#wyfy's picturebook
wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
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I FINALLY DID IT!!! SHE IS DONE!!! Meet my first Madoka Magica OC: Komoe Mimura!!!
Below the cut is more info about her ♡✧⁠*⁠。
Bio / Base Information
Name: Komoe Mimura
Wish: "I wish I could grant wishes!"
Age: 16
Height: 5'2
Weapon: Magic Wand
Power: Grant Wishes*
Soul Gem: Purple, Rabbit Head Shaped
Witch Name: Velveteen
*Her ability to grant wishes is limited to things that can be created or destroyed.
Ex: she can grant the wish "I wish I had lots of money" but she cannot grant the wish "I wish I was rich" (one implies gaining something while the other implies altering the current reality).
Ex2: she can grant the wish "I wish [Name] would break up with his girlfriend" and/or "I wish [Name]'s girlfriend died" but she cannot grant the wish "I wish [Name] broke up with his girlfriend" and/or "I wish [Name]'s girlfriend didn't exist". (1&2 implies events that can occur in the future, 3 is past tense [meaning it would have already had to happen, thus altering the reality], and 4 would alter reality).
Design Breakdown
She has a very optimistic outlook and determined personality. She tries her best to get to know everyone, and her soft voice contradicts her upbeat personality. She absolutely loves magical girls to a stalkerish extent: she's willingly gone into witches labyrinths with hopes of meeting magical girls, and has a diary where she keeps all her information on the "magical girl secret world". She's very girly, and loves feminine things: dresses, long hair, and cuteness are all things she adores. Her favorite pastimes are watching tv, sketching, and hanging out with friends. Often times she can come off as pushy or intimidating (especially to girls she scouts to be magical girls) but she genuinely means no harm, and doesn't ever realise she's acting poorly. She takes great pride in being a magical girl, and her current goal is to thank the magical girl that saved her.
I'm not sure if I fully like the design (mainly the waistcoat thing, and I should've given her gloves) but I'm happy I managed to actually draw her. This was a very self-indulgent design (not a sona though) and so I included ungodly amounts of ruffles and pastel pink!
Underneath her skirt is layers and layers of ruffles to the point her legs are not visible, and she has a double sleeve situation (also with ruffles underneath). The teacup & saucer hat is... rough, but I loved the concept and wanted to include it! Her rabbit ears are attached to a headband which has a ribbon on it. Her soul gem is located on her monocle chain; the alternate locations were the rabbit ear headband, one of the hairtie ribbons, and an anklet. I went with heterochromia because I could not decide whether I liked the pink or purple more (I also debated on mint, but I wanted to keep the colour palette analogous), I also struggled with very light purple vs very light pink for the hair; and went with very light pink (but I'm not sure how I feel about it). Those hair flicks near the top of her head aren't real rabbit ears, but are meant to resemble floppy rabbit ears. I wanted her overall design to invoke the feeling of "magical girl" strongly, and I hope I succeeded in that!
Her magic wand shots a magic beam(?) thing from the top (between the ears) and functions like a whip; the hand-guard is based off a rapier's, and the bottom has a sphere that looks like a rabbit tail. Her soul gem features a rabbit head on top, and a clock face (sorta) as the bottom symbol. ALSO! I promise her purple eye is the same colour as the soul gem, the glass shading from the monocle makes the eye look lighter!
Her original wish was "I wish to be a magical girl!" but Inkyuu (the resident incubator) told her to pick a different wish since she'd become a magical girl regardless
She was aware of magical girls before being approached by Inkyuu due to being saved from a witch by a magical girl; she has gained an obsession with magical girls as a result
She uses her power of granting wishes to scout potential magical girls for Inkyuu
Her white rabbit theming is because she leads girls down the rabbit hole of becoming magical girls (the day I stop using metaphors and symbolism for everything is the day I die)
[Adding onto above] She has no particular love of rabbits or Alice in Wonderland, but thinks her theming is cute and so plays into it
She'd either be a mentor figure or an antagonist or possibly both
She either knows the secret of witches or if she found out about the secret of witches she'd probably be supportive of incubators (maybe even intentionally becoming a witch[?])
She hasn't been a magical girl for very long, but is very enthusiastic about it so she's fought many witches
She's very close with Inkyuu and carries him(?) around with her
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
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I did it again!!! Meet my second PMMM OC: Shinoha Murofushi!
More info below the cut *⁠.⁠✧
Basic Info:
Name: Shinoha Murofushi
Age: 16
Height: 5'6
Wish: "'My ultimate dream could come true'... If that's really the case then, I want to get revenge on those bastards!"
Weapon: Dual Swords
Power: The ability to release attacks used against her back at an enemy*
Soul Gem: Bellflower (*also somewhat looks like a skull) located below the chest, with scales on the bottom of the soul gem
Witch: Nemesis
*She can only absorb attacks that have hit her, and will take damage from anything that hits her. She can store damage for as long as she wants, but when she releases it, every attack she's stores gets released at once. However the attack affected her is how it will affect the target she releases on: Ex. Someone punches her causing a bloody nose, Shinoha releases her damage, and the puncher gains a bloody nose and the pain that caused the bloody nose. Ex2. Someone breaks her arm with a baseball bat, Shinoha releases her damage, and the batter gains a broken arm and the pain of a baseball bat to the arm.
She's incredibly standoffish and tries her best to be alone at all times. She rarely leaves her room, and hates going to school. She's quick to judge and mistrust others, and it's incredibly hard for her to lower her guard. She's learned to cut her own hair (due to avoiding leaving the house) and while she has exceptional talent doing so, she has no interest in being a hairdresser. She rarely sleeps, and is always tired. She maintains a perfect poker face, but struggles with violent thoughts and self-loathing: becoming a magical girl has given her an outlet for her struggles, although she gets very brutal in fights. Her favorite food is seafood, and she can't stand the taste of sweet things. Despite her dark thoughts, she's very meek, and seldom voices her opinions and feelings. If she's got a problem with someone, they likely don't know until it's too late. Her downbeat nature means she doesn't have many hobbies; she spends most of her time on her phone, and is a closet idol fanatic.
Design Breakdown:
This design was a challenge and a pain. I struggled A LOT to incorporate her "revenge" wish and find a good theming for it, but all I could really work with was "greek goddess Nemesis" (justice/law/punishment theme). I managed to fit in some wing-like shapes (skirt, swords) but I don't know if it's obvious enough(?) Her hair-circle is meant to look like a halo (angel of punishment theme) but I'm not sure if it just looks like a random circle or an actual halo. I included bellflower motifs because... I have no real reason; nice concept, but I can't draw bellflowers well. Her colour palette was the most difficult part (theming second) because no colours fit her??? I don't know how to describe it, but no colours worked right with her personality (not even black or white). I settled on green with grey hair, but it'll probably change if I ever draw her again. I fear her design is a little to "fantasy" not enough "magical girl" (but that might just be my "ruffles/pink" brainrot). I tried really hard to give her a should cloak, then a caplet, and finally I gave up and just went with the sleeves.
Overall: she was a struggle, and I don't think I got across my theming and motifs well. I might try to redesign her in the future, but for now I'm content with this: I think it's good for my current skill level and her current concept.
She didn't believe in magical girls at all, but after much pestering convincing from Komoe, she unseriously made a wish before becoming a magical girl
Her damage absorbing ability causes her to intentionally endanger herself in fights against witches (possible concept)
Originally her plan was to kill her bullies, but she instead opted to use her power to curse them
She would've liked to be the brooding loner type of magical girl, but Komoe had other plans
She has a mini fridge in her room and it's her favorite thing in the world
It's always dark in her room, so she can see well in the dark (potential plot point later[?])
She's a big fan of spy, action, and mystery movies; and has some form of online review blog
She has a mannequin in her room she vents her frustrations and feelings to (she strongly dislikes showing emotions in public and/or around others)
As much as she's tried to fight it, Komoe often comes to her house with groceries, grief seeds, gifts, and other things to give to Shinoha
Although she was initially very unhappy about becoming a magical girl (she kinda became a magical girl on accident), she's slowly learning to embrace her magical girl persona (and becoming more deranged in the process!)
She named her magical girl swords after her two favorite idols, and has begun a personal sword collection (a goal Komoe helped her set was to eventually forge a sword herself)
She once drank a small bottle of vanilla extract without batting an eye (it was dark, she was tired and didn't feel like reading)
She punts around Inkyuu like a ball
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
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Here is the updated Shinoha design & info sheet ✧⁠*⁠。
I'm a lot happier with this design, so please let me know what you think!
More info below the cut
Basic Information:
Name: Shinoha Murofushi
Age: 16
Height: 5'6
Wish: "My ultimate dream could come true... If that's the case, then I want to get revenge on those bastards!"
Weapon: Dual Swords
Power: The ability to store and release attacks back at an enemy*
Soul Gem: Wing (top), scales (bottom)
Witch: Nemesis
*She can only absorb attacks that hit her and still gets hurt from attacks that hit her. She can store damage for as long as she likes, but once she releases it, she will release all damage she has stored. Her releasing an attack back at an attacker will affect the attacker the same way it affected her. Ex: enemy breaks Shinoha's arm, Shinoha releases her damage, enemy's arm is broken and enemy experiences the same pain Shinoha did.
She's very standoffish and closed off from other people. She spends as much time in her room as she possibly can to the point of owning a mini fridge and cutting her own hair. She sleeps all day and is most awake at night, however she's always tired. Anytime she leaves the house, she covers up completely in baggy clothes and face masks. Although she has no particular hobbies or interests, she spends a lot of time watching tv and surfing the internet. She rarely speaks to others, and has a habit of judging people. It's very difficult for her to connect with other people, as she's very distrustful and always presumes the worst. She never vocally expresses her problems with people, and bottles up her emotions untill she explodes. Her calm face and meek disposition hides her violent thoughts and self-loathing. Becoming a magical girl has given her an outlet to express her emotions, but she's gradually getting more and more unstable.
Design Breakdown:
For the redesign, I leaned more into the "angel" theming and I think it helped a lot! Her shoes are modeled after ballet shoes (dancers "fly"), and I added white ribbons to give her some more magical girl flair. I managed to get the shoulder cloak working like how I originally wanted to, and added a half green half white wing pattern. The underdress is a simple white dress that's longer in the back; it was inspired by angelcore fashion. Her overdress was originally going to be a darker shade of green, but it looked too similar to her hair colour, and so I used the cloak colour; The shape of the edges is meant to look like rounded wings. I made her hair half green half black and also made it more choppy looking (to add to the fact she cuts her own hair). I think the half/half hair design makes her look a lot cooler and more distinctive, as well as ties her to Komoe more (Komoe has half/half eyes, Shinoha has half/half hair). I fixed her halo ponytail tie, and added a facial scar, and replaced the gloves with cuffs.
The soul gem shape got changed to a wing both due to the stronger angel theming and due to the bellflower not looking very good. The swords are the same (minus colour and shape changes), but I accidentally made the blades slightly too thick!
She didn't believe in magical girls at all, but after much pestering convincing from Komoe, she unseriously made a wish
Her damage absorbing ability causes her to endanger herself in fights
Originally her plan was to kill her bullies, but she opted to torment them with her power instead
Komoe always insists on giving Shinoha grief seeds, groceries, and other gifts
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wyfy-meltdown · 3 months
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I made this a few days ago and kept forgetting to post it, but here's Komoe's witch Velveteen!
"The witch of holes with a grateful nature.
She longs for the day a magical girl will come and end her. She understands, accepts, and embraces the fate and role of a witch: and happily lures magical girls to her labyrinth. The holes that cover her labyrinth are impossible to navigate in order to force all girls who enter to be or become magical girls to have any hope of escape."
EDIT: Slightly updated colors and textures to make it look nicer!
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wyfy-meltdown · 1 month
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Art inspiration struck me (rare) and I colored and shaded it (even rarer!) so here's my cringe trollsona! This also counts as a pseudo-redesign of the sylph costume (because I felt like jazzing it up a bit!) I'll leave the OG sylph costume below the cut for reference!:
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wyfy-meltdown · 23 days
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Here's a miscellaneous Homestuck OC!!!
I have many more at this point (←hyperfixation getting me good), but she's somehow my favourite and I just can't stop drawing and making stuff for her????
Anyways, her name is Pelagi Cyanea and she's a rogue of blood and a fuchsia blood!!! Personality-wise she's a bit ignorant/naïve of bad things, but genuinely wants good for society! She acts a lot more mean and leaderly than she is, and is secretly a gullible pushover. She has a kismesis (Monoce Kerosz), an auspictice (Ranhya Aldeba), and a complicated moirallegience/mutual pale crush with Cetari Lanala.
I'll post some of the other OCs at some point (probably the ones who I've made art for and am happy with the designs of)
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
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Here's an OC!!!
She's an OC from one of my personal projects, Angel Project, which I've talked extensively about before (the lore is available on my profile if you search with the "Angel Project" tag).
For some info about her:
Her name is Tetora Kitazume
Her Seraph's dormant form is that wing-thing on the right
Her Halo (weapon) is claws on her hands
Her Wings are "Shadow Fangs" and "Deep Cuts"
Her cause of first death was rabies
She doesn't have any particular lore or story yet (but she does have a backstory): I'm thinking of paring her up with Mimori (since they're both forest gremlins)
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wyfy-meltdown · 1 month
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@manicali I DID THE THING!!!
I based this sorta off of the personal sona you made and also from how I remember your appearance! I hope I did your incredibly fluffy hair justice, and I included the sunglasses and face markings from your sona! Sorry if the outfit is,,, "ehhh", the original page outfit is REALLY goofy so I tried to modify it a bit!!! I think that rage suits you well, since you've always been the really cool and stand-up-ish friend!!!
Original page outfit under cut!
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wyfy-meltdown · 21 days
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I made some minor changes/a light redesign of my fankid OCs!!! Ewan looks even edgier and his pants are finally normal, Juno is just better in general, and I changed Nate's hair colour!!!
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wyfy-meltdown · 12 days
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Here's some more troll ocs with designs I'm happy with! Top left is Madeir Papato, top right is Minnax Verdzi, bottom left is Monoce Kerosz, and bottom right is Ranhya Aldeba!
I still have more, but I'm only posting these four for now since I don't think I'll change their designs at all.
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
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Anyways, here's a magical boyified person of my sona! This doesn't have any particular lore, but the design theme formula I went for was "Fruit + Dessert + Animal"; I went with "Peach - Chiffon Cake - Ragdoll Cat".
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wyfy-meltdown · 15 days
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For the ask game, here's my zodiac troll: Kanaya!
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wyfy-meltdown · 22 days
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I made a little doodle of Luna!!! I'm not sure if the expression or pose came out well, but I tried to experiment with posing more!!! I'm pretty happy with how this turned out!!!
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wyfy-meltdown · 23 days
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Here's the fankid OCs I made!!! These are just the first drafts of their designs, so it'll probably change at some point.
Luna Castellan | Juno Allbones
Ewan Loveless | Nate Merryweather
I love how stupid Luna's hair is and also her being a massive walking space pun was an accident (Luna Castellan) because first names with four letters is surprisingly hard. Luna isn't the space player though, Nate is (for some reason).
I'm not very happy with Juno (because of her logo) and Ewan (because of his whole outfit) so I'll try and improve them!!!
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.
˚₊‧꒰ა Howdy my name is Chiffon! ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
✒ ┊He/They Pronouns ┊ Minor ┊
✒ ┊ I like and primarily post about Madoka Magica, but recently I've been in the Homestuck trenches and posting more about Homestuck┊
✒ ┊ I mostly post analysises and miscellaneous text posts, however I post art on occasion ┊
✒ ┊ I have some OCs and personal projects I'm trying to post more about┊
✒ ┊ I'm always open to asks (anonymous and non-anonomous), submissions, @'s, being mutuals, and interactions in general! ┊
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ᗢ✧ ゚.✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✒ Text post tag is "WyFy's Meltdowns"
✒ Asks tag is "WyFy's Mailbox"
✒ Art tag is "WyFy's Picturebook"
✒ Personal tag is "WyFy's Braindump"
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ᗢ✧ ゚.✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✒ My current WIPs are:
┊ Homestuck OCs / MSPaint Fan Adventure ┊ Untitled Fantasy Project ┊
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
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This is a little doodle I made of my sona a few weeks ago (old signature lol). It's in my simple style, but I think the design is fine!
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