#xxSabitoxx’s FAQs
xxsabitoxx · 1 year
xxSabitoxx’s FAQs
A lot of this is usually covered in my request guidelines post, but seeing that I’m currently not taking requests and no longer have a guideline post… it only seems right to make a post like this
I primarily write NSFW 18+ fics and headcanon posts. That doesn’t mean I can’t / won’t write angst or fluff, but people really seem to prefer my smut more than anything so it’s what I stick to.
Can you write a reader who is…
I do not write fics where Y/N’s race is specified
I do not write fics where Y/N’s weight is specified
I make sure that the Y/N in my fics are as blank as possible. I don’t describe their skin, their body shape, their hair or eye color, hell even their nipple color because that can imply a specific race. I want everyone to be able to enjoy these fics and not feel left out because of the way Y/N is depicted.
I am able to write fics where Y/N is Male [NSFW and SFW]
I am able to write SFW with a nonbinary Y/N
Can you write about a reader who…
I do not write fics or HCs about a reader with an ED
I do not write fics or HCs about a reader who SHs
I have nothing against these topics and fully understand that you may be looking for comfort through these stories but I kindly ask that you do not request me to write for them. We all have our triggers and our traumas and I am simply not comfortable with these topics for a variety of reasons.
Can you write about this kink…
I am comfortable writing for just about anything. However, I have my handful of absolutely NOT.
I will not write age play / age regression
I will not write daddy kinks [as a joke is different]
I will not write incest where there is blood relation [step siblings are a different story]
I will not write foot fetishes [sorry to that one anon]
I will not write anything relating to scat or vomit
I will not write large age gaps where one half of the ‘pair’ is underage
I’m okay with just about everything else outside of that list. If there is ever a time you are unsure, don’t hesitate to send me an ask!
What pairings do you write for?
For the most part it is only reader insert fics lol. I’m not against character x character fics but I tend to only post them on my Ao3.
Do you take requests?
For the time being, I do not. I kindly ask that you refrain from sending me any sort of fic or head canon requests. I’m fine with getting small “requests” like if I think sanemi is a boobs or ass guy for example
Anything that I can answer the ask with a paragraph or two is fine
Where is the next part of…
Doesn’t exist. Unless I say I’m working on it or you see a teaser posted somewhere on my blog. I will usually post when I’m working on a new part to a fic so just keep an eye out!
Who do you write for?
I have a list of shows I write for in my welcome post but I can break it down a little more
All demon slayer characters
Most Jujutsu Kaisen characters
Most Chainsaw Man characters
All Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure characters
Most My Hero Academia characters
All Attack On Titan characters
Just like the kinks, if you’re unsure just send me an ask.
Do you still write for…
I write for the shows I listed above, if I ever stop writing for any of them they’d be removed from the list.
I hyperfixate on things so you’ll see an influx of writing for particular shows when my interest in them is really high at that time.
I wrote for Demon Slayer and Demon Slayer alone for about 6-7 months on this blog before adding new shows to my writing collection. It just depends on what show I’m really feeling at the moment — for a while it was jujutsu kaisen and then it was Jojo’s and Chainsaw Man. Now we’re back on to MHA & KNY. It changes lol
Why aren’t your DMs open?
I am a very introverted person with a lot of social anxiety lol
When it comes to DMs the messages would often get buried and then people would take offense to me not responding so it’s just easier to keep them off
This also isn’t my first tumblr blog, I used to have one for a very different fandom years ago & that ended in a dumpster fire of death threats and bullying because two bigger blogs at the time started putting their followers against me for something I didn’t even do lol
So honestly I rather keep to myself and just stick to communicating through asks! I love receiving asks and talking with you all.
Why does it take you so long to write?
I have a usually busy life outside this blog. I’m a full time university student in a major that requires field experience and observations. I also have a minor I’m working on alongside my major. I work a part time job and am looking into interning…
Oh and I’ve got chronic iron deficiency anemia so I can barely function as it is. Especially in the periods where I’m waiting on infusions… like right now. I can’t be awake for more than a couple hours without needing to lay down and sleep again.
Plus I really can’t sit down for long periods of time and focus…and I’m always getting new ideas… did I mention I also have two energetic puppies who are always looking for attention?
So that’s why I can take me over a year to produce a sequel.
Why do you write for some characters more than others?
Head canon wise, I try to keep things equal in length for each character. Like my pillar head canons for example
Fic wise? I just have my preferences. Sometimes I enjoy writing a particular character and their personality more than others.
Why can’t we talk about ships/shipping?
I don’t need that negativity on this blog is the simple answer.
I used to be a die hard Kpop stan. I think that speaks volumes for some of you but for those who don’t get it… I’ll explain.
Shipping is toxic as fuck because some of you bitches take shit way to fucking seriously. They are fictional characters bro why are you sending each other death threats and doxxing one another cause you don’t support the same ship. It’s insanity.
I’m 17… can I still interact with you
Yes. There is really no difference mentally between someone who’s 17 and who’s 18. Like honestly you don’t start feeling like an adult until your mid-twenties. I’m gonna be 21 soon and I still feel like a child
The 18+ warning is essentially for those who are 16 and under.
Uncomfortable / Rude Asks
These are, in fact, different from hate asks. Typically they are the ones I receive most often in regards to uncalled for behavior. Idfk why my blog attracts the anons it does but it is what it is.
Depending on the audacity of the ask, I may or may not answer it.
Most of the time I’ll delete them after a while because it’s stupid to keep them up — but in the moment I need someone else to see it cause literally what the fuck.
Also friendly reminder. If you can’t see it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Appealing to ignorance… my philosophy professor would love to use y’all as a test example tbh
Hate comments / Hate Asks
Thankfully I’ve only received an itty bitty handful during my time on this blog… like not even double digits. They have been very few and very far between but essentially this is what happens:
Asks: The ask isn’t answered. I’ll block you, and since it’s likely you’d be on anon, your IP address is what ends up getting blocked opposed to your blog getting blocked.
Comments: your comment will be deleted and your blog will be blocked
If I see you in my comments fighting with another blog, you’ll be blocked as well from my page.
That’s it for now!
If anything else is to come to mind I’ll add it later!
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