#x || verse: cyberpunk verse tbd
immortuos · 3 years
@afraidofchange​ || s.c.
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        “So death really is the only way to get my name up on the board, huh?” She slides onto one of the open bar stools, one arm coming up to rest atop the counter, all very nonchalant-- even the tone of her voice and the way it carries *through* the thumping of the bass instead of *over* it. “What about near death experiences? Because there was this one time, there was an alligator and all I had was this little little x-acto knife--” And Claire could probably care less. 
        “Anyways,” throat clears and fingers drum idly. “Rogue in a good mood today?” Chin jerks and baby blues cast towards the guarded section of the club. “I think I already know the answer but-- you never know with her.” 
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