synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
watanuki for the ask thingy!!
Sexuality Headcanon: 
He’s gay, and everyone except for himself and the Zashiki-Warashi has realized it. It takes a while for him to a) discover he’s in a closet b) to come out of the said closet
Gender Headcanon: 
Cis Male
A ship I have with said character:
Doumeki x Watanuki/DoutWata/104/Donuts, whatever the ship name is presently for them,  I only want Watanuki to be with Doumeki.
The only other character I would consider Wata having a relationship with outside of Doumeki is the Zashiki-Warashi...and shortly after they mess around with each other, they both realize that they are, in fact, gay.  
Zashiki-Warashi hooks up with the Ame-Warashi soon after.
 A BROTP I have with said character: 
Watanuki x Himawari  and Watanuki x Yuuko (she’s more of the Wild Older Sister Trope that CLAMP loves than a Mom figure- I stg she and Hokoto had to have met up at some point)
A NOTP I have with said character: 
Watanuki x The Spider Woman.  Yeah, it can be dirty-hot, but I cannot ship them as an actual relationship- no matter how slutty Shopkeeper Watanuki gets
Watanuki x Kohane, as much as Kohane is in love with him, I think that love is placed more because she sees him as her savior; Watanuki knows this, and only sees her as a little sister/daughter
A random headcanon: 
Shizuka never actually died - his right eye and his blood in Watanuki anchored his spirit to the living world. He made a wish to Yuuko (that he had to forget as part of the price so he would actually live out his life) to be placed into an image body similar to the clones Sayaron and Sakura, so he could remain by Watanuki’s side for the rest of Watanuki’s life (Doumeki would die when Watanuki does).  The rest of the price for this paid by his descendants’ time spent with Watanuki,
The body has to grow in Dreams over several decades before finally, he can meet Watanuki in Dreams. Because of the long time to make the body, Doumeki’s descendants were needed to keep Wata company until then. Wata doesn’t realize it’s him, and assumes it’s Haruka for while until finally Wata realizes that it’s *his* Doumeki.  The next morning, Wata awakes to find Doumeki in the shop....waiting in the kitchen to make something for him (because of course Shizuka would).  Lots of screaming and love confessions ensue.
Doumeki uses the egg to erase his children’s memories of the shop so they are no longer burdened with Doumeki’s choice and can live freely.  Doumeki, now a seemingly immortal assistant with a PhD in Fokelore, is able to remain in the shop with Watanuki “sharing the burden” of the store until Yuuko returns to them.
General Opinion over said character:
I love Watanuki up until he becomes the shopowner and all his character development goes out the window.  But also I hated how no matter how many times he’s shown that Doumeki and others care for him, the lesson never completely sticks.  He is a good character, I just wish they’d treated him better than negating his character development all to just make him Shopkeeper 2.0 to keep TRC: World and Rei going.  
If CLAMP wanted to tell a story that was ultimately about “sometimes people don’t learn” they didn’t do it well. Because Watanuki *was* learning, and he was starting to value himself and want to be with Doumeki, Himawari, and Kohane...and then it’s just whiplash.  I don’t believe his original ending was to confine himself to the shop, there is no way Yuuko would have wanted him to just exist for the sake of her and the shop.  She knows about the pain of having your time stopped, how it’s driven Fei-Wang to commit so many atrocities and break taboos because he can’t let her go.  Why would she want that for Watanuki, someone she moved heaven and earth to make sure that he was protected from Fei-Wang’s curse of making him want to stop existing.  Why would she want him to just wait for her- she wanted to die and move on- she would have wanted Watanuki to live his life- to love and grow. 
 What was the point of teaching him about the spirit world and making bonds with others so he didn’t just give himself away?  Watanuki post-Yuuko is such an insult to the person’s journey we were invested in; the transformation from Sweet, kind, yet Spazzy disaster child to a cold, sometimes cruel, standoffish otherworldly husk of himself was just so frustrating and cruel.  
He’s totally a victim of “Oh shit our series is popular, and we don’t know how to end it...so let’s just rush it but also keep it open so we can return to it whenever we want” issue that befalls CLAMP.
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