#xb2 zeke
zancorvid · 1 year
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Zeke & Turters - Xenoblade 2 @ Anime Los Angeles 2023 (Sat 1/7) 
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magpandy · 5 months
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zoharweeb · 2 years
enjoy some xenoblade 2 4k screenshots! (will add over time)
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shebasbathtub · 1 year
Mòrag: Zeke has been arrested.
Rex: I’m sorry, he’s been arrested?! What for?
Mòrag: Something he didn’t do.
Rex: What didn’t he do?
Pandoria: Run fast enough.
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A discussion.
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kutekite · 2 years
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ruairy · 1 year
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mozillavulpix · 1 year
a bunch of Future Redeemed thoughts before I call it a day. Currently on Chapter 3 where you have a quest to help make a certain Nopon’s workshop
my hand hurts i think i played it in an uncomfortable position
In no specific order:
these games are addictively fun because checking things off a list is fun. Rewarding you with % completion even when you discover a treasure chest makes things even more rewarding than usual
Matthew’s voice actor in Japanese (although I’m playing this in English) also voices Yuji Itadori from Jujutsu Kaisen and honestly Matthew is basically just Yuji. Casual, surprisingly empathetic bro who settles things with a good punch.
speaking of VAs, sad Al Weaver didn’t reprise Rex, and I’m not exactly sure why Skye Bennet didn’t come on for Glimmer, given it’s the same voice in Japanese there, but actually I think I like that. Just cause it’s their kid and looks like them doesn’t mean they need to be voiced by the same person. I love Dragon Ball Z (Japanese) but you don’t always have to do that
Holy shit the Xenoblade Chronicles (1) battle theme plays in the Gaur Plains area I was not expecting that. I think it took me a while because it also sounds like...Kingdom Hearts music. Did Yoko Shimomura do this track?
it’s like some of Future Redeemed here is a bit of an apology for having so much of the plot revolve around Rex’s children and their lineage that we’re going to do some more direct XB1 callbacks this time
the first big plain area definitely has elements of Gormott in the music though. Was Gormott never in Aionios before? That makes it three times they’ve remixed that track lol
I was weirded out when Rex started off all hostile to Glimmer, but they did explain it. Chad Rex isn’t just great because he big and buff, it’s cause he’s a giant himbo. It’s so fun to see him being written by someone who wrote him in XB2, some of his lines come so naturally out of his mouth
Also interesting how people who played game 1 and 2 they’ve basically confirmed Nicol and Glimmer are Shulk and Rex’s kids but it’s probably still vague enough that new players wouldn’t immediately figure it out
we now have a third time they have played The Weight of Life thankyou monolith
like I was a little disappointed the returning tracks from XB3 still have the flute in them because the flute isn’t a motif in this prequel, the off-seeing didn’t exist yet but oh well
instead of more flutes we get clapping. the claps are the new flutes. i wonder if that’s like, a symbolic choice, representing community or something
we had better get na’el playing piano on-screen at some point. maybe she sings the sad song in-character. maybe i’m going to cry a lot
btw I have a depressing theory about how Nicol and Glimmer get out of the 10-year cycle. my theory is Shulk and Rex give up their lives for their lifespans somehow. it’d explain where they went to. and why it probably can’t be repeated by anyone else. only people who originated from outside Aionios can do it maybe
good on Zeke and Pandoria for having a kid
Glimmer’s design is not too fanservicey, but it is very easy to do an upskirt shot if you move the camera. luckily she has shorts underneath her short skirt. she also has jiggle physics i think but again it’s very subtle. She *will* get a lot of doujin. But I like her. even if she feels maybe a bit too Mythra
i’m sure people will dislike glimmer for being the antagonistic one in the heroes but i say let her girlboss. she just wanted to die for a cause and is scared and confused.
oh yeah lore stuff, it’s confirmed Ghondor is N and M’s kid, which while adding to the “Noah is bad at naming” gag, also makes me ask what took Z so long to decide to revive him as Moebius. For the amusement? even then you’d think it’d hit harder if he had to either do it directly after his death when he knew people there or many centuries later when there were more of his descendants to kill rather than, like, 3. maybe he just wanted the sweet spot where ghondor was still alive but there were more of his kids to kill
that’s all i can think of for now
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sonocomics · 3 years
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Pyra's always down for appreciating the Zekinator o: 
PLEASE NOTE: I have not finished Xenoblade 2 yet. Please assume that I have only seen what is presented in the comics so far to avoid spoiling! Thank you!
Click HERE to view the first masterpost of my Xenoblade 2 comics!
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goldie-claws · 3 years
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Xenoblade 2 has been on my mind recently, so for fun I decided to draw Nia as an actual Gormotti (imo it would have made her reveal less obvious), and Zeke as a full-fledged Tantalese (it also makes me wonder if he dyes his hair to keep his heritage secret)
Reblogs appreciated, thank you!
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tomnii · 2 years
in xb2 the ships are very clear. they’re rex x pyra, zeke x pandoria, poppi x tora and niall x ursula
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zancorvid · 6 years
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Zeke - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 @ Anime Expo 2018 (Fri 7/6)
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antiqua-melia · 4 years
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From the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Official Artworks
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aluci-4912 · 3 years
Whenever I’m talking to my friends about Xenoblade they always say “The spoiler who’s name starts with a Z”
what’s spoilery about
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shebasbathtub · 2 years
Priest: Repeat after me—
Zeke, cheerfully and proudly: After me.
Priest, whispering to Pandoria: Are you sure you want to marry this one?
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zeke-von-genbu · 3 years
Can you do a comfort hcs with Zeke (Xb2) and Joker (P5) with a reader who has frequent panic attacks
Zeke and Joker with an s/o who suffers from frequent panic attacks
Zeke (XB2)
- how does it feel to literally be the best person ever on the planet for requesting zeke god I love him so much
Even though Zeke likes to put on his “THUNDERBOLT ZEKE, THE MOST EVIL DRIVER IN ALL OF ALREST” persona from time to time, it’s shown that he’s also remarkably empathetic and emotionally intelligent, even rivaling our resident shonen protag Rex.
He’s like, SCARILY good at telling when you’re getting overwhelmed or panicked. will immediately remove you from the situation if he can-and believe me, he usually can, the dude is strong *lifts u out of depression lol ty zeke*
After that, he’ll be what you need him to be. Want to be left alone for a bit? No one is gonna bother you until you say otherwise. Need a laugh? He and Pandoria have been workshopping this skit and they’d LOVE your opinion on it!
“Have no fear, for all emotional distress and otherwise draining emotions are but whispers in the wind when compared to the ZEKENATOR’S ULTIMATE POWER! ULTIMATE LIGHTNING FURY SWORD….HUG!!!!!!!!!” you might get shocked on accident but he’s trying ok
Joker (P5)
I called him Akira I hope that's ok lol
As leader of your rag-tag group of LGBT teenagers with mental illnesses, Akira is kind of an expert at telling when the team’s dynamic is off. Hey, it’s his job!
I can imagine him setting up a dedicated space for you somewhere in LeBlanc where you can go when you feel your anxiety creeping up.
Goes out of his way to ask his confidants if they have any advice or techniques that he could possibly use to help you out when you’re having an attack, or just a bad day.
Comes back to LeBlanc with his arms full of healing crystals from Chihaya, confidence boosting exercises from Yoshida, special headphones from Futaba, and so much more. He decorates your little space in LeBlanc and takes it VERY seriously.
Never pressures you to go into Mementos or focus super hard on studying when he can tell you’re having an off day.
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