Wow I finally watched Ready or not and holy SHIT
I went into it already having a roundabout idea of what was going to happen - I also knew Grace survived due to a spoiler I'd seen but that was on me and I own that as this movie has been out for a few years now
But something I wanted to talk about, or more someone, was Daniel.
Fucking Daniel.
He was the hero in disguise the whole time.
As if trying to make up for the wrong he did all those years ago with the innocent groom.
He was trying to warn Grace without pointedly warning her before the wedding.
He gave Grace a ten second headstart when he Accidently stumbled across her.
Heck I feel like he would have left Grace go in the Forrest if his father wasn't right there.
And that's what made him smart.
He didn't compromise his own position in the family to help her, until the perfect moment arrived.
But the question is, did he always know he was going to do good? Did it change every minute?
We obviously see he is not the same as his family, as his own wife, through the whole movie. So it's safe to assume his different views of what is right and wrong and 'having a soul' is different from his family. Could this have been from the trauma of what happened to him as a child? Or has he always felt this way?
We see in the childhood flashback that the two brothers are obviously scared, as if they can get hurt themselves. The two boys in the present don't feel the same way, they're excited and hungry to be apart of the family festivities.
It's just interesting to think about what experiences or what core values they have grown with etc. - What are the reasons when growing up in a family like this?
Daniel waited for the perfect moment to strike, to save the innocent bride, but he didn't kill his family no - because at the end of the day they're still his family. He isn't that person to kill his family, that would just make him one of them, But he knows when their 'family traditions' need to be stopped.
Oh my poor poor sweet boy, you should not have married gold digger charity.
Ironic, isn't it?
And what was the reason for him getting married? If he has always felt this way towards the game, why would be potentially put someone else through it?
We see not everyone gets a traumatic and death-ending game like Hide and Seek. But there's always a risk of it isn't there?
So why would he do that when it doesn't even look like he loves her? Did he ever love her? It's portrayed that she only wanted the money, to be apart of the family.
Oh wait, she ended up shooting him to ensure the family, fame and fortune she was apart of would continue to thrive.
Nevermind, fuck her.
(I mean she was kinda hot)
But you also gotta wonder if Daniel hadn't of died, would little brother have snapped the way he did and completely turned on the love of his life he'd done everything he could all night to protect?
Alright onto more important things.
Is it just me or did Daniel become x10000000000 fucking hotter when he suddenly went against his family and became the hero?
Before that moment, Fuck yeah he was attractive. His little sarcastic remarks. The good little things he did like giving Grace a headstart. His beautiful hair and little undone tie. And of course his voice, because it's me.
But when he 'poisoned' his family and freed her? Became the hero of this story?
Also the fact that the curse or whatever it was called ended up being real? I DIED. SO UNEXPECTED. I LOVED IT. FUCKING, LOVED IT.
All in all I was very happy I finally got to watch this movie after so long of anticipation. But I wish Daniel didn't have to die. I'm glad Grace survived because she deserved to, but Daniel didn't deserve to die.
But I guess, there could never of been a future where both of them live. Could there?
Oh fuck me I just realised that.
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