#writing story spookycastle love
Once upon a time, there was a young girl. She sought adventure, love and harmony and the girl lived a wonderful life with two adoring, doting parents. But one day, tragedy struck!
The young girls parents disappeared and she was taken to her uncle’s fierce, scary castle on a high hill. Clouds rumbled with thunder above the castle, trees creaked and groaned with effort. The young girl cried. For where had her family and her love gone? The harmony she knew, vanished and the adventure she wanted so far, far away.
She was given a small room on the third floor. It contained a bed, a chest and a mirror. It leaked and creaked and was soul wrenchingly dreary. Her uncle hardly spoke to her, there were no animals on the grounds, just the girl and herself and anything her mind wandered to.
So the girl explored.
She searched the castle as if there were answers to life’s many mysteries hidden beneath it’s worn out rugs, behind it’s ancient tapestries or possibly whispering through the hallways.
After some time, she discovered something new!
A singular brick in her small, dismal room came loose and clattered to the floor with a resounding echo. It had not been pulled, nor pushed, nor touched at all but it opened behind it a doorway to discovery. So the girl tore away more bricks until there was space enough for her to fit through. She clambered through and found herself falling!
Falling far, far below where she had been, where she had come from, where she even knew existed and landed with a great splash! She pulled herself to the surface with all her strength and breaking through the water she peered around. She was in a dark cavern with the only light being one small blue sphere floating above her head.
She called to it.
It didn’t call back.
But, she could feel its warmth, its presence, its life grow slightly stronger at the sound of her voice. It drew closer and closer till (if it had had a face) she was staring it in the eye. The light started to move away, she called after it and felt it want her to follow.
So she did.
Further and further and further until her feet touched the ground beneath the water. The light showed her a small island, on which stood a single tree; and the light entered the tree. The branches glowed, red, yellow, purple, green, orange and a multitude of colours she had never seen before! It grew; reaching and stretching into the unknown.
The little girl climbed the tree and as the branches grew she rose with them. Up and up, higher and higher, the life of the light showing her all the beauty of the unknown above. She could not say nor write nor describe in any way what she saw yet she felt the feelings in her heart burn and blossom. For the light and its life and its tree showed her all the love in the universe, showing her how much she was loved and how her parents missed her where they were as much as she missed them where she was.
And she rose higher and higher, up and up, the ground only a figment of her imagination; the beyond something greater. The tree brought her back to her room, back to reality, back to damp and cold and lonely. But it had left her with a special gift, a special reminder, a beautiful memory; that all the love in the world was there for her, no matter how dark, in the light.
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