#wulfstan x mevanwi
questing-wulfstan · 3 years
Donc, Wulfstan ne peut juste pas être hétéro avec la dégaine qu'elle a, et le fandom semble s'accorder sur le fait que Mevanwi est une Mean Lesbian. Et pourtant, pas une seule fanfic de ces deux là sur AO₃ ????? HÉRÉTIQUES !!!!! AU BÛCHEEEEER !!!!!
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rarougrougrou · 2 years
Top 5 de tes instruments préféré ? Ou sinon top 5 de tes ship Kaamelott préféré ?
Et beh on va répondre aux deux!
Pour les instruments :
1. Alto et violoncelle ex æquo. L'alto c'est quelque chose de magnifique, et jsuis objectif, c'est bien plus beau que le violon, et je trouve que le violoncelle est un instrument vraiment magnifique lui aussi
2. Le cor. C'est le cuivre que je trouve le plus doux, on peut jouer n'importe quel caractère avec. C'est une vocation ratée un peu j'ai envie de dire mdr
3. Le basson, j'en pense pareil que le cor en soit, c'est un instrument hyper complet qu'a une super sonorité
4. L'orgue. J'aurais du en faire à la place du clavecin quand j'ai commencé la musique, y'a pas plus puissant que ce bazar
5. Et le hautbois (surtout le hautbois d'amour et le cor anglais, qui sont de la même famille), on peut penser que c'est nasillard et disgracieux, mais bien joué c'est hyper smooth
Et les ships kaa, jvais plus faire une liste qu'un classement parce que c'est un sujet vraiment délicat (y'a du oc x perso du canon dedans parce que j'aime bien tricher mdr)
-Mevanwi Demetra. Je sais que ca sort de nulle part, mais : on est d'accord dans le fandom que Demetra degage vraiment des bi vibes. Sans compter que dans l'episode du baiser romain, y'a jsais pas, ce hc comme quoi elle veut que Mevanwi lui demande de lui montrer ce que c'est. Donc une Demetra en crush sur Mevanwi, et Mevanwi lesbienne dans le placard qui s'intéresse aux hommes uniquement pour le statut qu'ils peuvent lui apporter
-Perceval Angharad. Sûrement one sided, ptet que Perceval l'aime pas de façon romantique, mais il tient à elle en tout cas
-lancelotniall, de @lehoedagan tout ce qui se fait de mieux en matière de catharsis mdr
-Alzagar Venec, parce que c'est hyper marrant
-et le triangle amoureux/trouple Wulfstan/Ariadne/Scirye (toujours peur d'ecorcher son nom jpp) de @lehoedagan aussi. Parce que voilà
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questing-wulfstan · 3 years
get to know me tag game
thanks @saecookie for the tag 🥰
Nickname: Mûre or Wulf apparently and I'm pleased with those~
Gender: woman
Sign: Aries unless it's Taurus because of Ophiuchus, I don't know and as you can see, I don't care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Height: 159 cm
Time: 22:16
Fave bands: Casseurs Flowters, Versailles, the GazettE, X JAPAN, Dir en grey I refuse to choose between them <3
Fave solo artists: right now, Nekfeu
Last song: In Nome Del Padre, Måneskin
Song stuck in my head: Sonne le Clairon, Bryan Adams dédicace à @trekking-in-a-tardis dont le post me hante apparemment
Last movie I saw: Perceval le Gallois d'Eric Rohmer, which is basically on the end opposite of Kaamelott on the Arthuriana-cinematic-adaptation spectrum yet very enjoyable in its own way
Last show I saw: Kaamelott
Last book you read: if we're talking last book I finished, Ensemble On Aboie en Silence, by Gringe, otherwise House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski which I didn't finish because I started hyperfixating on Kaamelott and Arthuriana and couldn't get back into it, but I'm not abandoning it
Currently reading: Les Fleurs d'Hiver / Winter Flowers, by Angélique Villeneuve because I attended her speech on researching archives to write and it was both very interesting and relatable
When did I create my blog: this one back in april apparently, my main in september 2019, and my first (now deleted) tumblr dates back to around 2013 - 2014 I think.
What do I post about: primarily Kaamelott at the time being and a minority of everything and anything, embellished by art pieces that touched me to the discretion of my wanderings on this site.
Why did I choose my URL: I wanted a reference to Wulfstan as I stepped in the Kaamelott fandom, but it couldn't be just her name and after some wandering in Arthuriana territory I stumbled upon and fell in love with the Questing Beast, and decided questing-wulfstan suited me.
As for my main, mûre sauvage (wild blackberry) is the ice-cream flavor associated with Marinette in one of my favorite episode of Miraculous, which I primarily blog about over there, which sounds absolutely delicious and, once again, I found suited me.
Do I have other blogs: so my main @mure-sauvage which I wanted to keep safe for the minors following me for Miraculous and thus created this blog, and an old side-blog I keep as archive, vestige of my previous account and what brought me to tumblr in the first place, which is making my own iTunes cover for k-pop albums.
Do I get asks: Barely, which might have to do with me interacting with people by notes much more than reblogs, and not blogging that much in the first place, which might not make my bare blogs look too inviting for asks. I'd love to receive more though, and you'll find I can get very talkative when inquired about my hyperfixations !! 🥰
Following: 16 it's an unusual policy on social media it seems but mine is to be able, as much as possible, not to a miss a single post of the people I follow, hence such a low number. also with my sporadic hyperfixations following tags > following people
Followers: 31
Last thing I googled: how to spell Ophiucus
Average hours of sleep: not enough
Lucky number
Instrument you play: the piano and my vocal cords~
Favourite color: 💛
Currently craving: maple sirup muffins which I should try to make sooner or later
Tea or coffee: hot chocolate :D but both when offered
Currently working on: Mevanwi's trajectory from the end of Kaamelott's livre V, and her collision with Wulfstan
3 fictional universes I’d like to join: honestly just the one in my head in which I've moved out of my parents' into the perfect balance of cottagecore and minimalism of an apartment, have been diagnosed and is treating my ADHD and is finally able to write like I wish I did. Or any without the Damocles sword of the climate crisis hanging over our heads, really. which means Tolkien's I realise, so Tolkien's actually
tagging @thehermitsacedia who seem to be the last in my circle not to have been tagged in this yet, if she wished to do it
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