booksofstars · 1 year
oooooh wht about rebooted darktail or spiresight :3
(Art coming soon)
Darktail, the Leader of the Kin
Darktail is a terrifying force with humble, tragic beginnings. He was not born evil. Upon Onewhisker's rejection of both he and his mother, she takes him to SkyClan. She his sickly, however, and only makes it a few moons more. This festering hatred of the Forest Clans begins here, though Darktail has a strong love for SkyClan.
His mentor is Sharpclaw, a horrible influence on him. His lust for power and control truly comes from him, a sort of Thistleclaw and Tigerclaw situation. Darktail progresses rather quickly, rapidly becoming an excellent Warrior, in spite of his…violent tendencies.
He’s only really close with Sharpclaw and Hawkwing. Not long into being a Warrior, Darktail decides it’s time to enact revenge on Onestar. This is likely spurred on by him catching word that the Forest Four have moved to the lake.
He rallies SkyClanners to support him, but his rebellion is eventually driven out by Leafstar. The only SkyClan cat to join him is Sharpclaw.
Together, they recruit outcasts from all walks of life, promising them anything they want to hear. This is what forms the Kin, and what eventually gets Needletail to join. There is still a mission to SkyClan, but the traveling cats find the camp abandoned.
Before long, Darktail has recruited ShadowClan's youth. He invades ShadowClan, taking over their home and forcing any cat not loyal to him at the time to leave.
Darktail is a huge fan of public execution. As tensions begin to rise throughout the Kin due to cats realizing they'd been tricked, he begins killing off his dissenters one by one, forcing his cats to gather at the lake and watch.
He still invades RiverClan, knowing it will rile up WindClan, and Onestar, even more. He kills several cats or has them killed, most notably Mistystar. She has a life publicly drained from her.
Tensions only rise from here, a large sect of the Kin horrified at Darktail’s actions. Behind the scenes, Needletail and Violetpaw have begun discussions of a coup, to finally remove Darktail from power. Alderheart is the one to prove that they’re trustworthy, and to pressure Bramblestar into stepping in. He had Squirrelflight’s full support early on. Squirrelflight contacts the other Clans, requesting aid in taking down the tyrant. RiverClan refuses, but WindClan agrees to help.
In the first Battle of the Lake, far too few cats are sent from both Clans to defeat the Kin. Neither leader showed up, either, only their deputies, Squirrelflight and Heathertail. Though the mollies are excellent leaders and strategists, the Kin still overpowers them, forcing the Clans to flee, several cats severely wounded or even dead. Needletail tries escaping with Violetpaw, but they’re caught. She’s ordered to kill Violetpaw, her little sister, and she forms a plan. She leaps at the apprentice, tackling her, before screaming at her to run. Then, she launches herself at Darktail, one of the only cats to fight back to viciously against him. For her betrayal, she is mauled and dragged into the middle of the lake to drown.
A second coup brews, helped by the cat that is now Violetshine. Tree shows up, and tells her to gather the Clans. Even RiverClan agrees. They go to the Island, with Tree standing upon the great branches. At once, he makes the ghosts of cats lost appear. Needletail stands next to him, crooning that they haven’t lost yet. SkyClan comes pouring in.
Together, the Clans work to bring Darktail down. They negotiate a meeting at the lake once again, this time with appropriate cats and RiverClan’s aid. Onestar is present this time, alongside a furious Mistystar and a very peeved Squirrelflight. Still no Bramblestar. Upon seeing Onestar, he launches himself at his father, dragging him into the lake. They fight viciously, blood spilling and turning the lake red as it had seasons ago. Darktail lands the killing blow on his father, but Onestar’s grip on him is too strong for him to swim back to the surface. He drowns there, the laughter of his victims who met the same fate loud in his ears. This is the end of AVOS, with Darktail being an arc long villain as he should’ve been.
He does not go to the Place of No Stars. Rather, he is a lost spirit like Needletail, and is dragged into the DF by Ashfur in TBC rebooted. He still gets killed by Needletail and Violetshine.
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