wssebastian · 2 years
𝐒𝐄𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 consider himself a menace of society - except when it came to messing with sia. it was fun, teasing and poking fun at her even though he knew she’d retaliate one way or another. she almost felt like a sibling of sorts , something he’d never experienced first-hand , but assumed involved the blend of annoyance and enjoyment as their dynamic did. but despite being occasionally irritated by her antics that seemed capable of pushing all of his buttons, his own enjoyment of her company outweighed any negative thoughts. but there were times such as today , when the opportunity to tease was too tempting to ignore. 
“ it’s cold as fuck, ” his thoughts slipped out aloud as his skates dig themselves into the ice, and his hands dig into his pockets for some warmth. even though it’s been years, sebastian thinks he’ll never grow fully accustomed to the idea of a snow-filled winter unlike the much warmer one back at home. mischievously, he eyes sia struggling beside him, playfully nudging her with the padded sleeve of his jacket. “ maybe we should’ve taken you for some skating lessons before you decided to invite me out to skate. ” okay, so sebastian’s not an expert skater by any means - the few lessons he’d randomly taken as a child are just enough to let him get by without toppling over. but with even the slightest inclination that he is superior, he doesn’t hesitate to hold it over sia’s head.
so he can’t help it when his fingertips reach forward, curling onto the familiar girl’s shoulders before hitting them with a soft push. behind her, he breaks out into a fit of laughs, appeasing his natural desire to incite a little chaos. he’s not terrible, though - as soon as he’s sure he’s given her a little scare, he holds onto her to ensure she doesn’t actually fall onto the ground. “ ah , i remember why i came now. so i could see that. ”
— ♥ · @wssia​
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wsjimin · 2 years
The dorm was in complete silence, which wasn't too terribly bad. There was something very calm about an empty dorm, giving Jimin the time to move around without having to share the space. It wasn't like she minded living with five people, because she loved it very much. Having company was always nice, but doing her own thing was very needed from time to time. For example, making her own dinner in the way she wanted it. Jimin wouldn't call herself a chef, she never followed a recipe, she only added what she liked and what she thought could taste good together. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, but she ate it knowing she had made it.
Tonight was no different, and she could proudly say that the bibimbap looked pretty great. It had rice, vegetables, beef, and fried egg, and the smell had her stomach growling and her mouth watering. This was good, more than good, it was delicious. And there was nothing better than sharing what she had worked on. After setting the table and serving two plates, Jimin realized it was too quiet.
It wouldn't be a thought if she were all alone, but she was sure that Sia was in her room. Or had she left without Jimin knowing? Anything was possible when it came to Sia and Jimin wouldn't have it any other way. Singing softly, she made her way down the corridor to one of the bedrooms, knocking as quietly as possible. "Unnie, dinner's ready."
♕ → @wssia​
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wseunbyul · 3 years
♡ for @wssia continued from here♡
a slow scowl spread across eunbyul’s face as she looked over the girl that was seated by her. she had planned on enjoying her free time in the silence of her own company and her notebook as she looked to the outside world for inspiration for her newest project. the solitude didn’t last long though, though sia didn’t seem to think that eunbyul was up to anything that could be deemed important enough to interrupt.
she did her best to brush off the interrupting, busying herself with the newest blank page in her book. but she found herself constantly gazing in the direction of the intruder. it was hard to concentrate, despite the silence between them. 
“you know, sometimes when you see people all alone they want to stay that way. and yet...” she trailed off, gesutring between the two of them. “here you are. in my space. during my free time. doing god knows what.” she scowled, brow furrowing as she stared her down with an unpleasant look. “couldn’t you go find somewhere else to be quiet. i don’t care where, as long as it isn’t here.”
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wstaeyang · 3 years
“First up, you’re gonna buy me a drink.”
beep beep ! new message from @wsxhyuk wc: 300
a command easily flowed from the female's lips, his brows etched in downward in a frown at the statement. not in a state of being upset towards the brashness of her words or so he interpreted the tone. he of course had the money to do so, as his family was ones of wealth living within a city that was of high income. his parents helping him in anyways fashionable in order to make his life a comfortable as possible on his own in a country he wasn't familiar with.
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the question that he ponders on is why did he have to buy her a drink? taeyang was generous just as he was kind, but he would appreciated the approach to come towards him differently than it did. his expression now relaxed, hands in pockets as his gaze moves upon hers. " what do i get out of buying you a drink? " he asked, changing the situation. maybe if he were to get something in return he would look pass the etolie member's request.
thinking over his question once more, taeyang presumes that maybe that was an approach that would make assumptions that he’d want more out of her than just a lowly favor or friendly repayment of some sorts. this could also be the impending trauma of his previous scandal still affecting him every time he’s with someone of the opposing gender. his careful decisions playing a impactful role on how he moved forth into his career as an idol. 
“ or to better phrase this are you buying me something in return, or helping me in the near future?” he rephrashes his question in a different approach. “ i think if you asked a bit nicely i would consider doing so, but right now i’m not too sure. ” 
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wsyurim · 3 years
“If something goes wrong, we’re both on the hook.”
with a raise of her brow, yurim takes a look at the pool of water that's begun forming at her feet. whatever had happened, she wasn't a part of it. she had only just walked out of one of the practice rooms into the hallway. it was a surprise to herself to see sia in the building because she assumed she'd be off at a studio instead writing music.
"i don't think that's how groupmates work," she says with a slight chuckle. taking another look at the water dispenser, she leans down to try to figure out what went wrong. more importantly, she thinks they better fix up whatever part is leaking before the whole hallway becomes flooded. with a sigh, she completely crouches down in front of the dispenser with pursed lips.
truthfully, she doesn't think she can figure out the problem. it's not like she's some machine genius who knows how to work these things. at best, she can work computers but a water dispenser? she's never had to figure these things out. "when did this begin? were you just trying to get some water for your bottle?" she's seen this thing around yuseong since she came in, and she knows that it's had some faultiness before. never to the point of it continuously spitting out water.
or perhaps it has happened before and some poor trainee was too scared to tell anybody about it. reaching over, she grabs a fistful of paper towels and drops it to the floor.
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wsmiles · 3 years
“Wait a minute. I’m stubborn? Then what are you?”
     “not stubborn, duh.” dulled hues rolling, as digits move to adjust the cap adorning his strands, a sigh leaving him as he moves to gently grip at her arm. “come on, this is a scam. we won’t win anything.” tugging her back slightly, only releasing her to adjust the mask on his face. they’ve spent the last thirty minutes on the same claw crane machine, numerous card taps later and still not a single prize to show for it. 
     careful digits and watchful eyes, peeled against the glass panes as the countdown on the tiny display glows a bright shade of carmine. a constant reminder that perhaps, even with all the time in the world, your attempts would be futile. the game was rigged, as rigged as rigged could get. “or at least, try another machine.” he moves to point at a different one with similar prizes adorning the small shelves on display. “i actually saw someone win something from that one, so maybe if you’d stop being so stubborn, and change machines... you might win something.” he speaks with a tired huff.
     with crescent’s schedule easing in the last few weeks, time could be better spent outside of the yuseong building. miles has heard from marco that sia wasn’t as dry and boring as they had originally thought. after the older’s outing with the etoile member, miles entrusting his time investment based on marco’s advice alone. and here he was, arms crossed before him staring into an abyss of slight regret. having already given up ten minutes into losing every claw crane attempt, “you know, it’s probably cheaper to just buy that thing you want online.” 
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jiyoows · 2 years
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲 // with @wssia taking place sometime prior to dandelion’s comeback
it was always a headache looking for jueun whenever she decided to surprise her. there were limited places that jiyoo knew that sia would be, but the issue more-so relied on the timing. every single time, it was like sia was evading her, being in a different part of the building than jiyoo was and then meeting back up at the first place she checked. today was no different, having spent an usually long amount of time looking for the other. the fact the former yuseong trainee got distracted talking to someone did contribute to that, but it wasn’t that huge of a delay (the delay mostly came from her stop to get some food). as a last resort, she decided to try the practice rooms again. jiyoo pushed open the door and was startled from what she saw inside. 
a body in the middle of the floor, not moving an inch. the emotions the younger one was feeling were mixed. jiyoo could only sigh in annoyance at the location, but she was also amused since she knew sia was asleep. her careful, quiet steps carried her over to the body, and she sat down next to the older one. she mumbled her name, poking at her side hoping that she didn’t have to exert more energy to wake her up. “i searched through this cursed building and run into who knows how many people, even ended up talking to someone from phoenix, just for you to be laying on the floor in the middle of a training room.” a pout rests on jiyoo’s face as she was a slightly upset with the situation. “you even fell asleep. am i supposed to eat all of this food by myself? unnie, you’re going to get me in trouble with my company. i have a comeback to prepare for and i need to be in tip-top shape.”
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wsxhyuk · 3 years
i will be getting back into the groove of writing for both hyuk and sia this week since i was completely tuckered and taken out lol by my second shot last week rip. me being a whiny sad person while sick is something u won’t wanna hear on ur discords ( :) kudos to those that did : D) i’m definitely down and up for more threads especially for @wssia . 
please poke me in the messages if i haven’t replied to you (because my tumblr ims on both are still fucked up and wonky.)
i have a few replies and a starter i know i owe @wstaeyang (let’s not talk abt how i messaged u more than twice its c o m i n g and the proceeded to just completely reckt myself on doing it rip)
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wsyurim · 2 years
xoxo, @wssia
“aren’t you supposed to be our main dancer?” 
yurim can’t help the chuckles that leave her lips as she watches her groupmate try not to fall on the ice. when she first heard of the company trip plan, yurim wasn’t sure if she would participate. however, she completely changed her mind once she heard about the ice rink. it’s one of those holiday traditions that she used to have with her family before everybody got too busy, including herself, so this felt like it would be a nice reminder of the good ol’ days. 
it took a bit of convincing, but sia had also agreed to come along with her. knowing the other’s dancing skills, yurim assumed that ice skating would be a piece of cake for her but she was quickly proven wrong. it was almost as if all her knowledge of balance disappeared the moment she stepped on the ice. 
“you have to transfer all of your weight onto your other foot!”
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jiyoows · 3 years
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕 // with @wssia​
it was one of jiyoo’s free days and she the choice of sleeping in or going out. while sleeping in was the more appealing option, she was already up so she decided to do something productive. productive meaning going to yuseong unannounced to bother an artist of her choosing. when she entered the building, she settled on visiting sia. however there was a problem with showing up to surprise someone. she didn’t know where the other was located, or if sia was there that day. she stopped and asked people if they’ve seen a short, blonde female until she eventually ended up in front of a door. “unnie~ i have a surprise for you.” she sang the announcement of her arrival. she was pretty positive she could be heard through the door, so she gave three quick knocks before entering.
jiyoo entered the room with a huge smile on her face as her eyes landed on the person she was looking for. it didn’t really classify as a surprise since it was obvious her hair was cut prior to her debut, but she had been consistently wearing extensions to mimic the length she had before she ended cutting it off. “i finally don’t have to wear those blonde extensions. i can flaunt my short hair now.” she was pretty sure the other wouldn’t necessarily like what was about to come out of her mouth, but that’s never stopped her before. before jiyoo said it, she made sure to take a few steps forwards so that she was standing right next to sia. “hm... some may even say we’re kind of matching!” and for good measure, she threw an arm around her. “i think this means we’re meant to be friends forever, don’t you think?”
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