saibaronin · 4 years
The ninja is going to get surprised with a strawberry shortcake. Along with a strawberry plush. A little something, along with a random hug when the soldier passes by. It seems like he could use one. He misses you, ronin.
It’d be an extremely quick hug-- the cyborg still not used to contact even to this day-- but it wouldn’t be Genji if he didn’t instantly take the shortcake and the plush. Holding the plush just under his arm and the cake in it’s container close to his chest. That was his now. He’d be sure to eat it later, or when he’d find somewhere secluded to sit down at.Politely saying thank you to the soldier with a short nod. Smiling from behind the mask that the soldier wouldn’t be able to see past.
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reyes-is-dead · 5 years
rolls him donuts.
He promptly curls up and gives him the stink eye.
What’s the catch?
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gamfcowboy-a · 5 years
Hey, pretty boy. ♥
Hey, Daddy~
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gamfcowboy-archived · 5 years
The battle hadn’t been easy.
Or long.
Instead it was a full on brawl that started and ended on the streets and left rivers of red creating rivers that ran for ages.
One of which is starting to trickle down his left cheek.
Jesse knows damn well he’s pulled Deadeye too often. He knows he’s going to be blind in that eye for a solid week, that he’s going to have nightmares for double that. Triple.
He also knows that without it, they’d have lost people today and he’s not about to let that happen while he’s still up and moving. They’re friends, family, people he respects if nothing else. It’s become his family, and Winston counts on him to do his job.
Perhaps not quite as McCree interprets that, but he isn’t going to let the big guy down. Not this time.
So he pulls again.
He reaches between time and paints his targets. He ignores the fresh blood with gritted teeth and pulls the trigger.
Until the battle is won and the last of their enemies scatter and flee and he stays on his feet by sheer force of will, Hand clenching so it doesn’t cup the blood red eye that’s flicking blood with every blink. He can wait, he’s done it before. He can get back to the Orca. Back to the base. Back to a room with a lock before he lets those screams rattling inside his soul out.
He hopes.
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dontcallmejoel · 6 years
@xmilitisx for X:
Of all the places he might end up, sitting here at Jack Morrison’s table, sharing a drink and a smoke. Been upwards of five years since they were last this close without gunfire or diverging goals framing the interaction. He’s still working his way around Jack’s face now compared to how he left him, the hard etched lines and the scars digging into the larger than life Strike Commander he once knew.
He lifts his cigarillo to his lips, the plating of his prosthetic whispering over one another in the motion. They both didn’t quite fill the men they used to be, he guesses. “Now hold on, that’s only the half of it.”
“When I gave up on you, we weren’t even close to being on the same page. Now I could be wrong, but I get the sense that ain’t the case anymore.”
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anathesniper · 5 years
She's gonna get scruffy soldier kisses on the cheek- and squeezing hugs that don't break bones- but they are definitely bear hugs. He was always good about being somewhat exuberant when in a good mood.
Oh how she loved his hugs.
He’s not as good as her at them in her own opinion but she loves them still.
Arms wrap tightly around him to reciprocate. 
A soft smile and eyes scrunch up in cheer, happiness.
Face presses into the junction of his shoulder and neck.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
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asilverskel · 5 years
He knows you're out, and resting- but a small cat plush with a red heart appears in the home, along with a simple "I love you."
*This was something pretty awesome to wake up to if he’s honest. This plush is very tightly cradled close, nuzzling into it with soft little purrs*
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outlawbounded · 5 years
xmilitisx replied to your photo: //     Oh MY GOD IT POSTED         Okay here is my...
Those poor nipples.
//   tumblr wont let me post THE NIPS 
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dragxnfall · 5 years
A gentle hug to a Genji. Because he deserves all of them.
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surprised cyborg ninja is surprised! then the stiffness in his back slowly melts into a soft slouch while broad shoulders gently shake.
is he...is he...crying?
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symbiotesis · 5 years
► A cred card has appeared with a small handwritten note. "Please do not fuck the pillows, that shit chafes. Here, take this. Go spoil yourself and buy something you have always wanted." >M
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A credit card, huh?.. Something he’s always wanted?.. What has he always wanted anyway? Too many things. Throughout his years they had all changed. Some things couldn’t be bought either, but..
Eddie would end up taking this card, heading out and.. Using the money to go to a few places instead. The movies. Some expensive restaurants. Maybe even buying a jacket or two. ...Not big things. Just small things that would leave him a little happy for a short while, just while the money lasted, that is. The bigger things he knew the money wouldn’t last for them, so he’d start small. Take it as a small gift to make his day a little better-- Maybe a laptop would be nice, too. He’d appreciate one of those for his ‘job.’ ..Yeah. That’d be nice..
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quodmessorem · 5 years
"They made us into kings, you and I- with crowns of thorn and blood. And a kingdom made of bones."
A moment taken before a response given. Head tilted forward and thoughts ensued. What a strange use of words, but it wasn’t unusual for the other man before him. He knew that; All too well.
Head lifting up in a slow sweep, mask’s vision set upon the very man in front of him. Then he spoke. Calm and collected, words flowing out like venom upon the edge of a sword, even through the twisted and gravely voice.
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“Made us into kings then soon turned us into pariahs. The kingdom of bones nothing more than a pile of rubble in the distance of a forgotten land. Upon graves of trampled and trod upon soldiers and victims. Memories twisted and facts stained. We’re kings, but not the kings we wanted to become.”
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reyes-is-dead · 5 years
What about a cigarette.
Don’t need to light up to be smoking.
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gamfcowboy-a · 5 years
xmilitisx replied to your post: Hey, pretty boy.
I fuckin
I mean... ‘s true. Ya do ‘fuckin’.
Anythin’ else t’ add t’ that, sweetheart?
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gamfcowboy-archived · 5 years
Hey, those jinglyballs are currently my property, don’t be givin’ ‘em away t’ everyone else.
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xmilitisx replied to your post: //New serious headcanon that Jack definitely raced...
[[Headcanon is he’s a motherfucker with a stickshift, or a bike, tbh.]]
Motorcycle probably when he’s an old man with nothing to lose
He’s the asshole driving reverse on a stickshift and still somehow winning
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