#wrightworth is t4t cause i said so
look, hear me out. alternate universe, gumwrightworth+magshoe, still lawyers but no 7yr gap. it loosely follows canon but it goes off the rails cause i said so and i don’t want to follow canon.
miles and dick meet early on. miles isn’t out yet and dick helps miles transition and they eventually get together.
several years later phoenix shows back up in miles life and he’s like “holy shit he’s hot” and dick agrees and is like “what if a third” and they invite phoenix into their relationship at some point.
and then maggey’s stuff happens. and dick really loves her, but it’s a separate thing to his love for miles and phoenix. and they come to the conclusion that dick should go for maggey, with the preface that he still is with them and she would know about it.
and she is down. she doesn’t love phoenix or miles like she does dick, but they become close knit. they eventually adopt trucy and maybe some other kiddos and become this big ol’ disaster family. they all love each other even if some of it is platonic and they confide a lot in each other.
i think eventually phoenix would take a break from being lawyer, still consulting but focusing more on art and taking care of trucy. he would come back to it after a few years, but i think he should have some time off.
miles doesn’t disappear off into the abyss and tell everyone he’s dead. he just gets some vacation and therapy like a normal person. i imagine that maggey is a big force in him actually going, like dick and phoenix obviously want him to but she is the one who actually drags him to the appointments. eventually he starts going more of his own volition and he gets the courage to finally get top surgery, at the recommendation of his therapist.
in conclusion, dick and phoenix are the stupid chaos bisexuals to miles’ uptight disaster gay. and maggey is the enthusiastic hot bitch who runs things despite her bad luck. trucy loves her three loser dads and her cool mom.
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