#writing is time consuming but there was waaay less interest according to the poll
androideql · 18 days
Fic requests are open
Starting today, I'm accepting fanfiction requests for Yu-Gi-Oh (original series only) and NU: carnival. Just send me an ask or reply to this post with a prompt/ship/theme/trope, and I'll see it done (as long as it's within reason.) Keep in mind that depending on how many requests I get, it could take a while for me to finish yours in particular.
These are open to everyone. Mutuals have priority. There is no time limit for these, which means you can send me your requests starting today, although I'm likely to close them around October. Also, asking for fic now doesn't mean you can't ask for art later so don't let that deter you.
More info below (warning: I'm long-winded.)
Short version: I have very few boundaries.
Long version:
What I will write
There are no hard, clear rules. I will write basically for nearly any pairing or character. If there's anything I don't feel I can pull off, I will let you know.
Keep in mind that I write for Yu-Gi-Oh as a sub watcher and manga reader. I have no idea what even happens in the English dub. On the other hand, I have nearly everything unlocked in Nu:ca.
Nearly all types of content are OK. Don't be afraid to ask as I'm chill with most stuff. Yes, this means even NSFW is OK. Most kinks are OK. Dark fic is OK. MCD is OK. Don't worry about that. I don't hate any characters or ships either. Again, I will tell you if I'm uncomfortable with your request or if I think I won't be able to do it well. Let's just be respectful of each other's tastes and boundaries, together.
What I won't do due to time constraints/lack of skill/discomfort:
Anything with your OC,
any other fandom,
anything that requires extensive research,
straight or sapphic sex scenes,
pure fluff,
crackfic or cringe comedy,
anything just hateful.
Three more important considerations:
I don't serve terf/swerfs.
This is a proship safe space.
If I see you've been defending AI generated content, you don't get to ask me to write for you.
What to expect when I'm done writing it
The fic will most likely be somewhere around 2,000 and 4,000 words, depending on the prompt and my enthusiasm for it. It might be way more than that too, but don't count on it.
I don't expect you to reblog, comment on, or even like/kudos the fic if you don't want to. If you'd like to keep the request away from Tumblr (that is, you'd prefer me to not post it here) or if you'd rather I don't say it was you who requested it, you have to let me know.
The fic WILL be posted to AO3, where it can be sent to you as a gift if you're comfortable with it and have an account. However, if your request is a little too out there for my usual brand, I will mostly likely publish it anonymously.
That's all. If you have any questions, my asks seem to be working again. You can also reply to this post or send me DMs.
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