#xandra montes
rockyrumblr · 2 years
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More sketches! Xandra Montes is getting ready to beat Vitor Sousa ass for what he did to Xever.
- One, Vitor Sousa tipped off the police to get rid of Xever because of their rivalry
- Two, Xandra promise Vitor to protect Xever if anything happens to her but he broke that promise
- Three, Vitor is the reason that Xever was in the FootClan and he’s one to blame. It’s all Vitor’s fault.
Also, Timothy and April getting dressed up for Halloween. Turtle Twins :D (Timothy deserve more screen time because the show did him dirty. Everyone forgot about him, even the director and writers)
Xever and Bradford dancing together 😍
Hun x Vitor(Crackship lol)
Veronica and Xandra dancing together too 😘
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hybridvenomwolf17 · 2 years
My favorite tmnt2012 oc ever! :)
Name: Christa Bradford
Age: (Same age like Chris Bradford!)
Gender: Female
Height: 5,4 feet tall
Crush: No One!
Got a power gift from the Kraang: Shrieking/Screams power!
“She’s a twin sister of Chris Bradford! She’s born in New York City as a normal girl, After she grown up. She’s designed to go on the adventure to kick some Ass! She hasn’t come home like 8 months, but she really missed her family so much.. So, After she got kidnapped by the Kraang, She’s escaped and secretly stole the power gem from the science lab, and her power stuck inside of her forever! She’s now have a power of Screaming!”
((Christa Bradford and the Art are belong to me!))
((Xandra Montes are belong to BluewolfJade1!))
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nowhereclosetoit · 4 years
Pippa and Theo’s Relationship in “The Goldfinch”
(Or: Why Theo believes he’s in love with Pippa when he’s not)
I really enjoyed writing my last shitshow of an essay so now here’s another overly long essay on Theo and His Issues in “The Goldfinch”.
It’s 3,000 words so...good luck!
Pippa and Theo have a close bond, there’s no doubt about that, however, Theo misconstrues this bond in his head. He ends up perceiving the bond he shares with Pippa, on his end at least, for that of romantic love. Interestingly enough, this is not the case – Theo is not in love with Pippa, despite his belief, and Pippa herself understands this too.
One reason as to why Theo may be mistaking their close relationship (even though it’s never that close really) for romantic love is because of the similarities in each of their childhoods. There are many parallels that can be drawn between each of their childhoods, ranging from the death of a parent or guardian to their shared traumatic experience of the museum bombing.
Pippa’s mother, like Theo’s, is dead, as well as her legal guardian Welty (her uncle), who died in the museum bombing - Already they have some common ground through this which is the only established knowledge they have of each other on their first interaction in Hobie’s flat.
Pippa also stays with an adult (Hobie) who genuinely tries his best to take care of her until, right when things start looking up, another, estranged family member shows up to take her away from New York (Her Aunt Margaret who subsequently takes Pippa to Texas, then sending her to the school in Switzerland for “troubled girls”). This reflects the way that Theo was taken away from the Barbours by his father and Xandra to go and live in Las Vegas.
They are both also physically and/or emotionally abused and scarred from this event:
Theo, through his dad (and Xandra) who neglected him and also physically abused him.
Pippa through her Aunt emotionally manipulating her to make her stay at Institut Mont-Haefeli, and the school themselves for not having her best interests at heart.
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In the film, Pippa states whilst at a restaurant after seeing a Glen Gould documentary, that “Welty was only with me that day because I was making him take me to an audition”, depicting her guilt – still as an adult – over the death of her uncle.
Theo makes it clear many times throughout the novel and the film how he feels it was his fault his mother died. (If you want an example check the excerpt above.)
How did they deal with it? Why is this significant in understanding their relationship?
Pippa’s grief manifested itself through her physical injuries which had lifelong lasting effects. Her injuries were extremely severe, reflecting the severity of her grief and guilt. (Hobie in Chapter 4 – Morphine Lollypop: “She’s had a bad crack on the head, a skull fracture, to tell you the truth she was in a coma for a while and her left leg was broken in so many pieces she came near to losing it. ‘Marbles in a sock,’ ” he said, with a mirthless laugh. “That’s what the doctor said when he looked at the x-ray. Twelve breaks. Five surgeries. ”)
Contrastingly, Theo was not as physically affected and internalised everything he felt. This illustrates itself through his lack of eating and sleeping due to his dreams that were plagued with nightmares of the day and his loss of his mother (firstly at the Barbours and also depicted in Vegas) and eventual demise into alcoholism and drug addiction (Vegas + the rest of his life dude’s fuckin popping pills – or crushing the pills then snorting them, I guess).
How Pippa and Theo’s grief manifested itself is significant as it foreshadows the later scenes in the narrative and how they each cope once they’re adults and should no longer be grieving. (I say should no longer be grieving as it’s clear that Theo only really lets go of his grief and guilt once his mother visits him in his dream in Amsterdam after the murder - in the book anyway.) By physically showing her grief to the world – by choice or not – Pippa illustrates a healthier way to deal with grief and negative feelings – getting it out there and receiving help. This also allows us to understand, whilst Pippa also never fully recovers too – See: her crying in the restaurant over the Glen Gould documentary - that she was able to deal with it significantly better than Theo did. She even manages to have a somewhat normal and healthy lifestyle as an adult. As we’ve already discussed, Theo’s grief internalised itself as depicted through his physical injuries/symptoms, or lack thereof. Theo chose, though whether he solely can be fully to blame for this, to internalise his grief and guilt through taking drugs and drinking alcohol. (I personally believe he isn’t fully to blame for ending up addicted to drugs because anybody who cared or was supposed to care about him offered him some form of drug or medication and said it would solve his problems, See: Mrs Barbour – sleeping pills, Xandra and Larry – pills for the plane, Boris – literally any drug they did together over the course of the novel.)
Mini Conclusion (for this part): The ways grief was expressed and dealt/not dealt with by Pippa and Theo explains why they behave the way they do, e.g: Theo internalises everything and never deals with anything fully or properly, Pippa on the other hand is better at reacting to things like an actual person as she was able to deal with her grief and guilt.
Why does Theo believe he is in love with Pippa?
I believe that there are four (4) main reasons as to why Theo mistakes his feelings towards Pippa as romantic love.
1. Pippa is the only remaining link Theo has, bar The Goldfinch, to his mother and before the bombing. He desperately wants to return to before the bombing happened - before his mother was killed. Theo met Pippa only moments before the bombing happened which irrevocably links her to Theo’s “Before: When life was perfect and beautiful” view of his life. This is explored, albeit briefly, in the following excerpts:
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With Pippa being depicted in the same way as Theo’s mother, we get the sense that Theo associates her, unconsciously, with his mother, and, consequentially, sees her as a link to his mother, thus feeling no romantic love towards her in anyway.
An example of parallels between Audrey and Pippa is through how both of them had to go and live with an Aunt, with whom they did not have an enjoyable time with, in the South. 
Chapter 4 - Morphine Lollypop: Theo was thinking about “my mother after her parents died and she had to go live with her aunt Bess, + the mention of horses in this excerpt and how "the horses [were] sold”.
2. Theo also links Pippa with helping lessen his grief.
E.g: Soon after he first visits Hobie and Pippa, his appetite starts to return,
Theo relates Pippa to easing his feelings of anxiety:
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With Pippa helping Theo ease his grief, whether realised or not, she becomes a caring figure for him, this could relate to a motherly sense of caring – which the novel could suggest so with my previous point, but hey, maybe I’m grasping at straws, idk.
3. Theo’s personality is obsessive and all-consuming which is depicted through literally any relationship he has had with anything and anyone for any considerable amount of time within the novel. 
This is depicted through the obsessive amounts he is able to recount about people and the minute detail in which he does so.
It can also be shown through the act of the years’ worth of letters he wrote to his mother after she died, as well as his relationship with The Goldfinch (obsessed with keeping it as it had a link to his mother and his heart etc).
4. (Again, maybe I’m grasping at straws here) He could be mistaking his love for Pippa as romantic as a result of compulsory heterosexuality (Once again, I’m using compulsory heterosexuality in this case as an LGBTQ+ individual feeling that they have to have romantic feelings/relations to people of the opposite gender/sex, and subconsciously forcing themselves to do so - due to the heteronormative society we live in). This can be found within his romantic relationships with women never fulfilling him and his constant depiction of them as cold (See: Kitsey quotes earlier in essay compared to the way he describes Boris in general) + We all know this motherfucker is queer af, if you don’t believe me check my essay out ;)
In conclusion, I feel like Pippa is able to realise that she is not in love with Theo/differentiate the love they have between them from that of romantic love as she is more aware of her issues and has dealt with them more than Theo has. Pippa managed to remove herself completely from a situation that was causing her pain (New York) and is able to see more clearly from doing so, whereas Theo didn’t. Theo was unable to remove himself mentally or physically and is stuck in the perpetual grief he feels for his mother’s death. The only time we get some sense of closure and complete removal of grief from Theo is after Amsterdam. (In the book this is after the dream he has where he can finally face his mother, and in the film, this is once Boris tells him that “[his] bird is back in the world”). Due to Theo being unable to fully receive any sort of ability to even attempt solving his problems, his judgment is clouded and he believes he is in love with Pippa.
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cazawonke · 7 years
Círculo Fortuny, asociación sin ánimo de lucro, creada en mayo de 2011, es un foro común para unir al sector español de las marcas culturales y creativas de prestigio, promoviendo y defendiendo su entidad corporativa y apoyando la construcción de la Marca España.
Es la única asociación española aceptada internacionalmente como interlocutora representante de las empresas e industrias de alta gama españolas.
Debe su nombre a Mariano Fortuny Madrazo, pintor, grabador, fotógrafo, escenógrafo español y diseñador textil y de moda,considerado una de las mentes más creativas de principios del S. XX. Sus socios fundadores fueron Carrera y Carrera, LA Organic, Lladró, Loewe, Marqués de Griñón Family Estates, Natura Bissé, Numanthia y Sotogrande.
En la actualidad cuenta con más de 60 socios –entre los que destacan, en el sector cinegético, la finca y marca Dehesa de los Llanos, T.ba, AYA (Aguirre y Aranzabal) y Grulla Armas–, con socios de honor como la Fundación Museo Sorolla, el Gran Teatre del Liceu, el Museo del Prado, el Museo Reina Sofía, el Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, o el Teatro Real o como socio corporativo con El Corte Inglés entre otros.
Encuentro cinegético
El pasado 2 de febrero, Círculo Fortuny convocó a medios del sector cinegético, junto a otros generalistas de prensa escrita radio y televisión, a un encuentro en el que las cuatro citadas marcas cinegéticas, –pertenecientes a Círculo Fortuny– presentaron la excelencia de sus productos.
Convocados por su agencia de comunicación Savoir Faire –con la presencia de su directora, María Jesús Puebl,a y bajo la coordinación de Paloma Moreno– en la finca Dehesa de los Llanos (muy cercana a Albacete) nos dio la bienvenida Xandra Falcó, miembro de la Comisión de Comunicación de Círculo Fortuny y directora general de Marqués de Griñón Family Estates, que nos explicó los citados objetivos del foro y el propósito con el que se había convocado la jornada, poniendo en valor la caza como forma de dinamizar el medio rural, conservar las tradiciones, impulsar la artesanía con un medio ambiente sostenible.
A continuación, Julián Illán, director general de Dehesa de los Llanos, expuso las actividades que realiza la finca, cacerías de perdices, algunas monterías y, sobre todo, elaboración de productos artesanos, ‘a la antigua usanza’, como queso, vino y miel entre otros. Posteriormente explicó el recorrido que se iba a realizar por la finca –visita a la dehesa manchega (en la que pudimos ver algunos venados), a las zonas de secano (cría de perdices), regadío y plantaciones de lavanda, para acabar en la quesería (antigua, sólo modernizada con los medios adaptados para producir el queso), donde celebramos el almuerzo, un delicioso arroz con caza– a lo largo del cual se realizarían las correspondientes exhibiciones del resto de las marcas. También visitamos la bodega.
Finca Dehesa de los Llanos
Julián Illán y Ángel Eparcia, adjunto a la dirección, ejercieron de anfitriones y, durante el recorrido por la finca, nos relataron la historia, y la leyenda, de la finca –aparición de la Virgen de los Llanos, peregrinaciones y romerías a su ermita, el convento franciscano, los avatares de su adquisición por el marqués de Salamanca, la reunión de los Llanos, al final del a II República, y la adquisición por parte del marqués de Larios–.
La finca, de 10.000 ha (monte, secano y regadío), con unos 90 empleados, pretende, y lo está consiguiendo, recuperar los aprovechamientos agrarios, cinegéticos y ganaderos, basados tanto en los usos tradicionales como en la conservación medioambiental. Destacar la gestión cinegética que realizan sobre la perdiz roja autóctona (criaderos naturales, siembra específica, control de predadores), que sólo se caza en ojeos no comerciales.
La gestión agraria y ganadera está coordinada en consonancia con cada uno de los hábitats medioambientales, logrando productos –queso, vino, plantas aromáticas, ajos, miel, nueces– naturales auténticos con una excelente calidad y elaborados, siempre bajo un estricto control sanitario, de forma artesanal. De ahí la excelencia de su producto estrella, el queso, elaborado con leche cruda de sus propias ovejas –que ha conseguido en varios certámenes el premio al mejor queso del mundo–, y de sus vinos (baja la marca Mazacruz) entre otros. También comercializan la carne escabechada de sus propias perdices.
Armas Grulla
Iñigo Usobiaga, director general, y Pepe Viaji, uno de los armeros más importantes a nivel nacional y representante de Grulla, en un alto durante el recorrido por la finca –y en lugar excepcional, como lo son los antiguos puestos de ojeo realizados en piedra (como se pude ver en ele reportaje gráfico)–, mostraron las excelencias de una marca, creada en 1932 en Eibar, que fabrica –junto con AYA– unas de las mejores escopetas finas del mundo, realizadas durante décadas, de forma totalmente manual, a medida, completamente personalizadas, por maestros armeros y consiguiendo auténticas obras de arte.
Desde la selección de los materiales, sobre todo las maderas, la personalización exclusiva de las armas para cada cliente a medida, los acabados, su exclusivos grabados, únicos y artesanos y también personalizados, hasta la máxima calidad y durabilidad de sus armas, hacen de Grulla una firma que compite en el mercado con la mejor tradición de las escopetas inglesas, si bien ‘se quejan’ (ambos armeros y en general) de que a pasar de sus reconocidas calidades y belleza, no pueden competir con las citadas escopetas inglesas, principalmente, porque ellos nos llevan muchos años de adelanto en sus campañas de marketing, de ahí su decisión de formar parte de Círculo Fortuny, para conseguir que, con una asociación de este tipo de productos de gama alta, sus productos, obras de arte como hemos comentado, alcancen reconocimiento mundial.
AYA, Aguirre y Aranzabal
Los mismos problemas (expuestos de forma conjunta, y en el mismo lugar que Grulla), expresaban Alejandro Aranzábal, consejero delegado, y Bela Abellán, director general, de otra de las marcas más importantes de escopetas finas, artesanales y hechas a medida del mundo. De hecho, comentaba Alejandro, que ellos exportan tanto a Inglaterra que miles de cazadores ingleses creen que Aya es una marca inglesa…
Creada en 1915, y con una historia impresionante a sus espaldas, AYA es todo un referente mundial en las escopetas de caza, de las mismas características, antes mencionadas, artesanas, personalizadas y de una calidad sin parangón. Maderas de nogal, tratadas con una calidad que las convierte en únicas, sus grabados, el ajuste de sus piezas, todo artesanal, entre otras muchas características, han hecho de las escopetas fabricadas por AYA auténticas obras de arte.
En palabras extraídas de su propio catálogo, «AYA tiene le tradicional bancada de trabajo, donde las escopetas son montadas pero tiene mucho más. AYA está volviendo constantemente hacia atrás, hacia su anterior papel como líder de la industria de fabricación de armas en Eibar. Invirtiendo en maquinaria y tecnología ha conseguido autoabastecerse de piezas para su consumo así como el suministro a otros talleres de la zona. De esta manera, AYA no sólo sigue adelante con a una larga tradición de hacer buenas escopetas, sino que también trabaja para asegurar que la industria armera de Eibar sea prospera en el futuro.
Desde 1945, AYA ha fabricado más de 600,000 escopetas de todos los tipos y grados».
Durante el desarrollo del almuerzo, con productos de Dehesa de los Llanos, Mercedes López de Carrizosa, fundadora y directora creativa, y Gonzalo Prado, director general, expusieron toda la trayectoria de T.ba (nombre asociado a una prenda cazadora por excelencia, la teba, ideada por el conde de Teba), la historia de la marca, que se crea en 1999, con el fin, principal, de proporcionar ropa de caza elegante y cómoda para la mujer en la caza y en el campo.
Entre sus principales características destacaron que T.ba es marca premium española principalmente de mujer, diseño y fabricación 100% Española, tiene diseños propios de tejidos, también de fabricación española en su mayoría, da importancia a la calidad de sus tejidos, su confección y con tintes naturales enfocadas a colecciones de mujer, con pequeñas colecciones de niño y hombre en ropa de campo. También destacaron sus complementos, calzado y botas hechas a mano.
T.ba es una empresa familiar española con una gran proyección internacional cosmopolita, está presente en 22 países y cuenta con tiendas propias en Londres y Madrid.
Como complemento a la información expuesta por sus directivos, tuvimos la oportunidad, para cerrar la jornada, de poder observar directamente sus prendas y diseños en un varios pases realizados por dos bellas modelos.
Jornada efectiva y brillante la realizada por Círculo Fortuny con el fin de mostrar, sobre todo a la prensa generalista –que tuvo especial interés en todos y cada uno de los temas– los beneficios, la gestión y las excelencias de nuestra afición.
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Círculo Fortuny, encuentro sobre cinegética Círculo Fortuny, asociación sin ánimo de lucro, creada en mayo de 2011, es un foro común para unir al sector español de las marcas culturales y creativas de prestigio, promoviendo y defendiendo su entidad corporativa y apoyando la construcción de la Marca España.
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rockyrumblr · 2 years
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Introducing Xandra Montes, Xever’s twin sister.
- Street Car Racer
- Very Protective if her kids(Casey, Mondo, and Mikey)get hurt
- She has very protective older sister vibes
- Xandra hates Bradford and doesn’t trust him much
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hybridvenomwolf17 · 2 years
New friend! Tmnt2012 :D
Xandra Montes are belong to BluewolfJade1
Spike(Pomeranian) are belong to me!
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