codenamexpyz · 27 days
This is a story from long before everything.
When everything was just nothing.
But in this nothing, something began to grow.
It was small at first, just a speck of fleeting energy, but then that speck began to grow.
As such, the first thing came to be.
The energy took form, fashioning a body for which to meet the nothingness.
The nothingness, which had long since been still, began to stur.
It asked the energy, "Who am I? Who are you?"
"I am of no name yet, but you shall be named a Void to others, and Eternity to me"
The Void was overjoyed! It could think and speak!
And it could learn.
Next, the energy fashioned two more of itself, lesser in power to it, but equals to the other.
Once fashioned, the energy was asked again. "Who are we? Who are you?"
"You are Iris, and you Anemone, known as Order and Chaos to me."
And yet again were these existences overjoyed.
Though, as oposites, they both hated the other's happiness.
The energy next decided to fashion a thread.
This thread, though so shallow and weak, began to swirl and move forward and back, all around the Void.
"You are to be mine and mine alone. You are to encircle and aid Eternity, for you are a part of Eternity. You shall be called time, and I, Horologium."
Horologium fashioned seeds made of heat and force, and set time to play them forward.
And stars began to form and grow, and became beautiful.
The two, Iris and Anemone, began to wonder, "Are we too able to do this, Horologium?"
With a chuckle, Horologium said, "Create as much as you will, for this world is our home."
And so planets and life were created.
And the thread grew stronger by the second.
But, after long enough, Horologium noticed the thread had split.
"This is not just what we see, but all of what could have been?" She said.
And to explore this, she gathered both Iris and Anemone to discuss.
There, they created a creature like never before.
It was divine, yes, but followed the rules of where it was.
This they named an Envoy.
For it, they each gave an offering to complete it.
Horologium offered some time so that they might always find a path.
Anemone offered flux so that they might oppose Iris' creation.
And Iris offered ichor to create and fix what Anemone would break.
With this, they sealed the three in one and sent multiples of them to places as their eyes.
But one was saddened by this.
The Void, who was kind to all things, did not get to offer the envoy anything.
And so, The Void gave a promise.
"Come back to me, Envoy. If you are to be broken, I shall fix you until the days of Eternity have long since faded."
And so, that promise in hand, they all now wait and watch for what is yet to come.
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endrinstone · 27 days
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“You. Right, you’re here. All of… YOU. I will rid myself of your damned, catastrophic presence.”
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zeteri-art · 1 year
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trying to draw with no lineart once again :D
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endrinstone · 7 months
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Xpyz’s airship, side view and bottom up view. For @mcytbuildsmonth day 7 - themed build.
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endrinstone · 6 months
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@mcyt-aro-week Day seven - Aromantic
Iri is aro coloured, yippee!
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codenamexpyz · 1 month
Btw, Iri is in extreme anguish. She wants to wait outside with friends in a calm world. She wants to see the stars.
Everything was ripped from her, and she didn't even get a choice in the matter.
Instead, she was made to slowly decay to console those she holds so dearly, only to learn that one of her closest people is gone with a note.
She is tragic.
But she is also love.
Just some thoughts I had on Iri, Envoy of the Void ^^
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endrinstone · 1 month
The reviving Nebula stream is here wooo!!!
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endrinstone · 10 months
Xpyz's doing a lore stream, this is a good day
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codenamexpyz · 3 months
"My God, oh, my God; why have you forsaken me?"
Interesting things to think about, hm?
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endrinstone · 8 months
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Iri Iri Iri Iri !
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codenamexpyz · 25 days
I feel as though I have caused catastrophic harm with the lore polls on the Benefactor account ^^;
Anyhow, I believe I'm going to make the ending look as stunning as I can manage! I have a few ideas, and maybe you'll get to see Horo actually angry for once.
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codenamexpyz · 1 month
Only 2 more lore streams left to go on the Showtime SMP. Crazy.
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codenamexpyz · 1 month
By the way, I am definitely going to make a video making use of those particle mods I made sometime. (Expect it like. Years later. I am so incredibly slow)
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endrinstone · 9 months
It's heavily implied that Ane stopped following the deity system it was created into in favour of following a differnet god. (ZolisterTV, it seems?). Let's see what that will entail for the fireworks event coming up today. (I'm so exited for the fireworks event. Why does Ane want to blow themself up. With 42 stacks of TNT, no less.)
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endrinstone · 1 year
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[ID: Two drawings of Xpyz, a pale girl with rose-brown hair in pigtails, wearing a black and white sweater. In the first drawing she’s looking to the side, concerned. She has a mask over the bottom half of her face. In the second drawing she’s staring straight ahead, her entire face covered by a mask with bright lime and purple eyes. End ID.]
c!Xp, such a lovable nervous wreck.
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codenamexpyz · 5 months
I am. THIS close to starting work on the final bits for the next lore stream. THIS CLOSE.
(Also, Twitter doesn't get to know this ehehehehehe)
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