#xxdeadly night shadexx
>>>  https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43323269/ <<<
How many of these are traced? Every single one of them, I’d bet.
Looks like the little items come with the base. https://mobile.twitter.com/Catlawn/status/1424829945881276419
That character. Looks a lot like this one.
So Mary gave away a character to Kat she had no right to give when she previously gave Novske this character back in 2014. This is why you shouldn’t by characters from her. Who’s to say she’s not secretly giving them away to Kat.
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Well what do we have here. Let’s recap. In 2014 Mary gives number 3 to Novske only for her to steal her back two years later and then give her to Kat 6 years later. I looked into the Chillily account she has on toyhou.se and I’m guessing she was banned. I don’t know about number one but I’m told number two was made by Nikosbitch for a contest. Won by Mary only for her to lose all rights to her over whatever drama. Later on She was purchased by Eaohkan from Nikosbitch and given to Freyjameili.
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