#y’all i’m like proper bonked
healingpolyphony · 1 year
Bee here. Few months ago our system shut down completely & the new parts lost communication with everyone else, like we all got bonked with the Dormancy Bat or something. So far it’s only rly me & a couple of others that have started “coming back”, and it’s disorienting af. Like our life hasn’t changed at all, don’t get me wrong. But losing that much time is so fucking scary, dude, especially as an ex host. Some memories have started filtering through, so I’m grateful for that, but I wish I knew when others were coming back 🫠
… Is this partly because both of my internal partners have been raptured? Maybe. I am struggling with it y’all. And I’m partly convinced D just straight up isn’t coming back, or if he does, he’ll be .. well. Wrecked.
I had my first proper panic attack in forever yesterday and I think it was partly caused by this.
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lcnelyinthesky · 3 years
playboy part three today *rubs hands together* hehe get hyped ig
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chimielie · 3 years
summary: Matsukawa Issei x Reader, Akaashi Keiji x Reader, Miya Atsumu x Reader. Headcanons about what happens when you refuse to kiss your boyfriend. Mattsun’s is mostly humor/fluff with very light hurt/comfort, Akaashi’s is hurt/comfort angst to fluff, and Atsumu’s is pure humorous (? idk I’m not funny) fluff lol. 
word count: total is 3.8k, Mattsun’s is 1.4k, Akaashi’s is 1.5k, and Atsumu’s is 848 words.
a/n: This is a different format and just a different vibe than usual but uhhhhhhh I hope y’all don’t mind hehe. Ngl I was gonna do some way more angsty stuff but it made me too sad so this is me trying to ease into that. Also, I was half asleep the entire time I was writing this so blame any mistakes on that. Warnings for light mention of wanting to get married if that’s not your thing, some crying in Akaashi’s, and Atsumu’s being lowkey horny lol, I didn’t want my best boy’s intro to the blog to be angsty and I just wanted to write something very lighthearted. 
Matsukawa Issei
you guys play pranks on each other all the time
it’s so bad
oikawa declares at least once a week that if he was dating someone, he wouldn’t treat them like mattsun treats you
he doesn’t have a significant other tho so maybe he should take a page out of your man’s book tbh 🙄
anyway, the inspiration for your latest fuckery comes to you in a dream, or in a tiktok
so you’re pretty much bouncing with energy when you open the door the next day
but you try to keep cool because you don’t want to ruin it
your poor unsuspecting boyfriend walks in
you’ve strategically placed yourself an awkward enough distance away that he can’t pull you in immediately
you smart cookie you
and issei has never been one to run when he could walk
normally he likes to take you on more active or at the very least expensive dates
but every couple needs downtime
so you’re doing movie night!
he likes horror movie
and if you don’t like horror movies, at least you like cuddling into him and hiding your face in his chest
so you set things up, making small talk as you do
and take your place on his lap
and start the movie
and ofc at some point he tries it
leans in and brushes his nose against yours (issei has a thing for nose kisses don’t @ me)
which is what he always does before he kisses you once chastely and then before he initiates a proper makeout session
a man of routine he is, even if he doesn’t realize it
and you lean in too
and bonk your forehead really hard against his
“ow!” you shriek. “is your head made of stone?”
“i’ve always been told i have a thick skull,” he smirks. annoying man. stupid man. sexy man
you press your fingers to the place you hit him
yikes. it might bruise
“i’m gonna get a cold compress,” you tell him, standing up, and he stands too
“i’ll help, baby”
so you find yourself sitting on the counter next to the sink
issei standing between your legs, pressing the compress to your forehead gently
it slips a little and you gasp
“sorry,” he murmurs, “let me kiss it better?”
not today!
“wait, wait,” you squirm, “i need to go to the bathroom”
and you wait for him to react, to call you out
and he doesn’t.
“yeah, sure,” he says, and steps out of the way
so you hurry off, clutching the cold compress
you’re kind of nonplussed, because maybe 40% of the time when you do stuff like this he catches on really fast
and you’re not sure whether to be pleased
because on the one hand it would be super weird if he got really upset over being curved a couple times
but on the other, the whole point was to elicit a reaction
so mostly everyone’s confused all around
but then you look back as you exit the room
and you see him, kinda just. staring off into space
and his thick brows are drawn
and he looks confused and a little pouty
that’s how you know that he’s somewhat caught on to what you’re doing
but he’s got Terminal Cool Guy Disease so he just brushed it off in front of you
you wonder how long it’ll take for him to crack
amazingly though he lasts through the rest of the day
and by the end you have to really try hard to hold in your laughter
because he just. keeps. trying. and you just. keep. dodging.
it’s really made you realize how smooth your boyfriend is though
like he manages to create windows of opportunity over and over
you’re stirring tea?
“you need some sugar?” he produces a couple of cubes and drops them into the mug, sidling up next to you and tilting your chin up to lean in—
“‘sei, i already added sugar! now it’s gonna be too sweet” </3
you drop your phone?
you lean down to get it and when you come back up he’s there, hands on your waist, ready to start dropping kisses on your neck
you scream, pretending to be startled so you can jerk out of range
“sorry,” you apologize. “all those jump scares are getting to me.” uhuh. sure they are </3
you’re falling asleep on his chest as the third movie starts playing?
“night, y/n,” and he goes to place a soft kiss on your lips
you jerk up, narrowly missing hitting his chin with the top of your head </3
“i’m awake! i’m awake” you were not awake. but you are insanely dedicated and starting to develop issei-kiss-spidey-senses
by the time he leaves, it’s a full-blown unspoken challenge between the two of you
and it lasts for a full week
even with the two of you hanging out every day
neither of you have broken yet
you come up with increasingly ridiculous excuses
and he keeps pretending it doesn’t bother him at all
secretly, both of you are going bonkers
You’ve never really been one of the obnoxious couples at school who make out all the time. Actually, you don’t think anyone even within Issei’s friend group has seen you kiss him. You know your friends have, at least once or twice, but excluding the time the others walked in on you two tangling tongues at a house party, you try to keep that kind of PDA to yourselves. However, it’s fairly regular for you to engage in slightly less disgusting intimacy, and it’s more uncommon to see you off Issei’s lap or without his arm around you than it is for you to not be touching in some way.
So here you are, at lunch, picking at your food while Iwaizumi and Oikawa fight over telling a story, interrupting each other often enough that you’ve completely lost the thread.
You turn to Issei.
“What are they talking about again?”
“Don’t care,” he shrugs. “Can I kiss you?” Your eyes goes round. He’s been getting gradually more direct over the past few days, rivalling his caution when you first started dating, but he’s never asked for kisses in public before. You glance around at his friends.
“No,” you decide, twisting back around. “What were you saying, ‘Kawa?”
“Were you not paying attention?” The boy you addressed pouts.
“No, they were busy rejecting Mattsun,” laughs Makki. The other boys share in jeering at Issei, and although you’re well aware that it’s all only gentle ribbing meant in good fun, when you look at your boyfriend next something dark shadows his face.
“Issei, wait!” You cry as he hoists you up, pulling you to your feet.
“Can we talk?” You feel suddenly very nervous.
“Yes, of course.”
He leads you to an empty hallway, crowding you against the wall, although it doesn’t seem intentional when he asks, quiet:
“Did I do something wrong?”
“What? No,” you say, feeling suddenly guilty.
“‘Cause I thought it was just a joke at first, but it’s been a week, and,” he scratches the back of his neck. “I don’t know, I just felt like there was probably something wrong at that point. If you don’t want to do that, you can just tell me. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. But if you want to be in a relationship, we gotta communicate. I don’t know,” he says again, and you feel awful.
“I’m sorry, baby, it was a joke. I just wanted to see how long you would last because you never seemed really bothered by it. I didn’t mean to make you feel like there was something wrong in our relationship.”
“Okay,” Issei says, looking relieved. “Cool.”
You smile fondly at him, a great rush of love for this boy flooding you.
“I’m done with the prank now, by the way,” you whisper, grasping the collar of his shirt and pulling him in very slightly. “Y’know, if you’re interested in doing anything with that knowledge.” He smiles at you, and starts to lean in further.
“Oh, Mattsun’s getting it!” Whoops Oikawa, followed by further jeers from the rest of Issei’s friends. Issei closes his eyes, wincing, and starts to recede. You tug on his again.
“This okay?” Meaning in front of them.
“It’s been a week. Of course it is.”
The sound of catcalling is drowned out by the sound of your heartbeat pounding in your ears as you kiss him, soft, slow, sweet.
“Yeah,” you mumble against his lips when you separate for air. “Never going that long without this again.”
Akaashi Keiji
he is. sad
you two had a big fight earlier this week
he had been assigned to a group project with someone you knew had a crush on him
and no qualms about flirting even though they knew he was taken to boot
and when you had asked one too many times about how his work sessions with them outside of class had gone
he got seriously annoyed
called you clingy and overly possessive
and he had apologized immediately afterwards, feeling truly terrible
your concerns were understandable, after all
but you’d fought again when he admitted a couple days later that they had made a real move on him, trying to kiss him while they were working
you had been upset
but he felt it had too much of an i told you so vibe to it
seriously, what, keiji?
and he hated to be wrong in his assessment of someone
so it had spiraled
and turned into a much bigger fight than it had to be
honestly, neither of you had been sure what you were even arguing about by the end
and you had both apologized for saying things you didn’t mean the next day and made up
but you were honestly still feeling upset and kind of insecure
after all, in a way, keiji had gone to bat for this random person twice against you, the person he claimed was the love of his life
so you just felt a little more distant than usual
a little less affectionate
and you didn’t realize that he had noticed
but he’s akaashi keiji
of course he noticed
he notices everything about you
and sometimes he’s a little blinded by his determination to prove that his viewpoint is the correct one, or by his embarrassment when it’s not
but he loves you so much
and he knows you inside and out
and even without his intimate knowledge of your tastes and interests and beautiful mind
what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t notice that you hadn’t kissed him in well over a week, maybe two?
Honestly, he wishes he’d documented the last time he’d kissed you. He can’t remember if it was in greeting as he handed you a cup of coffee he’d bought for you at the school gates, if it was after a sushi dinner date, if it was before or after the first big fight. In hindsight, Keiji realizes that he used to kiss you a lot; ah, the good old days. Now he’s seriously afraid that he’ll never have the opportunity again.
You’ve still been talking to him fairly normally— texting him, too. You send him good morning and good night messages and you sign off with mwah, love you, Keiji. But you no longer initiate that kind of affection, nor do you let him. When he tried the first few times, what he felt was a respectful amount of time after you made up, you whispered no, not right now, honey against his lips, which transitioned to pulling away whenever he started to lean in, which became fully avoiding physical contact with him.
His eyes burn with tears thinking about it. He’s not even sure you realize you’re doing it, that you’ve been rejecting him over and over for a while now. He understands, of course, your feelings, your discomfort. He respects it, he really does. He just can’t help but feel like you’re slipping through his fingers, and it’s slow torture. The breakup is sure to happen soon, Keiji thinks, even though he tries every day to stave it off.
He wanted to marry you someday, to spend the rest of his life with you, and now he’s going to lose you because he was a bullheaded know-it-all.
On your end, you’re not thinking anything of the sort. You know how you got here— the first few days, you had just needed space. The wounds of your fights were too fresh, the knowledge that someone else might have kissed him like you would too upsetting. Eventually, it had become more reflexive to push him away, and when he had stopped trying to initiate, you felt it was too late for you to do the same. After all, his words could have been said in anger, or they could have been true. Maybe he really did think you were too clingy, maybe you had overreacted. You were afraid that any sort of closeness would lead to another fight that would shatter the kind of limbo you two had entered, and you didn’t want that at all.
So the both of you wait, wondering if this is the anticlimactic end to your relationship.
Both of you are strung out with nerves, lonely and sad, pining for the other for days before anything happens.
It’s an average Tuesday when Keiji happens by chance to walk by the same classroom you’re in, crying on your friend’s lap during lunch period. It’s been a stressful and honestly miserable couple of weeks, and it had only taken your friend asking quietly at the end of class how you and your boyfriend were for you to unleash all your pent-up emotion and start bawling. You’re not usually a crier, especially in such a public setting, but then again, you aren’t usually on the verge of ending the relationship you’d thought would last as long as you both should live.
Thankfully, your friend had had the presence of mind to lead you to an empty room, where you could freely sob and rant about everything that had been happening.
Keiji had realized that he’d left his phone in one of his own classes when you hadn’t shown at lunch and he hadn’t been able to text you, and walking by, he had picked up on the sound of a familiar voice barely audible through a crack in the door. Still, he had watched enough movies with you to know what your crying sounded like, and his heart had basically stopped in his chest. His steps halted suddenly, and just as he stopped he heard you, muffled but words discernible:
“—want to break up.” Before he knew it, he was inside the room, breath coming short and fast, cheeks flushed with color.
“I think I’ll let you guys talk this out,” your friend murmurs, “I’ll be outside when you need me, okay?” You nod, wiping at your tears with your sleeves, eyes fixed on your (soon to be ex?) boyfriend.  
“Hi, Keiji,” you murmur, affecting a smile. It’s maybe the most heartbreaking thing he’s ever seen.
“Hi, honey,” he says, soft and caring, and you start crying again. “I’m sorry!” He says, panicked. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too,” you choke out. You lapse into silence, both of you afraid of what’s going to come out of the other’s mouth next. You both stare at each other, and he makes a bold move and takes your hand. You entwine your own fingers with his, and a little bit of the tension drains away. “For what it’s worth, it was a good run,” you say softly, and his eyes widen, his grip involuntarily tightening immediately.
“Please don’t break up with me!” He says, and as you process the words you start to come up with a new picture of the situation. “I know I haven’t been the best to you recently, and I really regret all of it, but I swear I’m trying to fix it, please, I can’t lose you just because I was so stupid, stupid-stupid-stupid—”
“Keiji,” you say, and he’s outright begging now, eyes squeezed shut and tears rolling down his cheeks. He doesn’t seem to hear you the first time, so you take a risk and peck him on the lips. “Keiji!”
Now he’s frozen, eyes locked on yours, hope swelling within their depths.
“I wasn’t gonna break up with you,” you say, grabbing his other hand and shifting to sit a little closer. “I thought you were— I thought you weren’t happy, that you were gonna break up with me.”
“I was only unhappy when you weren’t by my side, honey,” he says, pressing kisses all over your right hand.
“Cheeseball,” you say, a genuine smile pulling at your lips.
“I’m being honest,” he says, rolling his eyes and coming a little closer himself. “I thought I heard you saying you wanted to break up, when you were talking to your friend.”
“I was saying I thought you wanted to.”
“Oh,” he says, cheeks coloring. You laugh and kiss him again, and he reciprocates enthusiastically, producing a handkerchief to dab at your cheeks with when you separate.
“I’m sorry for making you cry, honey,” he says softly, and you loop your arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry for making you cry,” you say teasingly, taking the kerchief to dry his face too. “I think, if anything, this has taught me a valuable lesson in communication.”
And unlike the tense, uncomfortable resolution the fight had come to last time, there’s a strong sense of understanding between the two of you.
We’re gonna be okay, you text your friend. Keiji kisses your cheek.
“Yes, we are.”
Miya Atsumu
he is like a puppy
a big dumb puppy who will literally lick your face if you don’t give him enough attention
why did you even try this
you’re doomed.
so you were actually friends with osamu first
and even though they have the same fucking face
when you met his twin something clicked
and you were like yes. this asshole. i want him
y’all literally started dating after like a week of knowing each other
because if you know what you want, why wait?
and you want atsumu
and atsumu wants you
now you’re going on three years with him, so sometimes insane person decisions like that pay off
anyway back to osamu (man i’m sorry i just love ur twin so much more. i know this is cliche. i’m sorry mr rice ball man)
he was the one who gave you the idea
and he was like “lol atsumu wouldn’t last a day without kisses from you”
you know he’s right but if you’re dating atsumu long-term you’ve gotta be ready to fight over anything
so you respond “no i believe in my boy’s strength”
“you wouldn’t believe how often i have to hear about you. its actually disgusting”
“fuck you”
and lo and behold a bet was born
you get a thousand yen a day for every day atsumu holds out without throwing a giant tantrum
but if he doesn’t last a day, you’ll owe osamu a favor, yet to be determined
you text atsumu “hey 🍆”
he responds immediately
“hi 😏”
“my parents aren’t home”
running emoji
something wrong with people in love istg
he shows up at your door five minutes later, sweaty and out of breath
idiot actually ran
i mean you live fairly close and he needs to keep his physique up so. honestly not that weird
you’re suddenly regretting the bet
you forgot that you’re actually just as whipped as he is
and did i mention that he’s SWEATY and OUT OF BREATH
still, you restrain yourself
and invite him in without jumping on him
you’re in the kitchen, getting drinks for the both of you when he tries to kiss you the first time
“thanks, darling” he says as you pass him a glass of ice water, cupping your cheek with one huge hand
and you swerve
it’s so fucking funny
your water spills
partially on him
and he’s just standing there while you mop up the water
like ???? brain loading please hold
and when you finish up and straighten to face him again
he’s like
“darlin’, sugarface, babydoll, what the fuck was that?”
and you just throw up your hands
“i can’t do this!”
you haven’t refused a kiss from him in the entire three years you’ve been dating
not even when he had mono from stealing sunarin’s water
something wrong with people in love pt.2
you just really like dating him okay. he’s just a really good boyf and you think kissing him is neat. okay.
so you break and tell him about the bet
You’re standing there, deeply annoyed, while your boyfriend gloats.
“You like me,” he jeers, pressing kisses all over your face, everywhere except your lips. “You have a crush on me! That’s so embarrassin’ for ya, honestly.”
“I know,” you grumble, trying to smack him away ineffectually. “Get off’a me.”
“Mm, no,” Atsumu decides. “You don’t want that, anyway, you broke,” he checks his phone. “Twelve minutes after I got here.”
“Yeah, shut up, fuck you, I know I’m the loser who fell in love with yer big dumb ass.”
“Hey!” Ah, your boyfriend’s pride is fragile.
“Anyway, you would’ve hated it if I’d actually gone through with it.”
“Maybe,” he shrugs. You give him a look. “Okay, fine. Yes. Yer right. Yer always right.”
“Yes,” you say, gratified. “Wait, I have an idea.”
Atsumu goes home that day and makes sure to whine an appropriate amount (three hours straight) to Osamu, verifying your gloating text to his twin that you’d won at least the first day.
You two manage to keep up the lie for three whole days, making money from Osamu and getting your necessary daily dose of affection in private. On the third day, though the jig is up.
Atsumu tugs you into the locker room, twenty minutes before practice, the both of you already pulling at each other’s hair, hands roaming wildly. You push him up against the lockers, and then he flips the position.
“Mhm,” coughs Osamu, emerging from a couple rows down. “I knew ya’d break.”
The two of you spring apart guiltily, Atsumu scratching the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact with his twin, your eyes downcast and shoulders shaking as you try to suppress your laughter.
“Ya got us,” you giggle, grabbing your boyfriend’s hand. “It was today that we cracked. We lasted three whole days. Yup. For sure.” Osamu’s eyes narrow.
“You two scammers—”
“Run,” Atsumu yells, and the two of you make a break for it, the pissed-off gray Miya chasing after you, demanding his money back with interest.
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