#wow it'd be so nice if this were my vip package
god217 · 6 years
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Just this morning when I woke up I thought to myself "damn I wish I had my Saeran zine already but it'll probably take another few weeks" and now I look into the mailbox and GUESS WHAT IT'S HERE
There were a bunch of complications and it took so long BUT I FINALLY HAVE IT I'M SO HAPPY
GOOD THING I CALLED IN SICK TODAY NOW I HAVE TIME TO READ WOOO (thanks Saeran for coming to make me feel better what a good boy)
@saeranzine again tysm for all of this as well as your help in making sure it gets to me! I was so worried I'd have to miss out after my original order didn't go through and I swear I'm gonna put this on the very top of my mysme shrine ❤
(That's not a metaphor. I do in fact have an actual shrine and I regret absolutely nothing.)
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