#x. layla zhao / meme days.
heavensreigns · 4 years
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How tall are you?
death is not as tall as you may think. she measures 167cm, but you will always find her wearing heels so she seems taller than that.
What was your last dream about?  What position do you usually sleep in?
that implies being able to sleep and sadly, she hardly ever has the time to sleep. no sweet dreams for layla. if she does fall asleep, she tends to lay on her side, hugging her pillow.
Would you like to be a big celebrity?
i mean. is there any bigger ‘celebrity’ than death? she thinks she gets enough attention, so no thank you.
Can you curl your tongue?
yes, she can.
Are you scared of spiders?
there aren’t a lot of things, maybe there are not things at all, that scare death. it doesn’t mean that they can’t send a shiver down her spine, but she just handles things like the ancient, graceful being she is.
Favorite school subject?
she never went to school, but it would have been art.
Have you ever started a rumor?
countless ones, she is sure. ‘how did they die?’, ‘did someone kill them?’, etc.
How fast can you type?
super fast. she did a test out of boredom and reached the highest rank.
What are you strengths?
her biggest strength would be self protection. being a reaper has been hard on her, being death herself even worse, but she manages to stay anchored and sane.
Color of your room?
layla’s entire home is a mixture of marble, rose and white. 
Favorite swear word?
'brotherfucker’ after she heard it in a simple favor and found it entertaining enough.
Can you do any other accents other than your own?
absolutely. perfecting all languages is an ability most ancient creatures possess.
Favorite food?
Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
only if she cares about someone and attempts to protect them.
How did you get your name?
the original horseman named her layla after her creation. adding a last name was just a little trick to appear more mundane to those who do not know who and what she really is. 
( answered for @mysticomplex​, @shxdowme​ )
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heavensreigns · 4 years
🧸 - … gifting them a plush/toy ( layla & matthew )
LAYLA  TILTED HER  HEAD  TO  THE  SIDE  ,  eyes  narrowing  once  they  landed on  the  giant  plush  bear  in  his  arms  .  “  where  did  you  even  get  that  ?  i  never  met  a  seelie that’s  particularly  cuddly  .  ”  which  made  it  hard  to  believe that  he  found  it  in  this  realm  and  far  more  likely that  he  created  it  with  magic  .  there  was  an  amused smirk  on  her  lips  as  she  stepped closer  to  him  ,  fingertips running  over  the  soft  fabric of  the  teddy  .  “  how  adorable  . tell  me  ,  is  this  an  attempt to  convince  me  to  spare  you  ?  ”  
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heavensreigns · 4 years
🍷 - … paying for the drinks of my muse / layla & hannah.
DEATH  WATCHED THE  WITCH  when  she  placed  a  bill  on  the  counter ,  paying  for  both  of  their  drinks  .  it  was  not  like  the  creature  did  not  know  about  money  and  its  importance  ,  but  it  was  rare  for  someone like  her  to  carry  any  of  it  .  besides ,  after  the  queen  captured them  shouldn’t  she  be  the  one  tending to  their  needs  ?  drinks included  ?  “  thank  you  .  ”  layla  breathed .  she  could  have  gotten out  of  this  situation  on  her  own  ,  but  this  was  more  interesting .  most  people were  not  so  selfless  ,  after  all  .  “  i  would  say  the  next  drinks are  on  me  ?  ”  well  .  would  the  female  even  want  more  drinks  if  she  realized who  and  what  she  was  ?  “  i just  have  to  find  out  what  to  do  about  the  whole  money  thing  .  i  didn’t  even  know  they  had  a  currency  here  in  the  seelie  realm  .  ”
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