repentents · 2 years
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                                                        INTRODUCTING  ... I  POUR  ALCOHOL  INTO  THE  GAPING  HOLE  IN  MY  CHEST.  IT  DOES  NOT  HEAL  /  NOT  TODAY  /  MAYBE  TOMORROW.
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FULL NAME:  weston  tobias  abbott NICKNAME(S):  wes,  toby,  chef  in  professional  settings AGE:  forty DATE OF BIRTH:  november  22nd PLACE OF BIRTH:  westerly,  ri CURRENT LOCATION:  westerly,  ri  —  returned  officially  about  nine  months  ago ETHNICITY:  caucasian;  german  &  british  hailing GENDER:  cis  male PRONOUNS:  he  /  him ORIENTATION:  questioning RELIGION:  lapsed  catholic OCCUPATION:  executive  chef  &  current  owner  of  restaurant  ‘ six  oh  one ‘ LIVING ARRANGEMENTS:  two  bedroom  flat  downtown;  he’s  hardly  unpacked  since  moving  in  but  at  least  he  has  a  couch! FINANCIAL STATUS:  upper  middle  class  with  tendencies  to  splurge  on  practical  and  collectible  items  alike. SPOKEN LANGUAGES:  english,  conversational  german
FACECLAIM:  chris  evans HAIR COLOR AND STYLE:  dark  brown,  styled  in  a  medium  length  quiff  with  tapered  sides. EYE COLOR:  cornflower  blue  with  flecks  of  green. EYESIGHT:  farsighted,  often  wears  round  frame  reading  glasses  to  combat  such. HEIGHT:  6′1″ WEIGHT:  187  lbs. BODY AND BUILD:  well  built  &  athletic TATTOOS:  lots  of  meaningless  stick  and  pokes  dotted  around  the  few  that  actually  have  some  meaning;  most  notably,  his  brother’s  birthday  transcribed  on  his  left  wrist. PIERCINGS:  none,  but  he  still  has  a  scar  from  that  one  time  he  had  a  brow  piercing. CLOTHING STYLE:  moody  with  classical,  slim  silhouettes  when  not  adorning  his  whites  in  the  kitchen. SIGNATURE SCENT:  devoted  dior  sauvage  wearer
MENTAL DISORDER(S):  unmedicated  anxiety  disorder SLEEPING HABITS:  constantly  tired,  hardly  well  rested;  sleeps  ‘ when  he  can ’. EATING HABITS:  unregulated  but  he  keeps  a  somewhat  healthy  diet. SOCIABILITY:  none.  do  not  perceive  him. ADDICTIONS:  alcoholism,  previous  history  with  prescription  pill  abuse. DRUG USE:  irregularly,  only  smokes  weed ALCOHOL USE:  frequently  but  not  socially
LABEL(S):  the  isolato,  the  crestfallen,  the  despondent POSITIVE TRAITS:  independent,  ambitious,  imaginative,  competitive,  reliable NEGATIVE TRAITS:  enigmatic,  nihilistic,  domineering,  perfectionistic,  penitent HABITS:  taking  up  space  for  no  good  reason:  sprawling  across  chairs  and  couches,  leaning  in  doorframes  and  against  walls,  taking  his  anger  out  on  his  line  staff,  nervous  hand  rubbing. GOALS AND AMBITIONS:  hardly  inhibits  any  current  long  term  ambitions  on  account  of  his  therapist’s  suggestion;  for  now,  wes’  only  goal  is  getting  through  the  day.
MOTHER:  gisela  abbott  ( 67,  alive ) FATHER:  elias  abbott  ( 73,  deceased ) SIBLING(S):  jaime  abbott  ( 39,  deceased ),  mila  abbot  ( 37,  alive ) PET(S):  none  officially  but  he’s  befriended  a  stray  cat  unofficially  garbo  on  account  of  how  many  times  he’s  spotted  it  rummaging  in  the  garbage  bins  behind  six  oh  one.
TW:  child  neglect,  familial  loss,  mentions  of  mental  health
the  eldest  by  a  handful  of  months,  weston  grew  up  trying  to  be  everything  his  little  siblings  needed.  their  parents  are  twisted  but  he  would  learn  to  see  them1  through  rose-colored  glasses  instead  of  living  in  pain.  when  his  siblings  fell,  he  felt  it,  too,  &  when  they  cried,  weston  was  the  shoulder  to  lean  on.  it’s  too  much  responsibility.  his  parents  fed  and  clothed  them,  but  he  held  their  mental  health  in  his  hands  and  the  truth  is  he  was  no  better.  weston  just  got  so  good  at  hiding  behind  this  mask  that  he  couldn’t  seem  to  tell  the  difference  between  himself  &  party  favor  anymore,  and  the  fact  of  the  matter  is  that  while  weston  was  quiet  and  just  so  different  in  a  way  that  his  parents  feared  he  would  be,  he  blended  in  like  a  chameleon.  
he  was  class  president  &  prom  royal.  that’s  the  way  it’s  always  been.  but  all  the  academic  strivings  and  kodak  ready  smiles  in  the  world  can’t  hide  the  fact  that  weston  was  no  better.  the  older  he  got,  the  more  they  could  see.  his  grandmother,  first.  then  his  little  brother’s  best  friend.  his  first  love.  everything  he  tried  to  hide  sits  in  his  lap  &  wes  tried  to  wrestle  it  into  submission  and  but  sometimes  it  won.  they  know  him  but  he  doesn’t.  his  eyes  flashed  golden  sometimes  when  he’s  mad  enough  that  he  remembers  that  he’s  the  one  who  put  the  burn  stains  on  the  wood  floors  of  his  family’s  old  home,  but  he’s  more  human  than  anyone  can  ever  even  imagine.  
he  was  angry  in  a  way  they  couldn’t  be.  he  liked  classical  music  at  prolific  volumes  and  he  liked  driving  his  car  too  fast  and  wes  liked  making  people  regret  believing  in  him.  his  mother  scoffs.  says  he’s  just  like  his  grandmother  who  she  moved  countries  to  get  away  from,  who  drank  vodka  like  orange  juice,  who  never  could  stand  the  way  her  daughter  liked  to  lie  to  herself.  his  father  glances  away.  asks  weston  to  please  turn  that  down,  or  please  show  your  ‘  friend  ‘  out,  or  to  please  stop  ruining  dinner.  when  he’s  home  alone  again  at  age  eighteen  wes  makes  them  regret  treating  him  like  this.  and  when  he’s  nineteen  when  they  leave  the  keys  to  the  porsche  in  his  eyesight.  and  when  he’s  twenty-one  and  him  and  jaime  can’t  even  make  it  up  the  steps  to  the  front  door  because  you’re  so  wasted  new  years  eve.  wes  can  be  angry  and  vicious  and  that  made  him  really  fucking  happy  in  a  way  that  nothing  else  does.
but,  when  his  father  passes,  reality  grips  wes  with  a  frightening  stillness.  while  his  siblings  are  inducted  into  the  family  business  and  take  the  helm  of  the  restaurant,  wes  packed  his  life  away  into  cardboard  boxes  and  leaves  washington  for  the  first  time  in  his  life.  his  first  taste  of  true  freedom.  freedom,  as  it  turned  out,  felt  an  awful  lot  like  being  confined  as  well,  as  weston  shackled  himself  to  shitty  jobs  to  keep  a  steady  flow  of  money  coming  in,  living  in  leaky  flats  with  shitty  roommates  and  eating  a  lot  of  humble  pie  as  he  figured  himself  out.  eventually,  he  finds  his  own  current  and  instead  of  cleaning  dishes,  he  prods  the  idea  that  had  always  lingered  in  the  back  of  his  mind:  culinary  school.  he’d  never  been  the  best  cook,  jaime  had  bested  him  at  that,  but  it  was  something  weston  could  apply  himself  to,  so  he  latched  on.
for  the  first  time  in  many,  many  years,  weston  allows  himself  to  follow  through  and  with  this  new  career  set  into  motion,  he  took  the  plunge  and  quit  his  day-job  the  moment  that  first  soux  chef  check  landed  in  his  palms.  he  spends  the  next  few  years  embracing  this  one  true  freedom  —  falling  in  love  with  girl  who  he  didn’t  deserve  once,  twice,  maybe  three  times,  studying  things  that  truly  enthralled  him,  and  establishing  himself  in  the  culinary  field.  swiftly  rising  from  soux  to  executive  chef,  his  name  becoming  synonymous  with  splashy  ‘chefs  to  watch  for’  writeups  and  running  a  world  class  line  staff.  though,  weston  stills  for  just  a  moment  long  enough  for  life  to  pass  him  by  at  a  frightening  pace.  within  the  span  of  a  few  months  he  was  awarded  the  james  beard  foundation  award  and  in  the  same  span,  lost  his  younger  and  only  brother,  jaime.  as  it  turns  out,  old  habits  thought  to  be  deaded  a  decade  ago  have  an  odd  habit  of  rearing  their  heads  when  least  needed  and  so  the  cycle  reinvents  itself  and  lurches  onward.  
and  it’s  like  being  guilty  for  a  crime  he  hadn’t  committed  because  while  weston  was  innocent  in  the  larger  scheme  of  things,  he  cannot  help  but  to  think  that  it  should  have  been  him.  if  anyone  could  bare  the  weight  of  the  world,  let  alone  keep  the  family  business  afloat,  it  could  have  been  weston.  not  jaime.  jaime  should  have  been  the  one  living  his  life,  and  instead  he  took  his  father’s  place  while  wes  indulged  in  god  knows  who  or  what  for  the  past  decade.  for  now,  weston  is  back  in  town,  picking  up  where  jaime  left  off:  cooking  up  good  food,  repaying  back  a  debt  he  didn’t  take  out,  and  trying  his  very  best  not  to  think  of  all  the  unpleasant  things.
renamed  barnie’s  ( the  family  restaurant )  after  jamie’s  birthday  on  06/01/83
slipped  back  into  binge  drinking  after  his  brother  passed  
still  attends  his  AA  meetings,  though  he  has  yet  to  fess  up  to  not  being  sober;  mostly  just  attends  for  emotional  validation  at  this  point.
while  they  weren’t  born  at  the  same  time,  wes  and  jaime  were  oft  called  the  “ abbott  twins ”  growing  up  on  account  of  how  closely  they  stuck  to  one  another.
currently  receiving  a  bit  of  pushback  following  the  recent  conversion  of  barnies  into  six  oh  one  but  there  still  hope  of  getting  both  kitchen  staff  and  previous  regulars  of  the  restaurant  on  board  with  the  change.
owns  thousand  dollar  chef  knives  but  has  no  curtains  in  his  apartment.
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bettyshcw · 2 years
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❝ Everything I've ever let go of has claw marks on it —
CHARACTER NAME: Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Shaw
FACE CLAIM: Rachel Weisz
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 42 ; March 7th, 1980
HOMETOWN: Westerly, RI
TIME LIVING IN WESTERLY: Left mid-twenties and returned 9 months ago
GENDER, PRONOUNS & SEXUALITY: Cis woman, she & her, bisexual
TAGGING: @westerlyintros
There’s a pattern in the course of Elizabeth Shaw’s life. It’s something that she’s equally proud and ashamed of; the way she can hold onto something or someone until there’s nothing left to grasp. At times it was embarrassing to be the one on her knees grasping at straws and other times Betty knew she could walk away saying she gave it everything she had.
For most of her life she’d been trying to live up to her father’s image and his ideals. He was a man that came from nothing but the pennies in his pocket who worked tirelessly until he resided in the judge’s seat and provided wealth for his family. Every grade and minor accomplishment Betty rushed to him to proudly show it off, only to be told it was good but she could do better. To his credit, he was right. Most of the time. This stern parenting of low praise yet high expectations bore an overachiever. Betty got straight A’s in school, was in more extracurriculars than she could manage, and somehow had time for sports.
It was also the time that a best friendship became something more. First kiss, first love, first relationship, and eventually first major heartbreak.
Betty and James were inseparable in their youth, going through every major high and low of adolescence together and even being the typical teenagers with unbridled emotions and hormones they broke up and made up at least a few times. They got matching tattoos when they were 18, something commemorative of their favorite phrase strictly belonging to them. Despite the fact that they didn’t ed up together forever, Betty still has the ink etched onto her skin. Not covered up nor erased.
While the local university wasn’t Betty’s first choice in undergraduate education, she stayed in town to be with James. They were adults in a full fledged relationship, she believed their road would continue on. That they would be married and have kids one day. They’d buy a nice house with a view and a big yard. Life just has a way of happening when you’re busy making plans. Even though Betty could feel her and James growing apart, she dug in and held on. Much like she did in her youth when it came to sports she didn’t particularly like or enjoy, and likely wasn’t even all that good at, but kept on because it would please her father and look good for when university came in her future.
Letting go was never Betty’s thing. The relationship with James had run it’s course however, so she could walk away or let the same mistakes happen again. She could keep trying to fit a square into a circle, and continue to hold onto something that didn’t want to be held onto. When James ended things, for once Betty didn’t fight. In fact, she left Westerly entirely. Her dream of being an architect would never be realized, instead she was in law school in New York following in her father’s footsteps. After graduating, Betty passed the bar and began working at a big firm in the big city.
Tons of money was made, she climbed the ladder of success and became the youngest to make partner in her firm, and she gave up her dreams to be the image of accomplished and distinguished. She ran from anything that didn’t serve her, and Betty walked out on every relationship before they could leave her. After James, it had become a scary thing to be the one left holding the bag. That feeling of someone you loved pulling away and growing in the opposite direction was something Betty never wanted to feel again. For the majority of her adult life she never did.
Then it was time to return to Westerly. There was a big shake up at the law firm, an investigation that tarnished the reputation of everyone connected to the name. She walked out but only returned to her hometown because her mother had called to tell her that her father had passed away.
What was she to do now? Who was there to please?
There was going back to school to get her degree in architecture. A door had opened and Betty walked through, deciding for once to wade through the unknown to see where it took her now that her blank slate was bringing about some promise.
While Betty knows its a bad habit, a terrible one, she’s a secret shameful smoker. Even in her own house she steps outside for a cigarette so that no one would be able to smell it inside the house.
So much feels brand new to her. For most of her life she did the things she was supposed to do, believed there would be some reward in the end for hanging on and staying the course.
Since she never really drove while living in NYC one of Betty’s favorite things now is to drive around in her car. Often just random long drives with no particular destination.
When living in New York she would take pictures of buildings, sculptures, and beautiful angles that caught her eyes. Betty keeps those photos in a scrapbook.
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norihoff · 2 years
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And if I didn't know better I'd think you were talking to me now If I didn't know better I'd think you were still around
TW: parental death, sudden death, divorce, accident mention. 
— name:    elenor marjorie hoffman  . — nickname(s):     nori, nora, elle  . — birth date:    10/20/1992  . — zodiac:    libra sun | cancer rising | leo moon  . — age:    twenty-nine  . — gender, pronouns:    cis female, she/her  . — orientation:    questioning  . — relationship:    single, divorced  . — family:    bethany hoffman ( sister ), joshua hoffman ( brother ), david hoffman ( father, deceased ), marjorie hoffman ( mother, deceased ) / marcus mcfadden ( ex husband )  . — children:    none  . — pets:    vex’ahlia ( black cat 2 y/o ), vax’ahlia ( black cat 6 mo )   . — faceclaim:    zoey deutch  . — eye colour:    hazel  . — height:    5ft  .
Nori’s family is in real estate in Denver Colorado. 
She got married just out of high school and is the youngest of three. 
 She was always curious, and when pressed she would tell you she wanted to be a reporter, something her parents never approved of. They wanted her to go into buisness or law or anything that could help grow their legacy in Denver. 
Her parents didn’t like Marcus, but it made Nori like him more, unfortunately her parents were right. They didn’t last. 
Nori was known for being impulsive and making bad choices just to get on their nerves in her later years but it was never this extensive they never cut her off, but the family grew distant and by the time she was 24 there was no contact at all. 
She didn’t get to fix the relationship with them as they died on a car accident when she was 25 but she somehow has felt closer to them after they passed than in life. 
They tried to fix their marriage, but between her grief, and just getting older she wasn’t the same person she was at 18 and neither was he. They finialized their divorce in August.
She moved to  Westerly in a renovated VW van 2 weeks ago with her two cats, Vax and Vex respectively from one of her favorite DnD campaigns. She’s looking to completely start over. 
She’s been living off the money her parents left her while she finishes her book, but she’s looking for a part time job for steadier source of income. 
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lenharlow · 2 years
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eyes like sinking ships on waters so inviting i almost jump in
full name : lennon harlow
age : thirty - two ( 32 ) 
date of birth : july 2nd , 1990
place of birth : brooklyn , new york
neighborhood : watch hill
gender & pronouns : nonbinary  &  she / they 
sexuality : pansexual 
occupation : none / master thief 
strengths : generous , genuine , kind , nurturing , sensitive , savvy  
weaknesses : deceitful , materialistic , needy , sarcastic , stubborn , self - centered
song inspo : gold rush 
lennon harlow was a sweetheart . she was naive , a bit of a dumb blonde , kind to her core , overly - generous , and had an endearing new york charm . the bullets to follow detail the life that lennon created for themself , and how that changed them — out of necessity , not deceit . 
daddy issues … it is by ‘  unfortunate circumstance  ’ that lennon harlow identifies with the d . i . label , but it is an important part of their background . raised by a single mother in brooklyn , new york , lennon grew up humbled . you got what you worked for . that was passed down to her . it was what they mimicked when getting their first job at fourteen . a bad influence introduced lennon to stealing in what was meant to be a one - off at the mall one day after school . eventually that led to stealing money out of a friend’s parents’ wallets , which lennon quickly noticed made them more money than entire shift of working for someone else .  once old enough to realize the reality of their mother’s hardship , lennon decided they were also old enough to determine the best way to help pay the bills . so lennon sets out to make their family’s living situation a little more comfortable . 
the aforementioned comfort came in two forms : keptomania and gold - digging . instead of partaking in things like dating or high school dances lennon spent sixteen flashing baby blues in the right person’s direction to get anything she wanted in exchange for company that was ‘  easy on the eyes  .  ’ the amount she could request far - exceeded comfort  —  lennon couldn’t get enough . the older they got , the more these relationships changed . sometimes there was more intimacy involved , but lennon rarely gets attached to more than attention , validation , and whatever other luxury available along the way . 
typically the right people , the ones whom benefited lennon in some way , had a few things in common : pressed suit jackets , stocks reflected in glasses , rolexes on their wrists , and wedding rings in their pockets . they often attended bars on stone street . 
one lennon got the hang of things , they went from having to get creative picking pockets to only stealing to lash out when upset or while in need of a thrill . the blonde eventually bought the home their mother was renting and raised them in , paid off loans , and dove off the deep - end , head - first into luxury . 
it was all fun and games until lennon found themself in handcuffs , and not solid gold ones , but the regular kind . 
at the end of the day , new york city was a small island , too small to play the same games for almost a decade and not get caught . 
the move to watch hill was seamless as most things have been ever since lennon took control of life ; they continue to roll doubles with their dice . every move feels like the right one . every move is the right one if you just believe it . right ? 
gifts as a love language is always a fun one to receive . lennon doesn’t complain . in fact , receiving the deed to the parlour lounge is one of the bigger gifts lennon has received . it never felt big . it felt like a piece of paper attached to a memory attached to a place left in a drawer . it was a steady stream of income from a person she knew and a place she doesn’t . 
actual work has never been in lennon’s vocabulary , but walking into a place you own sounded like a fun thing to try . business woman has a nice ring to it after all . interested to see how a new york attitude might shake up the rhode island set , their stubbornness combats necessary - people - pleasing , but charm often over - corrects their mistakes . it is nothing short of a karmic series of events . 
will westerly change lennon harlow or will it aid and abet her life of crime ? only one way to find out . 
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ashleyoneill · 2 years
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introducing ASHLEY “ASH” O’NEILL, thirty-two, manager of the white whale bed and breakfast. misquamicut resident. details under the cut. 
LONG STORY SHORT — trigger warnings: parental deaths, gambling, substance abuse. 
born in carson city, nv as the younger of two children. all the members of his family (rather staunch irish catholics) have always led small lives, and it’s expected that ashley would follow the same path. 
his mom died of a stroke when he was three, so his only real memory of a parent was through his father. his dad worked odd jobs around town and earned himself a fairly good reputation, though most days was spent at the family diner that’s been in their family for ages. 
while ashley was learning the trade of their family diner, his older brother garrett was already in a fancy schmancy high school making connections and intent on studying medicine. 
ashley didn’t have much ambition — or did not particularly care to have one. a great deal of his teenage years was spent indulging himself in petty crime, just narrowly avoiding prison time with his father’s help. 
an attempt at rehabilitation was made with his brother’s encouragement, and he moved to new york for college (while his brother went to medical school). but he fell into old paths, and found a vice befit his recklessness but disproportionate to his money and life skills — gambling. 
he dropped out of college sophomore year, but kept the illusion so his dad would keep sending money to him. that move effectively bankrupts their family, and by the time his father had seen through his web of deceit, his father had already sold off their lot and diner. 
they didn’t have much of a relationship after that. ash went back to school and finished up the rest of his degree, but none of his jobs quite stuck. he gambled, viciously, and drank just as hard. he lost as many times as he’d won, and those paltry amounts were just enough to tide him over the big apple for a couple of years. 
the news of his father’s death on the other side of the coast wracked him more than he cares to admit — and that was enough to send him down the straight and narrow for a second time. this time, he jet set off to westerly, a small rhode island city where his brother now practices medicine and lives with his wife and kids. 
he’s been managing the bed and breakfast since the start of the year, but some days are quieter than others. in that idle time, he thinks of all the ways he could leave again. there’s no telling where his restlessness takes him, but he’s determined to battle it out. 
Area Man Nostalgic For Time When Ads Targeting Him Not As Sad
cat dad, and a little more introverted than he cares to admit. 
big ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ energy most days. please bug him all you like while he sits idly at the local B&B. 
while ashley reveres his brother and is grateful for his support, i imagine his brother (just imagine a hot rich NPC doctor idk) never really warmed up to him and had always looked to him as a child. if your char has been around westerly a while, it’s likely they’ve heard his brother shit talking him over the past decade. 
zodiac: scorpio ☉ gemini ☽ libra ↑
mbti: istp (the virtuoso)
6′3″ and bi bi bi
character pegs: jimmy mcgill (better call saul), roman roy (succession), luke crain (the haunting of hill house), johnny lawrence (cobra kai), mark grayson (invincible), jamie tyrone (long day's journey into night), abel except cain just kinda kept him alive out of spite 
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zoevaliente · 2 years
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I want you to know I'm a mirrorball, I'll show you every version of yourself tonight. I'll get you out on the floor shimmering beautiful and when I break it's in a million pieces !
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FULL NAME: Zoé Anahí Valiente [ ZOH - ee AH - na - hee VAL - ee - yente ] AGE: 30yo DATE OF BIRTH: April 10 GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Woman | She/Her SEXUALITY: Bisexual OCCUPATION: Actress (on hiatus), looking into entrepreneurship  BASED ON: Mirrorball by Taylor Swift
Zoé’s is an award-winning childhood actress. She started her career at 1 and a half years old. 
She was born and raised in NYC. However, Zoé’s mother is originally from Westerly, RI and her side of the family remained so Zoé visited Westerly a bit in her adolescence. 
Zoé has been in an on-and-off again relationship with her childhood sweetheart. They are currently off. 
Zoé was on a successful sitcom for 10 years and after it’s ending she moved into the film industry and landed a handful of blockbuster roles.
Zoé struggles with handling her personal matters since most of her life she’s been under people’s orders. 
She has been living in Westerly for 1 year taking care of her ill-mother and has put her acting career on pause indefinitely. 
Zoé has been discovering her passions in Westerly which include fashion, photography, art and more. She is looking to start fresh and believes Westerly is a good place to begin again.
Zoé is an Aries. 
Zoé is trilingual. She speaks English, Spanish and French fluently. 
Zoé is not in contact with her father. After her parents divorce, he re-married shortly after and bloomed another family. Last she heard, he was living in Miami. He still receives residual checks from her appearances before she was 18. 
Zoé has been at the center of many scandals regarding alcohol and drugs over the past three decades of acting and performing. She is not an addict but has found herself relying on the effects of alcohol and drugs in the past.
Zoé is allergic to shell-fish but her favorite foods are crab cakes and lobster.
Zoé loves singing and dancing and has considered moving into music but the thought of performance in a different form stops her from pursuing it more. 
Zoé does not attend therapy and avoids it all costs because it makes her uncomfortable to reflect on the past and what she’s been through in her career and personal life. 
Zoé has a pug named Apollo. 
Zoé ​officially bought a beach house in Misquamicut six months ago and has been looking to it as an investment property yet she is currently living in it and decorating it. 
Zoé received her BS in Marketing & Management (online) at 25yo from New York University. She wanted to have a back-up plan incase anything ever went wrong with her acting career.  
Zoé wants to break into the world of entrepreneurship, recently entertaining the idea of opening a fashion boutique in downtown Westerly. 
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willbeckvr-a · 2 years
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➝   i.  biography   ii.  navigate  iii.  about & stats
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FULL NAME: William “Will” Noah Becker
AGE: Thirty-Five
OCCUPATION: Overnight Front Desk Manager
EMPLOYER: The Elliot Inn
SONG: Invisible String
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tw: death, cancer, drinking mentions
born in Westerly, RI to a respected town council member & real estate agent, he had roots and grew up in the idyllic seaside town
in his early teens, Will’s father fell ill & was subsequently diagnosed with an advanced form of cancer, it shattered he and his mother when the man passed and they had to plan a funeral
his mother coped with grief by eventually starting to date again and met a doctor from Florida at one point. upon her son’s graduation from high school, she decided to move there with him. Will wanted nothing of it and didn’t care as they became distant
finding himself still unsure of the future and giving up on a college acceptance, he decided to make a drastic move out to Los Angeles, CA to start anew.
-n order to do what he could to make ends meet, he bussed tables at restaurants there
when it came strangely clear that things were only becoming worse for him in CA after a few years and alcohol wasn’t doing much to be a solution to his problems, he ended up deciding to return back to Rhode Island, it was the only place where he could still feel ties to his deceased father after all
having still had a good amount of old friends who also still residing in town, he re-connected with them and found a job at the local infamous Elliot Inn
after long being back, he presently holds the position as overnight desk manager at the Inn, not minding the hours as most likely would
he still lives in the same downtown residence he found upon his move back
albeit remaining unsure about a lot in life and not receiving much clarity that he’s longing been in search of, he knows there’s a foundation he’s now built in westerly that he couldn’t entirely run away from; an invisible string tying you to me
➝ you may find full information for Will at the links above the cut!
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ruinmc · 2 years
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i am starting this off that i gave you all forewarning that i suck at intros ! @westerlyintros​
name: matthew chase bennett nickname: matty & matt age: 32 date of birth: january 28, 1990 place of birth: westerly, RI neighborhood: misquamicut gender & pronouns: cis man, he him sexual orientation: questioning. occupation: mechanic. auto shop owner. song: willow
                          bio. pinterest. stats. connections.
in gist: born n raised in westerly, his family owned an auto shop in misquamicut that he now owns. was a golden boy growing up though spent his nights getting up to mischief. senior year he caught his father cheating with his favorite teacher and spiraled out throwing all of his college dreams out the window and joined the military. served for 10 years before his accident ( he was 28)  that resulted in his ptsd and other trauma. came back to westerly and has been running the auto shop while ignoring all of his problems.
other facts & wanted connections.
devoted & loyal friend
would give his last dime to someone in need
takes one ‘ need you’ call or text and he’s there
his younger sister has become a sort of lifeline for him. she means the world to him.
giant teddy bear though he comes off grumpy
ultimate hype man
penny is his service dog, she’s a three year old Bernese mountain dog that his friends and family helped get for him and he treats her like his child.
super impulsive when things start to go downhill.
secretly adores fruity alcoholic beverages and pumpkin spice lattes. At the shop he hides a pumpkin spice creamer in his fridge and says it’s his moms.
Restoring things has become a passion and a therapy for him so he definitely tries to get his friends to give him their old Knick-knacks that don’t work.
Recently started volunteering at the VA hoping it would help him instead of self medicating.
99% of the time he has noise canceling earbuds in to help him stay calm. The music is 00’s pop.
He hasn’t spoken to his father since his parents divorce.
His dad has destroyed his hope in love as he dreads he’d make the same mistakes but he definitely falls in love slowly, but when he’s there he’s picking out rings.
obvs someone new , most recently situationship/relationship
direct neighbor pls give me platonic fluff 
neighbor growing up
therapist / confidant
trauma buddies
lil sister ofc
someon he fixes things for
family friends
the person who his dad cheated with
hookup/fwb/one night stand
freq customer who goes to the auto shop bc their car breaksdown often
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westerlyroleplay · 2 years
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Good morning, happy Friday, and happy opening day everyone! We’re so excited to kick things off tonight and start writing with you all. We just wanted to cover a few bases before we hold acceptances tonight and dive into the roleplay!
First and foremost — acceptance means opening, so as soon as you see that you’ve been accepted and you send in your account, you are more than welcome to start plotting and posting! We’ll send over a discord link for you to join once your account is sent in, but joining the discord is not mandatory. 
All of that said — don’t feel pressure to start posting right away! We know how overwhelming joining a new group can be on opening night, and we will likely be easing into things ourselves, so everyone is encouraged to start participating at their own pace!
When posting intros, please make sure you tag @westerlyintros in addition to tagging wri:intro, so we can make sure to reblog them to the intros blog and everyone see them.
You can start sending in wanted connections TOMORROW (Saturday, Oct. 15th) at 7 PM EST. This will just give us time to make sure everything on the main is up to date post acceptance before we open another can of worms.
And most importantly, have fun! Make sure you’re plotting and getting to know everyone, as the main purpose of this group is to make connections and explore the wonderful characters we’ve all created.
Information regarding our first event will be posted shortly before acceptances. As always, feel free to send in any questions, or any last minute applications! The submit will close tonight around 6pm. We hope to see you here!
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