#xradiant ; ciri
luckhissoul · 6 months
checklist - ciri
Send “checklist” and my muse will fill out the list below with their thoughts about yours! - accepting - @xradiant
I find you to be:
[x] interesting [ ] cute [x] attractive [x] sexy [ ] reassuring [x] intimidating [ ] annoying [ ] tedious [x] terrifying he doesn't want her to know this
I think we should:
[ ] talk more [x] hang out more [ ] date [ ] adopt each other as found family [x] fight (friendly) [ ] fight (hostile) [ ] avoid each other if at all possible
If we spent an evening together we would:
[ ] just hang out [ ] talk about deep stuff [ ] cuddle [ ] go to bed together (to sleep) [x] go to bed together (to… not sleep) [x] go out and party till sunrise [x] both get arrested [ ] probably wind up killing each other
If we kissed it would be:
[ ] a chaste press of lips [ ] a playful smooch [ ] swift and stolen [ ] deep, sweet, and sincerely meant [x] all teeth and tongue and hot as heck [ ] not happening
If we had sex it would be:
[ ] romantic and luxurious [x] fast, rough and hard [x] against the nearest wall [ ] fantastic [ ] awkward [ ] a really bad idea [ ] an all-around disaster [ ] not happening
If I woke up and found you unexpectedly in my bed I would:
[ ] cuddle you [ ] offer you breakfast [x] attempt to seduce you [ ] kick you out [ ] demand to know how you got there [ ] scream
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okruchlodu · 8 months
They’ve been riding for a while now, enjoying, for once, a slow, languid morning as they make their way to the other side of the city where Yennefer is meant to meet with an old friend that shall provide shelter enough for the both of them until they can press onwards and to Aretuza. They’ve been pleasurably chatting away, too, the morning breeze carrying in it the salt of the ocean below, and the sorceress watches the sun rise higher and higher in the sky, and beyond the city, the sea; greygreen, and sparkling in the morning sun, flecked with the white froth of waves crashing into the harbour.
  ❝— it is a power stone. A magical item… Or rather a cut gemstone that stores Chaos and enchantments one can summon forth at will. Tissaia gave me such a one when I was half your age… Quiet a marvelous thing, really. — ugh! Ciri, must you ride into every puddle in the road? Your cloak will be soaked in mud and slop by the time we make it to the city!❞ Yennefer cuts herself off and sighs sharply, exasperated, and reins in her horse at the edge of a sandy drop, coming to stand near Ciri now, who stands as though transfixed, near the cliff. Down at the foot of the hill beyond the city, a river sparkles, meandering sharply among meadows and clusters of trees. Forests stretch out beyond it, and to the south, the leaves of the trees flooding the horizon, the colour of withered vine-leaves, bright red, scarlet. The view unfolding before them, is absolutely captivating, the ocean on one side, the forests on the other, and Yennefer deigns allow the girl enjoy it, if only for a moment. She tosses her head sharply and casts her gaze upon Cirilla, watching as the sun drips over her sweet little face, bright in the sheen of her eyes, emerald. A faint, soft smile flits about the enchantress' lips, and she feels a sudden surge of tenderness seize her as she watches her rapt little face, her heart skipping a beat. Heavens, how she loves this child; cherishes it as though her own, in spite not bearing her herself. Sometimes the enchantress, can scarcely breathe for it. There's not one thing in this world, she would not do for her. Not one. She loves Cirilla, truly; deeply; beyond all measure, beyond any other love, beyond life itself.
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inabcck · 4 months
@xradiant gets a plotted starter.
They had had a breach that Rhys had him investigate and take care of as quietly as possible so that no one else could be worried. What he had found surprised him to the point he wasn't even sure if he wanted to detain her. The Illyrian observed her quietly from the safety of his shadows trying to assess the girl that he had seen that some how made it through their wards. How long ago had that been now? Ciri hadn't been a threat at that time that he could determine and she didn't seem like one either. Just a human girl that got lost some how and crossed over into the Night Court of all places. Though he had to admit he felt a certain kinship with her regarding the secrets they both held in plain sight.
"Tell me again how you got through our wards." This was just a casual conversation with taking her for a walk through the streets of the colorful city that was Valeris. "It still doesn't add up for me." He had consulted with everyone he knew to on how this could have been possible and came up with the same thing. It shouldn't have been possible at all and he refused to believe it. "Normal humans shouldn't have been able to do it."
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luckhissoul · 3 months
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@xradiant sent from this - accepting - ☀️ - to kiss your muse’s hand . - ciri
she slipped into his tent tonight. with all the moving around he hadn't really seen much of her. since that night when they had too much to drink and decided to go about comparing scars. but there she was, in quiet all around. he wondered how she got past the red arms. but he doesn't ask. she hardly gives him any time to ask any kind of questions. she moves over to him where he's laying, tossing off the cloak she's wearing. she's only got her unlaced white shirt on. he can see the muscles in her legs, the shape of her under the thin fabric even in this light. he sits half way up but he feels her hand on his chest. there's a coarseness her palm, callouses on her fingers but there's still some softness to her skin. he remembers that much from that night a few weeks ago.
she makes him stay there, propped up on both his elbows and she's straddling him. her legs on either side of him. from then on he's not really thinking much, is he? he's just looking at her, letting her do whatever it was that she had come to do. in the hushed quiet there's no actual danger to the situation, is there? it's just - well, it's exciting though. not danger but a willingness to be at her mercy entirely. women like her were usually tough to please. but she hadn't complained once. not once. her hand travels from his chest over his throat, his mouth. he parts his lips, letting the tips of her fingers to slip between them. he sees something of a smile on her face, a glint in her eyes even in the dark. the scar marring half of her face. it doesn't make her any less fetching. more mysterious.
"i'll have to scold my men ---" he says, his tongue brushing her skin briefly before he moves to sit up closer to her. "you shouldn't be in here." she shrugs, nonchalant. he's lucky she doesn't have a knife on her or that she's not a dark friend. she may have jumped through some portal into this world but she wasn't going to kill him here. at least he hoped not. his head gets all cleared up when her mouth covers his. his hands find her waist, gripping her hard against him.
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luckhissoul · 6 months
⊙ - ciri
Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours - accepting - @xradiant
I think you are:
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak | 
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okruchlodu · 9 months
[ cuddle ] - old meme but shh
sender and receiver snuggle for @xradiant
They had made camp somewhere near the lake, half way deep into the dark belly of the woods, taking shelter from the cold, sharp night air under the trees. They had sated their hunger, but the anxiety remained: Ciri wasn't with them, and the both of them were anxious to join her in Velen; Yennefer wished furiously that she had strength enough left in her body to conjure up a portal for the both of them, but it had not yet passed enough time since surviving her capture by Vilgefortz for her body to fully heal and rid itself from the floods of dimeritium he had drowned her within, and she would not deign risk reuniting with Ciri for anything in the world. She had been forced to muster up what patience remained within her, desperately battling with that itch to just cast a spell, consequences upon her be damned, and have them both sent to her through a portal.
In spite of the late hour no one seemed to be getting ready for bed. Geralt had been boiling water in a pot above the fire and straightening the crumpled fletchings of his arrows from his previous hunt in the steam; then, he had taken out one of his swords and began to whet its blade in even, rhythmic strokes whilst she had gone to gather wormwood and aniseed to replenish the witcher's potions for the remainder of their travels south.
Wrapped in her black velvet cloaked and dappled in firelight, sat now the enchantress before the fire, her thoughts a blur as she buried her gaze into the flames, fire-bright eyes all dark purple fire themselves, the violet metallic sheen of the sea at sunset. Only the sound of the horses crunching their hay disturbed the thick silence around the campfire .The fragrance of the thyme fields rolling down below the valley wafted over to her, intermingling with her perfume, thick and sweet with lilacs; she stirred a bit where she sat, feeling how soft the air was, sensing Geralt coming to sit nearer her, his hands rough as he reached for her, and she gasped, disturbed from the depths of her whirling thoughts, said, sharply, in that way she had that somehow managed to be both charming and haughty, piercingly menacing, ❝ugh, Geralt! Your hands are ice!❞ she complained, but she was soon enough sinking into his embrace, burying her face into the hard swell of his chest and moving now so that she might press into the warmth of his body, the sudden closeness of him, deeply craved for, despite her coldness, the strange, distant air that had been wrapped about her like a shawl since they had stopped at the stream to rest.
Yennefer easily wrapped her arms around him, seeking now, to caress his face with one of her hands, trailing her fingers adoringly over the sharp curve of his jaw, his cheek, pressing a kiss just under his chin, and as she moved, so did her curls, shining and rippling, a mass of black silk, spill over his chest, tickling his skin. ❝ I can think of little else but her... ❞ admitted the sorceress after a moment's silence as she settled into his arms, looking off into the stars above them, visible through the leaves, moonlight streaming through the dense canopy where the white jasmine was blending with the willows. ❝ I wish I could portal us both to Velen and be done with it! Perhaps I shall try tomorrow? ❞ she suggested.
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