#writing this as twitter fully has a meltdown over TB is just...
badedramay · 1 year
seeing the kim criticism from north american pakistanis is so funny. i admit i was annoyed by it in the first episode bc the terrorist label she gave dawood seemed a bit over the top but i feel like her "american" quirks are pretty mellow for the most part and hardly take away from the main themes of the drama wrt understanding, balance of power, etc. in a landscape of dramas that are thriving on their ability to attract audience with their overdone theatrics and abuse plotlines, isn't it nice to resonate with something more down to earth that seeks to address the more subtle issues we tend to overlook? and thankfully, at least from what i see in the youtube comments weekly, not many people seem to mind her american quirks and are instead focused on those strong points of the story, particularly the bonds showcased between the various women in the family. i'm not going to say kim's portrayal is 100% perfect or anything but the people constantly complaining are being so overdramatic. there's a willful blindness element at play here too, bc plenty of the pakistani american characters in older dramas also showcased their fair share of unrealistic behaviors. it's nothing new and idk why we're trying to scrutinize it so severely now!
I will reiterate - the criticism that Kim faces from the non-Pakistan based Pakistanis is more because of how the character doesn't fit THEIR 'neat' image of a 'physically away but dil se always in Pakistan' persona that they are trying very hard to maintain. but that's not whom Kim is made to serve. her character is meant to serve the story Yunhi is telling and Kim is doing that perfectly.
YT audience is smarter than most intellectuals as it at least sees a drama for the drama it IS and not project their own prejudices and views on it. Kim started on a very bad note..the terrorist comment was TOO much and the criticism it got for that was justified. but Yunhi really scarified its initial weeks and got the 'bad' things out of the way. and now at least we have this assurance that things won't go back to that place again cuz hey, the characters are PROGRESSING AND DEVELOPING EACH WEEK!!!
I have accepted that it's not important if Kim is American. she could've been from Timbuktu and her character would've still been the same more or less as this narrative needed the FL to be an "alien" in the ML's world. an Outsider who can notice and point out the flaws in this world that its inhabitants have accepted as normal for so long they cannot fathom the idea of correcting these problems or the possibility of positive change. it's just that Amreeka is a word that everyone in Pakistan knows. it is still the land of dreams for many desis who have it in their head ke bass ek baar wahan qadam rakh den toh phir dollaron ki baarish hogi hum pe aur bass life badal jaegi. her being Amreekan is because it's more convenient for the story to convince the audience her being an Outsider but still belonging to a world that's desirable and achievable. that's just all there is.
Yunhi has its flaws and yes fAIneE Kim makes up for more than half of it. but c'mon! like you said..just look at the current landscape of dramas which is THRIVING on the melodrama and OTTness which is all about the bang bang with very little substance to offer beyond it and then look at Yunhi and how subtly but beautifully it is talking about things that ARE the reality of many normal middle class families living in the country. it is not posing to be something super progressive or making grand speeches about how something should™ be done. it's just shifting the lens just a little bit to bring forth POVs that are not always shown and letting the audience decide which side of the argument do they wish to support? there's no right or wrong here. it's not even going all that deep with anything! so yeah..all this scrutiny over accents and correct representation? WAY TO MISS THE ENTIRE POINT PEOPLE!!!
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