ircnwrought · 2 years
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27   //   @xstrange​  (muse  roulette)
__________♕      IT      CAME      BACK      TO      HER      SLOWLY.      her  ambition,    her  rotton  heart,      her    golden    crown    of    sorrow.      they  were  flashes  at  first.        parts  of  a  vision  she  could  hardly  begin  to  grasp,      then    came    the    dreams.        they  spoke  to  her  of  a  past,      of  a  land  long  gone,      &&    a  war  long  lost.      ❛    just  when  you  think  you  have  it  figured  out,      something  new  begins  to  take.    ❜      she  is  piecing  together  the  pieces  of  who  she  once  was.      who    she    is.      i    am    no    mother,      i    am    no    bride,      I    AM    KING.
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king  by  florence  +  the  machine
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@xstrange​ inquired: [  TWENTY-FOUR  ] :  “ i might be in love with you. ”
[  DIALOGUE PROMPTS  ] :  feelings are complicated. ⤷ Accepting!! 
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The witch and the sorcerer were always thought to have been a couple by many of their friends and acquaintances, even by the likes of villains, asked her what was the status of her relationship with Doctor Strange. Wanda had always said she was a friend and student, lately, she hasn’t been so sure as to what to say their relationship is anymore. With time, it has begun to change to the point where she couldn’t even answer people anymore. Stephen’s confession to her regarding his feelings toward her had made Wanda blush. She brushed a strand of her hair out of her face to the back of her ear, suddenly she felt like a school girl with a big crush on her dear friend. “I think I may be in love with you too.” She said softly, she reached out, gently stroking Stephen’s cheek with the palm of her hand. 
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shieldretired · 2 years
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development tea room holiday & winter prompts Day 9: at a work holiday party when an alert starts to sound @xstrange​ gets a little surprise
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                              EVEN THOUGH HE IS RETIRED, Steve got an invitation to the spectacular Avengers Christmas party at the newly built compound north of New York City. The construction companies did wonders here: the debris and destruction left by the battle against Thanos are gone, the main complex and the training facilities have been finished just the month prior, and the park-like garden doesn't look like a muddy desert anymore. Surrounded by young and — due to the season naked — cherry trees, there is a small memorial made of white marble that glistens in the moonlight, still visible from where Steve looks out of the window of the compound's dining hall that was turned into some sort of ballroom for the Christmas party. Steve feels a pang of sadness when he looks at the memorial; those whose names are engraved there should be here now and celebrate with them. Instead, they lie in the cold earth, hopefully finding some peace.
                              He looks up when someone steps next to him, offering him a glass of eggnog. "Doctor," Steve says, taking the alcohol with a grateful nod before he turns around, swapping the sad view for a more joyful one. The lamps and window frames are adorned with evergreens, huge red ribbons hug every table and chair, a 16 ft Christmas tree blocks almost the entire southern wall, and there are about a dozen mistletoes hanging from the ceiling. Steve had a hard time skipping them when he walked through the room. "Scott Lang kinda outdid himself, hu," Steve says with a chuckle. Of course, it was Scott Lang that decided to throw the 'spectacular Avengers Christmas party'. About 60 % of those who fought against Thanos are here tonight. Steve wonders how the guy managed to invite the talking tree.
                               "Though he went a bit over—" Steve's words are droned out by the blaring sounds of an alarm. His fingers twitch to reach for a shield that isn't there, his eyes scanning for the threat that caused the alert while he involuntarily steps a bit in front of Strange as if wanting to protect him. "Everything's fine, everything's fine, just a little fire, everybody party on!" Scott Lang's voice shouts over the alarm all of a sudden. "Uh, just nobody try to roast more marshmallows, okay!"
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fatestricken · 2 years
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@xstrange​   asked    :    🌿   i   can't   pick   a   muse   pls   do   it   for   me   🥺👉👈
accidentally   get   caught   under   the   mistletoe   with   my   muse . status    :    accepting .
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                    CHRISTINA   USUALLY   ISN’T   ONE   for   parties   ,   but   this   one   is   ...   tame   enough .     it’s   a   christmas   party   ,   after   all   ,   even   if   it   is   one   thrown   by   tony   for   all   the   avengers   and   people   they   happen   to   know .     somehow   ,   she’s   made   it   into   a   quiet   corner   with   doctor   strange .     they’re   casually   conversing   ,   nothing   too   in   depth   or   personal   ,   when   she   happens   to   glance   up   and   see   a   couple   sprigs   of   mistletoe   dangling   precariously   right   above   their   heads .     goddamnit   ,   tony   ...   she   thinks   as   she   huffs   out   a   sigh   and   holds   up   a   hand   to   gracefully   interrupt   whatever   stephen   is   saying   ,    ❛   i   hate   to   interrupt   ,   but   we   have   a   problem .   ❜    she   states   with   an   awkward   chuckle   before   pointing   up   with   an   index   finger   towards   said   problem   ,    ❛   what   exactly   should   we   do   about   that   ?   ❜    christina   isn’t   one   to   be   a   grinch   and   laugh   in   the   face   of   holiday   traditions   ,   but   she   doesn’t   want   to   kiss   him   and   cross   a   line .     so   ,   the   ball   is   in   his   court .
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erobret · 2 years
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            ❝    THE    CIRCUS    IS    THAT    WAY    SUGA    .    ❞    painted    lips    stretched    back    with    a    smirk    with    a    simple    hmph    .    this    one    was    a    weird    lookin’    one    .    what    was    up    with    the    weird    get-up    ?    he    a    fortune    teller    or    somethin’    ?    ❝    i    don’    need    m’palm    read    ,    s’    try    someone    else    .    ❞
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amaxophbia · 2 years
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@xstrange​ sent mistletoe + accidentally
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He didn’t even notice it at first, but when he saw the plant hanging from the beam of the door, Stephen inwardly makes a note to ream Wong out for perpetuating that bullshit. He freezes for a moment, facing the other sorcerer and avoiding eye contact. “ Sorry, I’ll get out of your way. ”
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seidrborn · 3 years
` ✦  @xstrange​༄ ⋆.◦◝   ( LYRICAL  ONE—LINER. )
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“  WHEN  THE  DAY  BREAKS  we’ll head for the sea,  & perhaps we’ll begin to believe.  ”
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notafossil · 3 years
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    ❝ the smell of pancakes wake you up? ❞
@xstrange​ ♥’d
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pxis · 3 years
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     the glittering arm of gold and red sits atop the table , fingers flexing every so often as he works on a panel with his left hand , bent low so his nose is almost touching it . a few soft grumbles , a spark or two , and he has the settings he wants , closing it up and flexing the smooth digits , tilting his head a little as he looks at the arm . it isn’t the prettiest , but it matches his armor , and it functions . Tony’s so bent on getting it perfect that he doesn’t realize he has company until he’s almost leaping out of his skin in surprise , looking up and squinting as he flexes the arm away from himself and back , working it slowly while he stares at the portal . “ I thought I said no surprise visits ? ” he asks , but there’s a smirk on the edge of his lips . the world isn’t in danger , so why the sudden appearance , he wonders .
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@xstrange inquired: mistletoe on purpose
send me   ‘ mistletoe ’   for my muse’s response to being underneath mistletoe with your muse.   specify whether it’s accidental or on purpose. ⤷ Accepting!
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Wanda usually didn’t partake in the Avenger’s Christmas parties, however this year she had decided to make an exception. The reason being was Stephen had asked her to be his date, which she had graciously accepted. The two danced and drank the champagne that was offered there at the party, things were slowly starting to wind down when she noticed something had caught Stephen’s eye at the doorway. Wanda had turned to look to see if it was someone there when he took her hand, leading her to the doorway that lead to the hallway. Wanda chuckled as she followed along, intertwining her fingers with his as they strode across the room until they had stood directly in the door frame. 
Wanda held Stephen’s hand tightly in her own as he had used his free hand to point upwards to the mistletoe hanging right in the door frame. “Mistletoe, you got me under it too, I guess I have no choice but to kiss you. After all, ancient traditions demand of it.” Wanda whispered as she leaned her face closer to his. Closing her eyes, she pressed her lips against his for a gentle kiss. 
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ircnwrought · 2 years
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☾∴   @xstrange​  wanted  to  enter  the  multiverse  (wanda)  !!
__________✦    SHE’S      NOT      QUITE      SURE      WHAT      SPELL      OR      PORTAL      HAS      BROUGHT      THEM      TO      THIS      WORLD.      but    it    is    not    their    own.      there  is  a  certain  determination  in  the  set  of  her  jaw  as  she  resolves  herself  that    she    will  not  be  the  reason  another  universe  is  rewritten.      ❛    i  know  her  pain,      stephen.      i’ve  been  where  she  is  now.      perhaps    i    can    get    through    to    her.    ❜
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                                          ( @xstrange​ ) « you asked for this 
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               DEFT HAND CONTINUED their work as her patient finally woke up. Pausing in her ministrations only for a moment, Becky leaned to be better in his line of sight and gave a small smile, peeling her glove from her hand to gently press cool skin to his cheek. 
“Try not to move too much; you’ve been through the ringer,” she said. “I’ve finished your stitches and I’m just finishing up putting a bandage on you, okay? Just don’t move too much.” 
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overclocksaa · 3 years
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@xstrange​ / 26.  What’s the worst costume design for Tony? salty comics ask game / accepting 
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next question.
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amaxophbia · 2 years
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“ I feel like I’m standing in the balance of complete and incomplete. ” Ever since the accident, Stephen’s felt... off. Even when he became a sorcerer and somewhat regained the use of his hands,  he felt more whole than what he’s currently feeling, on the precipice of feeling completely whole or utterly shattered. “ @xstrange​ I don’t suppose you have any ‘fatherly’ advice for feeling this way? ”
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notchairforce · 2 years
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    ❝ crap-- is it broken? did i break it? ❞
@xstrange​  || ♥’d for a one-liner
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seidrborn · 3 years
` ✦  @xstrange​༄ ⋆.◦◝   ( gets  a  happier  look  at  this  new  trickster  god )
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“  T — R — O — U — B — L — E :      i'm  the  good  kind  of  bad,      come  play  with  me !!  ”
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