#wowie !!! summer is almost here !!! it's almost june !!!
spookythesillyfella · 5 months
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★* GET MOTIVATED !!!! ^_^ ★*
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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sunday digest - springsteen summer in full swing
howdy howdy folks
it's the last week of july! what the fuck! anyways, let's just get right into it shall we?
here's what was posted last week
new chapter of June (my favorite one tbh)
and the first part of my new Hungry Hearts series, Born in the USA
here's what's coming this week
new chapter of June on Tuesday
new part of Hungry Hearts on Thursday (and i am foaming at the mouth just thinking about it)
here is some of the delightful stuff i read last week and recommend
@darkroastjoel's new Joel Miller x preacher's daughter series is HAWT, and also sweet somehow wowie zowie - the first part is called Fall into Temptation and lemme tell ya, i almost needed life alert i fell so hard reading this fic oof
@thetriumphantpanda posted the second part of their tommyxjoelxf!reader fic titled You, Her, Me and I, phew, I am not normal about this fic okay? SO GOOD
@northernbluess posted the second part to their Frankie Morales x f!reader fic called In Bloom and it was so sweet, I love these two together, and then it was so something ~other~ than sweet if you catch my drift ;)
slow week for me, i've been a little busy lol, but please pretty please put your own recs in the comments if you have any :)
hope you're all taking care out there, send me a message if you wanna chat, about anything really, i'm around
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boggirlsummer · 3 years
Wowie wow I’m so behind on posts…my editor is really breathing down my neck. Highlights from the rest of my/our roadtrip coming soon! Spoiler alert, we made it!! I arrived at boat school this afternoon after dropping Zoey off in Portland (Maine). Did I cry like a little baby? Yes. YES! How many goodbyes can two girls say in one summer, I don’t know. Too many. We’ve been “moving”/in transit since June, which is almost as long as I’ll even be in Maine. Time is a flat circle.
Sads aside, I’m excited to have a bed of my own for a few months (thank you to everyone who let me sleep in their bed this summer 🥰). I can already tell this fall is going to be special and hopefully by December I’ll know how to sail and build a freaking (!) boat. If anybody wants to come visit me there’s room here. You can sleep in my twin bed. We had lobster for dinner tonight, just sayin…
More soon! In the meantime please enjoy a few shots from our first rolls of film that we just had developed in Minneapolis (mostly OCT). We were thrilled anything turned out.
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palebluelovepages · 6 years
multiples of 5 for the tc questions u made!!!!!! > : “ ~ )
5. if they were a drink, what would they be?
i’m honestly not too sure so i’m gonna say what drink i always get when i go to restaurants; a nice strawberry lemonade >:~)
10. what do they do in their free time?
she sure does like to read!!!! also i guess she’s secretly crafty because heck man she does needle felting and stuff now!!!? I LOVE IT. guess she does that stuff!!!! also i’m pretty sure she has pets so she probably hangs out with em!!
15. if they were furniture, what type of furniture would they be?
i think she’d be a lamp! ya know that classic cartoon thing with the lightbulb n the ideas…….yea. also she lights up my whole world ASDFGHJ
20. what do you admire most about them?
i admire so many things about her…..i really admire her intellect and intelligence a lot…i also admire how happy and calm she is most of the time!!
25. how’s their posture?
not so good :’~) she’s usually always slouching at her desk all slumped over. and she’s also usually VERY close to her laptop screen. what a blind queen.
30. are they older or younger than your parents?
older :’’’’’’’’’’’’’~) but only by 3 years……………………..hh. but my parents are on the younger side i guess
35. do they have glasses?
yes! she wears them all the time and i’ve only seen her without them on once!!!! :•0!
40. what year were they born?
45. what year will you graduate and are you prepared to say “goodbye”- or at least, “see you later”?
i graduate in 2020 ! prepared?? hahhhh……..no not really. i have an idea of what i’m going to say to her though….but i wouldn’t say i am prepared at all :’’’’^) i’m not ready to leave her
50. what’s one of their favorite tv shoes?
well i know that she likes NCIS!!! >:•D oh and also dr. who!
55. what goes through your mind when you see them unexpectedly?
i’m not sure how to explain it, but everything else just kinda….fades away and i only focus on her. even if people are talking to me or there’s a lot of noise i won’t notice and i’ll just be fixated on her. she just takes my breath away every time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess not a lot actually goes through my mind because i can only focus on her 
60. when you graduate, do you plan on visiting them? 
heck yeah i plan to >:-))))) hopefully i’ll be brave for once in my life and actually do it though
65. describe their laugh.
s o f t. she has one of the softest laughs i’ve ever heard oml and i have this really bad cackle for a laugh so when i hear her laugh it’s like wow who let an angel in the building. 
70. what do you think they do in the summer?
well, she teaches summer school, but after that i don’t picture her really doin a lot?? she doesn’t seem like the type to do normal summer activities like go swimming or enjoy the hot weather. she probably reads a lot !!!!
75. what do other students think about your tc?
wellllll…….in general, they think she’s great!!! i hear a lot of them say that she’s their favorite teacher…but they also say stuff like “jeez she’s kinda weird” or “why is she so awkward?” but for the most part i think they think she’s p great- which is good- she deserves all the praise >:’’’’~)
80. have you ever drawn a picture of them and gave it to them?
oOF. LET’S COUNT HOW MANY I’VE GIVEN HER…….8 i think??? could be more tho honestly
85. have you written any poems about them? would you ever show them any?
yike! funny story~ i do write poems about her (of course asdfghjk) and for some reason i’m an idiot and i was with her one day n i was like “hhmMMmmmmmmmmm i should totally make her read this because i mean there’s no names or anything she deserves to read this it’s totally aNonYmouS! n she’ll be like ‘wowie that’s some Good Stuff™’ and i’ll be like hehehehehehehhehheeheeh” I HONESTLY………..DONT KNOW WHY I DID THIS BUT I SHOWED THE FIRST PART TO HER (because that’s all she said she had time to read rip) here’s basically how it went:
me: hah yeahhhhh just writing some poetry for my english classsssss
blue: hah, o!!!
me: it’s only 4 pages but it’s my child would you like to read it
blue: well maybe just some of it :’’’’’^)
me: you see….i take a lot of inspiration from ladies in renaissance paintings (aND…………….she reminds me of a lady or goddess from a renaissance painting…..so i mean………..smooth…)
blue: *starts to read the first part* it’s almost like i know the painting…
me: hahhhhhh *is actually greatly concerned and worried that she knows about my feelings and she’s actually saying ‘um ya this is totally about me what are you even doing’”
blue: *is finished reading and does a pure happy sigh n smile* nice~
90. what’s your favorite physical thing about them?
probbbbaabbblyyy her smile. i can’t help but smile whenever i see her smile!!!!
95. if they weren’t a teacher, what could you see them as?
well she used to be an engineer and that’s really all i can see her being if she wasn’t a teacher !
100. do you think you’re in love with them?
i feel like when someone thinks they’re in love and really believes that they are then they are because it’s up to you to decipher your feelings ya know?! so…yeah i’d consider myself in love and i have considered myself to be in love with her since june 1st, 2017. i don’t know what else to call this feeling.
thank you for the ask >:^))))))!!!!!!!!
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