#wylan on the other hand would get rid of the evidence like a good little demo-man
vanilla-vivillon · 3 years
Hey so I have some ✨Kanej✨ kid headcannons that I’m gonna bother you with
Kaz and Inej never really thought they could have kids
Even without there problems with being intimate
Barrel bosses weren’t suited for spouses and children
And with Inej being gone 75% of the year hunting slavers it was never something they thought they could have
Until one day when Kaz meets a small seven year old suli girl
Kaz was 30 and with him being the king of Ketterdam he kept close track of everyone entering and leaving Ketterdam.
No one could get in or out of there without him knowing.
So imagine his suprise when he walked into his office to find some kid sorting through his papers
At first he simply couldn’t believe it
Then he thought she could be one of his dregs children
With business booming Kaz had more members then ever.
In fact being dregs was more seen as being an employee then a gang member
Especially with how many casinos Brekker owned
So he was positive one of his members lost track of her
He tapped his cane to the floor “You shouldn’t be in here”
The girl looked up from where she was playing with the things on his desk
Straight Black hair that reached her shoulders and watchful hazel eyes peered up at him. She was wearing a black shirt and a small hood. She looked sorta like a spider.
Could she be a spy? Kaz thought
She was far to young
Unless was heavily tailored...
Okay he was definitely grasping at straws
“Where are your parents?”
The girl didn’t answer instead looking at him
As if she was sizing him up
This girl was Kerch born and bred alright
Kaz sighed.
An orphan would be annoying to deal with
And how the hell did she even get inside the slat?
“Alright get out then” Kaz snapped
Suddenly Kaz felt the familiar tingling in his neck.
“Kaz what’s going on?” Inej said peering I to the office where the suli girl was
“Who’s this?” Inej asked
“Yes wonderful question Captain who are you?” Kaz snarled turning towards the pest of a human.
Her back stood a bit straighter
“Is that your real name?” Kaz asked
“Inej I found this girl here in my office” Kaz said finally turning to Inej
“Your an orphan?” Inej asked
Azriel slowly nodded
“Then I can bring you to the orphanage” Inej said
Azriel hopped off Kazs desk “alright”
Inej picked Azriel up “alright I’ll take her to St. Anastasia’s and then we can finally chat”
Inej had just gotten back from a four month long expedition in the southern colonies and Kaz wasn’t to happy to have to wait Even more
“Then i guess I am doomed to wait for you here” he said sarcastically
Inej laughed the laugh and went with the girl
Kaz and Inej thought that would be the end of that but it seemed the universe wasn’t done toying with them
Kaz was tired
He always was but this time was different
Lately more and more priests and politicians have come to clean up the barrel
This would’ve been a simple annoyance but the problem was they were working. Certain parts of the barrel were better
Really they weren’t even fixing the problem
Just erecting some statues of Kerch Saints
But they were driving away business and Kaz couldn’t keep ignoring them
He could kill them,
Then They’d become martyrs
No he needed a better solution
On top of that Azriel kept getting into the slat
The second time she came back was a lot more destructive
Somehow the little demon got her grubby hands on some pink dye
And the next day a quarter of his members had to go bargain with The Razor Gulls wearing bright pink clothing
It was pretty easy to figure out who did it when kaz found some documents about the laundry gone from his desk. The very desk where Azriel sat on days ago
Azriel was a pain
The priests were a pain
The only balm was that Inej was here and would be for a couple months more
And Kaz loved his ever patient Inej but it seemed this girl was getting on her nerves to.
But Kazs brilliant brain thought he had a solution.
Azriel walked up to him. Now that he saw her again she looked mostly the same. Same cape and hood and black clothing she wore when they met
The timid teacher at the orphanage shook a little
It’s not every day Kaz Brekkker shows up asking about an orphan
“You can leave” Kaz Brekker said
The teacher rushes away hurriedly
“You dyed dregs laundry pink
With a small smirk Azriel said “Yes I did”
She was probably quite pleased with herself
She also has evidently no regard for her life
“I would like to offer you a job”
“I’ll start tomorrow”
“You don’t know what the job is”
“You want me to get rid of the priests”
“That’s right”
A small part of Kazs brain thought that she was to young
But then he was only a bit older when he started working
“Head to the slat and go to my office I’ll get someone to get you a room
Azriel had been working for Kaz for a month now and already three priests have been driven out
It seemed Azriel was quite effective at her job
He had taken a likening towards her although he would never admit it
She was smart
And had quite the sense of humor
“You like her” Jesper said after Azriel walks out of his office after giving a report
“She’s a good employee”
Ignoring Kaz Jesper continued “if she’s your employee why does she live in your apartment?”
“Easier to keep an eye on her. The other dregs haven’t forgotten that there clothes are still pastel pink.”
“Plus” Kaz added “Inej likes her”
It was true Inej had taken a liking to the troublemaker. The girl spoke her Kerch well and spoke not a kick of Suli
Even tho Azriel seemed to enjoy Inejs company she kept locked lips on where exactly she came from.
One day she just appeared in Ketterdam and that was that.
“Is she like your kid?” Jesper pressed
Jesper and wylan themselves had adopted a few and fostered many. Wylan in fact helped start St. Anastasias Orphanage
“Of course not Jesper don’t be a podge”
Of course Jesper was right when five months later Kaz and Inej signed semi legal papers adopting her
Hey y’all this is my first head canon thingie. I take asks about anything in the Grishaverse. Give this a reblog it you made it to the end. Sorry for any grammar errors I made.
Part two https://dablackdahlia.tumblr.com/post/650718731093327872/the-black-dahlia
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