo: "No...That phone for room service looks so far away... eijiro:....*looking at the phone on the table right next to the bed* yeah... Bakugo: "Call for me, man..." -downstairs- itsuka: this is really nice. Jirou: *laying back* "Hell yeah..." mina: this is the best ^w^ tsuyu: kero~ =w= Hagakure: *deep sigh* yuu: i can feel two sets of eyes staring... ochako: eh? Monoma: *whispering* "Beat it! This is my spot to keep an eye on Itsuka!* Mineta: "I'm not doing that! I won't beat it until--" Monoma: "Not like that!" Jirou: "...I'm gonna kill them..." itsuka: is there a problem here? ^-^# Monoma: O-O "...Crap..." Hagakure: "Eep! Creepers!" *trying to cover herself...* mina: hagakure, they wont be able to see much -_-; itsuka: why are you hiding behind the rocks, neito? Monoma: "...Um...J-Just making sure you're safe without you knowing?" ("And because I can't stand now...") Jirou: *grabbing a towel to cover herself* "Fucking pervs...I'm gonna stamp Mineta's fucking head in." Mineta: "...That's kind of hot..." itsuka: so you were stalking me? i really thought you would be more mature than this. but looks like i was wrong. Monoma: "I'm not stalking!" *stands up* "I'm keeping that weird exploding maniac away from you!" *throws out arms--knocking Mineta down* itsuka: .... *PUNCH* *sighs* i really wanted to avoid drama on this trip... Monoma: *collapses* Mineta: *lands near the edge of the hot tub...* yuu: *levitates him away into a trash can* Hagakure: "So embarrassing..." *turns up the bubbles* "Ahhhhh...that's better." Monoma: *whimpering on floor before passing out* -elsewhere- Black Star: *volleyball wedged into his face* kilik: ouch. sayaka: *healing his face* better? Black Star: *volleyball falls off* "Yeah..." *inhales* -elsewhere- Zuno: *lying in bed, can't sleep* Assi: *asleep in the bunk under Zuno's* setsuna: do you two need anything right now? Assi: "Zzzz..." Zuno: "Oh...Um...A glass of water would be nice...please?" setsuna: *she smiles* alright then. Emine: *in the kitchen, hands a glass of water to Shinoda* Shinoda: "I asked for ice." Emine: "I know--that's why I didn't give you any. Bad deed complete." *middle finger* Shinoda: -_-; "Jerk." lin: shouldnt that be apple juice? Shinoda: *glaring at Emine* "Yes, it should be..." Emine: "..." *tosses water in Shinoda's face* -morning- Kid: *lying in hotel bed* "So comfy..." stocking: *streeetch* last night was amazing kiddo... *kiss on the forehead* Kid: *blushes* "You were amazing, as always. I think we've gotten the hang of this..." *hugs her* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *yawn* "I think a shower will wake me up..." *traces a finger along her hip* stocking: by yourself or together~? Kid: "Well, it would be irresponsible to use water for two separate showers, wouldn't it?" *kisses her shoulder* stocking: hehe~ -later, back on the road- Bakugo: *chugging a bottle of Pepto* "Uh...Stupid roller coaster..." ochako: super refreshed~ ^^ Jirou: *small smile, as she reclines in seat* "Good bed..." Shouto: ("Before we get over-worked in forest training...") -in another bus- stocking: *enjoying her snack* Anya: *posting photographs from the trip on social media* "...I'll skip the one with Iida's backside..." soul: heh. *Soul's phone rings with a text* Wes: [how's the trip going?] soul: [doing good. went to an amusement park 4 tsubaki's Bday] Wes: [sounds like fun! that's good to have given her that kind of a gift before she gets back home. you didn't get motion sick on the roller coasters did you?] soul: [nah, but bakugou sure did XD] Wes: [lol. stay safe out there--keep your mosquito repellent handy in oregon] soul: [can and will do] Wes: [later, bro] -in bus 1- Kid: *reading a book* tsuyu: *checking her phone* *Some social media pics of their trips, news still out of Denmark, celebrity gossip...* tsuyu:....*checks the GPS app* *About five hours before they arrive at Oregon forest* -in another bus- Arthur: *humming Excalibur song as he does crossword* tsubaki: *cringes* Black Star: *covers Arthur's mouth* "Tsubaki, you alright?" tsubaki:...yeah. Black Star: "..." (Holds her hand) tsubaki: *smiles and slight blush* Black Star: "It'll be okay. And you can believe any promise Black Star gives you!" -in another bus- Aoyama: "That is quite the fashion statement, Nozomi~" nozomi: um...t-thank you. Tsukiyo: *fu fu fu laughing* fang-hua: *sigh* Mineta: *tied to his seat, gagged* -elsewhere- Crona: *hugging small kitten plushie* mami: *sitting next to them* -back in death city- Yumi: *playing with Shiori* shiori: hehe! christa: ^o^ Yumi: *picks up toy dinosaur and wiggles it at Christa* "Here's a happy Apatosaurus!" christa: appa....apple? Yumi: "Close..." *holds up an alphabet book, with drawings of an apatosaurus and an apple* "Apple...Apatosaurus. AY-PAT-O-SORE-US." christa: ?? -elsewhere- Witch Judge: *reviewing reports* "Kinuta, you've managed to eliminate or capture targets, and you have acquired the artifacts we need for our next project. However, your behavior...still leaves much to be desired." kinuta: oh? how so? Witch Judge: "Your remarks about prison guards, your tormenting of fellow prisoners...and the fact that certain jewels and valuables are removed from targeted locations--materials we did not ask you to acquire." kinuta: your point is? Witch Judge: *holds remote* "Follow the rules absolutely, or face some annoying punishments." kinuta: OwO;;; Witch Judge: "Do you agree?" -elsewhere- Ponera: *looking at Milia* "..." -_- "Really?" milia: i thought it looked cute? *in a blue ensemble as opposed to her usual pink* Ponera: *sighs* "Better than what I thought you would do..." *snaps fingers, and Milia's dress turns yellow* "But I think yellow looks better on you." milia: so cute! shaula: *rolls eyes* neian: yuyu! Ponera: *trying to imitate a regal laugh* "I thought you might like it..." Medusa: *bounces Neian lightly* "You like that, huh?" shaula: hey medusa, remember when i dyed arachne's hair blue with a color change hex? she was so pissed. Medusa: *smirk* "Then she was more angry when we cut off her hair." shaula: yeah, haha! mom wasnt too happy with us though. Medusa: *sad smile* "No, she was not." shaula: yeah, that fat cow was always mom's favorite. Medusa: "..." ("Mom's favorite?") *looks at Neian* neian: *yaaawn* ^o^ Medusa: "..." *hugs Neian* "Someone needs their nap..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "...and with everything backed up to the cloud, you'll have full access to all notes Assi takes for you to remember just about everything." Assi: *wide smile* Zuno: o______o "How long was I unconscious?!" mana: *looking at notes* about 2-3 years? Emine: "Also, cows are extinct, currency now is in the form of goats, and the President is a house plant." Zuno: .__________. -bwap- mono: not true! DX< Emine: *collapsed on the floor* "Bad deed still completed..." Zuno: "AND WHY ARE THEY HERE?! Are they going to kill us?!" Emine: "...Maybe?" mana: no, you're living under our roof. Emine: "Sorry, did you say 'dying under our roof'? 'Decomposing under our roof'? 'Rotting under our roof'?" mono: that's creepy! Emine: "I do daily bad deeds--what do you want from me, sugar, rainbows, and puppies? ...Unless it's using the rainbows to blind puppies, then kill them with diabetic comas brought about by sugar..." Zuno, Assi, and Yohei: .________. mono: *CHOP* Shinoda: *struggling to hold in laughs* Zuno and Assi: *clutching Mono* "Don't let him hurt us!" mono: g-get off me you dummies! >///< nea: *chuckles* Shotaro: "Um..." *pries Zuno and Assi off Mono* "Good deed?" -elsewhere- Karim: "Progress report?" dia: we've heard some rumors from our informant.....about amber's killer... Karim: "..." *sits down* "Okay. I'd like to know." dia: about that girl mikami, from the 3rd.....did you know she has a sister? Karim: "...No." dia: we cant confirm it at the moment, but it is believed the killer is Akami Kurai. Karim: "..." *shaking a bit* dia: i understand this might be a lot to take in- Karim: "Where is Mikami?" dia: she's on a school trip to oregon. Karim: "Have you informed the Commander?" dia: i intend to do that next. Karim: "..." ("Do I let her? Or do we keep Burns out of this...?") Karim: "I'll go with you." dia: *she nods* -elsewhere- Hibana: *rubs lotion along her fingers* "Let me know where you feel the knot in your back, okay?" gabriella: ok. Hibana: *starts lightly along Gabriella's shoulders blades* "Hmm...Feel a lot of tension here. You carry so much weight." gabriella: *blushing* Hibana: *moves along to her lower back, applying a bit more pressure* "You're so strong..." gabriella: *gripping the sheets* Hibana: "Let me know whether this hurt, and whether I am hitting the right spot..." *presses a bit more firmly on her lower back* gabriella: ah-ahhhh~!! >//////< Hibana: *small smirk* "Did I hit the right spot?" *leans down, kisses lightly on the back of her neck* gabriella: >///< um...c-co-could i....squeeze them Hibana: *smiles* " 'Squeeze them'? Whatever do you mean, love?" gabriella:...*blush* actually, there's something i'd like to try....*whispering* Hibana: *large smile* "Fuck..." *kiss on the lips, with tongue, then pulls back* "Yes. Rip these clothes off me..." -and so, her wrists and ankles are tied to the bed, and she is blindfolded- gabriella: *dragging the ice cube along her breasts* does that feel good? Hibana: "A-Ah! So cold...My nipples are getting so hard...I'm wet already..." gabriella: *drags it over the soft buds, letting it melt slightly* Hibana: "Aaaaah...Lick it off, p-p-please?" gabriella: *smirks and fingers her as she drags it down to her navel* Hibana: *squirming, panting* "Oh, Goddess...Fuuuuck...I love that, Gab...You're enjoying th-this, aren't you?" *whimpers* gabriella: what do you think~? *licks her ear* you're so cute when you beg~ Hibana: *squirming, stuck in the restraints* "I-I'm not usually d-d-dominated...I kinda like it...You're so fucking hot, Gabby...I'm begging you, get me off...Get me fucking off..." gabriella: *fingering slowly and sucking the nipple* thats it....good girl~ Hibana: *panting* "Mistress...That's so good. C-Could you b-bite a little?" gabriella: *biting and pulls her fingers out* taste yourself, my naughty princess. Hibana: *grunting from the biting, panting, as she sucks hard on Gabriella's fingers* "I'm your naughty princess--and I taste so good...And I've been a bad girl...Punish me, Mistress." gabriella *sticks the ice cube into her slit* Hibana: *screams, her head hitting the back of the pillow* "Aaaaaaaah! Fuck! Me! Gah! So fucking cold!" -elsewhere- Stein: "Approaching the forest now..." momo: *looks out the window* woah... Izuku: (reading his guidebook) "In addition to forests and lakes, Silver Falls State Park includes mushroom hunting, the Ten Falls canyon trail, amphitheater-like surroundings around its falls--and a 180-foot fall off its highest waterfall." kinoko: mushrooms? Izuku: *nods* "Wild mushrooms. But be careful, as some have hallucinogenic properties--" Stein: "..." *wide grin* -upon arriving at the camp site- Patty: "WOOOOOOW! Takeru, look at the height of that waterfall! It's so high!" takeru: y-yeah.... o-o Black Star: *setting up tent* Sid: "Keep the tent back--don't need people falling over cliffs during this trip..." Stein: *unloading some large plastic objects* Izuku: "???' ochako: what do you think those are? Izuku: "I don't know...They look like...deflated beach balls? Why would Professor Stein bring those? For games?" -elsewhere in the camp- stocking: looks great. *she smiles* Kid: *smiles* "I think I'm getting the hang of this." stocking: want to check out the inside? Kid: *nods* -inside- stocking: *smooching kid* mmmn~ Kid: *holds her in his arms, massaging her side* stocking: U////U *using tongue* Kid: *his tongue meets hers, as he lies on his back* -leaves crunching- stocking: !!! *gets up and blushes* Kid: *gets up, shielding her* *whispers* "Is someone outside?" stocking: *whispers* could you check? *rebuttoning her shirt* Kid: *small pout, as he practically snaps his fingers to adjust his clothes back to symmetrical fashion...and peeks outside...* Aizawa: *in his sleeping bag* "Could you two keep it down in there--some of us are trying to sleep." stocking: mr aizawa? you arent going to use a tent? Aizawa: "I am using a tent. My hearing is just super-sensitive, and I could hear your loud make-out session." stocking: O/////O Kid: o_____o; "Thankyouwewilltakethatunderadvisementgoodnight--" *ZIPS tent fast* stocking: *flustered* Kid: *whispers* "I'm so sorry..." *puts his hand gently over hers* stocking: i-its fine...do you want to just cuddle? Kid: *nods* "...I do have a special feature to this tent for tonight, if you're interested." stocking: oh? what is it? Kid: *smiles, as he unzips the top of the tent, revealing a plastic see-through cover that shields them from the outside but gives them a view of the sky...and the stars when they come out* stocking: wow....*she nuzzles up next to him* this is nice. Kid: *nods* "Whatever I can do, to give you the best, I will." *hugs her* "I love you so much." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Stars will be out soon..." *nuzzles* "...Thank you, for being here." -in another tent- Patty: *sketching in a book* liz: we'll be making smores soon, you want any? Patty: *startled a bit* "Oh! Um, yeah! Sure!" *hides sketchbook, goes outside* -elsewhere, in the villains hide out- ????: *praying in a makeshift chapel* Dabi: "..." *peeking inside* ???: i know you are there. yuuji: creepy. sachi: *whispers* i thought xey were blind?? Dabi: "Guess not..." *enters* "Yo." ???: *turns* have you come to seek enlightenment? Dabi: "I'm pretty lit already. So, Padre, what you doin' here?" ???: this is where i come to bathe in the light. sachi: *cringing* yuuji: *holds her close* Dabi: "Hmm...What's your name?" ???: they call me 'Light Bringer'. Dabi: "Um...So, you bring light?" light bringer: yes. -elsewhere- Hibana: *panting in Gabriella's arms* "I-I had no idea you were so...dominating." gabriella: ne-neither did i... Hibana: *hard kiss against her mouth* "You are so fucking hot, Mistress..." gabriella: >/////< -gabi's hair was pulled to the side....she almost looked like sister rose...- Hibana: "No one ever dominated me like that...or gave me the best fucking orgasm I ever had..." *sad smile at seeing the resemblance to Rose* gabriella: ./////. r-really? Hibana: *shakes her head* "Never. You were amazing." gabriella: t-thank you. Hibana: *hugs her, draping Gabriella's arms around her* "Please...hold me, Gabby?" gabriella:..oh! o-of course.... Hibana: *sighs* "I...wish I had met you long ago...or had..." *sighs sadly* "I think I missed opportunities." gabriella:....are you ok? Hibana: "...When I was much younger, there was another sister named Rose...and I was...close to her...And you..." *blushes, stroking along Gabriella's hair* "...kind of look like her." gabriella: *blushing* hibana... Hibana: *sniff* "Sister Rose was so kind...and I really liked her. And you're so kind to me..." *crying* gabriella:....*holding her close* shhh...its ok hibana...i'm right here now.....i always will be, ok? Hibana: *nods, crying into her neck* "Please?" gabriella: *kisses her* of course. Hibana: *slowly relaxes, purring in her arms* "I love you." gabriella: i love you too... -at the 8th- miwa:...pretty quiet, eh oubi? Akitaru: *nods...he just had a good shower, and his hair smells of shampoo* "Yeah..." *sighs* "Just glad we've been able to handle emergencies so far this week." miwa:...*she hands him a drink* thirsty? Akitaru: *nods* "Thanks!" *sips* "Long work-out, hot shower--need to rehydrate." miwa: *nods...noticing the picture* this your family? Akitaru: *solemn* "Yes. That's my wife and our child." miwa: ah. your daughter looks a lot like you. Akitaru: *sad smile* "Thank you...They both passed away some time ago." miwa: ........oh...im sorry for your loss...cant imagine what thats like... Akitaru: "Yes...I wouldn't wish it on anyone." miwa: .....*back pat* im sure they're proud of you. Akitaru: *silent, frozen* "I...am trying." miwa:.....*awkward hug* Akitaru: "..." *awkward hug* "Thanks." miwa: no problem... Akitaru: *embarrassed cough* "Um...Another drink?" miwa: sure. Akitaru: "Water? OJ? Soda? A beer?" miwa: im pretty much down for whatever. Akitaru: *grabs two orange juices and two glasses of water* "How about you? What's your family like?" miwa: oh, i never married. never really had the time. other than that, i do have my parents and my sister. parents dont live in death city, and my sister's a middle school teacher. Akitaru: *nods, smiles* "Teacher, huh? How does she like it?" miwa: rewarding, from what she tells me, but can be difficult, since she works with special needs kids. Akitaru: "That's really important work, though. That's good for her to do it." miwa: *she smiles*......?? whats this? *she noticed a paper of a flame human report from the fire defence agency. 'Toshiaki Harada'* Akitaru: "???" miwa:...'harada'...that name sounds familiar... <nozomi: my name is nozomi harada. im not sure if i'll be very useful to you, but i'll try my best not to be a burden.> Akitaru: "!!!" Akitaru: "..." *nervous smile* "An old case, from the past." miwa: ah. Akitaru: *sips his water* ("Oh, man...Nozomi, why...?") -at the campsite- Patty: *yawn* takeru: zzzzzzz....*doesnt know he's hugging her in the tent* Patty: .\\\\\. ("...I ain't complaining...") *tries to put her arms around him, smiling* hito: *outside, standing guard* Spirit: *wakes up, steps outside, spots Hito* "Time to switch?" hito: *salutes* sir! *goes back to the tents, where arthur and shinra are* Spirit: *half-hearted salute* "...Serious guy..." Arthur: *asleep...and hugging Shinra* "Tamaki..." shinra: *snoring* by the power of.....bacon......shinranger 5000 is go....*snoring* remember kids....always...wash your hands after....washing your hands..... Arthur: *smiles* "You're so funny, Tamaki..." hito:....*rolls eyes* (thinking: so unprofessional....) Arthur: *Yawn* "Tamaki...Do you love me?" -in another tent- Bakugo: *snoring* eijiro: *hugging bakugo* zzzzzzzz...... kinoko: *snoring* dude.....thats rad... Mineta: *sleeping* "Tsu's floaties...Yaoyorozu's gazongas...Uraraka's zero-g boobies..." tamaki: *subconciously throws mineta out of the tent...into poison ivy* Mineta: *still sleeping* "...Oh, man--now I got an infection..." Black Star: *nightmares of the last fight against Mr. Tsubaki* tsubaki: zzzzzz..... Black Star: "N-No..." tsubaki: mmn? Black Star: *talking in his sleep* "I won't let you hurt her again! I can't!" tsubaki: black*star wake up! Black Star: *sits up* "What?!" *panting* tsubaki: *holding his hand* Black Star: "..." *looks away* "I'm sorry." tsubaki: it's ok... Black Star: "...I was scared...I'm still scared..." *beats his head* "Damn it." tsubaki: *hugs him* Black Star: *holds onto her* "...I don't want to lose again." -elsewhere- Emine: *on the roof* lin: i brought you something to eat.....you did great with your bad deed today. Emine: "Thank you...I thought I would've been more...violent with this bad deed." lin:....*she holds his hand* i know....but its not that simple anymore.... Emine: "..." *small squeeze* "How can I change? If I don't do bad deeds, I lose Shotaro. If I do change...am I even the same person?" lin: remember what miss setsuna said? you can still do bad deeds in small ways... (thinking: thats not the only thing you'll lose....i dont want you to be consumed.....) Emine: "...I...try. Urges persist." lin:....*she hugs him* Emine: "..." *holds her* "What if I hurt you?" lin: i could put myself together again.... Emine: "..." *small laugh* "I suppose." lin:...*still hugging him* Emine: "...Um...I...I..." lin: hmm? what is it? Emine: "..." *smooch* lin: *blushing brightly* ah- Emine: "I-I'm not good with words about...this." lin:....*she holds his hand* its ok..i think i understand what you mean. Emine: -\\\\\- *small nod* lin: i...i feel the same way, for a while actually. Emine: "...You have? I-I don't know why..." lin: you have me a reason to keep going... my previous master wasnt very kind to me...nowhere near as terrible as my bastard father...but you killed him, and you saved me... Emine: "...Was that a bad deed?" lin: killing him for no reason was....i guess the good part was a side effect. but im happy either way Emine: "A side effect? ...I just...I wanted to save you...and I want to protect you...and be with you...and I...Can I...do good by doing bad deeds?" lin: *completly red in the face* e..mine.... O////////////////////////////O *she didnt even hear that last part* Emine: "??? What?" -downstairs- mana: >///w///< so cute! Shotaro: "Shhh! They'll hear us!" mana: still tho! Shotaro: *nods* "Yeah! Now they can be all happy together! Yay, Lin and Emine!" setsuna: ^^ Tuhl: "Tch, good...Maybe love in his life will calm his ass down." Zuno: -_-; "Good for them...Whoever they are." Shinoda: T_T; "I'm so alone...and cold..." mono: tch- well whoop de do for them. dont go thinking im happy for them b-because im not! d-dummies! Assi: *blowing his nose* "It's so beautiful..." nea: i hope im lucky to find love like that~ Shinoda: o_O ("Please, sweet divine apples of Hesperides, let me be that love for her...") *awkward staring at Nea* nea:...i should get tinder on my phone. Shinoda: D: *heart breaks* Yohei: "I can spruce up your app's algorithem to improve your dating options." nea: neat. chie: wow nea, you're every bit as cold as your diet.........well _thats_ something i never expected to say. Shinoda: *curls in ball, crying* mono: oh grow up damn you. Assi: *poking Shinoda with a stick* Shotaro: *yells up to the roof* "You two done up there?!" Emine: ._. lin: GIVE US A MOMENT!! setsuna: ^^; Emine: "...Maybe a few moments..." mana: TMI!! Shotaro: "Hee hee..." Emine: *looks at Lin* "...That maid outfit..." -mana closes the window- mana: I DONT WANT TO KNOW THIS STUFF!! D8 Assi: *taking notes* Emine: "Do you...ever think of other outfits, Lin? You don't have to be a maid." mono: OH NO YOU DONT! lin: i have a lot of other outfits in my wardrobe! i made a few of them. Assi: "I'm taking notes for Zuno's memory! That's all!" -elsewhere- Burns: *grunts* dia: commander? do you need anything? Burns: "This informant...this information they have...It's bothersome." dia: what do you suggest? Burns: "I want you to take this information, wait for the students to return from Oregon..." dia: of course. Burns: "When they get back, I want a platoon to circle the bus--do not let anyone off until we have Mikami in our possession." dia: of course. Karim: "..." ("Mikami...") -at the camp- tamaki: *her head is stuck inside a tree hole* get me out. Arthur: "...Um...Maybe if we coat her head with honey, the slickness will get her out?" Iris: *facepalm* tamaki: if we run into a cougar, im letting you get mauled first. Arthur: "Never fear! We will get you out of this tree before any cougar arrives!" *removes Excalibur* "Just stand still--I don't want to behead you..." Iris: "B-But won't the forest rangers be upset we chopped down a tree?!" -elsewhere on the trail- Izuku: "This mushroom should be edible..." kinoko: O_O Izuku: "Kinoko? You okay?" stocking: *looking at flowers* rabbit: ~? Tsukiyo: o~o "...So...cute..." rabbit: ^w^ mami: *holding chrona's hand* its ok... just breathe... Tsukiyo: *crouches in front of the rabbit, just looking at it* Crona: *shivering, shuddering, biting their lip* "That...rab...bit..." mami: its ok....just breathe...in and out.... mikami: its so cute. i actually have a rabbit back home. Crona: *breathing, trying to calm down* Tsukiyo: "!!! Oh, I have to play with your rabbit when we get back, Mikami." *small happy wave at the wild rabbit* "Hi, cutie~" rabbit: o.o~? Tsukiyo: "I'm kinda like a bunny too!" *holds out hands like a rabbit's paws* shinra: cute. Tsukiyo: *smiles at Shinra* "I know I am." *snaps a pic of the rabbit* fang-hua: *smiling* its nice to see her like this, and not being a pervert. shinra: yeah, i can agree. but in my case its with tamaki. fang-hua:....we need to keep tsukiyo away from her at all costs. shinra: agreed. Tsukiyo: *blissfully ignorant of their conversation, as she keeps snapping pics* "Maybe nature isn't so bad..." -elsewhere in the campground- Ochako: *covering her mouth* "LET ME OUT!!!" *Ochako is in a giant human-size beach ball, rolling down a hill* Aizawa: "Finish your exercise first..." sayaka: WHY AM I NOT SHOCKED THAT IM STUCK IN HEEEEERE?! Aizawa: "This is to keep your coordination intact as you experience variations in perspective, gravity, and speed--" Ochako: "DON'T LET ME FALL OFF A CLIFF!" homura: -_- Iida: "...Um, Mr. Aizawa? This seems a bit abrasive..." Stein: *shrugs* "Makes me laugh." momo: this seems highly irrisponsible. Aizawa: "Wait until your lesson, Yaoyorozu. I hope you can avoid snakes..." momo: what? -elsewhere- Patty: "Takeru...Um..." takeru: hmm? what is it? Patty: "Last night...you, um...hugged me." takeru: oh...um.... *blushing* Patty: *blushing* "I liked it..." liz: awwww.... Patty: *blushes more, as she holds Takeru's hand* "Um...How about this air, huh?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *struggling to fish* "Damn stupid fish...Won't nibble on my bait..." tsugumi: fishing takes a lot of patience, from what i heard anyway. Bakugo: "I don't like patience. I'm a freaking superstar, and I should have already gotten this fish already. I don't want to look stupid in front of Itsuk--" *silences himself* tsuyu: keron? Bakugo: "..." *glares at Tsuyu--then feels a bite on his line* "What the heck?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *resting in an inner tube in the river* vivian: *on the beach side* this is nice. Black Star: *in trunks, stretches* "Yeah, not bad...Surprised Todoroki is in the river. Doesn't that lead to the waterfall?" tsubaki: oh dear. Todoroki: *nearing the edge of the waterfall...* kyouko: OI! TODOROK- Todoroki: *starts going over the fall in the inner tube--and goes down the fall* (unenthused) "Wheeeeeee..." mina: !!!! TODOROKIIIII!!!! D8 *As he nears the end of the falls, he forms an ice slide under him, sending him down along the surface of the lake, kicking up water as he goes splashing at blinding speed before slowing down...but the result causes the water of the lake to form a small wave...that soaks Bakugo, Tsugumi, and others* tsugumi: gagantous! Bakugo: *fish stuck in his mouth* (angrish screaming) tsuyu: this is fine. Todoroki: *sipping on a drink...that somehow ended up in his hand, as he lowers his sunglasses* mio: how the fu- Anya: *sips out water, wringing out her dress* "There is no logic here. Best not to seek it--you'll go mad otherwise." ao: *drenched....looking like a ghost* tsugumi: KYAAAAAA!!!! Meme: "GHOST!" Anya: "Kill it!" ao: eh? -elsewhere- Kid: *looking up at the trees* stocking: it looks peaceful... Kid: *nods* "So different from home." *picks up a leaf* stocking: *she looks up* the leaves really changed color....huh? Kid: *smiles* "Yes. It's the cycle of life and death...and there is surprising beauty to it." stocking: *she nods* Kid: *holds her hand, smiles* "Would you like to get a view from the top?" stocking: you sure? Kid: "Only if you are comfortable." stocking: i would like that. Kid: *summons Beelzebub, as he picks up Stocking* "Here we go..." *flies slowly up until they are at the trees' level* stocking: wow.... *View of the falls, the forest, the sky* Kid: *holding Stocking, looking around* "Amazing..." stocking: yeah...you could see the whole park from here..... Kid: *smiles* "I bet no one else could get a photo like this..." stocking: *takes a pic* hehe~ Kid: "Hee hee..." *kiss on her cheek* -elsewhere- Mr. Arthur: "...And so I sent the students out for survival practice. So far, only one has returned..." shura: and that would be? *Meme stands, covered in mud* Meme: "...I got separated from the others. I don't know where they went..." -elsewhere- Mineta: "Help! We're stuck in a hole!" denki: i dont wanna diiiiiie! kyouka: you weenies. Mineta: *trying to bounce off the walls...and can't* "Gah! I'm all covered in sweat and can't get sticky enough!" kyouka: i dont need to know this! -elsewhere- Bakugo: *standing in his boxers, putting his clothes along a line to dry out* "Stupid Todoroki..." ???: gaaah. this sucks! my good suit is dirty, its chilly, i have no clue what im looking for. tsubakyun you're so mean for sending me here by myself! D8 Bakugo: "??? Who's there?!" ???: excuse me there young laddy. i seem to have gotten lost. mind directing me to the nearest campsite? Bakugo: "...'Lady'? ...Oh, 'laddy'...Um...You're at the nearest campsite. Don't you see this clothesline?" ???: marvelous! and the rest of your little troupe? Bakugo: "...Some are swimming...some are doing exercises..." *puts one hand behind his back, collecting his sweat together...* ???: i see! say, im looking for a friend of mine who was camping here. long black hair in a pony tail, really cute, seen her around at all? Bakugo: "Sorry, but any cute girls I know don't have black pony tails...What's your name, buddy?"" belkia: (thinking: stage name this! he looks like a total shipdit, so screw with his head) patrick patrickson? -in the sky- stocking: *cringe* Kid: "Stocking?" stocking: n-nothing...just got a bit nauseous... Kid: "Let's get you back on solid ground..." stocking: good idea... Kid: *holds her closely as he descends through the open spot in the trees and lands on the ground* -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Now that balance, gravity, and speed exercises are done, take the rest of the day off." ochako: huzzah! Iida: *collapses on his back* "I just want to sleep for days..." momo: *panting* Izuku: "We're back!" *sees Iida and Ochako on the ground* "Um...we brought mushrooms?" ochako: *nom nom nom* Izuku: o____o *whispers* "Kinoko...Was that the good mushroom or a _bad_ mushroom?" ochako: tastes fine.....isnt that right mr zebra? Izuku: "...Oh, shit." Iida: "These pants touch only myself...and the pants." momo: oh no. Izuku: "We need medicine! Momo, can you synthesize an antidote?!" -elsewhere- Bakugo: "..." ("I don't know what this guy is capable of...and I don't have enough sweat accumulated to make a powerful enough blast...I'm stuck having to wait for others to get near here...but do I risk bringing this weirdo to our camp?") -something lands in the bushes- ???: hmm? hey buddy, wait right here. Bakugo: "???" -in the bushes- stocking: that was fun... Kid: *nods* "Indeed..." *smiles* ???: howdy there! mind directing me to the campsite~? stocking: *cringes again* ow my ears. Kid: "Who are you?" Bakugo: "Kid? Stocking?" tsubaki: ??....!!!! ???: aha! there you are! if you excuse me, i need to borrow this lady with the ponytail! Bakugo and Kid: "What?!" stocking: *brandishing blades* like hell! Kid: *assumes pose* Bakugo: *holding his sweat for one shot...* belkia: hoho~? a duel is it! HAVE AT YOU! stocking: *charges at him with a spinning blade attack* Kid: "Tsubaki! Run!" tsubaki: *runs back to the camp* belkia: aw come on! oh well the party is just starting! stocking: *slashes his arm off* stop talking! Kid: *punches Belkia in the chest* belkia: MY ARM! do you know who the fuck i am?! i am belkia, king of skewering! say gothy, you're pretty nifty with those swords... Kid: "Indeed, she is--" *swings his leg under Belkia* belkia: *picks a flower and tries to give it to her* MARRY ME!! stocking:..... Kid: "..." *headpunch* belkia: OW! DX Kid: *seizes him by the back of the head, slamming it into a tree* "Never. Approach. Her. Again." belkia: ?! *looks at kid's mouth* *Madness marks along Kid's mouth* belkia: ?!?! Mad!Kid: "Come near her again...and I will turn you inside out..." belkia: woah now!
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