#xalynir trevelyan
ephemereon · 5 years
💚 Pour xal 👀
A question for the boyo!! 👀 Thank u
💚 - ENVY - What is my muse jealous of?  Is it someone else’s power or privilege?  Is it something about their relationship? 
This is probably Xal’s most well kept secret. I wouldn’t say he’s jealous, more like envious, of people who have a good relationship and strong bond with their siblings (something he doesn’t have because he barely knows them considering he’s spent most of their childhood and teenage away at the Circle). He’s envious of people who are comfortable with the Game, twisting their words in the right way. He can’t, he’s too honest and blunt for that even if it would save his life. At some point, he’s envious of people who can take some time for themselves, away for politics and thedosian problems. Wishing he could give his job to someone else. But that idea doesn’t stay long, cuz y’know, someone’s gotta work.
And sometimes he’s envious of people who see the world as it is and accept it, without mourning the utopia of a better world (but that’s because he’s never really been confronted to the world before Inquisition and is a dumb idealistic, thankfully that trait changes).
He’s ashamed to feel envy when it happens, but he can’t help it. And thankfully it’s something he can hide (as much as he can actually hide, considering he’s like a freaking open book!).
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trashwarden · 6 years
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Little something for @ephemereon bday! Xalynir Trevelyan is such a cutieee
Hope you had wonderful day! <3
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reluctantwrites · 6 years
My half of the art trade with @ephemereon <3 I hope you like it, dear!
Pavelyan. Xalynir Trevelyan x Dorian Pavus (approx 1200 words)
Dorian jolted slightly as the door to his quarters slammed open, the wood rebounding off the wall, nearly swinging back to clobber his amatus right in the face. Turning, he raised a brow as Xalynir stalked into the room, an apology already leaping from his lips, the entire sentiment rather at odds with the expression on his usually cheerful face.
“If I had to guess,” Dorian began carefully, snapping his book closed – one of Genitivi’s slower  works – and setting it down on the desk, “I’d say something has you rather upset.”
Xalynir's arms were folded tightly across his chest, his gaze bright with what Dorian could only assume was anger. After all, he had never truly seen such an expression on his amatus’ face before. 
“Dorian, do you think I’m naïve?”
The question was rather sudden. Dorian blinked a few times, attempting to process the demand. It seemed his silence spoke before he had a chance to, because Xalynir groaned, reaching up to scrub his hands over his face. “You do, don’t you? Why? I don’t get it! I’m not naïve. It was just… just a misunderstanding. That’s all.”
Well, they were getting somewhere. Not quite directly, but that was fine. Some matters took a delicate touch. Dorian supposed that was about all he could hope for, with Xal in such an unsettled state. “Why don’t you sit down and tell me what’s going on, yes? I am beginning to sense I missed something rather interesting tonight.”
The Inquisitor rolled his eyes, but sat as he was asked, the bed squeaking beneath his muscular frame. Turning in his chair, Dorian folded his hands over his knee and nodded to Xalynir; a silent gesture for the man to continue.
“So… well, there was this meeting, right? With a nobleman. Josephine and Leliana arranged it a few weeks ago.”
Dorian arched a brow as Xalynir hesitated. “Go on...”
“It was about opening a new supply line. Corn, for the soldiers’ rations. He owns a whole lot of fields just a few days ride from here.” Xal’s jaw tightened, as though he was actively reliving whatever had placed him in such a foul mood. “It’s stupid. They got it all wrong! It wasn’t… it wasn’t what they said. I know it wasn’t.”
Interesting. Dorian thrummed his fingers absently against his knee. “They being Josephine and Leliana, I presume?”
Xalynir nodded stiffly. “We were just talking, you know? About farming. Which okay, I don’t know a whole lot about, but I was told to be nice and get us a good deal. So I was. And I did.” He huffed, hunching forward, arms seeming to cross even tighter in his frustration. “Then, afterwards, Leliana and Josephine just started giggling. You know how they do. Like they know something you don’t.” Dorian simply nodded, his expression sympathetic. Xal continued. “So I asked them what was so funny. I figured maybe they’d overheard some gossip or saw a soldier do something embarrassing or whatever…”
At that point, Xal cut off, mouth snapping shut, his lips forming a firm, stubborn line. As per usual, Dorian stepped up to the task of coaxing the truth out of his amatus. “I take it their source of amusement was something... a touch closer to home?”
Dorian blinked, surprised by the intensity with which Xalynir all but shouted the word. “I… apologies, amatus. Shucking?”
“Yes! That was it. That was what they found oh-so-funny. Shuck. Shucking. We were talking about it. Me and that nobleman. Because… because…” Unfolding his arms, Xal made a frustrated gesture that Dorian presumed was meant to symbolise said process. Dorian had to admit it was… well, a somewhat suggestive pantomime. “Because corn, Dorian! You get it, right?”
It took every ounce of Dorian’s willpower to maintain his composure. “I daresay I do, yes. Forgive me, might you… repeat that gesture?”
Blinking a few times, his confusion evident, some of Xalynir’s irritation faded as he repeated the motion once, paused, then did it again for good measure. Dorian watched keenly, nodding as though in said thrusting motion he was uncovering the truths of the universe.
“Ah, yes. I see the resemblance now.” Do not laugh, Dorian. He is upset. Be… what is it? Supportive. Yes. Be that. “I take it Leliana and Josephine failed to see the practicality of the conversation, then?”
“Exactly!” Xalynir’s expression lit up, ignited by the belief that Dorian was on his side. “Thank you. See, we were just talking about farming. He said I should come to the farm some time to practice shucking with him. I said that sounded like a good time, because it does, and he smiled, and then…”
Slowly, like a cart losing momentum as it reached a hill, Xalynir’s sentence tapered off until all that was left was a lingering, uncertain silence hanging like a fog between them. His expression, which had once been marked by a stiff brow and tight jaw, slackened as realisation washed over him, his own words suddenly seeming to fall into place.
“Amatus…” Dorian began gently. “I think, perhaps—”
—“IT WAS INTENTIONAL.” Xalynir surged to his feet, such was the intensity of his outburst. Hands balled into fists, breathing hard, he met Dorian’s gaze and held it. “I’M NOT NAIVE. IT WAS A DIPLOMATIC MOVE, DORIAN.”
“Of course.”
“I was getting us a good deal. Being a good negotiator. I’m not naïve!” Xalynir was pacing now, restless and red-faced for an entirely new reason. “I got it. I got the innuendo. I was doing it on purpose. Yes. One-hundred percent. Playing the Game and all that.”
Something about Dorian’s face must have given him away. The second Xal glanced over his blush deepened and he bristled like a cat before a pool of water. “Stop it - I did!”
“Alright, alright, very well.” Dorian stood, reaching out, placing his hands on Xalynir’s sturdy shoulders, halting his anxious pacing. “I believe you, amatus. You have convinced me.” He smiled as Xal met his gaze then glanced away, the Inquisitor’s cheeks positively aflame with embarrassment. Couldn’t have that. “Quite the tactic, you know. I imagine the Inquisition is far better off for your shrewd negotiation strategy.”
“Yeah…” Xal wasn’t quite game enough to drag his gaze from the floor. “I mean, we got a good deal. For the corn.”
“A battle well-won, then. Negotiation is a valuable process.” Dorian moved slowly as he spoke, gently guiding Xalynir back towards the edge of the bed, coaxing his amatus to sit. “As is… ah, what was the term again?”
“… Shucking,” Xal mumbled despondently, and Dorian just let out a soft chuckle, wrapping an arm around his amatus and drawing him into a warm embrace.
“Come now. Never mind all that. Leliana and Josephine will let it go soon enough. I know they can be quite the duo when they reach consensus.” Comfortingly, he rubbed Xalynir’s arm. “All is well now, yes?”
There was a distinct, lengthy pause; one Dorian had, admittedly, not been anticipating. Xal’s posture stiffened and Dorian pulled back slightly, frowning at his amatus.
“I, uh…” The Inquisitor suddenly seemed terribly interested in the hem of his own shirt, head bowed, hiding his face, fingers worrying the fabric. “I might have agreed to, ah, visit next week. You know. To help him with the… um…”
Xalynir, perhaps unwisely, gave a repeat performance of his previous gesture. Dorian’s brows slowly rose in realisation as that tell-tale blush crept its way back up his amatus’ neck.
“Well... seems I had best practice that manoeuvre.”
Confused, Xalynir turned those disarmingly blue eyes on Dorian. “What? Why?”
Dorian’s gaze was knife-sharp and he flashed a matching smile. “Oh, because I am most certainly going with you.”
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sunshinemage · 7 years
💭 :DD
Nin on Xalynir:
Such a gentle, kind soul. He’s genuine, and doesn’t like hiding his feelings.
He’s been very respectful, and curious about my people and our culture. It’s always a pleasure having a conversation with him because of his sincerity and understanding.
Thank you
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hinatanara · 6 years
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@ephemereon happy birthday!!! have a Xalynir Trevelyan and a piece of cake! :)
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quizzikemen · 6 years
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A commission for @ephemereon, Xalynir Trevelyan the Inquisitor of our heart ♥
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ephemereon · 5 years
Muse headcanon : ⌛ 🏡 🏡 ? =)
Thank you !
⌛for a sleep headcanon 
Xalynir was a heavy sleeper back at the circle, not anymore since Inquisition. He has a hard time falling asleep when there’s too much noise. He prefers to sleep on his side or on his stomach.
Aralc is a light sleeper and doesn’t need more than 5 to 6 hours to fully recharge. She can sleep anywhere, she’s even fallen asleep on a tree branch.
🏡 for a home headcanon 
For Xal, home is precious even if he didn’t spend much time back there. He likes to imagine Skyhold as a second home for some time.
For Aralc, home is where her found family is (meaning @vilemie @bogatyris @quizzikemen and @hinatanara ‘s kids).
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ephemereon · 6 years
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have a potato too
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ephemereon · 6 years
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I realized I haven’t drawn my boy since the beginning of the year asdfghjkl SO here’s a redraw :’) i’m pretty proud of myself and of the evolution 
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ephemereon · 6 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
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Describe your character in 140 characters. Now have your character describe themself in 140 characters. Also provide any of the basic biographical stats you wish: full name, age, pronouns, gender, class/specializations, etc.
Me : Xalynir is an altruistic and naïve young man, trusting and always ready to help.
Xalynir : “I’m Xalynir Trevelyan. I’m a mage, currently Inquisitor. I do think the world could become a better place. Hope makes us live, doesn’t it.”
Full name : Xalynir Callan Molan Astor Trevelyan Age :24 at the start of Inquisition ; born in Wintermarch, 9:17 Dragon Birthplace :Ostwick, Free Marches Gender :male Sexuality :Bisexual Class/Specialization : Storm mage | Knight-Enchanter Character traits : altruist, patient, social, trusting, kind, steely resolve || naïve, emotional, envious, predictable, idealistic, impressionable
you can find the challenge here !
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ephemereon · 6 years
Five Senses Aesthetics
Tagged by @sunshinemage , thank you ! :D Tagging @vilemie @bogatyris @quizzikemen @hinatanara @starryundertiddy and anyone who wants to do it :o
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small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars. blanket nests. light through the blinds as a wake up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of new york city. window shopping. watching something terrible and enjoying it. growing numb to the sight of injustice. wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colours.
crickets and lightning bugs. car engines and a / c units. a phone call to mum / dad. laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise cancelling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table. clicking of pens. listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears. the voice of someone you love. pitch shifted songs.
being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared. brushing fingers through strands of hair.freshly dried clothes. bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favourite pet’s fur or feather. wringing your hands anxiously. snuggles. comforters in the dead of winter. nails against skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor. alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking, no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint. fresh vegetables. that processed taste of citrus candy. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries.
morning glories and honeysuckles. freshly cut grass. hot chocolate in the middle of winter. nail polish. acetone. hospital rooms. smoke. hair spray. your favourite shampoo /conditioner. the scent of home. perfume. cologne. mint. something burning. wet dogs. copper. metal. unemptied ash trays. something familiar yet different. camp fires.
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small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars. blanket nests. light through the blinds as a wake up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of new york city. window shopping. watching something terrible and enjoying it. growing numb to the sight of injustice. wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colours.
crickets and lightning bugs. car engines and a / c units. a phone call to mum / dad. laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise cancelling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table. clicking of pens. listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears. the voice of someone you love. pitch shifted songs.
being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared. brushing fingers through strands of hair.freshly dried clothes. bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favourite pet’s fur or feather. wringing your hands anxiously. snuggles. comforters in the dead of winter. nails against skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor. alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking, no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint. fresh vegetables. that processed taste of citrus candy. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries.
morning glories and honeysuckles. freshly cut grass. hot chocolate in the middle of winter. nail polish. acetone. hospital rooms. smoke. hair spray. your favourite shampoo /conditioner. the scent of home. perfume. cologne. mint. something burning. wet dogs. copper. metal. unemptied ash trays. something familiar yet different. camp fires.
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ephemereon · 5 years
Thanks for the ask! Xalynir !
🐢 for a mental health headcanon 
After Trespasser, Xalynir gets a bit down due to the events that happened - too quick to process at the time. The following few months, he seeks the presence and help of his family to rebuild himself and get some self-confidence back. Thankfully, his family is with him every step of the way and he gets back to his good ol’ self (almost).
🍬 for a family headcanon 
When they were younger, Xalynir and his siblings would play outside and in the stables. At some point, they made of an empty stall their headquarters. When learning about that, their mother Astyne made that stall cleaned and offered them to decorate it as they wished. More than 20 years later, the stall is still there, and the siblings once reunited after Xal’s return post-trespasser.
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ephemereon · 6 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
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Talk about your OC’s race. How do they define their race? What influence does it have on their identity? What is their experience of their history & community?
Xalynir is human. Nothing fancy about it. He’s never given much attention to races, and being human never got him persecuted. He is aware of the condition of other races, the treatment some humans have towards them. He works against it when he’s confronted with such a situation. He uses his humanness to protect those he can. And he expects the same from other humans.
History: He grew up in Ostwick, with his family. He grew up on adventure and knight stories, on companionship and friendship. He knows the history of Thedas, the different conflicts, the wars, and peace; he’s always wished for the world to become a better place. He may not know/hasn’t endured the hardships and cruelty and other horrible things other races endured, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to change what happened.
Community: Family is important, and it’s a safe haven. Friends are a treasure and have to be cared for. Xalynir never liked the reigning hypocrisy in noble parties, casual evenings or lengthy discussion with other noble families. His parents were good at that - his father too, surprisingly. He wasn’t. The Game he hated, putting a mask, pretending, circling like vultures. The hypocrisy that suddenly disappeared when you learn that the heir to the Trevelyan family is actually a mage, the one you wanted to marry your daughter, your niece, anyone, to. Then it’s all whispers and side eyes, grabbing your kid closer to you, because who knows... Xalynir was never Andrastian either. He never liked the history of the Chantry, their views, their doings. It was too far from what he believed in. Fortunately, Xalynir never had to spend too much time in those parties and wasn’t old enough to understand the stakes. He just didn’t like those ladies wrapped with layers of perfumes pulling his cheeks while inspecting him with a satisfied look. ‘This would make a good match for my daughter.’
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ephemereon · 6 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
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Briefly describe your OC’s mental state. Are they neurotypical or neuroatypical? Do they have any mental illnesses or a history with mental illness? How do they handle stress?
Xalynir is a very emotional person. Whether in bad or good. Events can have a quick impact on him - positive or negative. He’s more likely to remember them thanks to the emotional link attached to it. He feels so much, everytime. For example, when he was a kid, his fright when he got locked in a cupboard while playing hide and seek turned into claustrophobia. Or the time when he lost his horse during a harsh winter made him reluctant towards ice magic.
He does have some trauma from losing his lover when he was at the Circle. And the Inquisition did leave some marks too.
He’s not a stressed person, as surprising as it may look. He’s still quite reasonable when stressed, even though sometimes his emotions get the upper hand. It’s better for him to not be stressed by the slightest thing, especially when he’s Inquisitor (and when he has to deal with a bunch of trashes @bogatyris @vilemie @quizzikemen @hinatanara ) He’s less assured in the Game or during such events. He doesn’t like the reigning hypocrisy and isn’t quick-witted at all.
He also tends to build up what’s on his mind, doesn’t talk about it to not bother people. Until he explodes.
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ephemereon · 6 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
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Briefly describe your character’s physical appearance. Are they able-bodied or disabled? Are they comfortable with their looks/body, or did they wish their body was different? Do they have any significant scars? How fit are they?
What is their experience with the Anchor? If/when they lose their hand, how does that go? How do they handle it afterwards?
Xal is well built, a bit smaller than average at 172cm (5′6″). Broad shoulders and slimmer down the torso. He has muscled arms, thighs and legs, a minimum to be able to fight with a staff and a magic sword later on. Although as years go by, he becomes softer and has some belly due to him cooking regularly - especially cookies. He does groan when someone points it out, but overall he’s never complained about his looks. He has striking blue eyes, ones you’d rarely forget, usually filled with kindness. He has a light rosy skin, that tends to redden quickly on the cheeks when embarassed or under the sun. It’s smooth and soft, and he can’t grow a beard to save himself. Not that he’d want to, on the contrary. He even shaves his legs - eventhough he has blond hairs. His hair is short and light brown, and tends to wear his fringe on the left. Sometimes he switches.
INJURY | FITNESS : Xalynir has an old ankle injury that makes it painful for him to do intense movements on humid days. He usually wears a brace to hold it in place, and regularly goes to the healer for physiotherapy sessions. Later in life, when the weather is too awful for him, he has to use a cane to walk around. Something he doesn’t really like. Other than that, he is fit. Another interesting thing about him is that he’s naturally warm. He doesn’t need much protection when it’s a bit cold and gladly serves as a heater.
SCARS : He has scars, some of them more visible than others. The first ones are on his left side of his face : the one on the eyebrow he got when fighting intruders back at the Circle. The one on his cheek results from his fall at Haven after the avalanche. Other scars are the storm magic induced ones. Lichtenberg figures, going up his arms. They’re not visible right away, you’d need to look at his hand to notice them first. Because of them, later in his life, he loses some sense of touch at the tip of his fingers. There must be other scars on his body, due to the fightings. Some of them due to emotional reasoning (instead of rational one).
ANCHOR : Xal was always a bit torn between the fascination towards that unknown magic and the burden it was. Towards the end of Inquisition and in pre-Trespasser, he started to feel the bad side of the Anchor. Pain would come in crises, growing everytime. Sometimes he could see the green glow on some of his scars and he’s never been this afraid of magic before. Because he realized what the Anchor could actually do. It would sometimes fuck up his mana, and in these moments he prefered not to use his magic to prevent any unfortunate accident. He was definitely not on his best days during Trespasser, the Anchor asking more and more of his strength. This is probably something he’ll always be bitter about, internally - because he would never say it : how much the Anchor took from him, that some people knew or had suspicions about what could happen. Not that he could’ve prevented it. When he lost his arm, at first he was relieved. The pain was gone and he was still alive. But quickly he realized how much he’d relied on his left arm -but made him glad he was ambidextrous. Still, it was hard to learn to live with one arm. The first months, aside from phantom pain, he had to relearn how to get dressed, wash, eat etc. He didn’t want to hear about prosthetics, because it reminded him too much of what he lost. Eventually he got one and he was glad to have it. Made his life easier.
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ephemereon · 6 years
Xal, a backstory - an update
Alright, I’m bored so here goes an update on Xal’s backstory because it needed to be fleshed out... If you have questions, feel free to send them :)))
Character traits :               
Altruist, patient, social, trusting, kind, steely resolve // Naïve, emotional, envious, predictable, idealistic, impressionable
Fears :
Claustrophobia, losing someone dear
What he can’t stand/understand :
Lack of honor, selfishness (he grows to understand that though), not helping people
What he likes to do :
Cooking, reading swashbuckling adventure stories, gardening (even though he doesn’t have green fingers)
About his magic :
Always loved thunderstorms: that’s why he has an affinity with storm magic
Lost a horse younger during a particularly harsh winter: that’s why he's reluctant towards ice magic
Becomes knight-enchanter because he saw how badass Vivienne was, and also because he’s read lots of stories about them and it reminds him of his childhood books - also he can heal
He has a great mana pool  
Other :
No sense of direction
Sleepwalker during stress periods
Fidgets with his fingers when nervous
Good contact with horses
Life before the Circle :
Lived with his family at the Trevelyan domain, in Ostwick ; sometimes they’d go to Wycome for holidays and such
Had private tutors for his education
Good horserider
Loved taking care of his siblings
Life during the Circle :
The Circle reframed his views on the chantry
Discovers his exceptional mana capacity, his storm affinity
Meets Miral who mentors him; they develop a romantic relationship
At 17 he passes his Harrowing
Miral dies when Xal’s 22; he earns a scar from the event
After his mourning, he becomes a junior enchanter
When was is declared he flees the Circle
Life after the Circle :
During his flight, he’s caught in a wolf trap; he’s healed by elves (?)
Has after-effects because he left before he was fully healed
Escape lasts a year or so
Probably got lost around Ostwick
Goes back home before being sent to the Conclave
Long-term handicaps :
Wolf trap: ankle tendon remains fragile despite the healing; wears a brace; during humid weathers, he sometimes has to walk with a cane; recurrent sessions of reeducation with the Inquisition’s healer
Magic induced scars on his arms, Lichtenberg figures; on the long term (so after a dozen years), has reduced sense of touch at the tip of his fingers; doesn’t like being touched on his arms when the act is uninvited
Lost an arm lol
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