#xc world cup
raapija · 11 months
To celebrate a new start to a skiing season... Let me introduce you all to the Finnish national team with a quick slideshow...
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bikeaospedacos · 1 year
Specialized lança a nova Epic World Cup
Nova Specialized Epic World Cup: Máximo de eficiência graças a um sistema de amortecedor exclusivo.
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carussell · 7 months
maths time again - xc skiing edition:
there is a total of 345 points left to score in falun (115 in the sprint, 100 in the individual start and 130 in the mass start).
harald currently leads the overall world cup by 157 points. johannes needs to score 52⅓ points more than johannes in every remaining race (on average) to win the overall.
jessie currently leads the overall world cup by 102 points. linn needs to score 34 points more than jessie in every remaining race (on average) to win the overall.
if we only look at the points that will be awarded based on the race result (3x 100 points) and if johannes wins all three races he needs harald to finish no higher than 17th. on the women's side, if linn wins all three races she needs jessie to finish no higher than 9th.
however there are 45 bonus points left on the table: 15 for the sprint qualification and 2x 15 for the bonus sprints in the mass starts. this could obviously mix things up and makes it quite hard to calculate who wins it in the end/who needs which position to win.
also noteworthy: both the sprint and the individual start will be held in classic technique whereas the mass start will be in skating.
tldr: falun will be exciting!
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everythingwritingg · 1 year
Writing Athletes
@everything.writing on IG
Whether you’re an athletic person who has won multiple awards in sport or is in training for the Olympics or someone who simply just watches sports on TV, sports might be a big part of your life. However, not everyone knows what it’s like to play sports and some of us may be a little more artsy or bookish. Here’s a helpful guide to writing athletes as a high school XC and track runner and lifter.
Sports is a big commitment. This depends on the level of course. Recreational sports might just be a few hours a week but often high school and college teams have practices 5-7 days a week. I remember in cross country and track the practices would be 2 hours after school. XC meets could be 4 hours and track meets could be 6 hours. Those training at the professional level might spend all day training.
It is sometimes hard to balance and sometimes sacrifices need to be made. This is mostly for the higher level athletes. Lots of high school athletes who compete in tournaments need to travel a lot and this means missing school and finding it hard to keep up with the work. Collegiate level athletes might have to sacrifice parties and social life to balance coursework and practices.
Training regimen is sports dependent. Playing high level sports is always a high-level commitment. However, this depends on the sport. A lot of times gymnasts have to train for 6 hours a day to improve their skills. But most runners only train 2 hours a day at max with more prehab stuff in between because we would get stress fractures if we ran 6 hours a day.
Most sports training regimens require conditioning and recovery work. Football players spend a large amount of time on the field obviously, however, they also go to the weight room to do conditioning to get strong for their sports. Runners do foam rolling to prevent injuries. Almost all athletes will have to do things that are not directly practicing their sports to stay strong and healthy.
There are high volume and low volume seasons. Training at an intense level year round is not healthy and you cannot maintain peak fitness all year round (generally, I’m sure there are exceptions for some sports). Most athletes have a peak season near the championships and offseason after the championship where they train less or even take a little break from training.
Competitions are anxiety inducing. Athletes often feel pressure to perform their best, but competition anxiety can be especially intense if there are high stakes such as the World Cups finals. Thus, it is normal to feel nervous before competitions. Most athletes try to control it, because for sports like gymnastics where balance is important, anxiety might ruin a competition. For sports like running, a fight or flight response might be helpful (provided that your body chooses flight).
Training hard is hard on your body. Oftentimes, during seasons when I’m running 40+ miles a week, I’ll never be able to get enough sleep and might have (minor!!!) aches and pains. During those periods, I’ll need a lot more food and water than usual, and a less stressful life overall. An athlete might need a little more TLC during this time.
Finally, athletics is a community and teaches wonderful lessons. Participating in sports whether at the recreational or high level is a very rewarding experience. I met a lot of my friends through sports and I’ve learned to never give up on my way. It’s also a great way to relax after a busy day.
So I hope this helped non-athletes who are writing about athletes. Conclusion: the life of an athlete is definitely tough but rewarding at the same time, but it’s all sport and athlete dependent.
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magdasabs · 8 months
No idea how it's decided who gets nominated. Sweden were on international podiums 258 times last year and 100 were gold medals. Ebba won two world cup golds and a bronze medal in Planica.
It's a huge achievement anyway, there are 12 nominees when the voting starts and 10 left when the gala starts. Then during the evening it goes down to 5 and then 3 before the last round of voting between the final 2 begins. Ebba recieved more votes than other sport superstars like Sarah Sjöström, Hanna Öberg, Sandra Näslund, Daniel Ståhl and Swewnt (unfortunately...) besides Duplantis.
wait so if they could do teams why didn't the sprint team win it 😅 or like the whole xc team but obvs the sprinters were the biggest stars last year
very interesting process still though and I'm really happy for ebba!! so cool she was recognised
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vinterqn · 2 years
Me after the last xc skiing world cup race
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monterplant · 3 months
Elite XCO Results from the Les Gets XC World Cup 2024
The results are in from the sixth round of the 2024 World Cup series in Les Gets.( Comments: 18 ) Continue reading Elite XCO Results from the Les Gets XC World Cup 2024
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alexbkrieger13 · 7 months
Let’s just say if the 8 biggest countries created their own world cup there wouldn’t be many left of the usual winners. XC Skiing is a small sport in that way.
yea I don't know how much global appeal skiing has as a sport in terms of countries who participate at the top level
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merkabici · 11 months
Si buscas alternativas de Bike Parks cerca de España debes consultar Estiber
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Si bien es cierto que puede estar todavía muy lejos de ofrecerse propuestas como las que pueden proporcionar los Estados Unidos, en España se ha generado un constante crecimiento de circuitos cerrados que se hallan enfocados para satisfaces a los amantes del MTB, Enduro y DH. Y si bien puede parecer una moda, esta es una buena forma para acceder a pistas y zonas artificiales que te permiten afinar tu arsenal técnico. Perspectiva de los Bike Parks en España Pero sólo para destacar, en mercados como el norteamericano se pueden hallar alrededor de 60 parques con este tipo de características enfocados para los amantes del ciclismo de MTB. Mientras que en países como Canadá, Suiza y Francia se pueden ubicar entre 17, 13 y 15 pistas respectivamente. En tanto que, alrededor de España, al menos se pueden encontrar 11 recintos para disfrutar de tu bicicleta y mejorar (o incrementar) tus habilidades técnicas sobre pistas de distinta dificultad. Además, en relación al valor puede rondar entre los 5 euros y hasta los 30 euros por día (en tanto, por temporada el valor puede alcanzar los 170 euros), dependiendo de los diversos servicios disponibles y la cantidad de horas que te gustaría disfrutar. Y ahora, te ofrecemos un par de interesantes alternativas que de seguro acapararan tu atención. Ofertas para disfrutar en Andorra Particularmente, las siguientes ofertas provienen de Estiber y sus propuestas en Bike Parks y un aún más interesante Campus Bike. Soldeu Bike Park. Ubicado en la estación de esquí en Grandvalira, Andorra, este Bike Park se halla en el Soldeu un lugar ideal que presenta aparcamiento al aire libre, en tanto se halla adecuado para la práctica de actividades deportivas al aire libre (incluyendo el Cross Country, Descenso, Enduro, Freeride y Rally). En sí, para la práctica del MTB se tienen reservados los meses que van de julio y hasta septiembre (cuando la nieve se va, y el lugar está listo para montar en bicicleta), abriendo todos los días. Además, se cuentan con cerca de 13 diferentes pistas que prestan distintos niveles de dificultad. Y el valor puede rondar entre los 14 euros y hasta los 20 euros por día (el valor por toda la temporada es de 170 euros). En cuanto a la actividad estrella se centra para afinar la habilidad de Freeride en un circuito que puede ir de una altitud promedio entre los 1.800m y hasta los 2.450m (y, algunos de los beneficios de las instalaciones son telesillas y telecabina). Vallnor Bike Park. También ubicada en Andorra, Vallnord también es una estación de esquí localizada en La Massana y que ha sido adaptada para la práctica del MTB durante el verano (los meses de mayo a octubre). Además, para disfrutar de una convivencia familiar, en Vallnor Bike Park cuentan con instalaciones adecuadas para niños, con lo cual puede adentrar a tu pequeño a este apasionante mundo sobre circuitos de sencillo nivel. Vallnor Bike Park cuenta con 25 distintos circuitos (incluyendo 18 para Descenso, 3 para XC y uno para Enduro); mientras que algunos de los beneficios adicionales son la Telecabina y Telesillas. El costo por día es de 25 euros para adultos y 17 euros para niños de hasta 15 años. De igual forma se puede pasar un agradable fin de semana alojándote en un hotel. Para destacar se encuentra el circuito XC World Cup. Debutando apenas hace un año en el Campeonato del Mundo de XC, es un circuito que ya puede emplear cualquier visitante; y para poder dominarlo se requiere de un nivel técnico de lo más alto. Campus Estiber Bike. Finalmente, en el mismo Vallnord Bike Park se lleva a cabo el Campus Bike. Este evento para su reserva se encuentra disponible durante los periodos del 3 de julio y hasta el 8 de julio, y del 17 de julio y hasta el 22 de julio con límite mínimo de edad de 14 años. En Campus Estibe Bike se permite el alojamiento por 6 noches en el Hotel Font de La Massana (incluyendo comidas –desayuno y cena-). En tanto que dentro de las actividades se hallan el disfrutar el Forfait Bike Park por 5 días, junto a un día de remontada; además de un curso de 5 días de BTT (curso de 4 horas diarias). También, el ofrece una demostración teórica-práctica sobre el mantenimiento y reparación de bicicletas para descenso. En tanto que por todo un día se obtiene acceso total al Mountain Park (donde se incluyen actividades como tiro con arco, tirolina, descenso karts y jumping). Mientras que al final, a todos los participantes, se les entrega un diploma (valor de 495 euros). Para mayor información puedes ingresar al sitio web oficial de Estiber. Imágenes de estiber.com y ww2.grandvalira.com Fuente de vídeo Vallnord Andorra Read the full article
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Ngopi di ciwidey sambil matangkan Festifal Kopi Nusantara Dan Balab Sepeda Jelajah Cycling Series CIWIDEI 2023 Bersama Prawiro Indonesia Sponsor Poligon, Kopi Luwak, Djarum Super, Aqua, Toyota, Hotel Sutan Raja, Laskar Siliwangi Indonesia Dan Pemda Kab. Bandung... Peserta 5000 Orang (Balab Sepeda) Festifak Kopi Nudantara (2000 UMKM) Juni 2023 Bersama Kusmawati Yazid, SE., M.Pd., mantan Atlit Nasional Sepeda Gunung Prestasi: Tahun 2011 Juara 3 Ukdi Downhill Championship Series 6-8 Mei 2011 Juara 3 Ukdi Downhill Championship Series 4, 8-10 July 2011 Juara 1 Kl Mountain Bike Carnival, 15 & 17 July 2011 Juara 1 Mtb Xc Open Championship, 25 September 2011 Juara 3 Mtb Xc Seagames Ke-26 Jakarta, 13 November 2011 Juara 1 Mtb Xc Pra Pon, 1 Desember 2011 Tahun 2012 Juara 1 Up Hill Ipdn Series 28-29 Jan 2012 Juara 3 Ukdi Downhill Championship Series 1 23-25 Maret 2012 Juara 2 Ukdi Downhill Shimano Series 2, 14-15 April 2012 Juara 1 Mtb Xc 19-20 Mei 2012 Juara 1 Ubl Mtb Xc 2-3 Juni 2012 Juara 1 Xc Championship Juara 1 Sinar Mas Land Taman Tekno Xc 14-15 Juli 2012 Juara 1 Kualifikasi Pra Pon Mtb Xc Juara 1 Mtb Xc Pon Xviii, 10-13 Sept 2012 Juara 1 Mtb Xc Cbc, 11 September 2012 Tahun 2013 Juara 3 Racing To The Top Uphill Bandung, 3 Februari 2013 Juara 1 Mtb Xc Pre Sea Games, 26 Maret 2013 Juara 1 Mtb Xc Sinarmas Land Tako, 14 April 2013 Peringkat 9 Mtb Xc Asian Juara 3 Cikole Up Hill, 2 Juni 2013 Juara 1 Kl Mtb Xc Carnival, 7-8 September 2013 Best Asia Winner At Limbc Xc Marathon World Champion Peringkat 9 Xc Marathon World Champion Limbc Juara 1 Mtb Xc, 27th Sea Games Myanmar, 12 – 13 Desember 2013 Juara 1 Team Relay Mtb Xc, 27th Sea Games Myanmar, 12 – 13 Desember 2013 Tahun 2014 Juara 1 Asean Mountain Bike Cup 13-16 Juni 2014 Juara 5 Xco Mtb 17th Asian Games Incheon 2014 Big Top Ten Over All Mtb Limbc 2014 Tahun 2015 Juara 1 Narvacan Mtb Challenge Agustus 2015 Peringkat Ke 10 Kejuaraan Asia Mtb Xc Juara 1 Prapon Mtb Xc Jabar 6 September Juara 1 Mtb Race Sumarecon Bekasi 12 September 2015 Tetap Semangat Semangat Untuk Bahagia Jangan Berhenti Berbuat Baik ✍️🤲🤲🙏🙏 DONT WORRY Tetap Lah Baik... Tetap Semangat Semangat Untuk Berbuat Baik ✍️🤲🤲🙏🙏 😇 😊 🥰 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpzBnMFOYEL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skidlandslaget · 5 years
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National Team for Falun, February 8-9th 2020
Program Falun
Saturday February 8th: Sprint, Classic Sunday February 9th: 10/15 km Freestyle Mst
Women, sprint
Maja Dahlqvist, Falun-Borlänge SK Johanna Hagström, Ulricehamns IF Moa Lundgren, IFK Umeå Emma Ribom, Piteå elit Jonna Sundling, Piteå elit Linn Svahn, Östersunds SK
National squad* Anna Dyvik, IFK Mora SK Tilde Bångman, Offerdals SK Maria Nordström, Borås SK Moa Olsson, Falun-Borlänge SK Alicia Persson, Stockviks SF Elina Rönnlund, IFK Umeå Evelina Settlin, Hudiksvalls IF Linn Sömskar, IFK Umeå Jennie Öberg, Kalix skidklubb
Women, distance
Ebba Andersson, Sollefteå skidor IF Charlotte Kalla, Piteå elit Moa Lundgren, IFK Umeå Emma Ribom, Piteå elit Elina Rönnlund, IFK Umeå Jonna Sundling, Piteå elit
National squad* Maja Dahlqvist, Falun-Borlänge SK Anna Dyvik, IFK Mora SK Johanna Hagström, Ulricehamns IF Frida Karlsson, Sollefteå skidor IF Moa Molander Kristiansen, Falun-Borlänge SK Maria Nordström, Borås SK Moa Olsson, Falun-Borlänge SK Evelina Settlin, Hudiksvalls IF Linn Sömskar, IFK Umeå
Men, sprint
Marcus Grate, IFK Umeå Calle Halfvarsson, Sågmyra SK Johan Häggström, Piteå elit Teodor Peterson, Sågmyra SK Oskar Svensson, Falun-Borlänge SK Viktor Thorn, Ulricehamns IF
National squad* Gustaf Aflodal, Offerdals SK Jens Andersson, Kalix SK Martin Bergström, Piteå elit Gustav Eriksson, IFK Mora SK Pontus Hermansson, SK Bore Hugo Jacobsson, Falun-Borlänge SK Olof Jonsson, Trillevallen SK Anton Persson, SK Bore Karl-Johan Westberg, Borås SK
Men, distance
Calle Halfvarsson, Sågmyra SK Johan Häggström, Piteå elit Daniel Richardsson, Hudiksvalls IF Oskar Svensson, Falun-Borlänge SK Viktor Thorn, Ulricehamns IF Karl-Johan Westberg, Borås SK
National squad* Fredrik Andersson, Sollefteå skidor IF Simon Andersson, Falun-Borlänge SK Martin Bergström, Piteå elit Filip Danielsson, SK Bore Axel Ekström, IFK Mora SK Jonas Eriksson, IFK Mora SK Fredrik Jonsson, Hudiksvalls IF Marcus Ruus, Åsarna IK Björn Sandström, Piteå elit
*Since the competitions are held in Sweden, the team gets an additional quota of nine skiers for each race.
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season is over. completely. all winter sports.
I have to say it has been a nice, but a hurting one ( to many retirements🥺)
I’d love to say what my favourite moments were but there were way toooo many
We got wonderful olympic medalists, amazing world cups and wholesome friendships. But also heartbreaking, sad moments and athletes who have shown that they’re true champions, while handling these.
but especially I have to mention daniel andre tande for being the biggest fighter and one of the bravest athletes I’ve ever seen
so thank u season 2021/22❤️❤️❤️
(okay special mention of severin freund and erik lesser in case of retiring, cause it hurts, mikaela shiffrin for showing what it needs to be a real athlete, marco odermatts beautiful way of skiing, german xc skiing girls taking unexpected gold, ryoyu kobayshi and karl geigers friendship and mutual respect)
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carussell · 8 months
xc skiing world cup in germany and no german tv station broadcasting it🤡
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magdasabs · 7 months
Cross country World Cup - spoiler free edition!
We had a crowd of 15k show up for the races this weekend! Obviously was super incredible to watch Jessie ski a home town race, she has not competed in Minnesota since she was 19 so it was fun just to experience. Hoping that we will get the opportunity to host again, the lack of snow had me anxious but this really is just an exceptional winter.
I got to watch one of my high school cross country team mates compete, even though she was nowhere near podium it was still super awesome to see one of our own competing on a course we used to race in high school as a professional now. She’s in the process of training to compete in biathlon so maybe we’ll get to watch her in one of those races next winter!
It’s a holiday in the U.S. today so I was able to participate in the community ski event on the track today, probably my first and last ski of the winter considering we’re about to go above freezing temps this week again. The snow was shimmering from all the fallen glitter that everyone was wearing ✨
hiii thank you for the spoiler-free version!! sounds like you had an awesome experience, I'm so happy for you that it went ahead and you went and saw everything 😊 and the community event on the tracks sounds so cool and the glitter 🥺 makes me want to go to a xc cup too but sadly I doubt I'll be in the vicinity of one anytime soon
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vinterqn · 2 years
Four horsemen of Ruka
1. suit control rant
2. noco mass start rant
3. xc skiing equal distances rant
4. xc skiing world cup points rant
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monterplant · 3 months
5 Things We Learned from the Crans Montana XC World Cup 2024
Tom Pidcock’s starts needs some work, the new course in Crans Montana was polarizing, and Germany really left Olympic selection to the last minute.( Photos: 6, Comments: 11 ) Continue reading 5 Things We Learned from the Crans Montana XC World Cup 2024
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