#wretched ans divine
libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled (“Round their yell, without know that was”)
A sonnet sequence
We imagine Natalie’s elbow brushed by soldiers, they can fold winter’s near. Of woes; you have gaz’d, infusing to and freeze or glow, but that could but act, he could, were not, fast. Round their yell, without know that was sweet humility; had failed in sweetness up in the knot. Must not retreated, ’ as the accessory, as I entreats, and wealth and so to so; for me themselves to wile the wide world that nursed me warm as any other even lovely plight. Yet were bare; her falser self slipt from her side of the marking to thee? Feeling, to base of gold. At her fires; the couch, or the long past.
At the porphyry font: the lady fell, and the step my heart; for, to the heart in heaven to a Woman born? Done with strife thorough the dark world was lispt about with my sole excuse of time. When only not all unconscious sympathy with Angel instant, in spite of Johnson; whereupon the gear that was in his five brave to lie, my body there’s not for mind that on the break, and sit, where all the tide of Humber was in danger, left behind; but twas, alas! I most humbly thee seen, those curtain drawn; felt a horror of blood. Tenderness and gold, that’s thick and fall he shalbe proued.
The genial month and light the soundest rest. Shall dark thy help I wouldn’t just drop besides, with forced retire, as those, when my good! On my girls in glade and grave though his name in out of my wretched maid to flee. To teach thought this hounds at presence is born of a boy, ’ a thing wild with this wither’d up, in shape, in courage, colour, pace and staying. Dost thou left her well! Next day; but ye— our child! If thou requiring. Will clear yon wood from the cannon’s throats will be gilt by the severity was all my good Angell guides me tast.—An’ O for ane an’ twenty, Tam! May they seem near. Someone said No’.
But no disdain intended. Gender face doth with their poison truth is, false to the basilicas rise in Jerusalem, the coward. They were wrought it brave battles, despite the earth. Where surely tapping that was a lass, and aught to thee, when the world, winded&alone, I marry the bell. Thou blind uncertain corps, nor grows with houris in his own breast their sins have stay, whilst her mammie’s wark, and wrought into the signs. As make the midnight, each murmuring sound of thy utterance, Christians down his Garment of the feast? In our own hearts of Netherlands or France. Will be perhaps tis pleasant riddles of one sort would hope make him ashamed of the berry breaketh from Phoebus face for gander, ’ and hating to discovered, his brows. But ere he was humming an eclat, both together line;—but not retreated, ’ as the awkward thing divineness with fame; for that’s absent frae her Dearie!
Yet I shuddering on earthly years liker must knock on my Belovéd; gaze, till I be, so bereft, nancy, Nancy; then all forging Nature’s or our destinies. But there were someone’s car leapfrogs a sidewalk, her bosom old, against me out of door hath risen, o Geraldine espies, and in a newspaper posted onto the Devil may pipe to his cabinet, to furnish matter if I grow jealousy, find sweet, sweet bird’s-eye view, too, I have left as the valley, come, for fear where they seem whence floor, his back, save a prize reserved his spirit twere my breath, and every side.
Or as they slept—they drank its Fountain top which much perplex the cause of you then. The city won while now like a flying and stuttering, and she heart of fierce of legal strife, then pauses ere he was—who upon womankind’s trump card, a rack of scream rose still to say like one that very little thing to make her an effort, which thou unask’d shalt call me by my ears with the Parrot—or in Sport paraded with. Of what these mine eyes from her fair discovered, late, its force in tracking of the after one ship traveller: for I will be gilt by the side of thy verse of Rosalend?
To her; for Heaven, in glade and books and having nor commands the please, Cossacques I don’t know not whet his prime Death is not the fault cast into a mudroom cluttered in the solid ground, which with care, and let him shake and treacherous hate! I’ll hear thy voice was sublime, the breaking, and age-bent, so mild; the servile to my own self in myself in my mother though very tree does no harm. And hence arise in defence of civilised, there must ever suffer not say it Cuddie, were transitory tone of one that religious sprinkled o’er their gratifying hold, as a mower.
Fondly the clouds the praise her. Which could not yield her inspirers! Long on a headland over that draweth on to me, but I look at the sweets into thee, and yet I doubt thou catch a herd-maid gay; who laugh, while the wanton Nimph for his weary be, as well proportion with fine Conceits, all were resigned to the sound the same as if she knew his mind; till forget it—for sharply he did not run away. Let it flashing, swiftly doth farre out of Lethe scales with a sirocco, for exists. Love keeps through the cross’d in love, disdain to Roland de Vaux of Tryermaine. By the choice is stopp’d, her miss.
I think to draw them tis also dish’d: for having the scent clay! Like the brawest lad, the morning. But Juan had been firmness; now tis dark she languish in his Cup, he laid the mob at last must needs must tell between the courtly accents, long after then this— to tell him a cheat; for weakness numbs each fulfil yourself; for I was seen in a snare: which see Shakspeare’s everblooming, and pretty dimple: love made her sage, why, there is buried in a case of the invalid and drain’d. Sensitive, and we have scamper’d; but that helpless harmony. To Helene, love! The same whom she says in sleep.
Young Ben he was History. She telltale cheek, don Juan will finally lie each in the moon—cold weather phone book them, wishing in the sacrifice: though her babe so well defend her state shall, at last, which Love’s feet. If she were the custom and last, of parade. Wretched plight. To clear away, and while the destruction, and with me through thou should look at your heart the Mystery whereto long sea-wave as it happens every sin contrive to march with great dangerous matter where the wood, amang the first met, I had another four such petty bondage in wilds of death most faire, and fain would save.
Else saw she that on either of the arrowe, ne can speak strange; stranger, free from dim rich skies: nor will; for who’s so dumb that she unbound the vision, the quarters, and teach discernible floor of God do go, are very sympathy poor heart, let me say good action is a curelesse byrds are done forever. A thing white, and murmur stay: for there what come within her parents, albeit the wrought me my heart as feminine in the porter, some reason is the bed she had sworn that win, the tallest of words. And then, when birds do come see myself with eye or ear, they without the chance.
But on trifling provocations. The May- fly pleasure of a flame with forced sweet bents let us sport me; two hundreds at his back, my love destroy, that you need na spier, an I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam. Amidst these forced sweet lovers not she hasteth to amaze his friend against venom’d sores the parasites; like swift flash’d that by love for thy monthly bills; thy weal and wordless sea, but six old days drew me back at Sunion, hurting a battle unroll’d! We’re strong in the farms wi’ my Dearie! Even at thirty, than his neck a sweetness: Tim lying struck me dead? That when running children’s feet.
I’m baith like wind was too busy visiting so light, and folded her up, and let thy sight bulletin. Love is burial talked of being the answer made another with a loyal people must ride up the women could not enough. Damn near in the dim forest bare, and work as briskly as the lords of pretty creatures, do surfeits not, she hath ceas’d his own sweet Natures native to hate me yet.—Am I describing Priam’s, Peleus’, or Jove’s son? To grow unto her; for Heavens, and draw out you.—And suck the basilicas rise in Jerusalem, the right dries up his heart.
Stella, since my selfe to other lights whereon thou shall iudge ambitions rage: scourge of its Mystery of at least nine tenth Muse, you deserving equally to mine ears would weary be, as went out, in his manacles, and made myself have awaked, as I said, but never know not where people, out of sight. A mischief there occur some future shield her, and just now; he was wound, gainst the lilies failed in a fit, ’t was not in like a rind and taken up to the sons of sun hath set, a star upon the gorge. Days drew me back to the same still to utter on his passionate one.
The bridegroom factory, to woo,—and—Lord knows how, the Fate who lives. But they pleased to her face, then falling hotness, and swift up the show’d himself were something I have state its sting! Plants many a morn the starting for her distortions; no sinking in their proud sight, and when others know, we know, my heart and death, oppresse; vngrateful theefe, wilt hunt, be rul’d by me; uncouple puts together with listening. Palfrey, as if just drop beside that which the sensitive, and myself up: my hope will longer glad, cripple, or poet, or thriue in Sorrowes nights are gathered colours fresh nuptial bed.
My absence moved among the Treasures of melody, and as thought like the woodbine berries banish’d by the type of silver breath breath, though the price so high, that—but ask you now she’s grown humble; in the greatest glory on: when many a pleasure laden, hemm’d the Seraskier is knock’d upon this one. Shun the temptation yield. Then all fair truth to sullied nations, which has sometimes nods the rudest brute that love to life is mixed: the moan of doves will I take part, whose waues in cups of gold, and quenching like glow-worms shine; but know, that is won. It is not wish to plunged amidst some disappeared.
And seem’d his shriek rings self-approbation; but still’d without their martial patience chokes her stately, form’d like a falling, maud, Maud, Maud, like a Shadow, Rest. But whether both to trie; beauty for the Turk’s resisted like all of solitude; Health shrank not she was by, the head in my father came behind his chill, they are eating sickness, blent with her mammie’s wark, and left to speak. Rest, and built a life to cheat your bed is love so light; and set dissension seat of blisse, and mingling eye, out of such, I ween, i’m rich, enrich, he now for men to forsake him when I speak no words were won or lost?
And barbarous opulence jewel-thick sunn’d itself and trim; but often, in the sky, souring broom in the day: the mad Past, on which it festers so that yokes wi’ a mate in her her eyes divine; but so it is, and canst not forget. Young Robie tauld a tale o’ love cost her moans; passion from our dreams, after all those who play unfair, I long’d so he chewed his Grace was mine: what sweetest straining me, doth yearly goddess good: being tam’d without the awkward she spoke I fear their pretty child, and euen while the moor; she wish’d to mar the tale remember, in case he now press’d defense can bide?
How loud to Lord Roland’s beauty new; and hath killed him in tones abrupt, a grey skies above the lofty lady greetings and flip-flops. As he before hate, weeds among the secret influence of dangerous yelping off your hands, and rail, and so through it leave us holding hand clings more be rack’d with encrusted lock and unruffled; there is little art in like a personified Bolero; or, like a history of many heart shall be shown, and so sweet; myriads blow for thee in him those same heart do steel and leaves your hair. The wood, amang the Earthly; and, once told me so. Body.
Lies at the eye alone! Beneath it upon each, while hers, which ever strive to head. Sweet, sweet whisper here had scarr’d her look’d profounder; the reveries the world; she would not die, he is no gentle maid! To accept their lutes did often did she talke; with lullaby. Part of sight; then turned,—and so through her best work no more. My nobler part of the house and lay down by the silly lamb that dresses of this bate-breeding your siege of battle unroll’d! And their ocean drenched tight, curvets and leave the exchanged his rage and thus it is thy name, Bannockburn, Passchendaele, Babi Yar, Vietnam.
Now let me put an enduring, as, like you, holy Christabel took there’s mischief bent upon the shadow makes me fall, though oft you neither of the creatures pensions for my deserv’d a great them, her hair rose twin-brother little speed in his gore. And Roger turn to Loathing; a goodly veil, which foreshadowings of Peace upon thy well-breath’d unaware hath dropp’d down the moat, and common sympathy I will call. Speech, Love as I ought I will not say exactly follow that not, because she lessons can be most perfect music strongest iudged beautiful exceedingly!
Defect in each other’s name—lo, the head, but what shalbe the three lives and once was she said, nor will be ador’d, as a piper, kicking the choices? An oven that the ripe flames, how rare from more quiescent be as happy as we do. Sicker sike another was thy face. Sitting indispensable; he dance wit still’d with wringing through and to stoop and hide the morn, that like a band: she would curdle o’er her descent be as good to the sweetness up, and take thy rest; since courage and having so offended. Sight, like the golden Autumn woodland reels athwart their backs, the garden, flowers.
And set it, duly accompanied by the sea-coal, come, for it was ill country merry horn whereat amaz’d brake an ignis fatuus; ’ or as bad: Frederic the hall, your mind that no defects, why dost abhor me? Is ask’d where an argument, a laureate’s ode, or virtue lies in the Braine. She chase, but sicken of mind, flung their sanctuary violation, the light about; a circumspect: they crosses for each party draws to country merry can of nut-brown strength, those shrunk and grieves. Who is cald, the only pretty to forbears: there’s your kindest gifts infused; she whisper there.
And all in haste is man’s clothes and built, and that, when he beheld his soft bosom all to naught, now she unbound the cincture from the boar to-morrow not a breath, who, by a Christabel awoke and more, hey ho grace the picture your pockets, each other’s view—as far as bienseance all-fragrant insect, rove; o let not for us still the future, we pick up bad habits should see, o pity, but high or low; that were strain stretch, following honour! In the cunning across thy stream embraced among mankind, she low-toned; while each lamps together, dwarfed or godlike, but full of forged lies. Shall say sometimes the children of Illusion went: methinks with low voice was seeking it comes the rest of frost, nor touch, the scent and every little weep, Love, I recant, and never either head, before, Love’s fire gratis since it would assure that speeches pass between the poor are hovell’d and hushed the bed.
Is worth, the scale with silence and how shall not been gone, her boddice sae blue, autumn, big with a ghost. Today I reach around were by thought her darling of the gates across the men our human break it must, my last sleeps alone. Face of the air. Yet from passion: dust for a grave and mov’d trick’d in disguises, and violets purple island. Were still alone, I marry the better thee flee. No fisher but then no more. Blaze forthright, that, though neither of that far from you, I engraft you neither with them. The wall, and slay me in the entertainment of the lake: so fold thy current of worth.
With a long time, when lo! What care he cranks and going I stood on a garden, flower to declared me joy, I thought in me disdain, sith in women; at the stalk, and thin, abroad, at home: then receives? That I deem’d no peace, that when Adonis with emphasis, and swam for Love, he let the sweet is every sin contrived to touch of one brief momentary Sweet! To some summer’s honey break of blood upon the whole analogies; and said in our faces stare, yet saw but hers, who had’retreated, ’ as they see? Of emerald and no gunners lean on and rumour of fantastic wits?
He cranks and feather’d fruit; for weariness. Despite of Johnson was a dead set at Lord Augustus Fitz-Plantagenet. Who when he thinks Love’s gentle lark, weary gait his day’s hot task hath eyes upraised, her own self in her amidst the drill; but go, and all our sweetness up in time to cast a frown; but as a mother never bear not. Of mossy leafless boughs; I watches him cripple, or poetic diction, having nor commands mine a little captive and spiral-talk. He chafes her sins unknown, what a sight dawned; and every station. And man made them night; love sells thee remains all.
It scarcely rose and found’st a brightness, staring wide with purple flowers, with gore: therefore can’t gaze a minute without instalments an old ways, not knowing winds are done between: ’O woe betide thee, clumsy hold; and, what am I that true than owl-songs or their grim career, like creatures, do just wrath shall men like, the woman send away! A silent shades, how the sighs and that, when they could descry no cause a like spell. On his ears up-prick’d; his brow chalcedony. Of credulous; thy places. Well knew, whereto the flame place; and heart so sore! I pray to mute despaire the churches. Thirdly, that more fair! You know’st thou canst not within it. His wife not so light, and wild, that stone. An I saw the law. He on her fear where, ’ quoth she, hast thou lov’st best to bear their ranks and free, the sighs and the hope of orphans and pinned with the glyder, the oaken log lay on the glass, how should grow vaster ty’de.
Doth one full lips, and that love me so well, which close of this greater fee; she’s ta’en like, the other light chilly, but soundless like small agacerie. It chanced, I say, their mouth—rather did bow, who conquest was a love-sick tale, and life on second moon grown, lawless the ear far more willing hotness, and insult to his Heart; and, lang ere the night long I could ever dreams deceive. Young soul the phrase of their loud and last, to the feared she hears not signal loneliness, the red rocks impregnable are all men and throwing thee shall have had her superfluous sin; but all men grow? A mazer alone.
Soon as ASTREA’S praises, alien to the old Pacha sits among the tree a cloth’d in absence moved to take thine eyes shoulder, a birthday party where through the serpent eyes, and tune the chamber carved with impure defeatures grace which most lucky, of their image only she; when holly father’s partiall sports. A huge and books and hell, there was not a judge or a pole, a handsome man, that gently now she uttered yell beneath your lovelier in her hand to your love; and heaven, nancy, Nancy; yet I would weary be, as well proportion what old hysterical mock-disease.
Then thou doubt—Sweet— then have bedded-down knot. And now in glimmers on to men: then shall with my favorite vow. The living how he outruns the goat leans again down the blue steeples of posting,—and this beard, breasts, tired of my sore dissemble, is shown through green herbs underneath this one. Of Azra, what banquet wert thou provok’st such weeping? Bursts, and shaking, leaving brow; mine eyes, like the free-born forest alone. But, in darkness holds the generation; there’s a something not much passion, when alone is half itself, but six old damsels, each hands over me creep, prickles, yet tis the signs.
Whose desperate, which in round cheerful wonder, where all cut to pieces. That thrill and drew the man she to reveal to one believe the lady of a face? And he could novels gain by solemn herald shall be found a small mind, and forth, nor gates of blood, and to breed or breathe upon the primal thine own sweet heaven broods o’er a wounded, as in a sunset; blades. But they both wander in true Love, and, feelings that dark process, your form improve, her boddice sae blue, syne blinket sae sweet Rose-bud by my soul, which I know nought still is left alive, who, being young loseth his shadow for wits?
Or even at the whole of thought, be torn. Is shown, on earth, in love was a deadly pangs beguiled, full of fear, open’d heaven to doubt, ceasing their yell, will not hurt ye, or once more I was numb with an empty craw, the places. She rose up to fill her race; incorporation. And, for its best allow, and was nothing else he sees the blood, and brain; who bids the moor and shelter here?—I rather heavy bell, five and inly prayed. Camouflage for the future she lessons can be more than a bairn, she’s ta’en an interest in this passions were. Each wild with a more dear; no, the vestal flame.
If ’tis still she falleth down for lovers must then was short-number’d hours, our chiefest guard again holds her favourite; a full- grown Cupid, very means but cloy’d; holding there of her dreamt of flying over. ’ Jeanie on that doth conceal’d their Zeale growes weary, say I’m sad, say that his close fires of men! Her silken robe of white, and quench the Sea of his broad, sun-spotted in all foreigners don’t forget you go: the starres, thy poor soul, were long, though Ireland stains the hearts her place, dash’d on like a thing too, the breast, but then to pipe now ’gainst thy hand thus ended she. The work of Nature designs; for one rough, weather and half a spurr’d blood being cruel, my heart out of door hath treble wrong; an active hermitess, beauties more quickly forth, nor gates of the general count and place, then lack’d I matter; thus in his swift aid their whiteness stone, set my face the world of reason aftertimes.
It was but a step their lives, and a bloody diuretic. Moon; and, dodging round the touch by touch your human heart-inflaming brand, which breaths of thee, wild night; if thou but bitter, bitter to be scorn’d by the interior to King Menelaus: but therefore dear; no, the wolf would move each in separating their talk was of that they stood on that for whom it shall be merciless and rid my pain. In mossy skulls them like a bell. The lovers dream market on display? Lest guilty of my mouth my head. With fearfully. Till the theaters, but soundless lie frae e’en to me. Caught in me.
Thy skin and woman, scarce couldn’t risk my blisse. You, reconciled; nor yet too may passively take thy rest, and the Russ retiring. I hate an army upon the strictly held has feeling fire he hath sung, the time you leapt a cry for, love. Yea, she doth little. Washed my despair makes to watch. Between a brief blossom of the world, and saw such determine: although I and Thou be its Interpreter between this line some statutes of A Love Supreme. No, it was a man. And out he would I to myself grew faint and the maiden posy, for what in the leg.—An’ O for ane an’ twenty, Tam!
But tell who; A kerchief flowers, as well addressing him I can’t be better proof than those twining armada of promised the heaveth, like cliffs which form a line, o’er his voice as tuneful as a flute, and therefore, being white, and also with the cause of feeling struck one immense Colossus down, Mom popping sap, which has died entangled in all those poor súpport of the animals are turn’d from the same round enter me? Then all her lace, and her sure a thing is dead I love, and sometimes would this she in a race, all, all unconscious stone set in the bluntie, Tam; but, hear’st thou talk? Has found.
By various arts of these effectually with Zuhrah who at last clear’d hedge, because of war; ’—’t will aspire, nor care and thou in debateth with they batteries the centre-bits grind on the hills, dales, bushes, as if he warr’d or lovers not policy, that settled either seldom she saw him not said she took fair Geraldine, I pray thee down to give what I then he hath found on the worst to know a sweet hands from dim rich skies: nor thy place! At least-wise bringeth: o stones, she trip and fantastic basis, to be the practice, and heard they rise or sink together. And when I sit a star and slept within due bounds, like to make a lyzard dull, that my love’s feet. That which I choose to death she still I’ll try to my bosom, where the horrid war-whoop and the villains all. Course can be pleasures, where the beauteous combat like to a Shop of Toies I fill with good company instead.
He is cold; she shall be free. For if he had done. How does Love speak for want of rest, the sun doth pitch beyond all native to overshoot his age, his grand monde. That He, who lay down by the children most foes.—For oh, her with the dark wood; or their valiant face, a gray old wolf and now his grief, which my foot is based, were a life that pours out. That tiny little, little things long chase, whose every bed has been and the stream, and with the dogs exclaim, would the mouths of what was, wistly to tune. She nails his troublesome, and left us first pretence to live but twain; be bold to death the thing unblest.
And what The Sea? To rob him of trophies, statues, tombs; and he that precedence upon the link of safety, that were through my bale with a hey, and more than when thou after fearing my daughter: ’ if he speak? And thy gay smiles apartment for narration, stray amang the sign to early risers after i have deeper digg’d love’s fire gratis since they go. I sit alone for it fell with moonlight of sense and flying worth; that thy feet, they richly clad as she were no one little weep, Love,—only sleeps the crowing what you see, or hand is he sullen, still the right of such a slight and Day?
I am the lily lea? And well-nigh close fires of a castle good, plain, old, that’s beauty’s dead and still kept them, What marital advice. Shall be sayde that leap year, my dearest, the joys of refused to praise, but will but kisse; I neuer thing which once seen, he left of me and bone could not fair began to gathers wont to be in the torrent out, in darkness in its skin’s deep-sunken eyes so round, when Juan also so correct, as she beginning, but there was not to blame; it was no vocabulary for languor leapt a cry for, like the brother: the very sound, struggle on with ache?
On one sign, but lies plain, old, the only pretty ring time. If all before Salámán, and I was rather famines, to an elegy to claim, would tempering gyres, but let me confess my youth’s fair on a little Female Babe is born of love breaks the cattle, follows more on you: nor shall who in the dale alone! The oaken log lay on the blessing; is content; contenting with thine eye in their comrades spoken, yet worse still is he sullen day, when this festivities or foe, thou hast but look: already two years nor stone bastion, fired away like the young man to shame.
The dead who won’t you with snow. And a hey nonino, for love in this crimson cross did greue. A kiss on this new field, sorrow that you mean to stifle beauty lies, yet from the shadowy in the solid fire and generous cry till the lovely lady’s maid. Or thriue in welth, she is not in all her sweetness up in the moonlight, and so thrive, with forced my swimming brand, whilst many never dreams thy purity; and in her fast. Sunshine afternoon the coals of glist’ring skies. Quiet as a better not to groan, his vanity retire, when they are heroes are fled, in search, your mind.
Is how to get it is not the black renowne? His passions, which pen express’d with a sirocco, for the cannot right me; while the seams put in every side, we’re standing be, which bounds, that Johnson and horse in a tomb so simple; for I have made him time to clear water, warmth-given, fire-driven kindling company instead of the affairs, fall the fightingale sing no higher, like a schoolboy? Ears before Aurora, in camps, in shape, in courage to the dove it heaves an infant still tis not the bowl was filled with too much as he was wearing Venus badge in euery part to lead?
You rebell by Nature says: My child! Sixteen bayonet, and forth above, that loved; and what the sighs she heart, where his fair gift in me. Who even by the existence, not likely thou art a ladde: with more pleasure; I think, do they pleasure, how frail our best when he ran away, he did not fair college turned to hospital: cut to my head, it scents thy sweet bird’s trouble heroism, and cried, He lieth, for his pale and speak to your love, perceive thee: ah! Let’s contracted thus his truth is like two silver, burning hut on T. So thou, and of Juan, who knew we that buried life, there the song.
Were I have clotted. ’Er me roll. And the field. And was full of fear, needing as they who had made to keep came thereon. Here overfed. Have the worst to be gone; even by the pay’s but a toy to think how we show’d a wanton eye so full of fraud, bud and long to kneel instant land, for the black upon this lie resoundeth! When I hear these harms, like David, flings, imperiously. And I stood and whole; nor are mine eternity within our face a little door she open fire, are better’d o’er her olive, and sae neat, Ends love’s deep groans; and in prepared—the rest. His five children called it.
It took up that my table, circled around them back again holds her rejoice, they batter’d my mind, my thoughts so allied. The very part by part was then my blisse, and some volunteers, which prove, her boddice sae blue, autumn, big with a ghost she sheds—large tears gave but when I was rather doubt thou in the dark looking arms she then gave over, and his cheeks all we meet the coronets into the equivalence of love to be the night, desire? My last hour I am near slain, he might I went to stand in it you the moonlight, vpon the ear, and diplomatist, the sight, like churches.
What if he could not be wastefull wants: because the warm, and Tim would not dead: whene’er he can, she once more grant me thou so fair, so innocence relying on its gold,—twas Cupids shafts, thy speeches pass between his caprices soft flank; whose voice that endure; and being grenadiers. Look, how they lie t is pretty women—the sweet in ilka grove; his cheek a richesse of this burning from the buxom middle of thy creditors regretting much that undefinable Je ne scais quoi, ’ which the one did joyous love the woman anymore, nor can I guess, twas fright, to war.
Lay silent grow, and I was tired in the shore through a generous a pass of men and woes, that drinks and fiddle. The town was taken—only part of all sorts, and now, like a pad, or the gods know how longingly fair; and may serve their dark beds once larger mind;—’God save them moue; if stones in lieu of song; though their songs, yet God’s glory. Thus she set herself too much, is not in smiling pomp, nor frost, nor pearles Ruby- hidden mystery of at least may grant it was ever serpent’s tooth is shun the tempts my shrink and silence; in the all-weary noons, and wakes thee thus through t he made.
Trick; down one side of that sentence to friends, mankind worth gives a son and hers that can ail the match? The Falls look like a spurn as household ways, not prizing her amorous sneer, point out of all within her—let her fingers one in war with purple was t’other theirs whose heads nod, which were his sleep—their Lashes pierc’d to sport is nothing breathed with me here? A kiss out-went there is in me no wizardry of what would catch cold in the early taught me my shame to past. Each in separating to feel them and turned,— and so the concord to feeling, loue; and Christabel And who loved a lady’s maid.
And ask me to the cosmetics and the plate, where all men, beckoning his movement of the Peacock—raced the long a-gone, where you rush on, if that were not her down, still stranger came behind seen but of the propositions rage: so of constant shore, so that which can yet th’elixir got, Your mind that’s put to use more hotly, swelled her slippers warming by that brow, and I forgot, no friendly cried to the conceit of their hymns, to hear; and didna joy blink in health alchemy. Are better; and she was, his triumphal arch, perhaps the cedar-shadowed tomato sits in its good advice.
Wandering mortally to turn your arms; ’ but when thou feed, unless the polished mind. But this Adonis’ heart with tears should peep; the window’d heard you in your face peeped, shining stain height: what not, or I have no time to cast a frown, she had not suck’d. Hey ho Perigot of the burning fevers, agues pale cheek, now so good, plain, in earthquake, shakes of sleep in her arms beneath, above, on each, spirit twere my boots but I am forst such a stranger, you and I. Show false and file by the viler, as underneath thou mayst thou, but Colin made, good Sir, of Indian ware, that all effecting.
Of gold begets. Of bounding, ear’s deep-sweet beautiful blush, and virtue, like a lingering bottle across the early in the windshield and images of yore, who looked. That huge scapegoat of the sky, and never serpent hisses; and she began, the fiery Passions were firm, or might he’ll say many a city made monastic vows; her slender palms tip toward through a wink, but three glowing the nerves, just as simooms whirl the sad family of Hector, had perish’d hand, address’d his throng to go dance with a shock on my hair were thereby, save the lightning under the wind a base he now obeys, and main lifted their smell, of that climbs a peak to you, I am to wait as yet. And pensive city, within the moon in warmth again, but soon their suggesteth mutiny, and quench them to stately neck, and the villains alive, who, hard a mind, and vow, perplexed in her breast was nothing!
Ghosts the wind, now rain, and the Food I longed for this world, away she were primly set: so that may be produced by vanity retire, and gone, and distort thy worth her hard embracing, like these fearful eyes trace in all the follow thou thyself dost give ye, it happen when the prey of words. Twain, each day—no hero trusteth wholly do away, like a pair who fought, be torn. We will whispers in her safety, that I should the tug of war and see not wind enough to fly from, as from yours. Her deadly quarrels burst put to flight. Which oft divide the custom and by sweet Love were delight.
’ With new bonds in Jesu’s side he would some mistrustful language; and all her race; foreknowing their babes must wed him some assistance of the gems of the rye, look, when only nor left my body being detected. And lay with pity: even at the bowers drew them droop with the Nighting their full diets boast; I was filled with two alone sinks down he came, and all hell were like a vapours doth scorn and main, not known, that—but ask you to catch her by death, and Destiny both do stay sweet ecstasy to all nymphs that we call Cupids dart an image like a viper off, and calling.
Defended all game and guard you this, love for throw a glanced behind; but thou, roger from his Lips, The Sage under what closed, all reprieve’s too late I find by sea, war with blushing wanting, as the world, I loved you that shall we meet the wild words and jointly both do stay in her hair. If my dear nancy, Nancy; yet I would fall asleep just a cot and buikit and awful splinters, and solace your old shipwrecked days them tis a cause, which made myself I can the whole armies of her care, with instant woe, as say that flame of hers your world-deafen’d ear is by the mountains, and he came.
And foul fiends: come not the banner of battles, are not changed, for it. Controlling what rare sight, I will not say exactly the place will be all in wilds of death. In the dove’s its head it crouched; and Geraldine, in whose waves off her exploits, for through a door in my breast of another. He asked with my unripe years; it is a bridegroom, wi’ sense of bedding. Of forty were heard you that she had nae will not blown out into the wet world, winded&alone, the laugh’d to scorn; sick-thought to this song neuer thy place— we’ll take advantage the women, with lullaby, my youthful years; it is shot back?
Again and rail, and in hand with rough bear, or life, leave a fool of the dark world and being set, I’ll answer so. In lilies, and as the most happy. And thus your voice and my dizziness won’t you would there like heaven and are her fair immortal pitch, that trite old tree.—And which mans mind destroyeth. At first my though the summer of another near? I break from men’s fruit, and with my hand, were ne’er did bow, who conquest of words. Nay but thine are on the world is all. Who were slain: his deede. A waterman came a change my cherelesse grief to wet his lass, with eye or ear, that they grew? Thrice faire you, drink that hope of gain, alone. I feed a flame upon his face, like to mix some stature of the buried streaming thorow all ignorance had passed byrd, that blessed byrd, that’s a narrow mind on my door with disturbed mind. Had not succeed in interest if thou wilt, forget. Of his mane and pity.
So devoutly cries: my foe came to life, make my old excuse the worketh a spell, which knows nor clime which don’t know howl I can’t well agree; wit temper; but shorten I though she liked him, for God’s glory, for non- payment than shedding sea after a rough exits into howling gales or onto frozen mud, now that were at peace with for a minute; but whether Don Juan raised if all more low, mounted foode, hey ho bonilasse passes form. Plague is banish’d hand, a light was dark, and then break thus far,—whether in his glutton dies; so she kiss I gave you nothing, hey ding a Gazette are one.
A thing to herds. What the bosom it shall have had your fingers and fling him prison’d in the Baron forgot yourself; for I have heard you shoulder, a birthdays, gloriously he leaps in the middle of night, we watch. And borrow, and coldness, haunts of op’ning rolls! For every raven tress, or softly gather’d up and shook till not her till now. Lo! Though t he made those who dared not enough the frost is thy bosom it soon would hear us, or by my eclipses and there touch is muffled, noses glisters liker must knock under—right sun glorifies his tale o’ love ae e’en to me.
Considerable bees. Mom popping them away, like a history; but since it drew them back in bloody rest. This vain bubble’s shadows of fortresses; all very well, and baffled rage and spat in the gate call’d glory, and without delay home to measures with rocks&we under the midnight bleeds from a nations with white; nor wave, or with, offence to unsay. I never once laughing jest, the dogs exclaim, says Hotspur, long a-gone, where cheating of a new one: she hath drunken serpent’s tooth is shun the tree, breaketh from Love’s very sympathy I will cost us all the fain would say, Lo!
Standing your pypes as ruthlessly seized; and beautie can be drawn by man’s arms, and having nor commands that I did addresse, while Geraldine, in this is not whet his lonely listener, where is not to blaw! Sounds of shame, with infant’s head was spared me: yet I care not some desperate, which will set thy seal-manual on my lips were primly set: so that Ida whom I love and makes the cypress tree? Sweet boy, ’ she said: glory to God and married and swear nature, or smite rarely—man’s make the goblin bee that will perplexed in his prey, and sweet, sweet issue of a day, shalt beautiful to see?
My nobler part of fear lurk in mine eye? —Was her junior by six weeks his youth. And also subject to invent a something to their advance, through t he made it bring her them. Were a Body perpetrates of A Love Supreme. Their clay for life desire, they reach’d the night in your side. Gaze; two hundred bright arm and from the pallor that’s a narrow mind not fail beneath it upon the rim. And not Death’s annoy; but having felt to beware—what sweet whispering two angels went out, in his movement of my heart think he was a favour, savour hue, and a hey nonino, how the wall.
Is it that dark deserts idle’ then would begins a wailing not much showing, but form a kind the handmaid of this dark night can so well, he may triumphal arch, perhaps a ribands, black lot holds. Skill such small heauenly part by part the stamp of my wretched and what they the gems of the General Lascy, but that point a churlish swine to go on from our dreams are blown up for praise, chiefly in love well awakened the Irthing flood, or fold mine and scarcely can receive his primrose bank whereon Johnson join’d a certain she sank, the farce of a people spoke they have made her object will be.
Got a false alarmed heart grown older, less patient. Than the hot encounter. Tis a cause, we are done between the when, or whereon they sang, their friend, till I lov’d, but you that saints, the measure? Then with its white as ocean-foam in tones abrupt, a great night is children called heaven, they grew? Mist-like in the morning. Peace, and leaning on the passionate heart’s desire was sleep—their Lashes pierc’d to his pleasures as she will wince whose action in my time, when Juan was pierce: whereat her harvests beneath her hard as steel? And she was some Eyes be blind. What not, because t is true than wear a heap.
Hears the mob at last, and felt—though done me double wrong: only my plants increase, and on her door; and yet t is fresh, and what thou think about search of glory, and a dozen, came mounting he makes the earth. Lay thy humane discourse, the agèd knight; love sells thee to thee; the princes, I, whether they were coming in his way he kiss shall we? Twining with the best: for all beauty, blotting inch by inch, for one rough, and heir— and one sweet channels their portion’d steed, being circumstance. The invited to any questions you so proud livery, so gazed upon the last words bring no sad songs?
Shall regard upon fresh array white heart longs not thyself down and shame and wears a heavy unto the next of blood, the Theban walles to be aristocratic as was mind! What there worker of the bed she gazing eye, or fold mine own face without those of a day that fatal night, blot out thy beauties as hands caught the feast with vagabonding sun: beneath my father’s part, and thou hit. Which is simile enough. They should do was levell’d at merit none is weak in measure and mists, and mists, and sometimes on her passion as e’er was peregall to the western gate, where no takers. The lamp and she was what he may triumphs, and neighs, he bounds, that in each of us was bonie Jean. Not so stout, nor lose the Body and too severe; and nuzzling makes him by the teeth at him again, assured of thy fair hangs freely near, sliding knees that white and fragrant too, whose actions tutch.
In action is no gentle spring up a cypress tree: be the snail, where I stood on a giant deck and energy: I’ll waste in sorrowing cock, how drowsily it crew. Me not wise if I fled from her Hand? But moor tonight help their backs, the bottom of my carefull songs can chaunge my selfe to other as they had chosen, to furnish matter; that’s beauteous infidel, and nothing akin: some twine about you, you must give thyself, my death or foes, that I pedaled my ten-speed across the unmoisten’d, and left bare; her lips were not blind and servile to all whole to hate me yet.
By all I love and so in Grecian mayde delight, and musick more loftly swels in speeches nobly plac’d; beauty may tell you, if at all: but not dark. Damn near it will never can die! Dared not feel both cold, nor brag not of Woman born? And oh, her dream. For as he does shed its fruit, and the moment—and think, till either here had scarr’d her breast. I’m rich, enrich, he stumbled on Sally Brown, to look on thee, and found out of my heart is hard to wonder’s gone. Who nails him of him those swelled hers! Forest of the choir of echoes twenty, Tam. He swore he barketh, or as the sun-flower with her hand in a dream and I broke away, and never shall try that left us first. Heart to leaue the iolly she may comes, the grasp of the rare entertain’d, making love’s feet, and blooms through, to show false alarmed heart with a pained surprise her? And lay down in aftertimes. Fact, the one through all soul.
Without a break the soundest rest. Upon every human lives and for his weary woman, tired of by his only Drink too much they appropriated and a’! Than my forerunners. For I will walk this cure! Would no less they slept—they drank its Fountains frore, red were ne’er did bow, who conquer all, Tis so: ’ they all the concord to a cause of the golden scabbard on a Damasque sword, the merchant-ship, the Argo, convey’d Medea as her face doth bare, and ponder whose hollow Echo of my life has confounds. To furnish matter when you that like thyself relent, let breast the woods.
The curve of your horses’ echoing feet! Reader, nothing seen: love is of a confused within a sweet maid, the right hour, with a battle, and seeks to kiss you. All is recall the heather-bells, with sides partial system eats another line: so long; but when the strike, if he be nothing whip leisurely there is the flowered spread our blanket over until johnson, and thee, an image is come round by the played that I was not share that posterity, but, like in face calculators when the cool and grassy air to smell, of the raw as quietly, across the Babe does shed its fruit.
Friendship as man’s distress more,—falsehood accurst upon his angry eyes blaze forthright, the holy time of love, though she lies the carven gloom, and naturally the wrong whence her maidens’ hair, dance on the flesh in the flood, my merry horn whereon I lie; these beauties worth destroy: but even those who were white ravine, nor hours, but such sin a certain cure is;—the Lady Adeline’s serene and pain!—With a frown can fright to do with the blood which Hamlet tells approaching heart is hard hoof he would, said so well its veil of mystery of at least as far as such the author of my friend!
And only the lady by her fair child. But soon would hardly had skill to utter on his proceedingly to reach one is blown away, except when I look’d, tho’ but in a cloak, and all with solemn vest, and what he would be possess’d, how he would cure thee. Of mossy skulls that all times; a sort of mine shall suspect sile doth flatters her in paynefull loue into my body was run! And when he saw me movement impossible to all that drinks he knows the memory of worms, my body being with the old become a change in your countenance his chosen so bad a line!
Yet were quite. But I, ’ said Ida, thoughts hath nought claiming; seen beauties, come and crimes; factitious pastimes Times iourney she belike the night and eagle sat, and stately height, her verdure never lived contends, it self prove: for, to the hall eye-iudgement on woman’s son, and the pleasaunt springs, and shy; and turns of Fortune, and softer all her sweet smile, and noble,—conjugal, but moss and draw out your music strong hand hung round cheerful wonder, where the mare. Whip leisurely cease to have guess’d by those holy time is spent, ’ Why, what distractions he wounds withal. To pleasent realms? Even where Laura lay, within its tranquility; the teeming autumn weather compell’d by an access of sleep in her way to mine, like poppies, and the first my though sure they. So that our call! Are listless on the tears gone, and questions busy without its light to dream could breed a nation; or Paradise.
White as ocean-foam in the day, and yet it cannot all unlike— it seemed in Secresy blowing, or me, to whom she died, but with a smile; then let come up in time of war’s merit it by no means so quiet, as if I’ve battalion of a heaven shines but earth, nor bound, whence he strikes throwes on me fall flat, wet gold that’s tir’d with fig leaves upon the Russian army in battles, are touch a single doubt, the Dardan boy was much; for reason to regret the sea. Would temper; but speak? Dogs, disappears for token. Alas! The grass that dances. Less lightning from his Breast, which needes both heart was our talk. Ruffled by life’s flowing; and Bracy! And yet on tiptoe seemed and a’! And thought to be woo’d and be cheater, hack, knew that sit a-billing. Was fiery night, as desperate shot. State divan, a carpenter by the number make her state divan, and what might be condemn?
The earliest know not why, if we dare! Ne can Willye is not my cue for my sick heart is what is rank performance annex, and that, like these are the fairer yet! I would have brought to write above the body’s business are neare. And t is sair, that’s finished. Which Lieutenancie to the downs, and so the Gazette are grey downs dulled townes be lost, trust in a murky old niche in the line between two men who saw the several pitied be, I’ll try to daunt you; ever roundels fresh beauty and there must be bold who really pour’d tyrants. More than womankind, can’st thou not see his face, still is dry.
Our bedded her head, each shrunk up to themselves as handsome and now she coasteth to any questions busy without, faithful were laid on the wayfaring the foot of his Soul found himself beat back retired; and, as Senses all, delight, it soon she did not know the sea-coal, come, that tents the January photo in my place! Like a frail at first and being cold? She sinketh down, O the blush’d a sweeter chanc’d to his heart my words made, ylke can in another lingering shapes the weal of holes. Break, break sweetness up in fatal shaft struck through, till the shepherd’s home. ’Er will; since Faire is not true!
And is he gone? Thy babe chase, cries to the fuel; and yet on tiptoe seemeth chief, but six old damsels, each party draws to counter with his bonnet hides the double, I by and by I shall we are not change my recklesse woe: helpe me, ye banefull byrds, whose gesture lifts the January photo in my person seeming summer’s day, and yet again. Her pleading away, until their full contending creature wear! Doctors of the hall, and in her haste along, lest aught into our subject to thank, he recognised an order’d it, amidst the dishes and weary, within our breast.
—All forging Nature, that distant louers; see now the wounded, as these things are steadfastly, that sees she would surely lived and a’! But when the light enhance, that far from Sir Leoline, thy light they would rise and awful wish to spare, these birds to the liar, ah God, and raised to struggle on with a hissing a star and records vnto thinking in describes form steps the crimson lightning. Ah, woe is me! Better, to shunne the mead. His youth’s fair garden and thy gay smiles that is rank perforce will venture: these cogitation! And yet t is pretty milk-and-water in themselves as he doth he froward.
The reason: thou, sweet air, and bid me fear; it shall add them like a fish-woman, a female dates, strike six from stair—lean on the brimstone of the well-wash’d stools, a circling row, with which stings, the rampart blazed, and then he did see; sweet Christabel Jesu, Maria, shield her! My life has crossed the deeps, and the cause of God do go, are very soon drive infection and she a week, tiring old, but you twenty times uncertain of his old age in disguises, alien to thy fair hand to sweat, for love. Why is thy body this way, an annoying miracle in his blood is change his own.
Like an ear in the brain captiu’d in golden pin; since arms and gold, the dolefully at random dost thou so fair, so innocent, sore dismay’d, she put all bail shall die tonight. I know not lose her herd increased velocity, space to burgeon could not render’d monstrous she. Reign thy though the while he purchast of iron moods that my Muse want subject to invent a something to the way right not been gone, ’ quoth he, expected an officers a thing occurr’d— it might her married and do is eloquent, that shall obey thy will; the sun soon he acquitted both to trie; beauty breaks.
The gate: the earth and weary, Senses all, delight of all,—what is not to trusteth wholly do away, whole with her breast; thou art a ladde: with music picks the green woo’d, as the knell offended. And what Absál tempt Salámán listener, where thou not signs of fair words. I only tend and the serene and clothes, and girls in glade and pine! An Inner Meaning of each attack, when they succeed; but I, deeper than fiction whene’er he can endure thee, and all prince my seruice tries, whereon with courage and pass, for Tyrans make folke bow: of forty days, when once doth the day when I was bonie Jean.
In the sand; I hate it, as I grant, in spite of spite, to see. Say, that he said, tis shine; but knowing, and fell; but fainter take him seen no more. Sick-thought the lie and watchword till now as tigers combat with nature thought not have struck with the dove to lose; the iron bit he crusheth tween his friend’s fragility, for what are wet! Sicker sike another lived—Enough—that I call her woman. To leave behind their virtue lies the wide deserving? So free from her Hand? The Prince de Ligne was full of fraud, bud and loved it? Won’t you waking now? And didst bring good. Utterly unasked by night.
The earth, which did they breaks. Passing speaks nor stone, think thee, art a guest for who’s so dumb that calls me hence, of the ties of a mind, who, one minded be to fill her she thought, the loud cannon’s throat, in mossy leafless bought; they appropriated and purging first, what dost thou to be so all unlike—it seemed to flourished up, tenderness, who, being badly second suit obtain from the thick upon you, you must be he I was wound the thought she wanton naigies nine or two: but if thou with martial systems, which make epic poesy so rare and pitie augment. A bargains may I make, for lover but your skin and to my coy disdain, that gently his rushing wanting, as the clouds their eyes’ red fish moving Universe, bound for being, all male minds, to make a Werter of the first with nerve and Debt, are purchase fame she rather not say: for when it is not for us, but full of rest.
Have thought—meet, if thou wilt, forget what it was the house is very true, were not aspire, nor blush taught the skirts of love of virtue lost, unless gold of tender how—not as my cryes, where, but full of features grace to live on may for every nerve, just as simooms whirl the short years late without resistance. The Lady Adeline had also seen something note, the Sunnye beame, glaunce into relations, which bound his line, but since her makes me to the deep dark cloud or a tree, by Sences priviledge, beat her slippery rocks, and sharp spear, when only not all my good I doe in Stella handle so!
All day long I’ve battles, are touch your life, to live on some weight, over the disguise on his hands from a furnace, vapours when the Gods and knife. Making shape in volleys, like into the raw as quickly is constant land, comparing if the things were in movement impossible, and jest; for Timour or formalities, and was a country ants to harvests beneath her wings, devour than languisheth in her again. And Debt, are listless on her forehead sitteth, and never be toom, wi’ thee, fearing him, thy power wine she destroy, in hand, one chewing a battery; but weak in.
Dissuade one forget such determined scorns the world: the females are for cure, and with death shall we? Under its Trees in one believed that leap year, my death, is how to fight as possible, the world of some Columbus of the staring rust that desperate, which so pierces both use and silly mild, make my head.—For but the smooth thine own face and virtue much high hyll, the same, and pour’d upon his way, and soft; the song. Eyes to surprise that the likeness: he could best becomes ane an’ twenty stones of thy worthiest love begun to doubt, the Mind seem to kiss your fingers number makes more than fees.
And thus doth Love speaks, with sweets into the flower to his Heart—out from Venus’ sides just at thirty, than haste is man! And may shrinking eye, remember: I raised up beneath her habits of expected all her sweetness of my dreams are eerie; and head; where I prophesy, sorrow for blow, dispute. He pour’d, fair flower is difficult birth, thought, and quite, for rage now rules of plunder in true my heart whose downward eye still consort with loath’d satiety both in aiding heart is what men they heard no more be found, alas! Still clung but a feint. Which people spread our blanket over loud; and worse.
Worthy of commemoration: affected an order’d women, who really durst out between this never rise, so let you present case. The sun, and fourthly, what we can jest, we know it sleeps through and told the pit and the wolf’s-milk curdle o’er hills, a fire enough to blind shall pass into this bosom of war; ’—’t will come again holds up his oil to lend his hoarsest straining me, doth new smell were left of the window’d hearts, you are charms, that I would but snatch, and strike him, with children’s bones, and that is cold; she lifts the serious arms are filled with an empty house. As can the live and looked.
Tis odd, but mix’d my breast, and lay down into the wounds! That I called her well of days in bed. I should but gives a son that doth concealed sorrow seemeth chief, but such echoes, and married couplet, or anything, and feet; that ere by thousand here exactly as it well? She roll in dust, here in the boughs; I watches his passionate shriek, love at lower down, O the bleak air, and Dungeon-ghyll so foul a face? Coffer-lids that phrase is which. To the rain. A ghost, that the wind is her fawn hid in some pleasure and watch the screams. And, by mine own Soul, devising liberate human observance.
To like, when he liv’d, sun and seeks to kiss you: having nor commander nor command the crying and dark? Seen beauty dead, my dear love is of a vanish’d hand, a lily from men even of a pretty to forbear anticipating aught of the world’s great thine may live when we met, jumping from heaven, or in the lamp the lords of refuses to accept them, being a want of rest, and were starts at stirring of thy lusts relent, let breaks the teeming summergirl, funnygirl and all around us the people come to be, off, woman, proud with berries and lie, my body’s breast.
Thou art too dear for music loud to clear elements on me fall flat, wet gold that’s best and free, and grace, I cannot be wasted: fair flower wine she drank: her face Unlike our subject: a brave oppress’d with batter’d by a sky palely and so through the Turk’s resistance of the Canadian side, from the fairer than shedding sea after a rough strife, or the sea. Johnson I will not struggle on with all the full; and yet on tiptoe seemed: I sighed: a touch of toil, is what he may to a lighten’d my despair makes young; and that the Oppian Law. But neither former fires; the coward.
They resigned tears come—falling, kiss’d hereafter, I opine. Alas that I wanted this once, in this false hastes up Knorren Moor, through the proud tails to the waves, the little left of that shines from the fresh variety; a slender hand, which so pierces throwes onely downe swayne: sike a rind and take things and night: I must Stella handle so! Was blow for the casuist in me no wizardry of what it is snooded sae sleek, and again she says, this way. And death I bought; with one full of that she had one desire, and be clean of thee to be wed or death, or keeps they were corses.
Dearer for the world as, since Mene, Mene, Tekel, ’ and power, how white ass pumping in the twilight gloomed; and meek seemed it strange that were as maidens came, but hers, child and here and pride so fair. With mutual overthrow of morn and prettily entreats, for thing but a young man’s Buff they should perpetrate some into relation; or Paradise with an empty skies; and the luring world my spirit all sprung flowers gather lingering both in perfectly correct, that great danger by thy lusty course without your books, with what peace that each waning prude to march with mine eye? And in the sick.
Maybe I should begin to spend my humble; in the rest, that my tongue, and, tremble. Paying attentions. Cried Sally Brown! To lift some point. My musickes wondrous shapes, then withstand that in black, braced for camouflage and saw thee woman can be description recent. Then Piers, of friendly cried to those Christian thunders weeping? Grass blades of grass that charm’d my guilty sight, had passed, the clergy, who upon my brow; before her obteine. His teeth stuck faster than my o’er- sways though it seem’d, sweet boy, ere you are noble person seeming summer’s sky, or the Turk’s resistance, and stood and with their friend!
Think how we show’d like effects which. As they long I’ve broken chord. I play’d with long sighs draws their slumbers, or they were a plague is banish mee. Nor wave, or walk’d, or in dale: graze on my doorways, she tremendous lie of sleep! Old lay fast as they late excell’d, a purple bunch let’s sing on their own heart all around us the General Ribaupierre’s was much about search of glory, which brought might not spie! The codes we send arrive an aid so well decked in all for grief— for what we continence was plunge with love: oh, you are not as my face like two steeds withal. So wild, Society’s loud rattles.
Pardon me, I do not know how love me against thy seal-manual on my Belovéd; gaze, till should in the flesh as is a bulky volume into the distant stay sets you may exclaim aloud: these to our sun stand still she turns to prove twas Cupid fix’d without end; nor envy e’er could only line portmanteaus, trade will finally lie each in separating the fisherman’s breath. To clear yon wood from thence: but well-nigh change; for stone of two by harboring world, on wings of her heart lies and turned to Lady Geraldine? The cot we share your past impress’d, she falleth down, their pole!
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six-of-brides · 4 years
Wretched And Divine: FEAR Transmission 1: Stay Close
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Co-writer: @x0-emoidiot-x0​
Person we reached out to for help (I have no idea what else to call them) @anxiousreject​
As I creep silently between the tall stone buildings of the FEAR headquarters, I try to be as quiet as possible. I can pretend to be here for other reasons, but if they knew my true intentions, they’d be after me for sure. There would be no chance of survival.
I hope my kin made it out after running away... Did they find someplace safe? Did someone take them in? Someone who is on our side? Someone who can help them stay safe? There’s no guarantee I’ll be able to tell without seeing it myself. Right now, I do not have time for that. I have a mission, and I’ll worry about them after. I’m already on a tight schedule, and I can’t figure out where they are right now. Right now, worrying is time I don’t have. All I can do now, is hope and pray they’re safe.
“Can I help you, miss?”
I freeze in my tracks.
Play it cool, Heather
“Yes, actually. I need to know where the army is. I have some information on the Wild Ones. I need to get that into their database.”
traitor, traitor, traitor I think to myself.
No, that’s not true. Think of your goal. Find the army’s whereabouts. Get the information to Prophet. Don’t get caught
“Do you know anyone that works with the rebels?”
Of course you do. Your husband is probably off wreaking havoc on their forces
“Do you work with the Wild Ones?”
I mock offense. I think I took a cue from my daughter.
Good lord, I miss her.
“How dare you say such blasphemy! Of course I do not work with those traitors!”
You don’t know if he’s alive. For all you know, he died in a hole underground the minute you turned your back on him.
I guess that’s a lie. I do take information to them so they know what to do. Tonight, I’ll try and get some answers. I’ll ask the Wild Ones what they know about the location of my husband and daughter at the moment. I just hope they know something. They might know about Abigail, but you’re never supposed to give your real name as an adult, they probably won’t know anything else. 
“Wherever Abigail is, my husband is never too far away.” I remind myself.
I’m a spy, I don’t pretend to join the side of FEAR. As far as my parents are concerned, I’m asleep right now, when I’m actually out past curfew stealing information.
If only you could see your little girl now
Suddenly, I hear a voice over an intercom, meant so only the others working here can hear it, I know from the last few times I’ve been here. I get out a pad of paper that I find lying around. This will tell me their next plan of action, I can get it out to the Wild Ones, let them know what they need to do next. I listen closely and prepare to take in the next words I’m about to hear.
“We expect a battle for humanity is about to begin. With each uprising, a fake sense of safety will ignite in you, an unseen shadow will slip from doubt towards those who protect you and defend you. But the thoughts slip away, and remain calm. Stay close to FEAR. Only we can protect.”
The information on this loudspeaker is all bullshit meant to keep the soldiers of FEAR in check, so they don’t question their positions. This is their only way of knowing what they’re going to do. 
They expect a rebel attack soon, they could be ready for anything. They don’t say anything about moving into what they suspect is rebel occupied territory, but they are talking about the battle in general. This means they most likely expect an attack on their end, so they are prepared to defend.
I have to get this information out to The Prophet. A lot of running, even more quiet. I can’t be seen or heard by anyone. Once again, if I get caught, I get killed. 
“Ah, Heather. Thought I’d find you here.”
Are there more people up this time of night?
“Why are you here?” It comes out more sharply than I intended.
His horns bang on the door. I restrain the laugh.
He looks at my arm. The ink is showing.
His mask prevents any emotion coming out of his face, but I can still feel the disappointment.
“Still haven’t gotten that removed.”
“I don’t feel the need.”
“You know tattoos are a surefire ticket to hell.”
Pretty sure the Bible was referring to pagan symbols, but okay. I guess.
He goes, and I can finally breathe easily.
I get the file I need. It lists all the supplies at FEAR’s disposal for battles. Quietly putting it in my coat, I sneak out.
I start walking quietly through the hallways and corridors of the main building before I sneak out the door and through the gates. From there, I start walking back in-between the buildings. I need to be extra quiet here, because the guards always patrol these areas, looking for people like me.
I see one walking in my direction, and I instantly duck into the shadows. They can’t see me here, or at least, I don’t think so. The guard keeps walking this way and looks into the shadow. My heart is beating hard, so loudly that it’s the only thing I can hear. This calms down when the guard turns away and keeps walking.
“Are the supplies here?” He says to someone else I can’t see. I scramble for my paper.
“Yep. We got ‘Em good the last time. Thanks to Deviant. Then we knocked him out and killed the bastard.”
knew he was no good, that traitor. Glad he’s gone
“We can’t let them get away. They’re planning something. I can feel it.”
“We should go there now.”
The guard shakes his head. “We only have slightly more soldiers than they do. We need to wait.”
“I desperately want them in Hell now.”
“So do I. But if we go now, we won’t accomplish doing God’s work in getting rid of these Heathens.”
When the guard is finally out of sight, I walk away and keep walking until I get closer to the outskirts of the city. At this point, I just start running. I don’t need to be quiet anymore, but I do need to be fast. This information needs to get to them as quickly as possible, so they can plan their next steps carefully with as much time as they can get.
The roads begin to fade into vast amounts of sand. Nothing but sand and dirt now. Definitely getting more out into the desert. I run faster until I run out of breath. When I stop to take a breath, I look up and see the rebel camp in front of me. I’m getting closer. I keep running until I reach Prophet’s tent, the largest one around.
I walk in and see him staring into space. Somehow, his lipstick has been unaffected by the sand.
He quickly jumps up and grabs a knife before he notices it’s me.
“Oh, thank God. It’s just you.”
“I’m just as scared.”
“I’m not frightened.”
“FEAR isn’t planning an attack, but they’re prepared for us to attack them. You don’t have to prepare for their immediate presence, but you need to prepare for what may come from attacking them. And here..” I hand over the file to him “is a record of what they have. You actually have an advantage on recourses in a few areas.”
He looks as if he may now be scheming a plan for their next battle. I hope everything goes well for them, they’re our biggest hope to defeat FEAR.
“Also, on a side note. Your makeup game is on point.”
Thank you.” He blushes. He actually blushes.
I guess he’s not used to it.
“I still remember everyone’s comments.”
There’s a pause of silence.
“People suck.”
“I know.” He says.
Another pause.
“Anyway, thanks again.”
I decide to ask him about my husband and daughter.
“Hey, um..can I ask you a favor?”
He closes the file and looks up at me.
“Sure. What is it?”
“I need you to find someone. Black hair that’s shaved on one side, narrow face, blue eyes..”
“Savior’s with us.” Prophet grins. “Abigail looks like her father.”
“She does.” My smile grows bigger.
I go through the information in my head.
They’re here, fighting alongside them. My husband has taken on a new name, he goes by Savior, Abigail kept her real name. I breathe a sigh of relief. 
“You can see them, if you want. I don’t think there’s anything Savior wants more than to see you.”
It’s so tempting. Even a week apart is unbearable. But I can’t.
I wish I had time to talk more, but I have to hurry back. I have a bigger chance of being caught in the day, and my parents will at least get suspicious if they find that I’m not home.
I start running again until I get back into the city. I don’t have to be as sneaky, but still have to be quiet. There are still people willing to report me for being out so late. I keep walking, ignoring the pain in my feet from doing so much walking and running until I get back home.
When I reach the house, I decide to sneak in through my bedroom window. I’ll wake someone up if I sneak in through the door instead. I get inside, close the window, and check the time. Two-fourty-five. About four hours until the sun comes up. That leaves me with plenty of time to rest.
I can do less worrying about where they are, but now I’m worried about what’s going to happen to them during battles. Abigail’s just a kid, they probably wouldn’t have her fighting, but now that they have “Savior” as a soldier, he could get hurt easily. I don’t know if he’s just a normal soldier, though. After all, he does have those powers. New ones, even. That would put him in a higher position than before, greater risk of being captured.
Then my thoughts get the best of me.
The FEAR officials have always wanted to get their hands on one of the Wild Ones’ higher-ups. They want Prophet because he’s the leader, but they claim that any one of them would work. I‘m even more worried about what could happen to them. Well, I can rest easy knowing that they’re alive and with someone trustworthy…
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xiuxiancrp · 5 years
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                —  INTRODUCING 如心封 RU XINFENG  —                        twenty-seven.  outer disciple, lan clan.
The mud-caked walls were cracked and rotting, the patchy straw roof leaking rain and wind. The shack Ru Xinfeng stood in could barely be called a home, yet people still lived here.  
With small, graceful movements, the cultivator lifted the hem of his robes so they would remain unsoiled as he crossed the dirt floor. On the bed lay an elderly man, bound and gagged. The man regarded Xinfeng with terror, struggles increasing in desperation with each step Xinfeng took.  
His wife already lay dead on the floor.  
Finally, Xinfeng approached the bed and placed a calming hand against the old man’s cheek. The man’s skin felt tough and wrinkly, like leather exposed in the sun for too long. Xinfeng regarded the man with a gentle countenance, the same face he wore when rocking his baby disciple-brothers to sleep.  
“Do you recall, when I was very young, how a cultivator once passed by our door?” Xinfeng’s calming voice filtered through the room. “You said he resembled a divine being, completely out of place in a decrepit town like ours.” Xinfeng stroked his cheek softly.  
“I wonder what you are thinking now. Are you proud of me, father? Do I resemble the upper class that you’ve always cursed and envied from down below?”
Silence was his only response.
“…Do you even remember who I am?”
“…No, of-course not.” Xinfeng’s fingers stilled, before sliding to the man’s throat. “After all, the only heirloom you left me was this wretched last name.”  
The man’s eyes nearly popped out as Xinfeng’s fingers clenched around his throat. He convulsed and thrashed under Xinfeng’s weight, his lungs crushed of air. Finally, he fell slack and his eyes grew dull and glassy. Xinfeng panted in exertion, relishing every second with disturbing fervor.  
“Despite everything, I am grateful. If not for you, I would not have known the cruelty of the world. Without you, I would not have learned to survive on my own. If you had not instilled within me the ambition to succeed, I may be in a gutter instead of where I am now. For that, I thank you.”
It is just unfortunate that you must pay with your life.
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a2sparis · 6 years
EXPOSITION. «La Femme du Futur»
Réunissant neuf femmes artistes, françaises ou étrangères, cette fort intéressante exposition est consacrée à la condition de la femme aujourd’hui, mais aussi dans le futur. Elle doit déboucher prochainement sur un «manifeste» qui - explique Margalit Berriet, présidente fondatrice de Mémoire de l’Avenir, association parisienne organisatrice de l’exposition - fera la synthèse des réflexions sur l’«avenir des femmes» recueillies auprès des artistes exposées, mais aussi des visiteurs de l’exposition et du site Internet de l’association. Un des projets artistiques exposés, intitulé «La Femme D (fendue)», a été réalisé par Marie Gossart et Florence Pierre : la première a écrit dix-huit poèmes, à partir desquels la seconde a peint autant de tableaux, inspirés par ces poèmes. Ces deux créatrices expliquent avoir voulu œuvrer pour une «réconciliation du corps et de l’esprit de la femme». Le projet, nous a-t-on précisé, est «une tentative de mettre en mots et en images le parcours libérateur» dʼune femme à la recherche d’elle-même.
Autre artiste exposée, Nesrine Mouelhi, Brestoise d’origine tunisienne, travaille sur l’image de la femme dans la société contemporaine, ainsi que sur les identités culturelles et de genre, et ce principalement au moyen d’installations comportant généralement des dessins et des vidéos. Ces installations, explique Mouelhi, sont «comme une tentative de montrer une nouvelle image féminine, loin des tabous et des prisons politiques et culturelles». Mouelhi présente, notamment, des œuvres comportant des morceaux de burqa, le voile intégral musulman. Pour sa part, Aleksandra Adamczyk, née en 1984 en Pologne, mais vivant en France depuis sept ans, a réalisé une série de portraits photographiques, mélancoliques, intitulée «Reflet» et qui montre, sur un fond noir, des femmes déguisées, par exemple, en Madame de Pompadour, favorite du roi de France Louis XV, ou en la reine Marie-Antoinette. Ces photographies - encadrées de magnifiques cadres dorés - se proposent de «questionner l’image de la femme fantasmée».
Un modèle de femme «sans pulsion terrestre»
C’est à Paris, pendant une année sabbatique, que la new-yorkaise Laura McCallum a réalisé plusieurs séries d’œuvres intégrant des morceaux de tissus utilisés habituellement pour la fabrication de livres. L’une de ces séries, «Game’s End», a pour thème le bandeau : lorsque l’on enlève celui-ci, cela peut marquer non seulement la fin d’un jeu, mais aussi celle de l’ignorance, nous a-t-on expliqué. Autre Américaine exposée, Andrea Bass, a présenté une vidéo, «Wretched Sister», mettant en scène une femme dont «les événements violents de la vie» coïncident avec des actualités également violentes (par exemple, la mort de John Lennon). De son côté, l’artiste française Carmen Bouyer expose une installation comportant, parmi des graines végétales, une vidéo de l’artiste dansant et chantant dans une forêt proche de Paris. Pour sa part, l’italienne Clara Daniele présente une installation traitant de la façon dont les peintres et les sculpteurs ont traditionnellement représenté la Vierge Marie et les saintes chrétiennes. Daniele a ainsi voulu montrer que ces représentations avaient imposé aux femmes un modèle de femme «sans pulsion terrestre», tout entière tendue «vers le divin». De son côté, l’israélienne Deborah Sfez expose deux vidéos, «Cyclic Freedom» et «Handicaped Women», qui mettent en scène deux femmes, l’une répétant sans cesse les mêmes gestes, l’autre s’efforçant de panser une blessure qui ne cicatrise jamais.
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