#y do i need 2 tell u what its about in smaller different colored text
ritzcrackee · 2 years
omg tag urself i'm a comic book enthusiast hopeless romantic
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0 notes
noonamadecharas · 7 years
| Personal Information
B a s i c s ;
Name: Liliana x X Nickname(s): Lily Gender: Female Age:  15 (birthday, 18XX) Nationality: [NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH ETHNICITY! Add Ethnicity under this if you want] Blood Type:  Zodiac:  Height: cm (ft inches) [avoid lengthy decimals, it's tacky af, round that bitch out] Weight: kg (lbs)  Body Type: [Muscular? Lithe? Lanky? Body shape?] Notable Markings: [Scars, moles, blemishes, birthmarks, make-up, a part of the physical appearance that people relate to your character or identify your character by]
P e r s o n a l i t y ;
This is in PARAGRAPH style. A generic list of personality traits tells us nothing. How is your character's temperament? How do they interact with people? How are they when they're pissed off? Remember to include both "good qualities" and "bad qualities;" no one is without fault.  Interests: [Things they *actively* partake in as a **hobby** (like gardening, or reading)] Likes: [such as types of music, food, weather, etc] Dislikes: [Can include people in here - try to avoid saying the Earl or Akuma (that's already assumed) unless a strong part of your chara is their hatred of the Earl/Akuma/etc.] Quirks: [These are odd traits, such as Krory's enjoyment of tacky things and Allen's habitual and paranoid counting of his money every night. Lenalee hitting people with her clipboard, Lavi giving people nicknames, etc.] | P e r s o n a l i t y B a r [5 = max; 3 = average; 1 = min] Education:  Affinity:  Battle:  Mental:  Flexibility:  [Additional]: [insert your choice of trait and score it]
| Work Information
P r o f i l e ;
Affiliation: Black Order Base of Operations: European Branch (HQ)  Occupation: Exorcist [change to General if a General] Mentor: [If applicable, the General that trained them] Partner(s): [If applicable, an exorcist or fellow apprentice they fight alongside often] Golem: [What shape is the golems body? Is it standard issue and black? Does it have a custom tail or antenna, etc? Does it have a nickname? (The most common golem is standard issue black with a spherical body shape).] Preferred Mission Types: [For instance, group missions, solo missions, rescue missions, extermination missions, scouting, etc] Limitations/Punishments: [Do they have to fight with other exorcists if they're a support type? Has the Order punished them for bad behavior before? Do they have any handicaps? Etc.]
A n t i - A k u m a W e a p o n ;
Innocence Name: [Include the English in parenthesis if in another language]  Innocence Type: Equipment/Parasitic/ParasiticBeast/Crystal (what it's located in) Syncronization Rate: % Deactivated Form: [describe what it's deactivated form looks like; the deactivated form often looks different than the activated] Level 1 | Name of Level, if applicable (not necessary tho) Does the Innocence have any base abilities, such as Lavi's hammer being able to grow to whatever size or Lenalee's flight? What color glow does the Innocence have? (Common colors: green, blue, white - red for Crystal type).
[ Name of move/ability ] Description of move/ability, including what it does, what it can defeat, any cons or limitations, etc.
+ Extra notes or details, if applicable (prevents large paragraph blocks). I usually put how effective the move is against different levels of Akuma.
+ Extra notes or details, if applicable.
[ Name of move/ability ] Description of move/ability, including what it does, what it can defeat, any cons or limitations, etc.
+ Extra notes or details, if applicable.
+ Extra notes or details, if applicable.
Level 2 Release | Name of Level, if applicable (not necessary tho)  Same description idea as before. Note that not all Equipment type exorcists have a Level Two Release, and Parasitic exorcists aren't always organized into two levels (if anything, Parasite-types have a less organized structure). Some exorcists like Lavi don't have called out moves until Level Two Release, too
[ Name of move/ability ] Description of move/ability, including what it does, what it can defeat, any cons or limitations, etc.
+ Extra notes or details, if applicable.
+ Extra notes or details, if applicable.
 This is optional. Is your chara's Innocence based off of anything from history or myth? Does it have any themes? Example: My Setesh's Innocence is thematically based off the power and control related to its Was-sceptre form, and of Egyptian myth of the god Set and his Set-animal creatures.
| Background
H i s t o r y O u t l i n e ;
Age #: Stick with simple sentences, they don't even have to be complete sentences
Age #: Do NOT put paragraphs here, you'll expand on this outline in the actual History paragraph-style
Age #: This is literally an outline, like planning notes; although if you want to just use this and no "full" history, that's fine too; up to you, mate
Age #: Remember that we start to retain our memory at age 4 - traumatic (life-changing, etc) events can be remembered before age 4, though
Age #: Make sure to include the age they were recruited or found by the Order! Same with start and ending of training, if applicable
Age #: There's no actual limit to how many ages you can mention, but try to only include the *major* milestones (aka stuff you want people to know who won't read the history, just this outline, lmao)
H i s t o r y ;
I put the History in small text bc I write long histories. If your history is only, say, two paragraphs, then I suggest using normal sized text. The History should be focused on YOUR CHARA'S history, not their parents. It's fine to add stuff about their parents (such as what their occupations were - this is encouraged), but don't let their parents overrun your chara's personal history. You can also split this into "Pre-recruitment History" (before joining the Order) and "Post-recruitment History" (after joining the Order).
Try to give us some background on how your bbu grew up, or where they grew up. A person's environment shapes them, as does their relationship with their family (if they have family). DO YOUR RESEARCH if you aren't familiar with the customs or culture you want your character to be from, and don't be afraid to ask fellow fans for help!
Also remember that in D.Gray-Man traumatic/tragic pasts are quite normal. Lenalee's parents were killed by Akuma and she was brought to the Order against her will, Allen was abandoned and abused, Krory was avoided by his townspeople and demonized, Timothy was an orphan thief who nearly lost his entire orphanage to an Akuma attack, etc. Still tho, don't go overboard. An Akuma attack could certainly take out a small village/town, but it shouldn't destroy an entire city over your character only, for instance. You don't have to have your chara's family or friends killed, and you don't have to have an Akuma attack included in how your chara got recruited - some like Chaoji or Suman had a General walk by and one of the Innocence fragments in the General's pockets found them that way. Note that if your chara's parents/family/friends survive, they will NOT be allowed to contact your chara once they're an exorcist at the Order, and your chara won't be allowed to contact them either.
[1] This section is for links to historical websites, if you'd like to reference to where you did your research. [2] It's encouraged to include links to websites that explain any mental illnesses or disorders your character may have so a) the reader can understand what you're referencing to better and b) they know you aren't talking out of your ass and actually did your research ;>
| Extra Information
Q u o t e s ;
"Quote here." (Translation if needed, or to whom the quote is addressed)
"Quote here."
"Quote here."
"Quote here."
"Quote here."
"Quote here."
"Quote here."
T r i v i a ;
- These are some facts about your character that you didn't include elsewhere in the bio.
- You can include stuff such as the meaning of their name or meaning behind their nicknames.
- Other things to possibly mention are their life habits, such as sleeping habits or health issues or the like.
- If you didn't add a Relationships section to this template, this could be a good spot to mention how your chara interacts with canon characters or other fan characters.
- Any clothing preferences? Etc. Etc.
- No limit to how many you add. Try not to drown us though, long profiles can intimidate people (I should know considering mine lmfao).
- Oh hey another thing to add could be religion, or opinion on religion.
- Do they speak any other languages than their native tongue? (Remember that the universal language at the Black Order is English!).
- If you don't have a lot of trivia bullets, it'll look nicer to make these normal text instead of smaller text like they are right now.
0 notes