#wrist sockets that can rotate 360 degrees and hands that can split in two
lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Honestly the weirdest thing about all the "forged medic hands" hullabaloo in MTMTE was that Ratchet's hands (and Pharma's original hands that Ratchet stole) are just like. Human hands but made of robotic parts. Why in the fuck are "Swiss army knife hands" like Pharma's Luna-1 replacements not just the literal standard for forged medics?
Isn't it so much more efficient and cooler for robots to have tools built into their hands that they can transform instead of having to go through the extra step of holding tools in their hands? Wouldn't medic hands being able to transform into any tool lend a lot more credence to Functionist ideas of "forged medic hands are the best and if my hands stop working or I get replacements it won't be the same" that Ratchet spouts? Because like at least in that case there would be this interesting robotic worldbuilding in which the space alien robots debate about whether hands-that-hold-tools can be as effective as hands-that-turn-into-tools and the flavor of that would be so cool. And it would create this whole anti-Functionist debate that a pair of hands being "less optimal" doesn't mean that the work they do isn't still worthwhile (for example, just because one doctor has a lower mortality rate than another doctor doesn't mean that both doctors aren't having a positive contribution to the world).
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