#wrong because theyre so impressive and you feel like you’re catching onto their coattails with everything they teach u like ur gaining on
olddustorange · 2 months
THINKING ABOUT B&R BECAUSE OF THIS EXCELLENT FIC. and what it gets so right that u don’t see in other fics and i think it is that many other newly orphaned dick Grayson characterizations are not calibrated right, specifically when they make him TOO rebellious/spiteful/angry/childish/crybabyish. I also don’t think that he was overwhelmed by the responsibility of robin or by the insane quantity and intensity of training. I think he really respected the whole enterprise and took it sincerely and seriously and viewed, as the others do, it as something sort of sacred. He was used to high stakes and excruciating training with his parents. And in the early years of robin with bruce is so new and bruce has doubts in the back of his mind so dick DEFINITELY does not get frustrated or scream or lose his temper at bruce because he’s tired or overwhelmed when he’s being corrected because that is a sign of not being ready worthy or mature enough for the enterprise. And he’s very conscious of that but i think the whole dick-has-a-temper reactive-to-fanon discourse has diluted the fact that he is also very responsible and steady. So i think he took his knocks and when bruce criticized him and explained what dick did wrong after knocking dick to his back on the training mats, dick nodded silently and got back up and did it again and he didn’t go cry about it. Like he is an angry traumatized kid so you would not expect him to take Bruce’s training—i mean Dick is seriously getting his ass kicked and pushed beyond his already far limits, to approach what Batman is, which is canonically the “[embodiment of] everything Man can ever hope to be,” as in the apex of physiological and mental human achievement and endurance which is obvi a laborrrrrrr—with that maturity and diligence or humility because no other child would. BECAUSE ANY ORHER CHILD WOULD SNAP OR JUST NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE IT. most adults too. but dick does take it and he runs away it with it too because he is not any other child and he is different and he is I THINK like bruce in some deepdown implicit way as in the soul way or just the fact that they both operate and have operated their whole lives with simply more spiritual moral and mental horsepower than other people but just that DRIVE and MOTIVATION and desire for precision and excellence is something they both & i don’t think he would whine or kvetch he would drink every second of education he could get from bruce and enjoy it and that’s why the whole Batman and Robin experience and relationship is SO EDIFYING for both of them.
And dick’s preternatural ability to humbly learn and push past his limits and actually and sorry to use a 3rd grade teacher lessonplanning word here but SYNTHESIZE what bruce is teaching him is not just unlike what any other person could put forth in Bruce’s training—but it is also the reason for Bruce’s fatal miscalculation with training a young Jason, who is also intelligent discerning and BRILLIANT but who doesnt have That.
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