#wumuti ti ti
harus-simp Β· 1 year
When you have a stan account dedicated to them
Jiwoong, Keita,Jongwoo,Taerae, Wumuti
Genre: fluff, but a little bit sad on some parts :((
Requested: How about Jongwoo, Jiwoong, Taerae, Keita (and anyone you want to add) reacting to you having a stan twitter account dedicated to them lol? (Anonymous)
Author's note: I think I didn't specify it as a twitter account in some of them,so I hope you're fine with it anon. I added Wumuti because I'm this close to create an account for him I'm not even joking, although it is a little bit sad so beware of it. Hope you like it :)) (Might be a little bit long haha I got carried away πŸ˜›)
The boys know that you've been supporting them for sure watching boys planet and that you've been rooting for them however, they didn't expect you to take your supporting that far.
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After days and hours of practice and hard work Jiwoong was able to take a breath as the dual position battle had finished. He felt so proud of being able to go to Mcountdown with his team at last,his efforts paying off.
He called you immediately excited to let you know about his week. You picked up really confused to his sudden call, but smiling about his happiness.
You asked him if you could spend a little time with him and go celebrate it to a nearby restaurant, you offering to treat him to which he accepted with a smile on his face, making him look like an idiot talking to his phone.
While waiting for you to arrive he decided to search his name on Twitter to see all the support he had been receiving from his fans. He looked at each one of the posts with such detail and care, as he though of how everyone had dedicated him time, so he opted for doing exactly the same.
While looking carefully at all the letters, messages and pictures, one particular post stood out to him, it was a picture with a short but sweet message attached to it:
-Not only my boy is an awesome actor but he's a really talented rapper, singer and dancer so please vote for him. Jiwoong hwaiting!!!
He found it so endearing and flattering how he was surrounded by amazing people who were willing to make him debut, however what caught his attention was the photo that followed the message.
He found it oddly familiar for some reason but couldn't figure out why, until he finally remembered, that was a photo he hadn't published in his social media, that was indeed a photo he had only sent to you to cheer you up on your exams.
His thoughts were interrupted by you calling his name from afar.
"Jiwoong"you called waving your hand at him.
He smiled fondly and reunited with you to go eat together, interlacing your hands in the process.
"How you doing, baby?"he asked you
"I should be asking you that you winner!"you responded giggling and expecting him to answer.
"Well, it has been a rollercoaster of emotions"
"Oh, I could definitely tell"
You guys continued with your conversation as you were eating,and when you were asking for dessert he confronted you about the post he found suspiciously similar to all you were telling him throughout the lunch, throwing him lots of compliments and sweet words.
Does the account Jiwoong's number one supporter sounds familiar to you?"he asked naturally.
You were taken aback for a moment right there, until you laughed awkwardly saying: "ha.ha.ha no, I don't know what that is"
"Well, that's funny cause I've only sent this photo to you" he said laughing it off and smiling cutely.
*Oh, I forgot about that*you thought to yourself.
He watched as the smiled was washed off from your face, realisation hitting you like a truck.
He awaited for a response as you finally buried your face in your hands, accepting defeat.
"So it really was you" he smiled dedicating you a look were he expressed all his admiration for you while taking your hands in his. "No need to be embarrassed about it love, I find it really cute"
You looked back at him and laughed softly at his antics: "Well it's not like I've told any lies there" you responded.
This only made Jiwoong want to pamper you with kisses till he was satisfied, but instead he sat at your side and hugged you tightly, as the later option was best for you to not be redder than you were, besides you were still in public.
"I'm so thankful y/nnie"he broke the hug and pecked you quickly on your forehead just before the desserts arrived.
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Being Keita is not an easy job, being that talented is difficult. How can someone be so good at everything? He's good at singing, dancing, rapping, producing his own songs. Lirerally perfection.
You as his girlfriend had always wandered how he could be such a perfect all rounder, but most importantly you always kept thinking how he could be yours.
However, as good as he was (like he excels at everything) he was also human, he struggled, he had his own worries and preoccupations. So when you caught him one day a little lower than usual you decided to listen to him and he decided to open up to you sincerely.
He talked about how Ciipher needed more support and that they weren't going through their best moments, although he sweetened it with other words, saying he wanted another challenge so he decided to audition to boys planet in search of an opportunity to debut.
And of course you supported him, how could you not? He deserved the entire world in your eyes and even more than that.
A few days after passing the auditions for the programme, he was preparing his song with the other japanese trainees "Zero for Conduct" and helping them as well with their korean.
When the practice ended he decided to visit you and rest for a while before going back to the doorms, where he was working with his team mates.
When he got to your house the first thing he did was look for you on the sofa, where he knew you were gonna be for sure watching a movie, a series or just scrolling through your phone, turns out the last option was the correct one.
You were so immersed on whatever you were doing you didn't even felt his presence behind you, making it a perfect opportunity for him to surprise you. He got close from behind with the intention of scaring you, however when he saw you were writing from an account by the name of keita's-simp he couldn't help but forget his plan and say out loud : "What are you doing right there?".
You jumped a little bit and looked back at him hiding your phone under a pillow.
"God damn Keita, don't scare me like that!"you told him back.
"No but seriously, what were you doing?"
"Oh, nothing important really, just watching videos honestly"
"So you are hiding your phone due to...?"he looked at you oddly.
"Due to you scaring the shit out of me?"you answered with an obvious expression.
He shrugged it off and accepted your response, although not very convinced of it.
After spending some time together just talking casually, you excused yourself for a moment to go the restroom. He wanted to take a look at whatever you were doing before, which he considered quite suspicious imo, but he wanted to respect your privacy. However, when he was about to continue with his activities your phone received a notification from that Twitter account,which he had seen previously. His curiosity gaining the best of him made him check out that little message, leading him to an account dedicated completely to him. He began scrolling through the posts revealing all kinds of sweet and short supporting messages.
He smiled revealing his cute little teeth and thinking of thousands of ways to tease his bae, until seeing that some of the posts dated from 2018 approximately. He was still a trainee back there so, he was confused, like really confused.
"Alright I'm ba-"you were saying when you saw him scrolling through your phone on your account.
"Are you looking through my things without my permission Mr Terazono?"you asked furrowing your eyebrows.
"Are you using an account named keita's-simp?"he asked you ironically and with a smug grin.
"Ye-, yes I am"you answered shyly.
"Then why are some posts so old?"
You sighed, knowing you couldn't escape the situation at all : "Well that' because YG TREASURE BOX started by that date".
He couldn't help but smile thinking of all the time you had been rooting for him : "Oh, really?"he raised his eyebrows in a teasing manner.
He got closer to you causing you to back off and fall to the sofa, as he then hugged you like a koala being on top of you.
"You don't have any idea of how thankful and blessed I am to have you"he said hiding his face
You just smiled at him and caressed his hair softly, making him fall asleep and not go back to his doorms, and although he was scolded, he didn't regret it in any way.
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Jongwoo had been struggling on his path through Boys Planet, and although he was fighting for his dreams,he didn't find it as easy as he thought.
At first, he started smoothly with his group having good reviews and feedback from the star masters, which gave him some hope about his future. However, as the revaluation came and his stars dropped he lost some confidence and self-esteem.
Later, the K vs G group battle begun, where he was able to portray a better version of himself. He was even questioned why his star were so low when he had the talent and the ability to do more, that felt great to him, being praised for your hard work was amazing and it made him feel very proud. And it all payed off as his team won and he got the privilege to go to Mcountdown.
Then, the dual position battle arrived and he was pushed from the team he wanted,hurting his pride on the process.He wanted that team so bad and it just slipped through his fingers like it was nothing. Nevertheless, he slayed his performance anyways and could win individually. He felt relieved once again and really joyful. How could he not when his purpose of debuting started to make sense.
That leave us to his next mission, the Artist battle. He worked so hard for his song, Over Me. He suggested choreo, lyrics and lead his team perfectly. So being kicked out of it felt so wrong, it hurted so much, it made him think that he worked for nothing. He wasn't able to fight for what he wanted. When he got to the Switch team, he was really discouraged so he decided to not apply for the killing part.
Right now, he was preparing for a little event with star creators, which somehow gave him the strength to continue and give an amazing performance. However, when the curtain fell there were more than star creators, there were everyone's family and friends. Jongwoo could distinguish his friends from everyone else filling with giddiness and excitement. They were performing before people they cared about, and that was everything that mattered to him.
When he got time to talk to his friends he felt nothing but pure happiness.
"Jongwoo, you are doing great!"commented one of his friends.
"Thank you so much for coming guys, I appreciate it so much"
"Yeah, we've been watching all your performances and all twitter support you"someone said.
"You have lots of fans that support you!"
He was so happy to hear that, no one could imagine.
"Speaking of, there is this particular account that I see literally everywhere, they are really big fans. Look here it is"they said as they showed him.
He looked carefully and realised something, that way of writing was really familiar to him, way too familiar. And then something suddenly clicked, that was his girlfriend's way of speaking right there. How could he be so bland? All this time in the programme and he didn't thought of you once, how could he be so self absorbed?
After that day, in which they discovered it was a evaluation from their relatives and friends, he decided (although not adequate) to sneek from the planet camp and go to your apartment. He might regret it later, but at the moment you were the only thing on his mind.
When he got there, he unlocked the door and saw you preparing some food for you to eat, he felt so lucky to have you in his life. He hugged you from behind, hiding his face on the crook of your neck while you smiled knowing already who was the one that initiated that sign of affection.
"Hey baby, how's everything going on boys planet?"you asked him while still cooking peacefully.
"..."he didn't answered but started kissing your neck softly instead.
"Hehe that tickles"
You stopped smiling once you started to hear a silent whimpering sound.
"Hey Jongwoo, what's wrong?"you asked him as you stopped everything you were doing and turned around to see his face.
"Nothing, it's just-"
"Come on tell me" you encouraged him while whipping off his tears softly.
"It has been really hard, and I've just been so concentrated on winning that I forgot about my own girlfriend's existence, I've just missed you so much but couldn't think of it myself and-"
You silenced him by pressing a soft and sweet kiss on his lips, he corresponded eagerly and once you pulled apart you said to him: "Look, I'm not mad at that, I understand how hard it has been for you and all the hard work you've put in every single performance".
"Yes, but seeing your account has hitted my sensible spot"he said.
"Hahaha, you know I'll always be your number 1 fan. I'm so proud of you for raising so much on the rankings and having so much support from star creators".
"You are amazing, you know that? But jongwoo's-wifey, really?"he teased you.
You blushed at his remark.
"Well, I'm just being a fan, what do you expect?"
He giggled silently and got closer to your ear saying: "Well, if so you must call me your husbie"
You turned redder than a tomatoe if that was even possible, getting away from him and hitting his arm playfully.
Did he mean it? We'll never know πŸ‘€
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It had been a really tiring day for Taerae, practising por Switch was nothing but easy. It was complicated for him as his dancing didn't stood out as the best, but could you ever be mad at it? No, his singing made up for it tho (and the dance is really fast paced, soπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€).
He practiced and practiced and practiced, and practiced once again lead by phanbin,a really detailed person and a perfectionist, but at least being as strict as he was with the dance moves was helping him improve in some way.
All the hours and effort he had put into the performance were starting to make everyone tired, so phanbin decided to let everyone go home and rest for the next day.
When Taerae finally got home, he couldn't help but wanting to take a shower and just sleep for 3 days straight. So that's exactly what he did. He took a cold shower as he had sweated so much and as he was changing to something comfortable you got home being greeted warmly by your boyfriend.
"Hey y/nnie, how was work?"he asked you
"Exhausting actually, how's your practice for the Artist battle going tae?
"I can't wait for you to see it" he smiled brightly at you.
After showering and changing clothes as well, you both decided to just go with a session of cuddles and a movie for you to rest from your respective work and to just enjoy your time with each other.
You put a silly rom com to lighten your moods and basically to have it as background noises as you knew perfectly you would just talk through it.
You were resting your head on taerae's chest as he had his arms wrapped around you securely and protectively, leaving you reassured of nothing bad happening to you.
Right after finishing the movie (it was really bad, like horribly made), you excused yourself to go to the kitchen for a snack, he decided to enter Twitter and see what all star creators were up to. He saw from letters to drawings to threads looking carefully at every post were he was being showered with love and affection from his fans. However, he saw an account that looked familiar,it was his more loyal fan account taerae's-dimples.
He laughed once again at the silly name the person had opted to name the account. However, there was something really heartfelt about the way that the posts were made.
Not only did they complimented his physique and his looks, but they also bragged about their vocals and the way he had improved his dancing, knowing himself he wasn't a perfect dancer he appreciated it a lot.
They talked about how he laughed when he was with Junhyeon, about his adorable and lovely smile, his cute dimples, his amazing personality,how he was loved by lots of star creators, and the list goes on.
He was grateful for all his fans, but something about that particular person, just made him really like them .
So was his admiration for them that he decided to thank them personally (well not like face to face) using wake one's account. He slid through their dm's writing a short but sentimental message to them that could express all his feelings towards them.
He then pressed the send button and smiled satisfied of his little act of service, when suddenly your phone rang with a notification. He actually didn't pay much attention to that til you came back with some pizza and pop corn for you to eat while watching another film you both had chosen.
While eating, you checked your phone and saw Taerae's message:
-Thank you so much dear fan, thank you for always being there for me and supporting me in every way you can. It means so much to me, I'll show you a better version of myself. Hwaiting!!
You chuckled and laughed internally at Taerae, he was so sweet with everyone it made you fell more for him. You turned around and said to him:
"You can't be cuter seriously"
"Your way of thanking your fans is adorable"
He looked at you confused as you showed him his message on your account.
He couldn't believe it, all this time and it was you.
"That was you?"
He started laughing uncontrollably and looked at you with his mouth opened.
"Really,why are you like this?"he asked sighing.
Now you were the confused one: "huh?"
"You were making me fall in love over again, I can't stand you" he said while bringing you to his arms, too embarrassed to let go.
You giggled softly and hugged him back : "I'm just simply too cute"
"You sure are darling"
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The 2nd elimination had finished in boys planet and it was a little bit disappointing for you, a loyal supporter of your boy Wumuti. Placing 34th felt so close yet so far, feeling sad about it and can't help but worring of his current state as well, if it was hard for you to watch you couldn't imagine how hard was for him to experience.
There were a mix of emotions on the pit of your stomach, sadness, anger,pity, empathy, to name but a few.
You knew he wanted this so bad and seeing all his efforts on the Switch team being gripped out of him felt so wrong. Hearing him say he couldn't see the performance if he wasn't there was tough as well and you felt so bad for him.
However, this was not the end, you knew it perfectly. Now he had lots of more fans who supported him making you feel like all your promoting didn't go to waste. Yes, you did have an account dedicated to him, how else would you help him be voted by star creators? Your main purpose was to help him raise in rankings, but the most important was to be there for him as his number 1 fan and help him be happy chasing after his dreams.
Right after this, you decided to not be discouraged and still ask people to support him everywhere he went and with everything he did.
You suddenly heard the bell ringing, making you leave your phone immediately and run to the door suspecting who was gonna be at your door. When you opened it your guesses were right, it was Wumuti himself waiting for you to let him inside. He was standing there with a serious expression that changed when you opened the door to the biggest grin you had ever seen in your entire life.
"Babyyyy, I've missed you so muchhhh"he said hugging you tightly, a hug that expressed perfectly all his emotions.
You hugged him with the same passion throwing yourself at him in order to not have any space left between both of you.
"I've missed you moreeee, let's go inside first"you insisted.
As you entered your apartment you gave him a sweet kiss which he gladly accepted smiling right into it.
"I can't believe they've eliminated you when I've been working my ass off to promote you, people are blind I swear to God!"you finally let out your irritated state.
"Promote me?"he asked, confusion being present in his features.
"Yes,I think I've never used Twitter so much in my entire life, I have probably used it more in 2 months than ever"you showed him your phone with your account.
"Wumuti-ti-ti's-girl? Do you have an account for me?"he asked shocked, he really wasn't expecting that.
"Of course, what did you expect from me?
In that moment he felt the luckiest person on earth, wondering how could he deserve you and all your love for him.
He felt so overwhelmed by it tears started to fall from his eyes, we don't know if they were from sadness from being eliminated or from happiness from having you on his side or from both of them.
When you saw him like that you absolutely panicked at first, but you snapped out of it and brought him to your arms carresing his hair softly.
"Shhh it's okay baby, just take your time"
Instead of hugging you back he just (gonna die) let you comfort him telling him sweet words filled with truth on them.
When he finally stopped crying he separated his face from your shoulder and made eye contact with you dedicating you a soft smile that melted you.
"You mean so much to me you don't have any idea, I don't know what I'd do without you"he said sincerely.
"Well, you probably wouldn't do much"you said teasing him.
"But, I love you like that"you told him kissing his cheek.
"I love you too"
"Now let's talk why certain people don't deserve to be there as much as you do"
"Babe, no-"
"No yes, I will fight Mnet and some star creators I swear it".
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liamoig Β· 1 year
Dual position battle training room behind
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gunhaos Β· 1 year
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big-uwu-stan Β· 1 year
I'm really mad. How could ya'll eliminate Wumuti he's a freking all rounder and perfect vocalist.
I hate you msnake >:/
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badluv-bummies Β· 1 year
If Haruto gets eliminated before one pick voting starts I will simply... not vote πŸ˜ƒ
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s0ur-str4wb3rry Β· 1 year
My sister every time the BP Zoom performance is in the recommended:
AGAIN!?!!??! πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
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boysplanetrecaps Β· 1 year
Wumuti-ti-ti fragile! His note, translated from Korean: "Hello~ I'm Wumuti! It's been a while! With the cover of 'ANTIFRAGILE' this time, I wanted to express my gratitude to all of you who loved β€œWumu Titi Ti”, and also thank you to Le Seraphim-sunbaenim and the composer who made this song so that β€œWumu Titi Ti” could exist. We will work hard to show you good music, good content, good pictures, and good products in the future, so please give us lots of love and attention!"
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haobinist Β· 1 year
Ok. Wow. Boys Planet. ZB1. Many thoughts.
Very happy for our 9 shiny boys! Unfortunately there was no 12 member lineup twist, I knew it wouldn’t happen but part of me thought just maybe it could lol.
Before I discuss the lineup I just wanna say it was so nice to see all the eliminated trainees. WOONGKI BOY!! Haruto!! Seunghwan (and the banner of his own face that he brought lol)!! ollie wonka with two functioning arms!! Wang Zihao!!WUMUTI TI TI TI!! The NINE.i boys!! Chen Kuan Rui, esp his reaction to Hao’s ranking!! And everyone else as well. Boys planet truly would not have been the same magical experience without all of them, even if they weren’t performing on the final stage.
Im so sad for Keita, Jay and Park Hanbin especially. I really hope they get scooped up by wealthy, well connected companies and continue on having successful careers in the kpop industry. I’d def be there to support them! pH-1 is already joking abt working with Keita on Instagram and even tho that’s obviously not a concrete promise of anything I’d love to see something happen between Keita and H1ghr Music lol.
I’m gonna go thru member by member now, in an attempt to organize my thoughts.
1. Zhang Hao
Holy shit !? Hao P1 !? Absolute slayage. I was so surprised. Tbh, this week I was stressing about how his rank might drop because of losing filler votes, but here he is ranked #1 :D congrats to him for making history as the first foreign center in produce/planet history!
2. Sung Hanbin <3
Mother is debuting!!! Not in P1, which was a twist, but still with a very high rank. This man has a really bright future ahead of him and I’m so happy that I get to support him along the way!
3. Seok Matthew
I was genuinely concerned as to whether or not he would debut, Matthew p03 had me gagged fr I was so happy for him. He’s such a ray of sunshine and has great chemistry with literally everyone he interacts with.
4. Ricky
The SCREAM that was SCRUMPT. Would not be surprised if my neighbors had called 911 honestly. So happy for him!! Honestly, it’s between him and Zhang Hao for my bias in the group. Ricky has grown on me immensely since I started watching the show, also I think he has the best fan edits in the whole fandom like not even just ZB1, of Boys Planet contestants in general. For some reason I feel like the group name really suits him? Like if u showed me a picture of Ricky and said β€œhe’s in a group called ZB1” that would make sense.
5. Gunwook
yet ANOTHER pleasant surprise! I obviously knew he was in the conversation but I was expecting him to be up for like 8th or 9th, esp after he dropped in the 3rd ranking. He started the show with such a tough guy image, but he’s really such a softie and I love it.
6. Kim Taerae
Main vocal slay :) can’t wait to hear more of his high notes and see his big smile onstage. Also I feel like the new dark hair really brings an edge to his image that we haven’t seen before. He might be a reverse Gunwook, seeming very soft and cute at first but actually being tougher than anticipated lol. I was nervous for him after seeing he was 11th in the interim, but clearly the voters pulled thru.
7. Kim Gyuvin
I have not been the biggest Gyuvin fan in the past, but I gotta say he’s really growing on me. He’s like a big goofy puppy dog that can dance really well. His reactions to seeing the other trainees winning (especially Yujin) were so endearing! The other day I watched his en garde fancam on loop aksjfgh he does have a very interesting captivating energy and I appreciate that.
8. Kim Jiwoong
Our hyung <3 so happy for him, he’s been through so much with his previous debut but now he’s finally done it. It’s also nice to see someone who is so clearly openly supportive of the queer community in the final lineup. Not to say that the other trainees aren’t ofc, I think they r all allies (if not queer themselves), but like, jiwoong acting in BL and being friends with Holland, the literal only out k-pop idol, is a different kind of support that I’m happy to see. Most idols tiptoe a bit more, but jiwoong actually does things that r clearly in support of us yknow.
9. Han Yujin
Our maknae :) seeing him drop so much was really surprising, for a moment I thought he wouldn’t make it tbh. I’m fairly neutral on him, I think he’s an amazing dancer and has so much potential, but if I’m being honest he wasn’t necessarily one of my picks. I’m not mad that he’s here by any means tho. I know ZB1 hasn’t even debuted yet so it’s kinda silly to be theorizing about what he’ll do after, but hes young, talented and popular enough that I think once they reach the end of the 2.5 year contract he’s gonna redebut and reach success all over again.
So, that’s it! Boys Planet is over! The lineup is announced! Zhang Hao, Sung Hanbin, Seok Matthew, Ricky, Gunwook, Taerae, Gyuvin, Jiwoong and Taerae. Our Bep1er- now officially known as ZEROBASEONE :D it feels so surreal, but I’m so excited to stan these boys.
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hoonistzb1 Β· 1 year
My Top 9 in Boys Planet before the 7th episode
Han Yujin (Cuz his dance moves are just ✨️ and just one of the babies of Boys Planet)
Zhanghao (G group centreπŸ’– and who wouldn't like this talented guy. The heterophobic icon βœ‹οΈ)
Haruto (Probably one of the most entertaining and funniest people in Boys Planet. His dance and rap are just 🀌🏻✨️ Was my number 4 but then how can I resist him after the Zoom stage)
Sung Hanbin (He's just in everybody's bias list. Born to be centre. Just a complete all-rounder. Practically no flaws. Waiting for him to move up in my bias list after TOMBOY πŸ‘πŸ»β˜ΊοΈ)
Park Gunwook (Intimidating but actually just a giant baby. His confidence in choosing the Kill This Love- πŸ‘ŒπŸ» Also waiting for his stage in TOMBOY)
Keita (He's so cute and kinda short 😬 that I wanna put him in my pocket :(( Great leader and just another all-rounder)
Kim Jiwoong (Probably another guy who's in everyone's bias list. Hard carried Love Killa's stage. His Back Door performance was too hot to handle 😢)
Wumuti (Just cuz he's Wumuti ti ti fragileβœ‹πŸ»πŸ˜ƒ And funny and practically just iconic. Would probably move up in my bias list)
Seok Matthew (MY COUSINNN!! jk he's not actually my cousin. My friend liked him and then we tricked my other friend who knows nothing about kpop and told her that Matthew was my cousin so now he's in my bias list πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ» And I love u I want u Seok Matthew is just iconic)
Probably my bias list for now. Would probably change after the release of episode 7
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duckydae Β· 11 months
[boys planet: mission remix]
now that boys planet is over and zerobaseone is debuting very soon, looking back what are some of the challenge line-ups you would've liked to have seen? (regardless of ranking or elimination)
also feel free to double use!
(example: like taerae in back door and ktl? cool! put 'em for both. we're thinking of fun lineups, not logistics!)
i'm only gonna note the ones i really wanted to change, whether it be the entire team
also! as a disclaimer, i don't dislike any of the old line-ups, this is just a bit of fun.
mission one (k vs. g)
[love me right - korean]
lee hwanhee - main vocal
sung hanbin - killing part
kim minseoung - main rapper
yoon jongwoo - sub rapper (here me out, jongwoo sounds like sehun)
park hyunbeen - vocal
lee dongyeol - vocal
lee yedam - vocal
[love me right - global]
i don't really have any complaints about most g-group line-ups, the only thing i would say is plenty of them would've fit love me right (like ollie, krystian, cong, matthew) but truly this line-up was great.
[kill this love - korean]
lee hoetaek - main vocal
park gunwook - vocalist
kim taerae - vocalist
lee jeonghyeon - rapper
kim gyuvin - killing part
if i'm honest, i could see jongwoo also being in this too.
[back door - korean]
the only thing i would do with back door is switch seunghwan and yujin as it probably would've helped seunghwan's trajectory and also been age appropriate for him over yujin.
if i'm honest, i could see jongwoo also being in this too (and seunghwan if i'm honest)
mission two - welcome duckydae's bias (rules? see ya!)
jay chang - main vocalist
lee seunghwan - killing part
haruto madea - main rapper
lee hwanhee - sub vocal
[feel special]
cha woongki - killing part
wumuti - sub vocal
kim taerae - main vocalist
sung hanbin - main dancer
[love killa]
seok matthew - sub vocal
yoon jongwoo - main dancer
ricky - main vocal
park gunwook - killing part
if i'm honest, i would've loved to have seen minseoung + seowon in law instead of yujin + yedam
mission three
[over me]
jay chang
lee seunghwan
zhang hao
lee jeonghyeon
chen kuanjui
[say my name]
cha woongki
yoo seungeon
kum junhyeon
[en garde]
i don't really have big changes to en garde, if anything i would simply switch gyuvin and park hanbin, but i also love hanbin in switch.
getting a wacky for shits and giggles
haruto madea
kim taerae / ricky
wang zihao
na kamden
park hanbin
han yujin
final mission (i'm still in denial so this is with some of the top twenty-eight)
[jelly pop - this is pure chaos but 'tis what i want]
jay chang - main vocal
zhang hao - sub vocal one
lee seunghwan - sub vocal two
park gunwook - original position
kum junhyeon - original position
park hanbin - original position
wang zihao (jay's og part is cruel and i wouldn't wish it on anyone i'd just like to see zihao in a lighter concept)
na kamden - og position
cha woongki - matt's position
[hot summer]
i don't really have any thoughts towards hot summer, it just felt like over me 2.0 and as an exo fan, sexy concepts don't do much for me if the vocals aren't pulling their weight. jiwoong + taerae sounded great and i still stand by the fact hanbin shouldn't have been main vocal, jay or not. (and i say that as someone who had hanbin as their second pick during the finale).
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harus-simp Β· 1 year
Cupid gone right?
-Wumuti x reader-
Warning: none, just fluff (maybe a little sad at times but it all ends up well)
Requested: Clueless!reader who are asked by her friend to help her set up a date with Wumuti, well that ended up her being a Cupid/Matchmaker for them, but what if.. it was all part of the plan? Her friend was actually the one who is setting her up on a Date w/ him!? (Anonymous)
Author's note: Hey anon, sorry for the long wait. But here's your request, I hope you like it <3
What happens when you are tricked by your own friend into setting her up with wumuti, only to find out that the one that was set up with him was you?
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After a couple of years at your current college you could state something for sure, you had a huge fucking gigantosaurus crush on your neighbour. The first years you started living on the college's doorms, but after obtaining a part time job that payed you quite well you decided to move to your own apartment.
And a couple of months later you heard someone was moving right next to you, someone around your age. This was obviously a blessing as that building had no young people at all, so you thought it was a great opportunity to socialise as well.
And when he got there you almost had a heart attack right then and there, he was one of the most gorgeus people you had ever met, and the smile he flashed your way made your cheeks warm.
He introduced himself as wumuti,a perfect name for a perfect face, and you cooked him something to welcome him which he accepted gladly (you thanked your job as a bartender for the cooking abilities).
You guys hanged out from time to time and met up at college as you soon discovered he was also attending yours.
On a sunny day when the weather was absolutely spectacular and you weren't bombarded with exams, you and your friends were having a stroll by the gardens just enjoying each others company.
"Wah, today's a great day"
"Yeah, the weather's so nice"
"Thank God we don't have any exams, I'd hate to be stuck studying and waste the good day we are having"
Yeah a peaceful and beautiful day to just rest and be at ease. Couples passing by and being all lovey dovery, God why couldn't you have a significant other?
"Guys I hate being single I swear, when is my time to be happy?"you asked
"You'll end up bitchless til your 50's at this point ahahhaaha"
And hour or so passed and just when you were about to go to your next class a friend of yours approached you to have a talk after a long time and your luck just got better when she got quite focused on something behind you.
"My God, who's that?"
"Who?"you asked as you turned around only to find your dear crush just passing by.
"He's gorgeous"
"Oh, that's wumuti"
"You know him?"she asked quite shocked
"Yeah,he lives next door"
"OMG, please introduce us? I'm literally in love, I'd like to date him please,he looks so caring"
"I could try to set you both in a date"
What? Why did you say that? Have you lost your mind? You've been in love with him for a long time now and you would just let someone else take it away? Nu uh. But then it was your friend we were talking about, so you just couldn't say no to her.
"Really? Would you do that for me?"
"Yeah sure"
"Great, tell me when you have any updates bubs, bye bye"
And just like that she got away giving little hops and jumps expressing all her excitement.
"Isn't wumuti like your crush?"
"Then why the hell would you set him up with other person that wasn't you?"they shouted
"I don't know, what was I supposed to do? Tell her no back off, he's mine?"
"Well you could have at least warned her that he was your crush"
"Uhm it's already too late I guess, I'll see what I can do"
Yeah that didn't go as you were expecting.
And now here you were, at wumuti's door to ask him if he wanted to go on a little blind date with a friend of yours. You were quite disappointed that you didn't have the guts to ask him first, have the courage to at least try to make a move.
When you knocked on his door you were approached by a shirtless wumuti that had just came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. The droplets of water slide by his toned abs and chest. Fuck focus y/n.
"OMG SORRY"you said while turning around in a hurry
"Haha don't worry about it, would you like to come in?"
"Ye-yes please"
"I'll go put something on"
And you were left there all flushed and awkward by the situation, but didn't have time to think much about it as he came back.
You guys chatted for hours until you were about to leave, but you remembered your initial aim.
"Umm, wumuti. I was wandering if you would be willing to be set up for a blind date"
"Oh? I haven't been in those for a while now. Why all of a sudden?"
"Well i have a friend that found you quite charming"
"Oh, then tell them I would very like to"
"Great, I'll tell you all the info later. I'm gonna head back"
"Good, take care y/nnie"
The day that you had planned for them to meet had officially came and you were heading to the restaurant because your friend wanted to spend some minutes with you before going with him. Maybe tell her some of his hobbies or favourite songs to at least have some sort of conversation going and not keep things too awkward.
When you got there you were searching for your friend, but didn't find her anywhere near, which was kinda odd taking into account that she was never late to any place in general.
You texted her asking her for her whereabouts until your phone buzzed.
-Have fun you two ;))
-What are you talking about? Where are you?
-Oh, I never planned on going, just tired from you whining that your crush didn't make a move yetπŸ™„
That motherfu-
But your thoughts were interrupted when you saw wumuti entering through the door and looking for a table to seat and wait comfortably for his date unit he made eye contact with you, his lips curling instantly into a smile.
"Hey y/nnie, what are you doing here?"
"Uhm well I'm so sorry but my friend just texted me that she couldn't come so yeah..."
"Oh, that's a pity, I wanted to meet her"
That words kinda hurted ngl, but again you couldn't do much about it.
"Anyways, would you go on a date with me then?"he asked casually
What? Did he just asked you that?
"I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me"
And finally reacting to his sweet smile and the little glimpses he took towards your eyes you nodded your head while he took your hand into his and started dragging you away.
"Thank God, I'm not into these kind of places haha"
And when you guys were coming back from your date around the city and he left you on your door which was right next to his (not without bidding you goodbye with a sweet little peck on your lips), let's say you could tell that the interest was mutual and that you may have gotten yourself a boyfie :D
You would have to thank your friend for everything, but at the same time kill her for it lol.
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starstruckbigsis Β· 1 year
LE SSERAFIM(λ₯΄μ„ΈλΌν•Œ) - ANTIFRAGILE|Covered by WUMUTI(μš°λ¬΄ν‹°)
Wumuti-ti-ti is back!
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haesunflower Β· 1 year
I’m the anon who went to boys planet! Yes I am in Korea currently and I went to the second round show so I saw tomboy irl, I saw love shot irl, I saw zoom irl… it was insane! I got picked to be in the front row so you can actually see me on the screen a few times.
I have no photos or anything because you are not allowed to bring anything in, you get like airport patdown searched like three times before you go in. They are literally gorgeous in person you cannot understand. Like I was literally screaming and I got to have a little like β€œconversations” with Kamden, Jay, Hui, SHanbin, Wumuti, Haruto. Like you know when they come on stage and talk a bit before the performance? We would like make eye contact and send them hearts or they would ask little questions. Or like Wumuti told us to scream β€œWumuti ti ti” with him and to try to make Ollie do it after.
Like NCT has literally been the life of my life but I am so involved with ZB1 it’s insane…
Also can I be 🀩 anon from now on??
wow, just wow.
i can't believe you got to experience something like that, if i were you i'd brag about it all the time!! how were your little conversations like with the trainees? gahhhhh
i have two questions: the first one, are gunwook and gyuvin really THAT tall irl. and two, who do you think is so charismatic on stage, the screen doesn't do him justice?
my other picks on the show included wumuti and haruto i'm like gobsmacked rn.
welcome 🀩 anon!!
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rebolucionario Β· 1 year
outher acc : @chocozono
ask archive : @mari-repond
post @i4219s archive : @f-irst
reblog acc : @wumuti-ti
0 notes
badluv-bummies Β· 1 year
𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒓 π’”π’Šπ’“,
π’Š π’˜π’Šπ’π’ 𝒃𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒔 π’Š 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 π’Š π’˜π’Šπ’π’ π’”π’•π’“π’–π’ˆπ’ˆπ’π’† 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒆 π’˜π’Šπ’•π’‰ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 π’Žπ’š π’”π’•π’–π’…π’Šπ’†π’” 𝒂𝒔 π’˜π’†π’π’ 𝒂𝒔 π’„π’π’Žπ’† 𝒕𝒐 π’•π’†π’“π’Žπ’” π’˜π’Šπ’•π’‰ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 π’Š π’˜π’Šπ’π’ 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 π’ƒπ’π’šπ’” 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕 πŸ—πŸ—πŸ— π’˜π’Šπ’•π’‰π’π’–π’• π’˜π’–π’Žπ’–π’•π’Š-π’•π’Š-π’•π’Š,
π’•π’‰π’‚π’π’Œ π’šπ’π’– 𝒇𝒐𝒓 π’šπ’π’–π’“ π’–π’π’…π’†π’“π’”π’•π’‚π’π’…π’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝒂𝒏𝒅 π’„π’π’π’‘π’†π’“π’‚π’•π’Šπ’π’ π’…π’–π’“π’Šπ’π’ˆ π’•π’‰π’Šπ’” π’…π’Šπ’‡π’‡π’Šπ’„π’–π’π’• π’•π’Šπ’Žπ’†
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harus-simp Β· 1 year
"Yendo de Maris"
-Wumuti x reader-
Warning: none, really a cute and kinda more personal idea ^-^
Requested: well I published a little poll and most of you said yes, so this is for all of you :))
Author's note: well I'm gonna explain briefly what my idea is. So in Spain (specially on villages) there's this phrase that is to "go de maris", so "maris" is how we call the grandmas (like a nickname) because we associate Mari Pili or Mari Jose(these are names) to grandma names, like you wouldn't call your child like that.
And this grandmas are known to walk through the villages with their arms locked kinda like this
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But young people and couples can go like this as well, so I got my idea from here so this is kinda more personal :))
(They might do this in other countries as well but giving it a name feels more spanish to me hehe)
Long walks with his girlfriends with your arms locked might be Wumuti's favourite way of pda πŸ‘€
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You and Wumuti were literally the sweetest couple ever
You guys radiated so much positivity and love it was really nice to watch from afar
His smile was the nicest smile you had ever seen, right as you saw it you literally fell in love
And watching it daily made you do so all over again, you needed to protect it at all costs
And he couldn't help but want to be by your side all the time
You glancing at anything made his eyes shine with curiosity and love
Also, how could you look so cute scrunching your nose when you were concentrated, puckering your lips on the process? This were things that wumuti questioned every day
One day you were both sitting bored without nothing to do, when you got a sudden idea
You looked at him with innocent eyes grabbing his attention by tucking on his shirt a little
"Hm, you need something babe?"he asked casually
"Can we go take a walk through the beach?"
He accepted immediately as he saw you weren't doing anything anyways
And he thought it was a good way for you both to stay active and do something productive for once
So you went to look for your car keys and set up for your little adventure
Once you were there you started walking through the sand peacefully
Everything going smooth
But then you suddenly interlocked your arm with wumuti's
He stopped walking and looked at you confused
"What was that?"he asked
"Oh, sorry about that"you brushed it off getting your arm out of his looking a bit embarrassed about your behaviour
He panciked because it literally seemed like he hated your little act, when in reality it was the complete opposite
It was just he had never seen someone do that before
"No no don't be, you just surprised me"
"Oh, it's just I tend to do this, in Spain it's typical to walk like this with your family and friends, and couples as well"
"Really? That's so cute" he said
"Hehe is it?"
"Please tell me more about it"he pleaded
You explained to him everything about it as he listened carefully to your explanation
"Well then do it then"he told you
"What,sorry?"you asked him
He proceeded to offer his arm for you
You looked at him excitedly as you got back to your previous position
Yes, he definitely liked it
He got to be closer to you feeling your warmth and your heat, he could be like this for hours
Maybe he had found his favourite form of pda right there πŸ‘€
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