xstephhx-blog · 13 years
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xxxstraightedge replied to your photo: I’m posting this by itself because it’s such a...
Good butt day?
great self-esteem day**
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vapidyouth · 13 years
xxxstraightedge replied to your post: i'm so glad everyone in the world has texted me today asking if i watched the grammys and telling me i need to look up nicki minaj's performance because i would appreciate it. i just watched it and i have to say they were all right. i loved it. the music was pretty bad but we all know i love all things satan.
are you serious!? Nicki minaj is such trash. Lmfao. She can not rap. She is almost as bad as little wayne.
i said the music was bad!
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maghrabiyya · 13 years
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xxxstraightedge replied to your post: xxxstraightedge replied to your post:...
I just do not think you need to get angry with someone who really is not open and has no sign of intelligence. You are really wasting your precious time that could be spent doing other things. I am sure you have better things to talk about then them.
I'd rather spend my time battling Antiziganism, which is what i'm doing.
If you don't like that, then you're more than welcome to unfollow me and stop reading what i post all together.
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maghrabiyya · 13 years
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xxxstraightedge replied to your post: xxxstraightedge replied to your post: Alright...
I am very patient. Little do you know. I am always surrounded my people who deny my ways all the time. Just gotta be patient. Sometimes I get angry, depending on what they say, but other then that, I calm, collective, and informative.
Yeah, that's nice and all, but i don't think you have a right to tell us how to react to this kind of thing.
I'm angry, and i'll express my anger on my blog. Do you think i haven't tried to be patient and 'calm' while dealing with this sort of thing before? I tell people this all the time, i've tried and tried to go about this differently, but from my experience, being. nice. doesn't. work. 
Please don't tell me how to feel or react to something like this.
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