#wrote this in a hot and livid few hours of delusion
jennyquill · 4 years
portrait of a lady on fire drabble
hey guys. wishing ya’ll love and peace. 
so this movie fucking decked me in the face. i really wasn’t prepared for how beautiful and tragic it would be. ik there’s reasons for having characters not be together in the end and i respect the artistic vision of the film. i just want some happy héloïse/marianne action ya feel. this film HURTS. it just felt good to write again. 
some spoilers from the film, not really. it’s all gay and yearning. 
xx jenny
how long does a love last? 
Paris, 1799
The ending is a lie. Marianne sees her another last time. 
New Year’s. Winter bites, but frost melts at the window panes from the heat of bodies. Wine flows freely, as do the guests – mouths hang open, laughing, and drunks step on skirts and boots as the minute hand creeps towards the hour. Marianne has curled herself into an armchair, happy to watch a happy atmosphere, detached. 
In practical terms, it’s a simple happening. Marianne will never find the need nor strength to recount it in writing or in speech. She will paint, but it will come out abstract, and she will not understand it anymore than she does now. 
A gaggle of drunks waddle away from her towards the bar, and through satin and silk comes the vision of Héloïse. Héloïse, beautiful, ageless, bored Héloïse, sits across the room. She is no more than ten long strides away. Marianne stops breathing and burns – alcohol, loneliness, desire – it’s all jumbled at this point. Mostly, she is tired. 
Héloïse is talking to a man – or rather, he is talking at her while she gazes, unfocused, into the crowd. 
Without the safety of the drunks, Marianne feels large. The armchair is red and pompous and sticks out against the navy blues of the room like a sore thumb. It is only a matter of time until she is spotted. She wrestles momentarily with running, but she doesn’t trust that her feet would take her away from the scene, not with Héloïse this close. Perhaps she wants to be seen, just this once. 
Ten long strides. Her feet would only need five. 
Heloise looks as if she’s going to fall asleep. She seems detached in her own way, from her conversation, from the party, from noticing Marianne in her big, glaringly red armchair. Marianne watches her intently. At this point, she’s convinced that she must be damned to watch Héloïse live life without her for eternity. 
But, against all odds, Héloïse sees her too. 
Héloïse shoots up, awake, and startles the man out of conversation as she does so. 
“Excuse me,” she says, and that’s all she gives before turning on her heel and marching out of the room. 
Marianne’s feet betray her. They trip as she gets up from the armchair. They take her, in seven ungraceful stomps, across the hardwood floors, swerving spilled drinks and glass that multiply as midnight grows closer. Perhaps the universe is kind, because no one notices two women disappear just as the countdown begins. 
Héloïse hasn’t gotten very far. She stands deathly still in the middle of a dark hallway, much like that apparition which still haunts Marianne’s dreams, day and night. Her body is half turned away, half caught by the sound of Marianne’s heavy footsteps. A rabbit, poised to run at a moment’s notice. 
The hallway shrouds them in darkness. A single window sits at the end. Héloïse stands between Marianne and the moonlight. 
Marianne counts her breaths. She minds the gap of space between her inhale and her exhale. In that gap, she drinks in the sight of Héloïse and is thrilled when she feels Héloïse’s eyes scan her with just as much….pain? Hunger? No, Marianne realizes, as she feels her own eyes start to grow hot. Relief. 
How long does a stalemate last? Three steps. 
Héloïse runs towards her, and Marianne’s arms are already open. 
How long does a truce last? Desperately. 
Their kisses start frantic, open mouthed, mostly breath. Héloïse knocks them into a wall, and Marianne grips the fabric of her dress with shaky, sure hands, the heat of her unbearable. Marianne feels sixteen again, sneaking into her father’s studio and grabbing at all the oil paints she can hold before getting caught. 
They kiss like they’re already guilty. Marianne supposes they are. Héloïse tastes the same, and feels just as heavenly. They press against each other, breaths slowing together, chests rising and falling until they are doing nothing more than leaning towards each others’ warmth. Marianne closes her eyes, and when she opens them Héloïse is staring straight into her. 
On the other side of the wall cheers erupt, a thunderous and triumphant sound that vibrates against Marianne’s back. On the tip of her tongue, there’s a barely formed joke about receiving a New Year’s kiss from a pretty, past lover. 
But judging from the intensity of Héloïse’s stare, there is no humor left in their situation. 
“How is this possible?” Marianne feels herself speak, voice hoarse. It seems to break the spell casted over them. Héloïse blinks, and reality comes crashing down. Marianne senses it before Héloïse can turn, and she grabs at the other woman’s arms with both hands as Héloïse makes a move to run. 
“Don’t - stop, don’t leave,” Marianne says. “Please.” 
“Why are you here?” Héloïse demands. 
“My client,” Marianne says, slowly trying to find her wits. “This is her party.” She frowns. “Why are you here?” 
Héloïse’s eyes, even in the dim light, are alert and ever present. They glisten with unshed tears. “My husband,” she whispers. 
The warmth from their frantic embrace is gone, and in its place is a stone. The gap between their bodies holds so many years between them. And yet, in so many ways, hidden in some dark, hopeful place, Marianne wants to believe they are supposed to meet like this. Héloïse is distracted, torn, eyes flitting towards the light from the party. The words come rushing out of Marianne before she can stop them. 
“I saw your portrait in Milan and I stood in front of it for hours. I drew stares. I look for you at the market, in churches, in the street. I hear music and I think of you, and I wonder what you are doing and where you are and if you are happy. I saw you at the orchestra.” Marianne pauses, breathless. “I wanted to run to you then, too.” 
Héloïse stares. The silence that stretches afterwards lets doubt creep down Marianne’s spine. Oh, maybe this was bad. 
Marianne, heart racing, itches to hold her again, to run away, to forget, to remember, just hold on and remember – 
“You clever girl,” Héloïse breathes. She pulls Marianne in for one last bone-crushing kiss, and Marianne melts into it, nearly cries into Héloïse’s mouth. When they break apart Héloïse holds Marianne’s face in her hands, and smiles, eyes teary and delirious with hope, dangerous hope. “Find me. Find me again.”  
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