taleswrittena · 2 years
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@xselfrighteous sent ﹟ oral sex﹕  sender  goes  down  on  receiver . ( for ada)
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They hate each other. That much is obvious. But, just because they hate each other doesn't mean they can't fall in to bed together. Use each other for sex and be perfectly content with that. Neither one of them is stupid, they both know they're just using each other and Ada is just fine with that.
Especially when his tongue is on her. God, he's good at that. He's skilled with his tongue and if he's that magic with his tongue, just how good is he with his cock?
Honestly, Ada is surprised it had taken them this long to fuck. They tension between them had always been high, sexual tension so thick you could cut it with a knife, it was about time they gave in.
Back arches off the bed as his tongue slips past wet folds and presses against her clit. She inhales breathlessly, hips bucking upwards against his mouth ever so slightly.
"Ah. Fuck." With his tongue swirling around her clit and applying pressure, she can't hold back the noises of pleasure, cherry red lips parting in a moan. "Don't stop."
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traumamadearch · 2 years
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@xselfrighteous​ sent " I've been thinking of just bending you over this table, and having my way with you."
the dirty kind of teasing starters
status: accepting
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Leon’s breath hitches in his throat as he glances between the table and Chris, images of Chris fucking him into the table until he’s a whimpering mess hitting his mind and it nearly makes him groan as he feels that first wave of arousal.
When his eyes turn back to Chris, there’s something different about them. Darkened with lust as his eyes unashamedly rake over Chris’ entire body before landing back on Chris’ face. Teeth bit down on his bottom lip for a moment as he stares the older man down.
“....Why don’t you?” He breathes out, sounding a little breathless, as lips curl up into a smirk. “I can handle it. Question is, can you handle me?” Bratty nature comes out without much thought, he likes pushing Chris, seeing how he’ll react to the things Leon can say, how bratty he can be.
Go ahead, Chris. Grab me. Manhandle me. Fuck me into the table.
“Why think when you can do it, bello?” Voice has lowered, turned into a more seductive purr, and the Italian nickname he gives Chris only seems to add to that seductive purr. Eyes alight with mischief and desire, silently beckoning Chris closer with his eyes alone.
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tyrantmade · 2 years
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The part of this job, he hated the most, were the injuries. Not to many are acquired, but they do happen. Ranging from serious, wounds caused out in the field. Or, by simply making a stupid decision in the office. At least with Redfield, he didn't make to many of the stupid decisions, to the point he needed medical care. To be frank, he barely needed it while in the field to often at all. But this day, he couldn't see a reason for the male to not have been hurt. The bio weapons were feral, and these type even Wesker had never seen before.
James must have created something much bigger and stronger. He needed to asses the wounds, quickly. There was really no telling if the saliva, or blood was toxic or even contagious. Albert didn't want one of his S.T.A.R.S Members to become infected. Especially Chris, because the brunette, was one of the most important Assets they had.
That, and cause Albert was starting to fall for the younger male. Something he should ignore, to be real, he didn't do love and relationships. But there was something about this male that he couldn't shake. He would have to bury and snuff out these feelings that he had developed. Coming up behind the male, with the med kit in his hands, motioning with his head toward the chair.
" Have a seat, Redfield! We need to get this wound checked out quick. In case of infection, do your understand. "
He wasn't sure how it had happened, but at the moment the first was more important then the latter. The how could be discussed later, so they could find a way they could go about keeping any more injury happening to any of the others.
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OPERATION;  ;RESCUE THE BIO WEAPON |  @xselfrighteous​ & @traumamade​ |  CONTINED FROM HERE Fingers brushed through long dark locks, as She wrapped her other hand tightly around the metal cup. Lifting it to her mouth, tasting Wesker's blood flush through her senses. The taste of the older male dancing across her tongue, causing her eyes to dilate, and change into that slitted, reptile looking eyes. A low moan like growl rumbled through her throat, god why did the blonde taste so fucking good. It was enough to cause the hunger to awaken, and for her boy to become aroused. It truly was a sin for Wesker to taste and look this good. Eyes fluttered closed, as she enjoyed the gift that he had left her. The half filled blood bag of Wesker laid on the table next to her. He had made sure to supply her with enough to last the entire day. God she didn't want this experience to end, fingers now moving from her hair, to her upper thigh. Pushing the tail of Wesker's old faded blue, S.T.A.R.S Shirt up, until flngers met her panties.
 A moan spilling poast her lips now as she imagined Wesker standing behind her, and her hand being his instead. Sliding into her warm wetness. Fingers loosing it's grip on the metal cup now. Tongue seductively licked across her lips, soaking up all of the blood that had smeared across her skin. The cup was dropped then, as fingers hit her G=Spot, and a memory of Wesker on top of her, mouth busy between her thighs, his fingers pulling her clitoris open. Her legs wrapping around his shoulders, as her hips arched up into him. She could feel the need to have him like this take over her, until she was stopped. Freezing in her tracks, hands pulling away from her body now. Raven black locks spilling across her face, as her head snapped toward the sound of the door unlocking. ❛ Wesker. ❜ 
 She whsipered, her voice coming out low and full of need. But she knew he had already left for work. And besides, he never came in through the side door. Eyes cut over to the door in question now. It wasn't far from where she was at, in fact whoever they were, they should have been able to of seen her. Anger overcame her now, she wanted to kill them. Devour them, starting with there spleens first. Taking a step closer to the door, head tilting just slightly. She could see them more clearly now. And there faces seemed familiar to her, maybe it was the ones she had been shown by Albert in his Group photos from when he was the Captain of S,T,A,R,S. A devilish gleam flicked across her eyes at the gun, the blonde one held. 
Oh the Poor bastard, he was going to learn soon, on what was wrong with that desicion. There was a sickening pop, as she cracked her nexk. She could rush forward, and bo ontop of both of them in a matter of minutes. There scents were so intoxicating. Not as good smelling as Wesker's, his drive her crazy. These two though, there scents were still sweet, she could taste there flesh between her teeth. Though, there was apart of her that didn't want to be this way. She was innocent, a normal girl who got fucked by Umbrella, and turned into a monster. But of course these people weren't going to understand that. They thought of her as nothing more then a BioWeapon, as if she wanted this. But if they wanted to play, she was sure as hell going to take them for a spin.
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 ❝  Are you planning on killing me?   Or kidnapping me, let me guess, you work for The B.S.A.A. To bad it will be you, who dies today instead. ❞
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missxnsuppxrt · 2 years
@xselfrighteous asked: “trace”
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Ingrid flinched away from the contact reflexively more than out of fear or pain. It was just a jolt to her system, that was all. She wasn’t used to being touched there. She glanced at the very large calloused hand on her bare knee, brushing over one of the several thick, raised surgical scars that marred her skin. Her hazel eyes trailed up from Chris’ hand along his arm and up his broad shoulders and veiny neck to his face. She eyed him curiously from behind the rims of her glasses but didn’t move to stop him. She trusted him, after all. She’d trust him with her life if it came down to it. He was a good man deep down, she believed. She trusted that he wouldn’t hurt her intentionally; he presented no danger or threat in her mind.
It was because she trusted him so much that she chose not to change into sleep pants that would hide her legs when he came over. With anyone she didn’t deeply trust, she always hid them. At work she wore stockings and leggings or just tailored pants. Her scars were always a sore spot for her. She didn’t like them. Didn’t like the time in her life they represented or their physical appearance. She made coffee for him and herself when he came by even though it was almost midnight. Her door was always open to him. To any of the people she considered her friends or her responsibility. She never asked questions. She just smiled and opened her door for anyone in need, made up a bed on the couch or made some coffee and talked or ate popcorn and watched mind numbing TV until they felt better.
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“Oh,” she said, clearing her throat to get rid of some of the silent tension. “Those are from my past surgeries I needed as a child. I’ve had several since I was adopted. Probably need a few more, but…I’ve never liked doctors all that much. And our work keeps me busy.”
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traumamade · 2 years
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@xselfrighteous sent [ DRAG ]:     sender physically drags or carries the receiver away from a fight.
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Most times, Leon's not looking to start a fight. He prefers to be left the hell alone instead of picking fights with people that don't matter. Unless, of course, he's in a self-destructive he deserves the pain from fighting type of mood.
This guy, though. This asshole just keeps pressing and pressing and pressing. What makes it worse is it's a coworker who clearly doesn't hold him in the high regard most others do.
Doesn't this asshole know he could have his badge?
It's only when the guy mentions that he doesn't know why Chris is with him and that Chris probably feels sorry for him, that Leon moves to leap toward the other with a growl, fully intent on smashing his face in.
Except before he can fully launch at him, a pair of strong arms wrap around him and yank him back. He doesn't have to look to know who has yanked him against their chest.
Struggling in Chris' hold, trying to wiggle his way out - it's futile despite how hard he's thrashing around. "God damn it, Chris. Let me go. The bastard deserves what's coming to him."
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rcpdrookie · 2 years
Throws these at you 💔 ✨ That's if you would like to!
Different Types of Relationships - Still Accepting (omg I think this is what this is from I dug through and matched the icons so I hope this is the one you were sending from!!)
send 💔 for a toxic ship between our muses send ✨ for a purely sexual relationship between our muses
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yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes a million times I am so damn down for both. combined? separate? here's the thing.... my brain runs on chreon in ALL forms on a near constant basis and i have never written it from leon's POV always chris. and a toxic ship with them? hell fuckin yeah that sounds amazing. and just a purely sexual ship? also fucking amazing. legit hit me up in DMs, send all the memes whatever. i am DOWN.
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superiorpotentate · 2 years
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Oh this was just TOO GOOD. Whether it be by personal appeal or some other such machination, the Entity had brought directly to him his greatest enemy, the one who may have caused his ultimate demise were it not for 'her' interference. Chris Redfield. That fool...from the very beginning he had such dislike for him which flourished the moment Chris decided it was his place to ruin his plans. Seeing him dead wouldn't be enough to saite anymore. What an unfortunate fate for the dear boy to be trapped in a deathless place like this with him.
"Chris." How a simple word, the name of a person, could hold so many emotions. So many thoughts. Hate. Joy. Rage. Delight. Pity. Nothing can save you from me now. No one. Arms spread wide matching a growing smile. Such a genuinely happy expression did not suit the scientist in any way. "How lovely to see you again. It's been quite some time, hasen't it? What do you say you and I catch up?" Empty, mocking smalltalk.
Arms fell to his sides, the leather of his gloves creaking as his hands formed into fists. His smile pushed into a more fitting, wicked smirk. A punch cracked Chris dead center in the middle of his face in less than a blink. Satisfaction.
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mysticaltwoface · 2 years
@xselfrighteous gets a sentence starter from my au Jill
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"I'm not leaving until I know where I am and what the hell is going on here"
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taleswrittena · 2 years
@xselfrighteous sent 8.  AMBUSH :  for both characters to come under attack by the same enemy (for deacon)
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"Watch out!" Comes an immediate response from Deacon when he sees the red laser, his hand grabbing the back of Chris' shirt and yanking him down behind cover with him. A road block by the looks of it.
Once they're both safely behind cover, Deacon quickly goes to work to making sure his guns are loaded before he's peering carefully over the road block.
"Fucking rippers." Deacon breathes out, a gun shot rings out and back down he goes with quick reflexes so that he doesn't get himself shot.
He's well aware that Chris may not know what the rippers are but that's not important right now. What's important is getting rid of the bastards. "Cover me? You make sure my ass doesn't get killed and I'll take them head on."
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traumamadearch · 2 years
@xselfrighteous​ gets a discussed nsf/t starter
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He’s really done it this time, hasn’t he? After a long mission, Leon had not let Chris rest there. He had teased him mercilessly while they were in front of other people after getting back to the hotel to do a debrief. Subtle things, brushing of fingers across thighs or getting right up against Chris for what he claimed to be warmth. Dropping things and bending over. It had been relentless and when they got back to the hotel room, Chris wasted no time in thoroughly fucking him, just as merciless with his rough actions as Leon had been with his teasing.
His body feels like it is marked in hickeys, bruises, and bite marks. None on his neck or visible but the sting of a bite mark on his shoulder is still there and the bruises along his hips are throbbing. He’s lucky he doesn’t have a bruise around his neck (though he wishes he would).
That’s not where it stopped, though. Apparently that was just the beginning of the punishment. Chris had inserted a vibrating anal plug into him, to ensure Leon kept his come inside of him, as well as tease, and after that a vibrating cock ring.
Then Chris tells him to get dressed, that they’re going to dinner, and Leon groans because he knows this punishment is going to be hell. Hell but fun. 
While the vibrations are on the lowest settings, it’s still difficult as they make their way inside the restaurant to meet up with Chris’ team for an after mission dinner. Hands curl up at his sides, fingers digging into his palm. He’s sore from being fucked just an hour before and he’s also walking on shaky legs with the vibrations.
He’s got on one of Chris’ jackets that seems to swallow him up, it’s just big enough to hide any bulge, and considering he’s always cold - no one will think twice about it.
He can’t make it to the table fast enough and when he does, he quickly slides into the booth, teeth biting down on his bottom lip as the action pushes the anal plug deeper inside of him.
“Fuck. Chris. This is going to be torture.” Leon whispers to his lover when he sits down in front of him with that smug looking smirk and his hand in his pocket gripping what Leon assumed to be the controls of the vibrators. 
Leon knows the moment he says it, the moment he complains, that the vibrators are getting turned up. His entire body jolts, his hands gripping at the table to brace himself, while his eyes squeeze shut and the yelp is swallowed back by biting into his lower lip. “God damn it, Chris.”
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tyrantmade · 2 years
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If there was anything Albert detested more, it was the thought of love & happiness. Something about having another person showing him any form of kindness made him sick to his stomach. It caused him to become angry, even violent. This was something he struggled with, since he has only ever wanted to feel someone to show him a ounce of love. To let him know, that if he fucked up they would still accept him. But after the years of endless torture and torment at the hands of Oswald E. Spencer. He had been brain washed at a very early age, that love was a weakness and he should stay as far away from it as he can.
Here he stood, eyes drinking in every line and muscle of Redfield's body. Lust was something he could get behind not caring what happened to the male or female after he was done with them. Just indulging in animalistic sex and then going his separate way from the other. Yet, Chris wanted to convince him that love was some form of expression that would save him from the timely fate of hatred and anger. Those words flowed from Redfield, and all they succeeded at doing was irritating him. A growl rumbled through his chest, hand moved quickly, clamping around the other's wrist and tore Chris's hand away from his face.
" Don't try feeding me that empty pathetic line that all humans try fooling themselves with. I could give a fuck, you heard what I said. And I stand by it. "
What he wanted even more, was for Chris to just fuck off and leave him alone. He already hated himself for even feeling the foreign emotion. It was something he would crush in a heart beat very quickly. So, why hadn't he done so yet. Eyes cut toward the brunette, head tilting slightly. It was him, he had to be dealt with, or drove off. But if he knew Chris as well as he did, he knew he would never give up on him that easy.
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Reply Con from xx || REDFIELD
SHE COULD HEAR HER BOSS, His boots made that heavy thudded noise when he walked. He was going to want answers on why she up and bolted from the stage. But Eddie wasn't a shit manager, he cared for them all. And he went above and beyond to keep her and all the other girls safe, Not to mention, she knew he was coming after her cause he was worried. But, over the sound of heave bootsteps, Madison could make out the sound of another set of footsteps.
Her blood felt like ice, piercing her skin and turning her into a complete frozen mess. Dark blue eyes glanced back over her shoulder, catching sight of her Captain coming in her direction. She was mortified at the thought of him seeing her topless. She knew she had to face him, he was probably coming along to make sure she was ok. That, and to see why she didn't just tell him!
That was easy, cause He was her Captain and, BECAUSE she was attracted to him, to be frankly honest. She froze, feeling his hand grab ahold of her arm. Goosebumps covered her entire body, those lids softly closing as she turned to face him. God, why was he so damn gorgeous, it was really distracting. That voice, brushed over her ears like butter, so inviting and baritone. Causing her to gasp, slightly. He really had no idea what he did to her. And she was never going to say, he was a married man.
The independence danced across her features, as she let her arms cross over her chest. Feeling the rise and fall of her arms, with every breath she took. She may be mortified, but she wasn't going to show shame. Not for this, anyhow, she had settled on making it out of her debt on her own. And she could see it in his eyes, he wanted to help her. But how would she look, if she let him do that. Just write her a check, for any amount of money.
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" I didn't say anything to you, Captain. Because, it is my own burden to bare. And, cause I didn't know how you would react to me. I admire you, and your opinion of me, matters. "
And it did matter to her, she looked up to Chris. He may be harsh and some have even said, an asshole. But he was only doing his job, keeping them safe. And, fighting against things like B.O.W;s was alot more dangerous then, human enemies with guns. So, yeah he was a little bit harsh. Like he should be, She gave a small smile, as she saw her boss come to a stop behind Chris. She gave a thumbs up toward Eddie. And he nodded, the thumbs up meant she was ok and Chris was someone she knew. She would explain everything else later. Turning her gaze back toward Chris, she kept the small grin in tact.
" The guys are my life, they make dirty jokes and cat call me. But it is in good fun, and I am sorry. I took off, but I didn't want to have you see me, topless. I am not like that. "
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missxnsuppxrt · 2 years
Continued from here with @xselfrighteous
Ingrid could be wiry when she wanted to be. Life in an orphanage had given her many lessons, one being that if adults caught you, your best bet was to get away and hide. She had no training for combat of any sort, but she knew to start flailing and scratching. As soon as she felt a thick arm wrap around her throat, she squeaked and started jerking. Her wheelchair was kicked over as the person bodily dragged her up and back, trying to suffocate her. She croaked as her airway was cut off, kicking her legs and getting a handful of their face behind her and scouring them with her nails. The person screamed as she felt her nail push between their eyelid. They thwacked her in the ribs with their gun in their other hand and dropped her. 
She had caused enough of a struggle that Chris had time to take down his own assailant before they could actually turn the gun on her. She yelped as she caught herself on her hands, scraping the skin from her palms. Her breathing was deep and noisy as she took in deep mouthfuls of precious air. She couldn’t feel anything in her body. Everything was still numb with adrenaline. Her hands felt like ice though. And she was shaking. That was the closest she had ever come to being violently killed. She full-body flinched as Chris put his hand on her shoulder and looked up at him, her hazel eyes wide and pupils constricted into pinpricks.
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“I…I don’t…I don’t know,” she managed at first. The longer she wasn’t in danger though, the more she was able to think. Everything had happened so slowly, it seemed. But it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds. She took a shaky breath and gulped the spit pooling in her throat. “I think I’m okay. I just need a minute. I think. I’m in shock.”
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traumamade · 2 years
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@xselfrighteous​ sent " You're a weapon and weapons don't weep."
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“....Is that what you think of me, Chris?” He’s well aware he’s pratically a weapon but that doesn’t mean he likes hearing it from someone who is supposed to love him. Someone who is supposed to comfort him, not belittle him, and tell him not to cry. 
He’s not crying, he refuses to cry in front of Chris, but that doesn’t mean the words don’t fucking sting. He doesn’t want to be seen as a weapon, he never wanted this shit.
“Glad to see you think of me as nothing more than a weapon. You know what? How about you go the fuck home since I’m just a weapon to you. Wouldn’t want to cut you on my sharp edges. Weapons don’t deserve anything but violence, right? Fuck you. Go home.”
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mysticaltwoface · 2 years
When you want to interact with @xselfrighteous because of their interactions with @drcmaqueen but you are a chicken
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