Send me ‘Honey, if you love me...’ for my muse (the receiver) to try to resist smiling while your muse (the sender) tries to make them smile! The only rules of the game are: you can’t use your hands, and tickling is off-limits.
For the reverse, send in ‘I won’t just ‘smile’.’!
Please remember to specify who this is for for multis!
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amidst-the-storm · 5 years
Let’s Spread Some Positivity
Tag five blogs (each with a different mun) and list something you enjoy about them/their characters!
@onyx-the-temptress : Her character gives off this femme-fatale attitude that I find honestly amazing, it’s a joy when I see her come across the dash for chaos. Mun is also fun to chat with, I dare anyone to disagree.
@thefleetwayway : Silvs (the mun) is a complete shipping dork and I absolutely love them. Adore the ship we’ve made, the ships I see them make, it’s all so cute and chaotic- never get between them and a solid angst prompt, they’ll floor you. Trust me.
@toras-muse-cabinet : YES. The RP’s we’ve done the level of writing the accidental set up behind the scenes... And all the jokes! It’s so much fun to write with Tora and I honestly just l o v e-
@victimsofchance : While they are on semi-hiatus, they still have a really cool character! They managed to perfectly balance the line between OP and weakling, making their character (Dan) an honest delight to interact with!
@thewizardrubberduckroo : HO YES. Saved the BFF for last.- If you ever have the chance to RP with this mad duck, trust me it’ll be worth it. They have supported me with my ships, criticized my writings when they needed it, and been with me through thick and thin for the past two years. Love them to tears.
Tagged by: No one- I made this- c’mon- (over on my meme account, @writersroleplaymemes
Tagging: @onyx-the-temptress, @thefleetwayway, @toras-muse-cabinet. And you, if you ever so happen to be reading this and want to give it a whirl! ^_^
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doctorzagan · 5 years
roleplay resources
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
My apologies, I never intended to make anyone uncomfortable! I completely understand, have a good night.
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I'll admit I was expecting cursing and murder so this is nice.- I forgive you! Just-- realize that I'm not a big fan of that kind of stuff. Like I said in the first post, I appreciate the effort you put into that ask! It did seem like pretty random things, and it'd make for a nice thread idea (one muse trying to get the other to say a specific set of words for reasons).... But personally? Not so much...
Now I'm tempted to make an RP prompt meme based on that concept. Feel free to send me stuff over on @writersroleplaymemes, because-- that does seem like a fun idea for forcing characters to interact.
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I hope you have a good night too, Saw-Anon. Thanks for being understanding!
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musingchaos · 4 years
Get to Know the Mun (And Their Music Choice) A Little!
Tagged by: No one~ made this on my memes account, @writersroleplaymemes!
Tagging: You saw it? Go for it!- Although I think I’ll tag @welcometotheteashop, if you’re down for it, also @ultimatemoonshadow (if you so wish). ^_^
Rules: Describe yourself (as a mun) using three songs, and four lyrics from each of the songs!
Freaks - Jordan Clarke
I've been kicked down in the dirt... I pretend that it don't hurt.... And I know that they're just words- But sticks, stones, they break bones.
This Is Me - Keala Settle
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down.... I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown 'em out!... I am brave, I am bruised.... I am who I'm meant to be, this is me!
Mended - Matthew West
When you see broken beyond repair- I see healing beyond belief. When you see too far gone- I see one step away from home...
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UpIsNotJump Starters [PT 1?]
You know the drill- specify for multis, send in ‘The spacebar is jump!’ for the mun of the blog to pick, and change pronouns as need be! All of the quotes are from his video, ‘Elite Dangerous VR Is An Absolute Nightmare - This Is Why’!
“Scoring this game out of ten is like scoring your favorite protozoic organisms out of ten.”
“I could watch Dwayne Johnson balance his checkbook all afternoon and I’d be on cloud fucking nine.”
“Thirty-five hours in and this game still scares the life out of me.”
“Play this game in VR and you can join me in my unconventional fear of the sun.”
“I am not trained to deal with this kind of psychological pressure.”
“You know what’s especially fun? When you realize the the box the world’s most sexually suggestive joystick comes in won’t fit in your fucking backpack so you have to carry it home on a thirty-minute walk through London like THIS.”
“I’m a big boy!”
“That’s why the economy is garbage everywhere!”
“Getting a loan should be fucking difficult and so should flying a fucking spaceship, and I think that goes without saying!”
“Oh hey I can look around still!...there’s the guys that killed me...thE FUCKERS-”
“...look at thIS FUCKING MESS,--”
“(Monotone) It looks like you’re completely fucked.”
“Why won’t you fire, you’re right there?!”
“And I got this message with all the serenity of a fucking serial killer.”
“(Monotone) I’ve written you a poem.”
“Being able to see a planet doesn’t mean it’s nearby.”
“It’s the real-life equivalent of trying to brake for a petrol station only to collide with fucking Asia.”
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Asks Based on Slime Rancher!
You know the drill- send in the slime for the corresponding question, and always specify a muse for multimuses!
Pink - Do you check your food before you eat it? Tabby - Are there times of the day when you’re just naturally pissed off, or perhaps seasons? Locations? Phosphor - What is a place you would never consider going to, no matter what? Honey - What is something that will always attract you, no matter what? Puddle - If you ever just ‘veg’/’chill’ somewhere, what are the conditions? Do you need specific conditions before you can relax? Hunter - Do you have times where you feel ‘invisible’? Are you good at sneaking around/being undetected? Quantum - Have you ever felt not entirely there during something important? Dervish - Do you feel like you cause chaos wherever you go? Tangle - What is your favorite flower? Would you wear it on your person, if you could? Fire - Is there something you need on all your food, regardless of what the food is? Mosaic - What would you do if confronted with a stained glass window? Quicksilver - Is there a specific place you like to shop/hunt at/gather at? Why/why not? Glitch - Have you ever considered the world to be a simulation? How would you respond if you found out the world really was a simulation? Do you think you’re real? Gold - Let’s say you stumbled upon something never before seen or heard of- what would you do? (Can be an item, a location, etc.) Lucky - Do you leave your home/place you consider home often? Rock - Have you ever unintentionally, physically injured someone? How bad was it? Rad - Who do you consider to be ‘toxic’, to one degree or another? Boom - What would you consider your temper to be? Explosive, or simmering? Crystal - Have you ever tried to touch something that looked really cool? What happened? Largo - If you could fuse with one being for a day (shared bodies and abilities), who would it be? Why? Gordo - Have you ever met someone you, without even thinking about it, considered to be a ‘boss’? (Could be of a company, of a gang, etc..) Party Gordo - Do you have any special accessories? Why are they special? Twinkle - Do you do spur-of-the-moment things? What was the last spur-of-the-moment thing you did? If you don’t, what do you think you’d do as a spur-of-the-moment thing, and why? Saber - Would others consider you a rarity among your kind/people? Feral - Have you ever violently lost your temper? What was the aftermath? Tarr - Are there situations that you deem ‘unrecoverable’, where no matter what, the outcome cannot be changed for the better, and as a result, the situation needs to be dealt with coldly?
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Simple Hearts
Please send me a 💌 if you’d like a starter, a 💛 if you want to plot a relationship, and/or a 💫 if you’d like to plot together.
For those who can’t see the symbols, these work in their place: Heart Letter (starter), Yellow Soul (plotting a relationship), and/or Shooting Star (plotting in general).
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Send in 🐾 + a person/ship/group of people to learn my headcanons on any pets said person (or ship/group) might have, if any!
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Send in ‘Musical Thoughts’ for the mun to shuffle their music playlist... And make a headcanon off the lyrics of whatever song they land on!
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Send me ‘Poetry describes us all.’ for the mun of the blog to give some poetry they think fits your muse (can be original or from a poet [please reference the original poet if its not your own writings!]).
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The First Guy To Ever Celebrate a Birthday Starters
Based on this video by Ryan George. ^^ You know the rules- for the mun to pick, send in ‘you put fire on a pastry?!’. Always specify for multimuses, and have fun~.
“Hey, okay listen- I’m gonna need you to put this cone-shaped hat on, okay?”
“Kind of, yeah. Today’s the big day!”
“Right out of there, thirty years ago, to the day!”
“Okay, that’s kind of a weird thing to bring up man!”
“Childbirth is quite literally trauma.”
“I don’t wanna talk about this!!”
“Another year has passed since that happened.”
“Nonono, I thought we’d celebrate you!”
“Yeah no, we’ll figure out a day to celebrate all mothers at once.”
“Well first of all, I got a cake.”
“What are all those things sticking out of it?”
“Oh, these are to hold the fire.”
“Yeah I’m gonna set these little things on fire.”
“Why- no- please don’t do that!”
“Well we’re gonna get fire involved, I decided.”
“The cake’s on fire now.”
“Okay so I wrote a song that you’re gonna have to listen to now.”
“I didn’t know what to do with myself that entire time.”
“That was a great moment, I have no regrets.”
“No, don’t tell me!”
“Now we gotta deal with this fire.”
“Why did you set this on fire if you had no intention of dealing with the aftermath?”
“No, use the air from your mouth.”
“Weaponize your breath!”
“Okay, it’s done- the baked good is no longer incendiary.”
“It sounds like you got yourself a cake.”
“Oh, I almost forgot, you get presents too.”
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[Since I can’t find the original post anywhere...]
Send in what character the mun of this blog reminds you of! And, mun of said blog, bonus points if you reciprocate and tell the asker (if you know who they are) what character they remind you of!
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Send in ‘Related Movie’ (plus a muse if you’re a multimuse) to see what movie the mun most relates to your muse, or could see your muse starring in!
If you can’t think of one: feel free to make one up!
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mother-ofwriting · 5 years
This just in: It happened.
If you’re following me solely for RP memes, then head on over to @writersroleplaymemes . If you do not want the OOC announcements/my insanity, then please unfollow mother-ofwriting.
See you around,
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